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Electronic Cigarettes -Where To Buy In Cm?


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Stepping Stone

The team recruited smokers through newspaper advertisements. Participants had smoked an average of almost 20 cigarettes a day for the past 25 years, and to join the study, they had to want to stop. The team then divided its recruits into three groups: assigning them to wear nicotine patches, or to get an e-cigarette with nicotine, or to receive an e-cigarette with a nicotine-free placebo vapor.

Nicotine e-cigarette users who quit took more than twice as long as patch users to relapse -- an average of 35 days. And at six months from the start of the study, 57 percent of the people “vaping” on nicotine e-cigarettes had cut their use of tobacco cigarettes at least in half. By comparison, 41 percent of patch users cut their cigarette use by the same amount.

“It’s not like this is a magic bullet,” said Chris Bullen, director of the National Institute for Health Innovation at The University of Auckland, who led the study. “If you continue to smoke, obviously that’s not ideal, but it’s something that’s a stepping-stone toward quitting. We just have to be a little patient. They’ve been doing it for most of their lives, and it’s not surprising they find it incredibly hard.”

Ritualistic Behavior

Importantly, side effects were similar between the nicotine patch and e-cigarette groups, he said. Researchers are confident in the safety results over the short term, as measured in the study, Bullen said.

If people keep on vaping for years, longer-term safety data is needed, the researchers said.

E-cigarette users told the researchers they wanted to keep using their devices, and 88 percent of users in the nicotine e-cigarette group said they’d recommend the devices to friends.

Even users of the placebo e-cigarettes, while not as successful at cutting back on smoking, got attached to their gadgets -- 92 percent said they’d recommend them to friends.

“They replicate a lot of the ritualistic behavior people have about getting a cigarette out, putting it in their hands, touching it, and there’s the vapor,” Bullen said. “These are very powerful sensory indicators.”

To contact the reporter on this story: Naomi Kresge in Berlin at [email protected]

To contact the editor responsible for this story: Phil Serafino at [email protected]

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I am quite sure that, in some of the E liquids available from cheap, no name outlets, including the ones on sale on market stalls and shopping malls- the researchers would be able to find all sorts of dangerous chemicals and, probably, carcinogens..... But, if you buy from reputable, name brands-i.e. Dekang, Joyetech, and definitely the UK produced varieties available from Totally Wicked and TECC then you can be confidant that the contents are as advertised in the ingredients list.

Sent from my GT-P7510 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I've been using a E-CAB for the past few weeks. Very happy with it. Cost 1.500Baht with 3 refills free. Cost for a refill is 100Baht (some 120Baht).

Battery lasts a couple of days of moderate vaping. Has the 5-clicks system to switch it on and off. It's small...about as long as a pen and easy to refill.

Bought it from this site


and the refills from here


The sites are connected and based in Bangkok. So, not sure if it legal or not. Just to be sure, I stocked up on liquid and should last me several months :-)

Customer service was great and very fast. Paid through bank transfer. Got the stuff literally the next day.

I used to smoke about 5-6 cigarettes a day and lately had a nasty cough in the morning and before going to bed. That has now gone.

I just ordered a liquid with 0 Nicotine, just for the pleasure of vaping.

Summary: Ok, I'm still addicted to Nicotine, but this is by far the healthier alternative to tobacco smoking. AND cheaper!

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