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Phuket German Expat Loses Bt600K To Skimmers


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The kasikorn bank, who used to be the thai farmers bank and seem to change their name quite regularly, for obvious reasons, is the one bank I would have nothing to do with after they half emptied my account, completely emptied the account of a friend, both because we were not using the account often enough ! They were also the first bank to say "You farang ! Zero interest" ! I would steer clear of them like the plague and check out Bangkok Bank, Thai Military Bank, or Siam Commercial, who all seem to be reliable and fair.

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If you are using ATM's then follow the standard rules. Only use ones that are either attached to a bank, physically that is, or is monitored 24hrs a day, such as those outside 7 Elevens (although they are not 100% safe) in hotel lobbies or railway stations etc. Do not use isolated ones or those in Petrol stations.

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Kasikorn bank - what a rippo bank is that!

Always cheating on cross-rates and exchaneg rates. I wouldn't wonder they have stolen that money by themselfs.

And no wonder they turned their back on a client after all. This is Kasikorn.

BTW, don't they have some sort of bank account insurance in this country??..

Edited by netcyberg
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I suggest he reads this story and sees if his situation is similar:


PS. For 10 baht a month, I get an SMS message when any money is removed or added to my account.

For another 10 baht, I get an SMS message when ever my Internet banking account is logged in.

It does sound useful, but I'm genuinely wondering how much good it would do? I guess you can immediately cancel the card from further withdrawals to avoid the whole account being emptied - but what about that first withdrawal?

set a reasonable daily limit of say 20k baht or less then when you get the sms you have all day to cancel the card.

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I have had 92,000 baht taken from my account at ATM in Pattaya. I learned the hard way to never use a outside aTM. Only if the bank is open and not next to a exchange booth. There was a camera installed on the roof of the aTM and my card was stuck in the ATM about 5 minutes. When it came out i walked away. In about 3 days they started withdrawing my money. I have sMS service from my bank but not if money is withdrawn . The bank manager laughed at me when i made the report of theft. He said " how does the bank know if i didn't have a friend withdraw my money " The police could do nothing. Only request pictures of whoever withdrew my money. Of course his face was hidden.

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I am still waiting for 75,000 THB, withdrown from my Bangkok Bank account in January 2012, which is over 16 months ago.

It would have been done with credit card transactions, while I have never used the credit card I got from the Bangkok Bank. I only use the debit card they have supplied me.

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This must happen to Thai nationals ,How does Kasikornbank had it with them? you can not tell me that the guest are being targeted alone. Skimmers and mini cameras catch everyone data. any thoughts on how thai nationals are treat in the same situation?

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Same thing happened to me, years ago with Bangkok Bank and significantly more money.

Bank didn't care, and also tried to suggest that I withdrew the money myself.

Years later and all I have from them is a bill for their legal expenses, as if I'll ever pay that!

in my opinion, while the bank has your money, THEY should be held responsible.

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The Kasikornbank website says about skimming, in part, “For any losses suffered, practices adhered to by all commercial banks will be applied for losses resulting from skimmers installed at any ATM. [if] the losses are deemed as not resulting from the mistake or negligence of cardholders, card-issuing banks will be responsible for the losses.”

Best of luck with this bank policy. I had 50,000 baht skimmed about 18 months ago from Kasikorn bank and I had really no explanation or interest from them in my loss. Too bad was their reaction. I cancelled my ATM card and only use my book for transactions. Sure it's a pain, but better than the worry about fraud.

how did that happen? how did they get your pin number/ did they use a atm card/ i'm interested because i use my atm card at kasikorn every now and then.

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JetsetBkk, on 17 May 2013 - 13:31, said:

I suggest he reads this story and sees if his situation is similar:


PS. For 10 baht a month, I get an SMS message when any money is removed or added to my account.

For another 10 baht, I get an SMS message when ever my Internet banking account is logged in.

that service is free with bkk bank and has been operating for years,excellent system never failed me once.

It is? I use BB and only get an SMS when money goes into my account, but not withdrawn.

I use BKK Bank and same no SMS if ATM transaction withdrawing money.

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A good illustration why, in general, it is best to have a small (read survivable) daily withdrawal limit. If you want to buy a car - go to the bank with the seller (if private) and withdraw the money.. By the way, have any other readers had the experience of being asked by the teller(if making a large withdrawal) 'why do you want the money'? This is not a standard practice in the States - unless you appeared under coercion.

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Another proof that bank cards are not save in Thailand. NEVER use a bank or credit card in Thailand, bring along Traveller's Cheques instead, more save and easy to change. Higher rate than cash and only 33 Baht handling fee per cheque.

What bullshit- you're living in the past - travellers cheques like all cheques won't exist for long.

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A friend once told me that if the ATM doesn't accept your PIN, take the card out and DON'T try again. Could be some good advice there.

I put the bulk of my money into an account with no ATM access. And keep a small amount in another account to use with an ATM card. I make small transfers from one to the other when needed.

Still makes me nervous though...

I do exactly the same, only transferring 5k at a time via IB (NO ATM card) and i usually withdraw that within 1-2 hours.

SCB now have a very good system. If i access my IB account, i receive an email within a couple of minutes. When i go to an ATM i receive an SMS before i have even picked the cash out of the machine.

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The Kasikornbank website says about skimming, in part, “For any losses suffered, practices adhered to by all commercial banks will be applied for losses resulting from skimmers installed at any ATM. [if] the losses are deemed as not resulting from the mistake or negligence of cardholders, card-issuing banks will be responsible for the losses.”

Best of luck with this bank policy. I had 50,000 baht skimmed about 18 months ago from Kasikorn bank and I had really no explanation or interest from them in my loss. Too bad was their reaction. I cancelled my ATM card and only use my book for transactions. Sure it's a pain, but better than the worry about fraud.

how did that happen? how did they get your pin number/ did they use a atm card/ i'm interested because i use my atm card at kasikorn every now and then.

I wrote up a topic on my experience --> http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/519707-caution-about-atm-scam-artist-working-in-katakaron-area/

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The Kasikornbank website says about skimming, in part, “For any losses suffered, practices adhered to by all commercial banks will be applied for losses resulting from skimmers installed at any ATM. [if] the losses are deemed as not resulting from the mistake or negligence of cardholders, card-issuing banks will be responsible for the losses.”

Best of luck with this bank policy. I had 50,000 baht skimmed about 18 months ago from Kasikorn bank and I had really no explanation or interest from them in my loss. Too bad was their reaction. I cancelled my ATM card and only use my book for transactions. Sure it's a pain, but better than the worry about fraud.

Got to be more than careful here! I have never had nor will ever get an ATM card - I have suffered the inconvenience for over 10 years (but I can get to a SCB Bank that is open even on a Sunday - yes it is a 30KM round trip) but have never had a baht nicked. I simply do not trust the banks, their staff or anyone else when it comes down to access to cash. - Your experience just backs up my position - They will try and say it was you.

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JetsetBkk, on 17 May 2013 - 13:31, said:

I suggest he reads this story and sees if his situation is similar:


PS. For 10 baht a month, I get an SMS message when any money is removed or added to my account.

For another 10 baht, I get an SMS message when ever my Internet banking account is logged in.

that service is free with bkk bank and has been operating for years,excellent system never failed me once.

Also operates the same with Siam/Kasikom and no doubt all Thai bank......small charge for some peace of mind. the sms is instant even before you leave the atm.

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I have SCB account and ATM card, I only comes to Thailand 7 weeks a year (one Trip a year) i always check my account everyday online. Poor guy had not checked his account online. When i go over to Thailand this year, i must find out the possible way to avoid my ATM card being skimmed.

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Why would anyone have a 200k card limit per day- thats $6,600 a day.

My anz card was skimmed in KL last yr and I lost $2500. Since this experience, I always log onto to my bank account online 1 day after using any ATM to check.

Nothing wrong with a 200K limit if you're routinely going to need it - but that it appears is not the case here.

As others have noted, the SMS alerts are the key to keeping on top of it.

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Leaving the land of scams. No consumer protection and pretty badly treated being non thai. Bye bye

Sent from my GT-S7500L using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

The learning curve is pretty steep here at first! I haven't been scammed or ripped off in many years now. But I was hit a few times back in my early days here... About 8 years ago now. Once you learn to protect yourself and have Thais to back you up, no problem...

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This kind of devastating scam leaves a very bad impression of the country as a whole. Perhaps it can happen anywhere, but variations on this theme of thievery seem to happen here all too often. The bank's reaction to the customer's loss reveals a very poor service attitude, to say the least.

"Too bad Joe, you gotta be more careful. prob'ly one of your girlfriends, huh?"

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