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Thai Patriotic Front Steps Up Pressure On Govt To Resign


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One would hope that there is many more of these outfits to place pressure on this ruling mob of numb nuts and to ensure that everything they do is under scrutiny and pointing out that not everyone agrees with their plans of grandeur , the PTP cannot handle pressure , criticism or being judged. Bring it on Patriotic front and good luck.clap2.gif

Do you really think that this tiny mob of protesters have the right to over ride the millions who voted the government in. I rather think that you are calling the wrong organisation "Numb nuts" clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif
So, you would include the red shirts, who violently protested against a democratically placed government in BKK, 2010 as numb nuts, too. I assume.
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But the problem for this so called Patriots is that the majority of Thai people's don't want to live under Dictatorship !!!

Agree. That's why some have a problem with a skyping-in criminal fugitive who orders his 'not so real' PM and his cabinet around and tell them how to handle his country and how to take control of too independent government organisations, courts, BoT, etc., etc.

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The only guy who can make this sort of thing happen is Sondhi.

He is truly a scarily good public orator.

I agree. Lets hope he at least has the sense to stay out of it.

This continuing anti-democratic posing is effecting Thailand's credibility.

Most of us want to continue along the PR boost that Prime Yingluck is delivering for a Thailand that was well on the way to becoming a Global joke.

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"Patriotic "Front", indeed. Front for the oligarchy that is The Power. Follow the Money."

attachicon.gif485558.jpgattachicon.gifThaksin Shinawatra 9.jpgattachicon.gifwld2.gifattachicon.gifying 1.jpgattachicon.gifYaowapa_1.jpgattachicon.gifsomchai.jpgattachicon.gif$Big T$.jpg

Presenting "The Grand Oligarchy of Thailand" proudly bleading Thailand through the 21st century.

Don't just follow the money. Take it all.

One of us dosen't have a clear understanding of the word 'Oligarchy'. Which of the following could you certify as the type of government that Thailand has right now?

oligarchy (ˈɒlɪˌɡɑːkɪ) dictionary_questionbutton_default.gif n , pl -chies 1. government by a small group of people 2. a state or organization so governed 3. a small body of individuals ruling such a state 4. chiefly ( US ) a small clique of private citizens who exert a strong influence on government [C16: via Medieval Latin from Greek oligarkhia, from olígos few + -archy ] Edited by indyuk
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"Network leader Chaiwat Sinsuwong said about 35,000 people have gathered at Sanam Luang in the last few days and at least 10,000 more will join in the rally today, beginning at 5pm."

Largest protest group since the 2010 riots, kind of puts the last Redshirt protest to shame, they promised 100,000 and got 200. I guess that's a measure of how deeply this issue is felt, 35,000 and growing without being paid. There has to be a message in that.

These are not serious challenges to a government with such overwhelming mandate to rule.

Why on earth would a government with such a mandate even comtemplate resigning?

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"Patriotic "Front", indeed. Front for the oligarchy that is The Power. Follow the Money."

attachicon.gif485558.jpgattachicon.gifThaksin Shinawatra 9.jpgattachicon.gifwld2.gifattachicon.gifying 1.jpgattachicon.gifYaowapa_1.jpgattachicon.gifsomchai.jpgattachicon.gif$Big T$.jpg

Presenting "The Grand Oligarchy of Thailand" proudly bleading Thailand through the 21st century.

Don't just follow the money. Take it all.

One of us dosen't have a clear understanding of the word 'Oligarchy'. Which of the following could you certify as the type of government that Thailand has right now?

oligarchy (ˈɒlɪˌɡɑːkɪ) dictionary_questionbutton_default.gif

n , pl -chies

1. government by a small group of people

2. a state or organization so governed

3. a small body of individuals ruling such a state

4. chiefly ( US ) a small clique of private citizens who exert a strong influence on government

[C16: via Medieval Latin from Greek oligarkhia, from olígos few + -archy ]

3 and 4 sound like a good fit.
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The only guy who can make this sort of thing happen is Sondhi.

He is truly a scarily good public orator.

I agree. Lets hope he at least has the sense to stay out of it.

This continuing anti-democratic posing is effecting Thailand's credibility.

Most of us want to continue along the PR boost that Prime Yingluck is delivering for a Thailand that was well on the way to becoming a Global joke.

Is it not a prerequisite to actually have a democracy and credibility before either can be effected?

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One would hope that there is many more of these outfits to place pressure on this ruling mob of numb nuts and to ensure that everything they do is under scrutiny and pointing out that not everyone agrees with their plans of grandeur , the PTP cannot handle pressure , criticism or being judged. Bring it on Patriotic front and good luck.clap2.gif

Do you really think that this tiny mob of protesters have the right to over ride the millions who voted the government in. I rather think that you are calling the wrong organisation "Numb nuts" clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif
Do you think the millions of people that didnt vote PTP, or even this tiny mob of Thai citizens, have the right to have the leader of the country, making all the most important decisions for this country, actually reside within its borders? Do these same people have the right to have that same man available, in person, for the opposition to question and scrutinize that mans decisions?

But of all the pressing issues of the day, these plonkers are moaning about the temple. What do they want?

Step down and then what do they think will happen? Absolutely nothing concerning the temple that is for sure. Moan about the rice, moan about corruption, but the damn temple?

What planet are these loonies on?

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Of course, everyone has the right to assemble on the ground of the constitution of a democratic sate.

...and I hope, the ones assembling (no matter of what color or creed) remember that, when they are the ones in power!

Otherwise you are doing nothing else but raping democracy!

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One would hope that there is many more of these outfits to place pressure on this ruling mob of numb nuts and to ensure that everything they do is under scrutiny and pointing out that not everyone agrees with their plans of grandeur , the PTP cannot handle pressure , criticism or being judged. Bring it on Patriotic front and good luck.Posted Image

Do you really think that this tiny mob of protesters have the right to over ride the millions who voted the government in. I rather think that you are calling the wrong organisation "Numb nuts" Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image
Do you think the millions of people that didnt vote PTP, or even this tiny mob of Thai citizens, have the right to have the leader of the country, making all the most important decisions for this country, actually reside within its borders? Do these same people have the right to have that same man available, in person, for the opposition to question and scrutinize that mans decisions?
Is this the man who just wanted to come home to his country, to live out his remaining years, as he had no further interest in politics?

Or perhaps my memory isn't too good.

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Will this stupid Thai mentality of wanting the government to be changed half way through its term,ever cease ? it has happened so many times in the past mostly by a coup! Why cannot the Thai voting population just get used to the idea of allowing any govt., which has been voted in with a majority, get on with it, and if they don't like them, vote them out at the next election. This is what happens in most of the democratic world. Unless the govt is a vile organisation as in say Syria, then the rest of the world should condemn any attempt to dislodge them.

You're confusing Thailand with 1st world democracies. Your sentiments are idealistic and ignore the facts of the Thai political system.

In my humblest opinion of course

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One more question: usually, when the "reds" assemble with more than 150 people and for more than an hour, there are those who call them "stupid" and buffalow sh1t" and" accuse them of being unemployed and paid by Thaksin.

I am waiting for this crowd to be called out like that.

Oh no...they are true democrats and the Bangkok elite...like the ones that occupied the Government House and the 2 airports.

I am waiting ....coffee1.gif

P.S. not a red-shirt supporter, so...save your breath!

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One more question: usually, when the "reds" assemble with more than 150 people and for more than an hour, there are those who call them "stupid" and buffalow sh1t" and" accuse them of being unemployed and paid by Thaksin.

I am waiting for this crowd to be called out like that.

Oh no...they are true democrats and the Bangkok elite...like the ones that occupied the Government House and the 2 airports.

I am waiting ....Posted Image

P.S. not a red-shirt supporter, so...save your breath!

Apart from your insult of the people being reined in to support the reds, I think your summary of the red assemblies is basically correct - IMHO

The reds are not being brought in, in the name of Democracy, but in the name of maintaining a PTP government. Something I imagine a criminal hiding abroad might also support.

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One would hope that there is many more of these outfits to place pressure on this ruling mob of numb nuts and to ensure that everything they do is under scrutiny and pointing out that not everyone agrees with their plans of grandeur , the PTP cannot handle pressure , criticism or being judged. Bring it on Patriotic front and good luck.clap2.gif

Do you really think that this tiny mob of protesters have the right to over ride the millions who voted the government in. I rather think that you are calling the wrong organisation "Numb nuts" clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

Do you think the millions of people that didnt vote PTP, or even this tiny mob of Thai citizens, have the right to have the leader of the country, making all the most important decisions for this country, actually reside within its borders? Do these same people have the right to have that same man available, in person, for the opposition to question and scrutinize that mans decisions?

There ya go again, brainwash propaganda without definate proof !

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One would hope that there is many more of these outfits to place pressure on this ruling mob of numb nuts and to ensure that everything they do is under scrutiny and pointing out that not everyone agrees with their plans of grandeur , the PTP cannot handle pressure , criticism or being judged. Bring it on Patriotic front and good luck.clap2.gif

Do you really think that this tiny mob of protesters have the right to over ride the millions who voted the government in. I rather think that you are calling the wrong organisation "Numb nuts" clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif
Do you think the millions of people that didnt vote PTP, or even this tiny mob of Thai citizens, have the right to have the leader of the country, making all the most important decisions for this country, actually reside within its borders? Do these same people have the right to have that same man available, in person, for the opposition to question and scrutinize that mans decisions?
Is this the man who just wanted to come home to his country, to live out his remaining years, as he had no further interest in politics?

Or perhaps my memory isn't too good.

Over and over again , i ask the same question "Where is the proof" apart from media propaganda (lies) there is no proof, but the sheep just keep on believing it.

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One would hope that there is many more of these outfits to place pressure on this ruling mob of numb nuts and to ensure that everything they do is under scrutiny and pointing out that not everyone agrees with their plans of grandeur , the PTP cannot handle pressure , criticism or being judged. Bring it on Patriotic front and good luck.clap2.gif

Do you really think that this tiny mob of protesters have the right to over ride the millions who voted the government in. I rather think that you are calling the wrong organisation "Numb nuts" clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif
So, you would include the red shirts, who violently protested against a democratically placed government in BKK, 2010 as numb nuts, too. I assume.

I presume that you are referring to the crowd that had the army backing them

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Will this stupid Thai mentality of wanting the government to be changed half way through its term,ever cease ? it has happened so many times in the past mostly by a coup! Why cannot the Thai voting population just get used to the idea of allowing any govt., which has been voted in with a majority, get on with it, and if they don't like them, vote them out at the next election. This is what happens in most of the democratic world. Unless the govt is a vile organisation as in say Syria, then the rest of the world should condemn any attempt to dislodge them.

You're confusing Thailand with 1st world democracies. Your sentiments are idealistic and ignore the facts of the Thai political system.

In my humblest opinion of course

But that's what they claim they are !

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One more question: usually, when the "reds" assemble with more than 150 people and for more than an hour, there are those who call them "stupid" and buffalow sh1t" and" accuse them of being unemployed and paid by Thaksin.

I am waiting for this crowd to be called out like that.

Oh no...they are true democrats and the Bangkok elite...like the ones that occupied the Government House and the 2 airports.

I am waiting ....coffee1.gif

P.S. not a red-shirt supporter, so...save your breath!

Me neither, but i get fed up with all this TS crap. It appears that this is the only defence that the Dems can muster up, apart from that, they seem to have absolutely nothing..........zilch.

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One more question: usually, when the "reds" assemble with more than 150 people and for more than an hour, there are those who call them "stupid" and buffalow sh1t" and" accuse them of being unemployed and paid by Thaksin.

I am waiting for this crowd to be called out like that.

Oh no...they are true democrats and the Bangkok elite...like the ones that occupied the Government House and the 2 airports.

I am waiting ....coffee1.gif

P.S. not a red-shirt supporter, so...save your breath!

Me neither, but i get fed up with all this TS crap. It appears that this is the only defence that the Dems can muster up, apart from that, they seem to have absolutely nothing..........zilch.

Well their country up to them

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