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Thailand And Global Warming


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1. No, I believe it is a natural cycle we are going through.

2. As above, I believe it is a natural event. That said, we are not helping, but not necessarily at fault.

3. Any government or NGO that claims they will prevent this are full of it! Global warming is a multi-billion dollar industry sponsored by governments based on the unproven theories of a Scandinavian scientist. I believe the first grant for investigation was given by the British government to look into it and the year following the American government followed suite, increasing that budget ten fold.

The rest is now history, providing one of the biggest debates in modern times without positive (only theoretical proof) evidence given.

IMHO of course.....................thumbsup.gif

Edited by chrisinth
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Its not surprising that the temperature is rising, all the carbon that is blown out of the vehicles in Thailand , have they heard of catalytic converters yet In Asia. Polluted canals and rivers, full of plastics, Trees cut down, most contributed by corrupt Government officials. It makes me laugh about there green adverts on Thai TV.

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1 Yes

2 60% man made 40% normal; cycle

3 Thailand's carbon doot print per head is pretty low.

The good news is according to Thai scientists, we are too far from the poles to be affected by melting ice caps.

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Yes. Yes. No, but it doesn't matter, the Earth won't sustain (a reasonable quality of) human life for more than a few more generations anyway, we don't seem to be clever enough to stop ourselves.

Thailand is a drop in the bucket anyway.

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It's not a "national" problem. Countries and governments are largely irrelevant anyway.

The culprit is the human species, and an economic system (global capitalism) that requires constant growth without limits, requires the population to be brainwashed into adopting the religion of materialism, consumerism as if that's the source of happiness, unchecked population growth, disregard for ecological diversity, the fellow species and their habitat requirements, the attitude that humans are "in charge" and "owners" of the planet as if we have the right to do what we like rather than needing to fit in as a part of nature.

Any effective solution will require a global change of heart, internal changes in how we think and how we live, and our brilliant rational minds applied toward solving the problem for the community of man and nature together rather than selfishly focusing on comfort and pleasure.

And therefore is pretty darn unlikely to happen until things are so far gone life will be pretty miserable for the future generations we're leaving the mess to fix.

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1. No, I believe it is a natural cycle we are going through.

2. As above, I believe it is a natural event. That said, we are not helping, but not necessarily at fault.

3. Any government or NGO that claims they will prevent this are full of it! Global warming is a multi-billion dollar industry sponsored by governments based on the unproven theories of a Scandinavian scientist. I believe the first grant for investigation was given by the British government to look into it and the year following the American government followed suite, increasing that budget ten fold.

The rest is now history, providing one of the biggest debates in modern times without positive (only theoretical proof) evidence given.

IMHO of course.....................thumbsup.gif

Reading research is good. Notice the words "very likely due to... anthropogenic...".


The IPCC's 5th assessement report is due out soon, but I am sure you and your ilk will just ignore that too.

As for the "natural cycle", check out the attachment. But you can just ignore that too of course.


Edited by utalkin2me
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A good primer for those with an open mind:


And from the anti-business radical left-wing Financial Times (registration paywall):


and other subversive thinktanks like Goldman Sachs: http://ftalphaville.ft.com/tag/climate-change/

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That earth temperature is dependent on solar flares, the ~0.3% of total CO2 that has any human involvement has nuffing to do with it. Do watch the entire movie btw

Saw the movie 6 years ago when it first came out.....you seem to be forming tyour opinion on those expressed in one TV show - is that correct?

Edited by wilcopops
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