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Phone Bills


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Why do I get phone bills from TT&T, TOT and CAT? I only have one phone. It appears, although it is not clear from the bills, that there is a distinction between local and international calls and among international calls themselves. I have asked for clarification but language problems have made that impossible.

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It has become more complex as ToT now provides an alternate overseas phone service. The old 001 for overseas service is CAT and that is the postal service and they bill directly. ToT, TT&T and True are all billed on ToT letterhead now (I believe). Just pay the bills and you will have no problem. :D

Now if you also have ADSL you will receive that in another bill. And the greatest waste I have ever seen for paper is the CAT bills for 30 or 40 baht using 3 or 4 pages of A4 color paper. It has to cost more to prepare the bills than they collect. :o

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