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Nose Job


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I've been banged up too many times thaiboxing and have a broken nose to show for it. Decided to retire from thaiboxing and finally get some plastic surgery to fix the ol' nogger.

This time I'm coming back to LOS to seek a good, reputable plastic surgeon.

I've heard Bumrungrad Hospital and Yanhee Hospital are very good. Any one have good/bad experiences w/these two? Bumrungrad seems more expensive than Yanhee, difference in quality? Any other hospitals/drs u guys can recommend?

Yahnhee Hospital, the cheaper of the two quotes 900-1500USD for a nose job. Can nose job prices be bargained with at Yahnee and Bumrungrad? IMO, having lived in Thailand before, it seems like everything can be haggled for. Anybody have a nose job at one of these hospitals, please include the price you paid and the quality of work.

I do understand that Bumrungrad and Yahnee Hospital cater to farangs, so they have their more expensive "farang prices".

I guess my question now would be, does anyone know of any local Thai's who have had decent work and at which clinic? And what is the local Thai price for a reputable clinic to perform a nose job?

Keep in mind, my main concern is quality and credibility of the dr/clinic. Price is my last concern.



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Dr. Patpong,

I recognize that Bumrungrad is a top notch hospital catering to foreigners, but are there any reputable, lower priced plastic surgeons that the local Thai's go to?

The search only includes info on Bumrungrad so is very limited.

Are there any experiences from anyone on this board who have had surgery done elsewhere. Please tell the good and the bad.

Thanks again,


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I have only heard positive stories about Bumrungrad, except for the prices.

The Yanhee is different. It is generally good, but not topclass. The quality of their services varies. I don't know about something like the nosejob you need, but last year my mother-in-law went there with a liver-problem, and they offered a treatment which could have been fatal. Luckily we have a nurse in the family. She saw that something was wrong, and had my mother-in-law transferred to a different hospital.

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A rhinoplasty (nose job) is one of the least risky plastic surgeries. As a boxer, you know of the many who merely reshape the cartilage in their nose after a break and let it heal.

The skin of you nose is not involved, as they go in through the nostirls, so the only real risk is the ultimate shape, based on what shape your nose is in now and how much implant you need to reach the shape you desire.

While most nose jobs are now done in operating suites in doctors offices in western countries, there are a few good plastic surgeons in resort areas in Thailand that can easily do the job for you without your paying Bangkok hospital prices.

Vacation-healf care packages through travel agencies is a good start to find doctors who have experience with farang.

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Thank you guys again for the quick replies.

Yes, Bumrungrad sounds worry free and top notch over Yanhee but I would be interested in hearing any experiences from anybody who has had any sort of plastic surgery done from Yanhee or elsewhere.

As to the resort area clinics, could anybody provide any good reputable clinics? Again, any first hand experience would be welcome.

I'm a bit wary of the resort clinics since hearing the story of the Patttaya clinic. Apparently some unaccredited Thai man was passing himself off as a dr. and doing breast implants. Cost was very cheap but look what happened. Apparently this guy had no formal training and was injecting the kind of silicone u would find for caulking in home renovation projects!! Needless to say, he was arrested but not without leaving a trail of destruction w/his poor patients!

Anybody out there have any local Thai friends who have had good plastic surgery results at Thai clinics?? (not the farang hospitals)

Can anyone do me a favor and ask a local Thai to get a price quote over at Bumrungrad or Yahnee for a nose job? (Would a local get a cheaper price?)

BTW, the condition of my nose is pretty bad. I have a non-existent bridge, kinda flattened out and flowing into 2 overstretched nostrils! Believe me, it's not a pretty sight but again the hazards of my profession. :o

But since I'm hanging up my gloves, I want to look all pretty now! :D

My experience for Thailand is there are always two sets of prices - one for the locals and the higher price for the farangs! Does this ring true for plastic surgery as well?

Again many thanks,


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Last summer I had a consultation with the plastic surgeon of the RAM- Hospital in Chiang Mai, a doctor Prayod. I wanted to enquire about an abdominal reconstruction, combined with liposuction, which is major plastic surgery.

From this consultation I got the firm impression this was a very competent doctor, who asked the right questions and made the good remarks. He also did a very thorough physical examination.

The RAM Hospital is the most well reputed hospital in Chiang Mai as I have been told both by expats als by Thai.

Maybe you should look further than Bangkok.

BTW. The price quoted for this operation was 100.000 Baht, which is about 50% of what I should pay in Holland. The consultation set me back for 250 Baht.

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Second that wdewilde, and I bet a nose job would be half that price or even less, depending on what you meant by abdominal resection. A telephone call to the hospital would get a better estimate and since the hospital bills for the proceedure, it includes professional fees, hospital fees, etc. An overnight in the hospital would be a good idea and their private room rate when I last checked was 900 baht.

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The 100.000 Baht was including everything. Surgery, hospitalisation and aftertreatment.

Besides, I got a good impression from the hospital itself. It looked well-organised and clean and people at the reception desk were friendly and spoke good English.

This also applied to the plastic surgeon.

Not a minor feat for people in which hands you put your life.

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As a living Farang "Thai Satay", ( I impailed myself on one of my wall steel security spikes clean through my forearm with at least six inches of spike visible above the exit wound) I can report the emergency room of Rama 1 was superb, as long as you get used to the Thai habit of not painting walls often.

Other injuries or complaints were treated in Orthopedics and Dermatology, likewise well treated. Had laser eye surgery there, and while that equipment was not quite as new as the one I had the other eye done by in Los Angeles, it was more than adquate to the task and the results gratifying.

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  • 5 years later...

My experience with Yanhee, and from what I have read... is that they are not state of the art. They are basically an assembly line operation, where doctors are expected to meet a quota. They use old school techniques. Now, that is not necessarily bad. You must research your operation and understand what you want done. Maybe they can offer you the best economical choice. Or maybe there is another hospital that can give you more options. Do your research.. or should I say continue. There are many options and I think once you get into the "Thai areas" you will find rock bottoms prices for the same services. Difficults when one doesn't speak the language.

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