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Briton Stabbed To Death By His Thai Father-in-law


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I think its cute how all these farangs get so up in arms when a Thai kills a white man. Without even questioning the circumstances, automaticaly the Thai is wrong, The Thai man is a coward, a vicious brutal murderous beast...ect ect ect... Chances are if he was a drunk and he did beat his wife, then he had it comming to get stabbed by his wife's dad.

I would stab the guy too if he choked my daughter.

But no...everyone here, it seems, would rather feel sorry for the abuser.

Nobody deserves to be stabbed to death. This man is dead. This is not an issue to get on your high-horse about.

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I think its cute how all these farangs get so up in arms when a Thai kills a white man. Without even questioning the circumstances, automaticaly the Thai is wrong, The Thai man is a coward, a vicious brutal murderous beast...ect ect ect... Chances are if he was a drunk and he did beat his wife, then he had it comming to get stabbed by his wife's dad.

I would stab the guy too if he choked my daughter.

But no...everyone here, it seems, would rather feel sorry for the abuser.

Judging from the way u let off the steam you are very likely Thai, and of course, using your words, "I would stab the guy too if he choked my daughter" you're willing to do so, because it is your nature, be nice and smiling all day long and when something go wrong release all the evil at once basically provoking casualties, we have a lot of examples and we are all living here, now don't tell me it is argumentative or that it is a discrimination because it is not, these are just tragic facts.

I conclude saying that the Law in this country is not the same for all, you will never convince me of the contrary!

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Mark Jones, RIP; such a tragedy! How will his young son cope with this knowledge; that his grandfather 'allegedly' killed his father?

We can only hope, and pray, that true justice prevails in LOS, and that the true perpetrator is found justifiably guilty!

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I think its cute how all these farangs get so up in arms when a Thai kills a white man. Without even questioning the circumstances, automaticaly the Thai is wrong, The Thai man is a coward, a vicious brutal murderous beast...ect ect ect... Chances are if he was a drunk and he did beat his wife, then he had it comming to get stabbed by his wife's dad.

I would stab the guy too if he choked my daughter.

But no...everyone here, it seems, would rather feel sorry for the abuser.

Put the funny-smelling cigarette out and stop taking the silly pills Cpt_M0ney_Sh0t. You've condemned a man based on a "rumour" (to put it loosely) while giving a suspected murderer a medal. Are you really so looney? Here are the facts: 1 dead farang with two stab wounds to the back, 1 arrested father-in-law, 1 picture of a happy looking farang with his baby ....

and what do your so called facts do to prove anything, what does the picture prove or have to do with the incident? so he was happy when it was taken, doesn't mean that the "rumour" isn't true either and vice versa. No one has come up with any more facts yet. Yet the FIL is guilty as charged already

My point exactly Tingnongnoi ... lets stick to the facts ... and yes, the picture doesn't prove anything other than the fact that he shared a happy moment with his kid.

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Typical white lynch mob mentality.... all violence an out rage, few really care to know the facts.

Seen anyone about that yet?

The enormous chip on your shoulder!

The quest from the facts and seems to have eluded you as well but hypocracy is rarely noticed by the perpetrators of it.

You also make your own assumptions but I will not stoop as low as you my friend and make racist assumptions.

If anyone had made a comment like, "Black guys jumping to wife beating assumptions as its their normal practice in relationships" they would rightly be denounced and banned from the board.


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Cape Diem Have you ever read a novel A book that is. They are full of non factual conclusions Stories you know---- Are you the Forum Cop or something BUGGER OFF


"Capealava" - you appear to be a very angry person. I rather doubt if you have ever done more than skim through a Playboy or two in your sad little life.

Yes; I am a cop, - a cop who makes sure that people who need help, get help.

Believe you me Mister Capealava; you need help.

For the time being though, you should really do something to relieve this anger of yours' !

Eat yogurt and try meditation . . . . . . . . . - but most of all, don't forget:

Carpe Diem


PS: I just KNOW that you feel a little bit better already !?!

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I would bet that the Father-Law-Law felt he was not getting his due. Everything funnels through the parent in most of Thailand. In many cases it is tryannical in nature. The Daughters especially the youngest is very much expected to give all she makes to the parent and to take care of them. when a Farang enters the picture, he does not usually want to be singled out as the Social security of the parents, but in most cases he cannot escape that role and resentments arise-which in this case lead to a knife in his back.


Sorry, Capealava; I had missed his little 'gem' posting of your's.

You are certainly a very angry & bitter person, aren't you. First off, you "bet" some sort of presumption and then you go on a tyrade regarding the 'daughter having to give all they make' to their parents . . . . . . .

Mate; which rock are you hiding under ? ? ? ? Maybe you should hop on your tricycle and pedal through this wonderful Kingdom. You will then possibly discover (if you stop and listen for a change) that sons & daughter of the typical Thai family-unit take a helluva lot of pride in supporting their parents. It's pure drivel to suggest that they "hand-over all they make", because even a moron like you could work-out the impractacle economics of sustanance of that statement.

But you are right if you mean that in most Western "civilized' countries, parents, in fact, support their off-spring, long after they have flown the coop and have ventured out into "independance".

Here in Thailand; families do indeed tend to take care of their own, since there's no Dole, no Social Security and (most unfortunate of all) no Old Age Pension for the aged.

Perhaps, Capealave; you should start looking for Thai daughters in different places ? ? ?

I'll just bet; you've had some real sterling experiences with the Bar-Girl types, huh ? ? ? ?

Carpe Diem

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I think its cute how all these farangs get so up in arms when a Thai kills a white man. Without even questioning the circumstances, automaticaly the Thai is wrong, The Thai man is a coward, a vicious brutal murderous beast...ect ect ect... Chances are if he was a drunk and he did beat his wife, then he had it comming to get stabbed by his wife's dad.

I would stab the guy too if he choked my daughter.

But no...everyone here, it seems, would rather feel sorry for the abuser.

Judging from the way u let off the steam you are very likely Thai, and of course, using your words, "I would stab the guy too if he choked my daughter" you're willing to do so, because it is your nature, be nice and smiling all day long and when something go wrong release all the evil at once basically provoking casualties, we have a lot of examples and we are all living here, now don't tell me it is argumentative or that it is a discrimination because it is not, these are just tragic facts.

I conclude saying that the Law in this country is not the same for all, you will never convince me of the contrary!

Firstly I'm American, with no Thai blood or family ties other than my wife. Secondly who the hel_l said anything about smileing in the face and being nice?!!? Thats just your racist assumption. I'll say it again, IF he was beating his wife then he deserved to be stabed. Men don't hit woman. I would defend my daughter, mother, wife, sister. ect from being beat up by a male. And I don't see why thats the wrong thing to do. I'm sure if race was taken out of the equasion than most folks would feel the same way.

Now that being said IF he was not beating up on his wife than the father in law was a murderous scumbag that needs to be locked up for a Looooong time or given the death penalty as well.

I just don't like how the Thai is always assumed a lier when it comes to disputes with the white man.

But then again I would expect no less, considering SOME the comments I have seen here.

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I would bet that the Father-Law-Law felt he was not getting his due. Everything funnels through the parent in most of Thailand. In many cases it is tryannical in nature. The Daughters especially the youngest is very much expected to give all she makes to the parent and to take care of them. when a Farang enters the picture, he does not usually want to be singled out as the Social security of the parents, but in most cases he cannot escape that role and resentments arise-which in this case lead to a knife in his back.


Sorry, Capealava; I had missed his little 'gem' posting of your's.

You are certainly a very angry & bitter person, aren't you. First off, you "bet" some sort of presumption and then you go on a tyrade regarding the 'daughter having to give all they make' to their parents . . . . . . .

Mate; which rock are you hiding under ? ? ? ? Maybe you should hop on your tricycle and pedal through this wonderful Kingdom. You will then possibly discover (if you stop and listen for a change) that sons & daughter of the typical Thai family-unit take a helluva lot of pride in supporting their parents. It's pure drivel to suggest that they "hand-over all they make", because even a moron like you could work-out the impractacle economics of sustanance of that statement.

But you are right if you mean that in most Western "civilized' countries, parents, in fact, support their off-spring, long after they have flown the coop and have ventured out into "independance".

Here in Thailand; families do indeed tend to take care of their own, since there's no Dole, no Social Security and (most unfortunate of all) no Old Age Pension for the aged.

Perhaps, Capealave; you should start looking for Thai daughters in different places ? ? ?

I'll just bet; you've had some real sterling experiences with the Bar-Girl types, huh ? ? ? ?

Carpe Diem

Obviously you don't know Thai culture that well, Carpe Diem, the youngest child usually devotes their life for their parents with some helps from their older kins. And you were wrong about Old Age Pension for the aged...in fact, some do receive pension!!!!.....

Before you posted any statement on here, make sure that you got it all right and correct especially for Mr Clever like you... Man, you disappointed me !!!

One other thing, I think you are the one that needs help and needs to practise more meditation because you seem to have negative thoughts about people's posts on here....

Thai says " Don't just shave other people's beard , MAKE SURE YOU DO YOURS as well !!! "

:D How long have you been in this King Dom, Carpe Diem ? :o

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I doubt that he would choke or hit his Thai wife and it is unlikely to see farangs beat up their Thai wives in the wive's country. IF they are smart enough, they should know the circumstances from doing so. Most farangs have less advantage living in Thailand when it comes to law and regulations unless you have tons and tons of money or they are friends of a high rank policeman or some sort or if it is a small case they might let you walk away because they don't know your language and they would waste their times more trying to sort the little and harmless cases.

A lot of farangs I heard about were being ripped off by their Thai wives. One in my village was left with her son who is selfish and mean to this poor farang in a brand new house that he built for her. She was ripping him off while she was with her Thai husband which the poor farang husband didn't know about. She asked him for a bike, he gave it to her. She asked for a car -- he traded the bike in so he had enough money to buy it for her after she got the car --- she took off with the Thai husband to Pattaya .. again back to her old job.

He was left with nothing.... absolutely nothing. No money, No job... No future... He didn't even have money to extend his stay -- he was illegally living in Thailand. Her son was mean to him that he didn't let the farang step father used the bike to get around while he lives in the farang's house. Worst of all... the house is in " The so-called Thai wife's name " -- so he couldn't sell it.

He was a big man earlier but since his Thai wife left him his body shrunk because he had no food... nothing... He survived by the girl's aunt that has a little groceries store in the village and she fed him with bananas!!!!!

Don't say that because of his stupidity, NO! it's not... It was because he TRUSTED his so-called Thai wife. So, think about it fellows , think about it...

In this murderous case, THE WIFE IS THE KEY. If the father gave her a threat that would be another sotory and would be very very very sad for the victims and the Thai Society.

Don't accuse ones who cannot speak up for themselves especially the one that doesn't breathe until all information is finalised. :o

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I doubt that he would choke or hit his Thai wife and it is unlikely to see farangs beat up their Thai wives in the wive's country.


Domestic abuse is not exactly unknown in the west either. And given the amount of the many less than psychologically stable farang here in Thailand you can be sure that there are more than a few that practice the sport of spousal abuse.

When i stilled lived in some of those cheaper apartment blocks mainly populated with intercultural couples violent arguments between farang and their girlfriends and wifes were more than common.

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I doubt that he would choke or hit his Thai wife and it is unlikely to see farangs beat up their Thai wives in the wive's country. IF they are smart enough, they should know the circumstances from doing so. Most farangs have less advantage living in Thailand when it comes to law and regulations unless you have tons and tons of money or they are friends of a high rank policeman or some sort or if it is a small case they might let you walk away because they don't know your language and they would waste their times more trying to sort the little and harmless cases.

A lot of farangs I heard about were being ripped off by their Thai wives. One in my village was left with her son who is selfish and mean to this poor farang in a brand new house that he built for her. She was ripping him off while she was with her Thai husband which the poor farang husband didn't know about. She asked him for a bike, he gave it to her. She asked for a car -- he traded the bike in so he had enough money to buy it for her after she got the car --- she took off with the Thai husband to Pattaya .. again back to her old job.

He was left with nothing.... absolutely nothing. No money, No job... No future... He didn't even have money to extend his stay -- he was illegally living in Thailand. Her son was mean to him that he didn't let the farang step father used the bike to get around while he lives in the farang's house. Worst of all... the house is in " The so-called Thai wife's name " -- so he couldn't sell it.

He was a big man earlier but since his Thai wife left him his body shrunk because he had no food... nothing... He survived by the girl's aunt that has a little groceries store in the village and she fed him with bananas!!!!!

Don't say that because of his stupidity, NO! it's not... It was because he TRUSTED his so-called Thai wife. So, think about it fellows , think about it...

In this murderous case, THE WIFE IS THE KEY. If the father gave her a threat that would be another sotory and would be very very very sad for the victims and the Thai Society.

Don't accuse ones who cannot speak up for themselves especially the one that doesn't breathe until all information is finalised. :o

It sounds like stupidity to me. How old was this guy and how old was his wife 1st off. You can buy a house in your own company's name and it's really not the hassle everyone says it is. So why farangs constantly leave themselves out in the open like this is beyond me... dumm asses. I'm not talking about all of them but just the ones who marry a whore from the bar then buy the hoe a house thinking that she loves him and that she is trust worthy..fool. Anyway, even if he did want to buy a house in her name...fine, make the hoe take out a mortgage and pay it off monthly. What fool buys a house out right in cash for a hoe? Had he done that he would have had some dough when he found out she was still blowing her X.

And as for not hearing about Farang abuse of a Thai you need to think about the media outlets we listen too. And the fact that farangs are a fractionaly small minority. Domestic abuse happens every were and it's just as reprehensable no matter what soil it happens on. I don't think a abuser will care what country he is in when he gets into a drunken tirate and decides to beat on his wife like this man was accused of.

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I doubt that he would choke or hit his Thai wife and it is unlikely to see farangs beat up their Thai wives in the wive's country.


Domestic abuse is not exactly unknown in the west either. And given the amount of the many less than psychologically stable farang here in Thailand you can be sure that there are more than a few that practice the sport of spousal abuse.

When i stilled lived in some of those cheaper apartment blocks mainly populated with intercultural couples violent arguments between farang and their girlfriends and wifes were more than common.

Really!!!! :o Maybe I haven't been around those places enough but that is diferent to when you have to live in the same house with the Thai wife's families. It depends on the person and environment I guess.

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It sounds like stupidity to me. How old was this guy and how old was his wife 1st off. You can buy a house in your own company's name and it's really not the hassle everyone says it is. So why farangs constantly leave themselves out in the open like this is beyond me... dumm asses. I'm not talking about all of them but just the ones who marry a whore from the bar then buy the hoe a house thinking that she loves him and that she is trust worthy..fool. Anyway, even if he did want to buy a house in her name...fine, make the hoe take out a mortgage and pay it off monthly. What fool buys a house out right in cash for a hoe? Had he done that he would have had some dough when he found out she was still blowing her X.

And as for not hearing about Farang abuse of a Thai you need to think about the media outlets we listen too. And the fact that farangs are a fractionaly small minority. Domestic abuse happens every were and it's just as reprehensable no matter what soil it happens on. I don't think a abuser will care what country he is in when he gets into a drunken tirate and decides to beat on his wife like this man was accused of.

Well...maybe my environment is cleaner than those :o

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(Cpt_M0ney_Sh0t Posted on: 2006-03-25 14:57:32 )

I would stab the guy too if he choked my daughter.

(Cpt_M0ney_Sh0t Posted on: 2006-03-26 13:29:25 )

Typical white lynch mob mentality.... all violence an out rage, few really care to know the facts.


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Everytime an incident happens between a farang and a Thai, fingers start pointing at the poor Thai even without finding out the facts. If these farangs are disgusted with the Thai what the f... are the doing and staying in Thailand.

I suggest go and stay in the Middle East nad sure the father-in-law will not be out on bail.

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Where are you getting these ideas from!!!! It is not just Thailand. It is normal for a foreigner not to be given bail as he has no ties to the region and is a higher risk to flee than a local.

Foreigners are a higher risk than locals. Where is the logic behind this? Why are foreigners higher risk than Thais'? Are Thais' better than Foreigners? Explain yourself?

Fancy walking around cities in the US at night...or is that TIT as well.

I have many times mate even the bad areas. Many Thais' would die to live in American. Did you forget that? I forgot you must be a retiree.

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Any foreigner anywhere is considered to be more of a risk for leaving.

Try to understand what's been said before spouting off, Britmalaise.

Many Thais may well wish to live in AMERICA, the point here though was that cities at night are at least as unsafe in the US as in Thailand.

Jeez...., this thread has attracted more than its fair share of posters who lack reading and comprehension skills and have difficulties expressing themselves, too.

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I spoke to a Farang friend of the victim last Sunday. He went to his dead friends house the day after the incident and spoke to his dead friends wife, who re-iterated the story of Mark being drunk and beating her and her father stabbing him, because of it. He was also a drinking partner of the deceased and confirmed that Mark was a heavy drinker "who could get a bit silly when drunk". He witnessed many rows between the couple and described the marrige as tempestuous. Though he saw many rows, he never ever saw Mark strike or threaten to strike her. He went back to visit last Sunday, The father-in law was at home, out on 15,000 Baht bail (negotiated). He noticed a large bruise had emerged on the Lady's forehead, which wasn't in evidence on his last visit. As he left he gave her the usual "If there's anything I can do to help you". 4 hours later she phoned him to ask for 200,000 Baht. He declined pleading poverty. Another business associate of mine, Thai (well educated and highly articulate) described the father-in law as a little snake. (apparently he is of small stature) This is only an opinion you must understand. More gruel for the little pot you've got going here.


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Where are you getting these ideas from!!!! It is not just Thailand. It is normal for a foreigner not to be given bail as he has no ties to the region and is a higher risk to flee than a local.

Foreigners are a higher risk than locals. Where is the logic behind this? Why are foreigners higher risk than Thais'? Are Thais' better than Foreigners? Explain yourself?

Fancy walking around cities in the US at night...or is that TIT as well.

I have many times mate even the bad areas. Many Thais' would die to live in American. Did you forget that? I forgot you must be a retiree.

Yes foriegners are more of a flight risk than locals ..... and yes in most western countries you are more likely to be mugged than in Thailand .....(not counting thise 'fines' i keep paying right to the police)

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I spoke to a Farang friend of the victim last Sunday. He went to his dead friends house the day after the incident and spoke to his dead friends wife, who re-iterated the story of Mark being drunk and beating her and her father stabbing him, because of it. He was also a drinking partner of the deceased and confirmed that Mark was a heavy drinker "who could get a bit silly when drunk". He witnessed many rows between the couple and described the marrige as tempestuous. Though he saw many rows, he never ever saw Mark strike or threaten to strike her. He went back to visit last Sunday, The father-in law was at home, out on 15,000 Baht bail (negotiated). He noticed a large bruise had emerged on the Lady's forehead, which wasn't in evidence on his last visit. As he left he gave her the usual "If there's anything I can do to help you". 4 hours later she phoned him to ask for 200,000 Baht. He declined pleading poverty. Another business associate of mine, Thai (well educated and highly articulate) described the father-in law as a little snake. (apparently he is of small stature) This is only an opinion you must understand. More gruel for the little pot you've got going here.


This is interesting.... As I said earlier, don't accuse ones that cannot speak up for themselves espcially the on that doesn't breathe.

So what happens now? Is the case closed? :o

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Anyone who has lived in Thailand for a long time should realise that farangs in general have very limited rights when it comes to Thai law.

Thais have been able to con, cheat, swindle, bash, rape and murder farangs and get away with it for years.

Unless you have big money and/or connections in Thailand you must tread very warily. The rule of law is very selectively enforced and one must be very careful in dealings with any Thai as there is always the possibility of repercussions.

I don't think this is being alarmist but things can escalate out of control very quickly in Thailand and what may seem a small matter to a westerner could in fact become a life or death matter where a Thai is involved.

What the actual facts are in this particular case is hard to know.

What we do know is that the father in law has been charged with premeditated murder and is out on bail.

I can't remember any cases in Australia where this sort of case allowed bail but yet it is a regular occurrence in Thailand.

Do you think this guy would be out on bail if he had murdered a Hiso Thai?

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