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Briton Stabbed To Death By His Thai Father-in-law


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So beware..! White men BEWARE!!!

IF you want a Thai wife you need to be careful of your selective family because when you marry someone it means you marry a whole family. Unlike western world. :D

It is not just being with someone you love but the whole culture and it is even more complex when you have to live in Thailand. :o:D


Thaiginger; first I thought that the picture in your postings was a 'posterior' - but then, after reading your numerous silly "postings", I realized that it must be your face: no suprise then - so much "verbal diahrea . . . . . ! ! !

Your 'take' on relationships between Farang <> Thai women, not to mention their entire families, would be laugable, if it wasn't so sad !

Grow-up, pal ! :D

I am totally perplexed at all the quick opinions and judgements, by many posters, founded on nothing but a factual bare statement of a Farang dying under somewhat peculiar circumstances.

Wouldn't it be much more sensible to wait for some factual-conclussions of a proper investigation ? ? ?

It would be better to hold all your comments, once it has been made public what the specific circumstances were.

Otherwise, a lot of people should copy-and-past Mr. Ginger-Man's picture and 'fly' it in their postings too . . . . . . . .


Carpe Diem

:D Deal with it, Carpe Diem :D

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...But than [sic] again Thai people do not commit suicide.

Where did you get that? You obviously don't work with Thai college and university students.

I think that line was very much tongue in cheek

Referring to the fact that a lot of farand deaths are often passed of as suicide where any rational person would say murder.

Man tied to pier south of Pattaya

Man dead in Dynasty hotel in Suk Soi 4 (although a Pakistani admitted this murder later I beleive - the same guy who left dismembered Thai girls in bin bags in soi 3)

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I would bet that the Father-Law-Law felt he was not getting his due. Everything funnels through the parent in most of Thailand. In many cases it is tryannical in nature. The Daughters especially the youngest is very much expected to give all she makes to the parent and to take care of them. when a Farang enters the picture, he does not usually want to be singled out as the Social security of the parents, but in most cases he cannot escape that role and resentments arise-which in this case lead to a knife in his back.

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So beware..! White men BEWARE!!!

IF you want a Thai wife you need to be careful of your selective family because when you marry someone it means you marry a whole family. Unlike western world. :D

It is not just being with someone you love but the whole culture and it is even more complex when you have to live in Thailand. :o:D


Thaiginger; first I thought that the picture in your postings was a 'posterior' - but then, after reading your numerous silly "postings", I realized that it must be your face: no suprise then - so much "verbal diahrea . . . . . ! ! !

Your 'take' on relationships between Farang <> Thai women, not to mention their entire families, would be laugable, if it wasn't so sad !

Grow-up, pal ! :D

I am totally perplexed at all the quick opinions and judgements, by many posters, founded on nothing but a factual bare statement of a Farang dying under somewhat peculiar circumstances.

Wouldn't it be much more sensible to wait for some factual-conclussions of a proper investigation ? ? ?

It would be better to hold all your comments, once it has been made public what the specific circumstances were.

Otherwise, a lot of people should copy-and-past Mr. Ginger-Man's picture and 'fly' it in their postings too . . . . . . . .


Carpe Diem

:D Deal with it, Carpe Diem :D

Cape Diem Have you ever read a novel A book that is. They are full of non factual conclusions Stories you know---- Are you the Forum Cop or something BUGGER OFF

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Briton stabbed to death by his Thai father-in-law


Mark Jones, 42, with his son

NAKORN RATCHASIMA: -- A THAI man has been charged with murder after his son-in-law from Essex was stabbed to death, police have revealed.

Mark Jones, 42, from Colchester, was stabbed twice in the back on Wednesday night, Thai police said.

Police Major Jaran Pankratok said Mr Jones had been with his Thai wife Saichai Chantee for about two years and the couple had a one-year-old son.

He would not give details of the case, saying only that it was a "family matter" that involved "marital problems".

The stabbing happened at Son Chantee's home in Pak Chong district, Nakorn Ratchasima province, 75 miles north east of Bangkok, he said.

Another police officer said that Mr Jones's father-in-law has been charged with premeditated murder and released on bail.

A Foreign Office spokeswoman said that Mr Jones was originally from Colchester but had been living in Thailand for around two years.

She said his next of kin had been informed and a family liaison officer had been appointed.

She said it was standard practice that police had a maximum of 84 days to submit papers to the public prosecutor.

Ian Proud, a spokesman for the British Embassy in Bangkok, Thailand, said: "Obviously the matter is now under investigation but we are aware of the situation.

"I know consular staff have been working with the Foreign Office in London since receiving notification of the matter.

"As this is still the subject of an investigation it would be inappropriate to say more.”

Last night a spokeswoman for Essex Police said she was unable to reveal any further details at this time but confirmed a family liaison officer was supporting Mr Jones' grieving family who still lived in the Colchester area.

--eadt.co.uk 2006-03-24

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Well what can I say? When in Rome do as the Romans do, follow Roman law and be polite and curtious to all, common sense. Nobody murders for no reason, there always an emotional issue in 98% of all homicides. Maybe the Pommy was a drunk, who knows. Any Westerner who wants to critisise the foreign ways of life in the country of which they have chosen to reside is nothing more than Christian self rightousness. I'm glad Thailand is not trying to be all things to everybody like some Western countries where multiculturalism has gone MAD!

Don't worry, my fiancee is Thai. Her Mother has passed away and, her Father has had a stroke. Maybe her ex-husband police officer will shoot me dead for being a farang. Well that's Thailand and I LOVE IT. :o

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I think its cute how all these farangs get so up in arms when a Thai kills a white man. Without even questioning the circumstances, automaticaly the Thai is wrong, The Thai man is a coward, a vicious brutal murderous beast...ect ect ect... Chances are if he was a drunk and he did beat his wife, then he had it comming to get stabbed by his wife's dad.

I would stab the guy too if he choked my daughter.

But no...everyone here, it seems, would rather feel sorry for the abuser.

Put the funny-smelling cigarette out and stop taking the silly pills Cpt_M0ney_Sh0t. You've condemned a man based on a "rumour" (to put it loosely) while giving a suspected murderer a medal. Are you really so looney? Here are the facts: 1 dead farang with two stab wounds to the back, 1 arrested father-in-law, 1 picture of a happy looking farang with his baby ....

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I think its cute how all these farangs get so up in arms when a Thai kills a white man. Without even questioning the circumstances, automaticaly the Thai is wrong, The Thai man is a coward, a vicious brutal murderous beast...ect ect ect... Chances are if he was a drunk and he did beat his wife, then he had it comming to get stabbed by his wife's dad.

I would stab the guy too if he choked my daughter.

But no...everyone here, it seems, would rather feel sorry for the abuser.


Again your hyperbole detracts from your argument.

Maybe due to past precedent in Thai Farang killings make some people feel justice will not be done in Thailand where the rule of law in tenuous at best - case history dear chap.

Then again the you use of the words "chances are"

Chances are he did abuse his wife

Chances are the father was a drunk and wanted the house.

You do not know and neither do I - will the truth come out?

Even that is questionable - a Thai FiL looking to save his own skin here would play the farang card if possible - self interest ?

I agree ...

Chances are he was a loving father

Chances are his wife had a "gig"

Chances are her family had run up some debts

Chances are he didn't want to pay them off for the father-in-law

Chance are ..... but what are the actual facts?

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So beware..! White men BEWARE!!!

IF you want a Thai wife you need to be careful of your selective family because when you marry someone it means you marry a whole family. Unlike western world. :D

It is not just being with someone you love but the whole culture and it is even more complex when you have to live in Thailand. :o:D

This is actually very good advice. When you are about to marry your prostitute you have fallen in love check out her whiskey swilling father and tattoed brother. They now belong to you....hmmmm..."but she was such a nice girl in the bar on soi 6 for the two weeks I knew her before asking her to marry me. Her family was soooo friendly"


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Just a reminder for all those Americans who have been confidently asserting what the conditions of bail are - or are not - that this is NOT the USA.

In Thailand the local police decide whether "bail" is set or not. And often "bail" is simply an expression which means "we've let they guy go home for a while".

Conditions vary from one area to another, depending on such legal exactitudes as to whether the local police are related to the offender, his standing in the community, etc.

There seem to be very few consistently set laws in Thailand.


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I think its cute how all these farangs get so up in arms when a Thai kills a white man. Without even questioning the circumstances, automaticaly the Thai is wrong, The Thai man is a coward, a vicious brutal murderous beast...ect ect ect... Chances are if he was a drunk and he did beat his wife, then he had it comming to get stabbed by his wife's dad.

I would stab the guy too if he choked my daughter.

But no...everyone here, it seems, would rather feel sorry for the abuser.

Put the funny-smelling cigarette out and stop taking the silly pills Cpt_M0ney_Sh0t. You've condemned a man based on a "rumour" (to put it loosely) while giving a suspected murderer a medal. Are you really so looney? Here are the facts: 1 dead farang with two stab wounds to the back, 1 arrested father-in-law, 1 picture of a happy looking farang with his baby ....

and what do your so called facts do to prove anything, what does the picture prove or have to do with the incident? so he was happy when it was taken, doesn't mean that the "rumour" isn't true either and vice versa. No one has come up with any more facts yet. Yet the FIL is guilty as charged already

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Typical white lynch mob mentality.... all violence an out rage, few really care to know the facts.

Seen anyone about that yet?

The enormous chip on your shoulder!

The quest from the facts and seems to have eluded you as well but hypocracy is rarely noticed by the perpetrators of it.

You also make your own assumptions but I will not stoop as low as you my friend and make racist assumptions.

If anyone had made a comment like, "Black guys jumping to wife beating assumptions as its their normal practice in relationships" they would rightly be denounced and banned from the board.

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Well, the search for the facts seems to have eluded most of the halfwits who have posted their drivel in this thread, including yourself...

Sorry I did not realise I was a detective on the case and was searching for facts.

I did in fact did post that I did not know the facts but that seems to have eluded a halfwit such as *yourself* my dear chap when posting your drivel :o

Edited by Prakanong2005
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I know most of the half-wits here aren't interested in facts, no need to get worked up about it... :D

So they would not be followers of Sir Thomas Gradgrinds then - living their lives according to facts orv having them as a religion? :o

To quote him from "Hard Times"

"“You can only form the minds of reasoning animals upon Facts: nothing else will ever be of any service to them. "

Edited by Prakanong2005
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I do not know who wrote this, but I can assure you that Thais DO commit suicide at one of the highest levels in the entire world. I have been here 20 years and back in 1994 I went to 3 funerals in a month, all of them broken-hearted Thai spouses aged under 30 ! Incidently, they all chose the same way - a Mekong small bottle mixed with 40 baht of rat poison.

Yes, rat poison in the Mae khong bottle is the classic rural Thai method of suicide for lovers and others. Most often one reads about such tragedies in the Thai newspapers when upper class men fall in love with women from lower economic classes and "proud" parents forbid the reationship. Many years ago this played out with a scion from the Bunnag family. Of course rat poison was not cinematic enough for Jintara and Santisuk in the film Saphan Sarasin.

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The news item that started this discussion was almost entirely barren of details. However, something apparently touched a nerve here, because there were so many replies.

I think we must keep in mind that everyone, to a certain degree, suffers from limited perceptions due to cultural influences and conditioning.

Thus, although we may not understand exactly how "justice" is meted out in a country like Thailand, we can't therefore conclude that the Thai system is bankrupt.

I suppose my appeal here is to common sense. All societies are aware that murder must be dealt with. The problem, culturally, is what constitutes a definition of murder, as opposed to, say, religiously-sanctioned killing, or killing of the enemy in combat, or killing in the name of state power or law enforcement. That cliché about one person's terrorist being another person's freedom fighter is quite relevant here.

Essentially, the threshhold of acceptable killing differs according to time, place and circumstance, even in the same country at different times. One could say, somewhat cynically, that a murderer is simply a killer without a constituency to defend him. A rigid moralist would counter that such a "constituency" is complicit in the crime, but in the real world, the finding of "extenuating circumstances" happens all the time.

On another note, we mustn't forget that the British authorities will be putting the screws on the Thais to get to the bottom of this. The Thais, for their part, have to tread carefully, inasmuch as this episode brings to the surface all the difficulties in dealing with foreigners generally.

In Bangkok back in 2005, while looking across the alley from a nice open-air restaurant off Khao San Road, I witnessed Thai police very diplomatically attempt to subdue a totally out-of-control farang whose drunkenness and nasty demeanor were, quite frankly, enough to make me feel ashamed that I, too, was a foreigner.

Yes, it goes the other way -- frequently. The tensions between farangs and the locals will never cease. This forum is replete with tales of farangs being ripped off, accosted, violated or taken advantage of. (One reason I like to visit it.)

There is no easy solution to this one. Perhaps the real question is when to be diplomatic, when to exercise due caution lest one tread upon cultural sensibilities, and when to smash someone in the face with your fist.

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The news item that started this discussion was almost entirely barren of details. However, something apparently touched a nerve here, because there were so many replies.

The lack of details is overwhelming. It isn't only in the English-language press either. I originally caught this news item on Thai television. Since then, couldn't find anything else in the Thai press. My wife was a bit incensed as she said "i have never heard of a Thai killing his son-in-law because the son-in-law was beating his daughter". Why has nothing been heard from the supposed victim. In all likelihood, the brit was probably of bigger stature than everyone, so why was some likely smaller old guy able to kill him so easily.

If anyone does come across some links, Thai or English, please post them.

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I feel real bad for the Brit who got stabbed. Like a few of these posts have pointed out, there are not many facts posted. Still, as usual a fight has broken out on this site with people taking sides. People are also speculating that this guy was a drunken wife beater. If I had been stabbed to death in a foreign country Im sure my family would have been devastated to think that people were imagining up all sorts of slights on my character just to win an argument.

Thailand seems quite lawless at times, but im pretty sure that is part of the alure for a lot of people. Dont get me wrong Im not saying he had it coming or anything, I think that we shouldnt make up scenarios. If you want to argue with each other, use proven facts and leave this guy & his family alone.

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