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Thai Public Health Ministry To Provide Free Vaccines For Flu Prevention Nationwide


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Public Health Ministry to provide free vaccines for flu prevention nationwide
By Digital Media


BANGKOK, May 27 - Thailand's Public Health Ministry is to provide free vaccines for flu prevention nationwide, starting today.

Vaccinations will be to bolster immunity among two groups of people, or about 3.5 million persons, at risk of flu infection.

Hospitals under the ministry countrywide as well as other public and private hospitals under the government's 30-baht health care scheme will join the programme.

Public Health Deputy Minister Cholanan Srikaew said this year the ministry and National Health Security Office (NHSO) will jointly offer free vaccination from May 27-31 for medical personnel and officials responsible for disposing of poultry as well as for the public who are over 65 years old, women over four months pregnant, children aged from six months to 12 years old, and patients of all ages with certain chronic diseases.

The vaccines against three strains of influenza, which are Type A (H1N1 and H3N2), and Type B, will offer protection for about one year.

According to statistics, the providing of such vaccines has helped cut the number of infections and deaths from over 115,000 patients and 126 deaths in 2010 to about 61,000 patients and 4 deaths in 2012 respectively.

For this year so far, the Epidemiology Bureau reported that there were around 18,000 patients infected with influenza with no fatalities. (MCOT online news)

-- The Nation 2013-05-27

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I belong to one of the groups that need a new fluvax each year.

I am really impressed with the treatment I recieve from ChiangRai public hospital with one exception. They will only vacinate Thais. THe private hospital I went to in CR tried to vaccinate me with 10 month old vacine which does not contain the recent strains. The Government fluvax does. Note..I was not trying to get it free. I pay for all medicine and services which is reasonable to do.

Edited by harrry
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...will offer protection for about one year.... I wonder how many will die from the side effects.

As there have been no deaths reported and caused by the vaccine in at least the past 5 years , I will take a guess and say no one. However, in the high risk groups being given the vaccine several thousand people will most likely avoid being hospitalized with pneumonia and an estimated 50-100 kids under the age of 15 will not die. Influenza has been studied extensively in Thailand, and the mortality and illness data has been established.

Unless you can cite some actual reliable data from a reputable source, you should not attempt to undermine an important public health initiative. The money saved on hospitalization will be better used for caring for the public.

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...will offer protection for about one year.... I wonder how many will die from the side effects.

As there have been no deaths reported and caused by the vaccine in at least the past 5 years , I will take a guess and say no one. However, in the high risk groups being given the vaccine several thousand people will most likely avoid being hospitalized with pneumonia and an estimated 50-100 kids under the age of 15 will not die. Influenza has been studied extensively in Thailand, and the mortality and illness data has been established.

Unless you can cite some actual reliable data from a reputable source, you should not attempt to undermine an important public health initiative. The money saved on hospitalization will be better used for caring for the public.

My only wish is that they were able to extend this to a larger population spread and possibly stop the disease spreading in Thailand. I know that because of the mustation of the flu virus this is an impossible task but it would be nice if it was like smallpox.

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According to this and many other articles I've read, Flu vaccines are highly ineffective and toxic:

Every year, physicians recommend that people get flu shots to bolster their immune system and prevent getting the flu. The ideology behind flu vaccines is that humans are unable to adapt to their environment and must depend on modern technology to survive the seasons. Flu vaccines have been shown to be highly ineffective and toxic for human and animal use.

Vaccines are one of medicine's prized attempt to improve human performance. They use artificial laboratory derived medical technology to produce an immune response within the body in hopes it will lead to a long-term positive anti-body response. The American Medical Association is especially vigilant about requiring those they deem as immune compromised to get the flu shot. This includes infants and children, pregnant women and seniors.

The vaccine ideology is based on the belief that people are created with inferior immune systems that are unable to keep up with the demands of the environment and need modern technology in the form of man-made vaccine formulations in order to bolster immunity.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, "The following substances are found in flu vaccines: aluminum, antibiotics, egg protein, formaldehyde, human aborted fetal apparatus (dead human tissue), monosodium glutamate (MSG), and thimerosol (mercury)."

Flu vaccines are directly linked to about a dozen cases of paralysis and brain damage each year. Many researchers believe these flu vaccine cocktails produce delayed reactions and long-term health consequences.

Dr. Hugh Fudenberg, a world-leading immunogeneticist, has extensively studied the effects of the flu vaccine on neurological health. The results of his research indicate that an individual has a 10-time greater chance of getting Alzheimer's disease after receiving five flu shots in the course of their life compared to individuals who have had zero to one shot in their lifetime.

Dr. Fudenberg and other researchers believe the increased risk of Alzheimer's is a result of the combination of mercury and aluminum within the flu vaccine. Individuals with poor blood sugar signaling and weakened anti-oxidant defense systems will bio-accumulate these heavy metals in areas of their brain with repeated vaccine and other environmental exposure.

Scientists take an educated guess

Flu vaccines offer no guarantee of protection due to the wide variety of viral flu strains. There is no single virus that causes the flu and there is no single flu vaccine that protects against all strains. Scientists take an educated guess as to what three of over 300 different flu viruses they expect to have the greatest virulence in the upcoming year. The vaccine is then formulated from these three viruses.

When you get the flu vaccine, your body produces antibodies to three specific strains of the virus. So you basically have a three out of 300 chance (one percent) of being vaccinated for the proper viral strain. Additionally, the viruses are always adapting and may change form by the time you are exposed.

Even if you are fortunate enough to receive a vaccine for the proper strain of virus, it will be useless if your body hasn't produced a full response (which takes two weeks) or if there is too much time (over three months) between vaccine and viral exposure. The virus may have adapted over time to create a structure the body fails to recognize.

The vaccine will also be useless if your body doesn't produce enough of a response or too damaging a response due to high levels of viral exposure and poor immune coordination. The immune system could be acting blindly due to high sugar intake, low vitamin D3 levels, damaged gut lining and upper cervical subluxations among other things.

Sources for this article include:




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According to this and many other articles I've read, Flu vaccines are highly ineffective and toxic:

Every year, physicians recommend that people get flu shots to bolster their immune system and prevent getting the flu. The ideology behind flu vaccines is that humans are unable to adapt to their environment and must depend on modern technology to survive the seasons. Flu vaccines have been shown to be highly ineffective and toxic for human and animal use.

Vaccines are one of medicine's prized attempt to improve human performance. They use artificial laboratory derived medical technology to produce an immune response within the body in hopes it will lead to a long-term positive anti-body response. The American Medical Association is especially vigilant about requiring those they deem as immune compromised to get the flu shot. This includes infants and children, pregnant women and seniors.

The vaccine ideology is based on the belief that people are created with inferior immune systems that are unable to keep up with the demands of the environment and need modern technology in the form of man-made vaccine formulations in order to bolster immunity.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, "The following substances are found in flu vaccines: aluminum, antibiotics, egg protein, formaldehyde, human aborted fetal apparatus (dead human tissue), monosodium glutamate (MSG), and thimerosol (mercury)."

Flu vaccines are directly linked to about a dozen cases of paralysis and brain damage each year. Many researchers believe these flu vaccine cocktails produce delayed reactions and long-term health consequences.

Dr. Hugh Fudenberg, a world-leading immunogeneticist, has extensively studied the effects of the flu vaccine on neurological health. The results of his research indicate that an individual has a 10-time greater chance of getting Alzheimer's disease after receiving five flu shots in the course of their life compared to individuals who have had zero to one shot in their lifetime.

Dr. Fudenberg and other researchers believe the increased risk of Alzheimer's is a result of the combination of mercury and aluminum within the flu vaccine. Individuals with poor blood sugar signaling and weakened anti-oxidant defense systems will bio-accumulate these heavy metals in areas of their brain with repeated vaccine and other environmental exposure.

Scientists take an educated guess

Flu vaccines offer no guarantee of protection due to the wide variety of viral flu strains. There is no single virus that causes the flu and there is no single flu vaccine that protects against all strains. Scientists take an educated guess as to what three of over 300 different flu viruses they expect to have the greatest virulence in the upcoming year. The vaccine is then formulated from these three viruses.

When you get the flu vaccine, your body produces antibodies to three specific strains of the virus. So you basically have a three out of 300 chance (one percent) of being vaccinated for the proper viral strain. Additionally, the viruses are always adapting and may change form by the time you are exposed.

Even if you are fortunate enough to receive a vaccine for the proper strain of virus, it will be useless if your body hasn't produced a full response (which takes two weeks) or if there is too much time (over three months) between vaccine and viral exposure. The virus may have adapted over time to create a structure the body fails to recognize.

The vaccine will also be useless if your body doesn't produce enough of a response or too damaging a response due to high levels of viral exposure and poor immune coordination. The immune system could be acting blindly due to high sugar intake, low vitamin D3 levels, damaged gut lining and upper cervical subluxations among other things.

Sources for this article include:




Thank your for your consideration in writing this article, I appreciate it. As a 73 year senior with a compromised immune system I do have to be causious of vacinations. I would point out that anyone with a chronic disease is likely to have a compromised immune system and should consider the risks when choosing flue vacine.

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the flu going around Thailand now is the strongest i have ever experienced

it comes on and then goes into the chest causing an annoying cough

it then subsides and then comes back with a vengence

the coughing is worse and should be controlled through cough mixture

so its like getting the cold twice

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Flu vaccines are highly effective . In the last 22 years the vaccine matched the targeted viruses
18 times, even when they didn’t match, the vaccine drastically reduced the
severity of the flu. http://www.cdc.gov/flu/protect/keyfacts.htm

Mercury based preservative is not used in single dose flu vaccine such as those in the clinics.


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  • 2 months later...

Flu vaccines are highly effective . In the last 22 years the vaccine matched the targeted viruses

18 times, even when they didn’t match, the vaccine drastically reduced the

severity of the flu. http://www.cdc.gov/flu/protect/keyfacts.htm

Mercury based preservative is not used in single dose flu vaccine such as those in the clinics.


Have you ever considered governments / politicians lie?

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  • 6 months later...

Any real proof that vaccinating the general population really works?

My kids got a letter from school last week that they would have to pay for this. I am not convinced at all

the "proof" (evidence) is overwhelming......why don;t you do some research before posting a comment like that?

Edited by wilcopops
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Any real proof that vaccinating the general population really works?

My kids got a letter from school last week that they would have to pay for this. I am not convinced at all

the "proof" (evidence) is overwhelming......why don;t you do some research before posting a comment like that?

I've done reading. First of all, who prepares this Thai version with the necessary quadrille combination? Thai govt research?

If so I reserve the right to believe that these paid for thai vaccines are possibly a con. Incidence in north america or Europe will be completely different to south east Asia.

Then go read the CDC page itself. Every page has a caveat about how it may not work.

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Any real proof that vaccinating the general population really works?

My kids got a letter from school last week that they would have to pay for this. I am not convinced at all

the "proof" (evidence) is overwhelming......why don;t you do some research before posting a comment like that?

I've done reading. First of all, who prepares this Thai version with the necessary quadrille combination? Thai govt research?

If so I reserve the right to believe that these paid for thai vaccines are possibly a con. Incidence in north america or Europe will be completely different to south east Asia.

Then go read the CDC page itself. Every page has a caveat about how it may not work.

Reserve the right? really to ignore the facts, the science and the truth.....

You clearly don't understand how the flu vaccine works....... vaccines are seldom 100% effective.........and simply to deride Thailand as con merchants is frankly risible if not racist.

I have frequently criticised the Thai health industry and drug manufacturing standards here may inconsistent, but if you know anything about how a vaccine works you'd realise that it is almost impossible for it to become dangerous.

i think you need to make up your mind here are you for or against vaccines or are you saying that Thai vaccines don't work?

What are you basing your predictions in Asia, North America and Europe. ....and what are they predictions of?

Edited by wilcopops
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...will offer protection for about one year.... I wonder how many will die from the side effects.

Probably not many. It is a typical Nation headline offering free Nation wide.

Then the article puts so many limitations on it that it boils down to 3 and a 1/2 million out of 66 million.

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...will offer protection for about one year.... I wonder how many will die from the side effects.

As there have been no deaths reported and caused by the vaccine in at least the past 5 years , I will take a guess and say no one. However, in the high risk groups being given the vaccine several thousand people will most likely avoid being hospitalized with pneumonia and an estimated 50-100 kids under the age of 15 will not die. Influenza has been studied extensively in Thailand, and the mortality and illness data has been established.

Unless you can cite some actual reliable data from a reputable source, you should not attempt to undermine an important public health initiative. The money saved on hospitalization will be better used for caring for the public.

I for one would be greately interested in

"Influenza has been studied extensively in Thailand, and the mortality and illness data has been established." That tells me nothing.

Like studying tea leaves in the bottom of the cup.

Can I have the figures please as I have family in two of the groups.

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...will offer protection for about one year.... I wonder how many will die from the side effects.

The answer to your question is NIL

Do you have ay idea of how many people die if flu every year?

Do you even know what flu really is?

I for one don't. I also just last week turned down the offer from my doctor for one at a charge of course. I have a doctor who actually cares for her patients you make an appointment and get in to see her close to that time. Unlike so many where it is just a production line. She has a record of all my medications and the reports from specialists she has sent me to see.

If you have the figures it would be appreciated if you would post them rather than just make it look bad.

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Any real proof that vaccinating the general population really works?

My kids got a letter from school last week that they would have to pay for this. I am not convinced at all

the "proof" (evidence) is overwhelming......why don;t you do some research before posting a comment like that?

I've done reading. First of all, who prepares this Thai version with the necessary quadrille combination? Thai govt research?

If so I reserve the right to believe that these paid for thai vaccines are possibly a con. Incidence in north america or Europe will be completely different to south east Asia.

Then go read the CDC page itself. Every page has a caveat about how it may not work.

Reserve the right? really to ignore the facts, the science and the truth.....

You clearly don't understand how the flu vaccine works....... vaccines are seldom 100% effective.........and simply to deride Thailand as con merchants is frankly risible if not racist.

I have frequently criticised the Thai health industry and drug manufacturing standards here may inconsistent, but if you know anything about how a vaccine works you'd realise that it is almost impossible for it to become dangerous.

i think you need to make up your mind here are you for or against vaccines or are you saying that Thai vaccines don't work?

What are you basing your predictions in Asia, North America and Europe. ....and what are they predictions of?

Ive never had flu in my 40 years, and I have never had a flu vaccine. I have had lots of other vaccines that have been very successful so far. My children have never had a flu vaccine, and this issue whereby they were presented with a piece of paper to claim that they would be having a paid for flu vaccine got my attention. Why is it paid? Who is it provided by? And the list goes on. Who said it was dangerous? I was wondering if it is effective and sufficiently beneficial?

Statistics show that it is far more beneficial in older weaker patients, and ther was no mention made of whether this was recommended to be given to prevent bird flu or swine flu. So as I asked up the top, is it recommended for the general population? No it isn't. The recommendation in the west is very young or very old. Not the general population, and not healthy 12 year olds.

People who should have a flu jab

The injected flu vaccine is offered free of charge on the NHS to people who are at risk to ensure that they are protected against catching flu and developing serious complications.

You are eligible to receive a free flu jab if you:

  • are 65 years of age or over
  • are pregnant
  • have certain medical conditions (see below)
  • are living in a long-stay residential care home or other long-stay care facility
  • receive a carer's allowance, or you are the main carer for an elderly or disabled person whose welfare may be at risk if you fall ill
  • are a healthcare worker with direct patient contact or a social care worker (see below)
Flu vaccine for children

The flu vaccine is recommended for:

  • children over the age of six months with a long term health condition
  • healthy children aged two and three

Children aged between six months and two years of age who are eligible for the flu vaccine should have the flu jab.

Children eligible for the flu vaccine aged between two and 18 will usually have the flu vaccine nasal spray.

Read about who should have the children's flu vaccine.


So I ask again. Why were they mass vaccinating healthy school children for a fee????? Does this maybe smack of being a con and an unnecessary expense?

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According to this and many other articles I've read, Flu vaccines are highly ineffective and toxic:

Every year, physicians recommend that people get flu shots to bolster their immune system and prevent getting the flu. The ideology behind flu vaccines is that humans are unable to adapt to their environment and must depend on modern technology to survive the seasons. Flu vaccines have been shown to be highly ineffective and toxic for human and animal use.

Vaccines are one of medicine's prized attempt to improve human performance. They use artificial laboratory derived medical technology to produce an immune response within the body in hopes it will lead to a long-term positive anti-body response. The American Medical Association is especially vigilant about requiring those they deem as immune compromised to get the flu shot. This includes infants and children, pregnant women and seniors.

The vaccine ideology is based on the belief that people are created with inferior immune systems that are unable to keep up with the demands of the environment and need modern technology in the form of man-made vaccine formulations in order to bolster immunity.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, "The following substances are found in flu vaccines: aluminum, antibiotics, egg protein, formaldehyde, human aborted fetal apparatus (dead human tissue), monosodium glutamate (MSG), and thimerosol (mercury)."

Flu vaccines are directly linked to about a dozen cases of paralysis and brain damage each year. Many researchers believe these flu vaccine cocktails produce delayed reactions and long-term health consequences.

Dr. Hugh Fudenberg, a world-leading immunogeneticist, has extensively studied the effects of the flu vaccine on neurological health. The results of his research indicate that an individual has a 10-time greater chance of getting Alzheimer's disease after receiving five flu shots in the course of their life compared to individuals who have had zero to one shot in their lifetime.

Dr. Fudenberg and other researchers believe the increased risk of Alzheimer's is a result of the combination of mercury and aluminum within the flu vaccine. Individuals with poor blood sugar signaling and weakened anti-oxidant defense systems will bio-accumulate these heavy metals in areas of their brain with repeated vaccine and other environmental exposure.

Scientists take an educated guess

Flu vaccines offer no guarantee of protection due to the wide variety of viral flu strains. There is no single virus that causes the flu and there is no single flu vaccine that protects against all strains. Scientists take an educated guess as to what three of over 300 different flu viruses they expect to have the greatest virulence in the upcoming year. The vaccine is then formulated from these three viruses.

When you get the flu vaccine, your body produces antibodies to three specific strains of the virus. So you basically have a three out of 300 chance (one percent) of being vaccinated for the proper viral strain. Additionally, the viruses are always adapting and may change form by the time you are exposed.

Even if you are fortunate enough to receive a vaccine for the proper strain of virus, it will be useless if your body hasn't produced a full response (which takes two weeks) or if there is too much time (over three months) between vaccine and viral exposure. The virus may have adapted over time to create a structure the body fails to recognize.

The vaccine will also be useless if your body doesn't produce enough of a response or too damaging a response due to high levels of viral exposure and poor immune coordination. The immune system could be acting blindly due to high sugar intake, low vitamin D3 levels, damaged gut lining and upper cervical subluxations among other things.

Sources for this article include:




You may also wish to read this


and this


Both lengthy, a few years old but thorough and with plenty of sources to follow the trail.

As with the military, to understand the pharmacons just follow the money. Notice how few 'medicines' actually cure anything! The most profitable 'medicine' is one that has to be taken daily, is addictive, is difficult to stop, alleviates a few symptoms, creates a few extra side-effects that require a different 'medicine' - repeat the process.

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There is a serious problem here....those who believe or promulgate "anti-vaccine" theories.

firstly their ideas are utterly and completely wrong.

some may argue "so what?" what's the harm in that?"

The harm is this.....they are killing people, making millions of others sick and costing populations huge amounts of money.

Their ignorance is actually damaging.

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Flu vaccines are highly effective . In the last 22 years the vaccine matched the targeted viruses

18 times, even when they didn’t match, the vaccine drastically reduced the

severity of the flu. http://www.cdc.gov/flu/protect/keyfacts.htm

Mercury based preservative is not used in single dose flu vaccine such as those in the clinics.


Have you ever considered governments / politicians lie?

u really think that is a valid argument?

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  • 2 weeks later...

According to this and many other articles I've read, Flu vaccines are highly ineffective and toxic:

Every year, physicians recommend that people get flu shots to bolster their immune system and prevent getting the flu. The ideology behind flu vaccines is that humans are unable to adapt to their environment and must depend on modern technology to survive the seasons. Flu vaccines have been shown to be highly ineffective and toxic for human and animal use.

Vaccines are one of medicine's prized attempt to improve human performance. They use artificial laboratory derived medical technology to produce an immune response within the body in hopes it will lead to a long-term positive anti-body response. The American Medical Association is especially vigilant about requiring those they deem as immune compromised to get the flu shot. This includes infants and children, pregnant women and seniors.

The vaccine ideology is based on the belief that people are created with inferior immune systems that are unable to keep up with the demands of the environment and need modern technology in the form of man-made vaccine formulations in order to bolster immunity.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, "The following substances are found in flu vaccines: aluminum, antibiotics, egg protein, formaldehyde, human aborted fetal apparatus (dead human tissue), monosodium glutamate (MSG), and thimerosol (mercury)."

Flu vaccines are directly linked to about a dozen cases of paralysis and brain damage each year. Many researchers believe these flu vaccine cocktails produce delayed reactions and long-term health consequences.

Dr. Hugh Fudenberg, a world-leading immunogeneticist, has extensively studied the effects of the flu vaccine on neurological health. The results of his research indicate that an individual has a 10-time greater chance of getting Alzheimer's disease after receiving five flu shots in the course of their life compared to individuals who have had zero to one shot in their lifetime.

Dr. Fudenberg and other researchers believe the increased risk of Alzheimer's is a result of the combination of mercury and aluminum within the flu vaccine. Individuals with poor blood sugar signaling and weakened anti-oxidant defense systems will bio-accumulate these heavy metals in areas of their brain with repeated vaccine and other environmental exposure.

Scientists take an educated guess

Flu vaccines offer no guarantee of protection due to the wide variety of viral flu strains. There is no single virus that causes the flu and there is no single flu vaccine that protects against all strains. Scientists take an educated guess as to what three of over 300 different flu viruses they expect to have the greatest virulence in the upcoming year. The vaccine is then formulated from these three viruses.

When you get the flu vaccine, your body produces antibodies to three specific strains of the virus. So you basically have a three out of 300 chance (one percent) of being vaccinated for the proper viral strain. Additionally, the viruses are always adapting and may change form by the time you are exposed.

Even if you are fortunate enough to receive a vaccine for the proper strain of virus, it will be useless if your body hasn't produced a full response (which takes two weeks) or if there is too much time (over three months) between vaccine and viral exposure. The virus may have adapted over time to create a structure the body fails to recognize.

The vaccine will also be useless if your body doesn't produce enough of a response or too damaging a response due to high levels of viral exposure and poor immune coordination. The immune system could be acting blindly due to high sugar intake, low vitamin D3 levels, damaged gut lining and upper cervical subluxations among other things.

Sources for this article include:




You may also wish to read this


and this


Both lengthy, a few years old but thorough and with plenty of sources to follow the trail.

As with the military, to understand the pharmacons just follow the money. Notice how few 'medicines' actually cure anything! The most profitable 'medicine' is one that has to be taken daily, is addictive, is difficult to stop, alleviates a few symptoms, creates a few extra side-effects that require a different 'medicine' - repeat the process.

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  • 3 weeks later...

According to this and many other articles I've read, Flu vaccines are highly ineffective and toxic:

Every year, physicians recommend that people get flu shots to bolster their immune system and prevent getting the flu. The ideology behind flu vaccines is that humans are unable to adapt to their environment and must depend on modern technology to survive the seasons. Flu vaccines have been shown to be highly ineffective and toxic for human and animal use.

Vaccines are one of medicine's prized attempt to improve human performance. They use artificial laboratory derived medical technology to produce an immune response within the body in hopes it will lead to a long-term positive anti-body response. The American Medical Association is especially vigilant about requiring those they deem as immune compromised to get the flu shot. This includes infants and children, pregnant women and seniors.

The vaccine ideology is based on the belief that people are created with inferior immune systems that are unable to keep up with the demands of the environment and need modern technology in the form of man-made vaccine formulations in order to bolster immunity.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, "The following substances are found in flu vaccines: aluminum, antibiotics, egg protein, formaldehyde, human aborted fetal apparatus (dead human tissue), monosodium glutamate (MSG), and thimerosol (mercury)."

Flu vaccines are directly linked to about a dozen cases of paralysis and brain damage each year. Many researchers believe these flu vaccine cocktails produce delayed reactions and long-term health consequences.

Dr. Hugh Fudenberg, a world-leading immunogeneticist, has extensively studied the effects of the flu vaccine on neurological health. The results of his research indicate that an individual has a 10-time greater chance of getting Alzheimer's disease after receiving five flu shots in the course of their life compared to individuals who have had zero to one shot in their lifetime.

Dr. Fudenberg and other researchers believe the increased risk of Alzheimer's is a result of the combination of mercury and aluminum within the flu vaccine. Individuals with poor blood sugar signaling and weakened anti-oxidant defense systems will bio-accumulate these heavy metals in areas of their brain with repeated vaccine and other environmental exposure.

Scientists take an educated guess

Flu vaccines offer no guarantee of protection due to the wide variety of viral flu strains. There is no single virus that causes the flu and there is no single flu vaccine that protects against all strains. Scientists take an educated guess as to what three of over 300 different flu viruses they expect to have the greatest virulence in the upcoming year. The vaccine is then formulated from these three viruses.

When you get the flu vaccine, your body produces antibodies to three specific strains of the virus. So you basically have a three out of 300 chance (one percent) of being vaccinated for the proper viral strain. Additionally, the viruses are always adapting and may change form by the time you are exposed.

Even if you are fortunate enough to receive a vaccine for the proper strain of virus, it will be useless if your body hasn't produced a full response (which takes two weeks) or if there is too much time (over three months) between vaccine and viral exposure. The virus may have adapted over time to create a structure the body fails to recognize.

The vaccine will also be useless if your body doesn't produce enough of a response or too damaging a response due to high levels of viral exposure and poor immune coordination. The immune system could be acting blindly due to high sugar intake, low vitamin D3 levels, damaged gut lining and upper cervical subluxations among other things.

Sources for this article include:




I see a problem with your post right from the start it appears you are unable to differentiate between a good supportable scientific idea or theory and the plethora or pseudo-scientific claptrap that abounds on the net. the result - confusion.

you might try and talk to a real person about this - there are various flu strains - Yes - but the vaccines ae aimed to counter certain strains, not a blanket vaccination.

You need to gen up on both flu and vaccines and how to look at sources. Try to avoid just googling things it is obviously confusing you.

Edited by wilcopops
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

According to this and many other articles I've read, Flu vaccines are highly ineffective and toxic:

Every year, physicians recommend that people get flu shots to bolster their immune system and prevent getting the flu. The ideology behind flu vaccines is that humans are unable to adapt to their environment and must depend on modern technology to survive the seasons. Flu vaccines have been shown to be highly ineffective and toxic for human and animal use.

Vaccines are one of medicine's prized attempt to improve human performance. They use artificial laboratory derived medical technology to produce an immune response within the body in hopes it will lead to a long-term positive anti-body response. The American Medical Association is especially vigilant about requiring those they deem as immune compromised to get the flu shot. This includes infants and children, pregnant women and seniors.

The vaccine ideology is based on the belief that people are created with inferior immune systems that are unable to keep up with the demands of the environment and need modern technology in the form of man-made vaccine formulations in order to bolster immunity.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, "The following substances are found in flu vaccines: aluminum, antibiotics, egg protein, formaldehyde, human aborted fetal apparatus (dead human tissue), monosodium glutamate (MSG), and thimerosol (mercury)."

Flu vaccines are directly linked to about a dozen cases of paralysis and brain damage each year. Many researchers believe these flu vaccine cocktails produce delayed reactions and long-term health consequences.

Dr. Hugh Fudenberg, a world-leading immunogeneticist, has extensively studied the effects of the flu vaccine on neurological health. The results of his research indicate that an individual has a 10-time greater chance of getting Alzheimer's disease after receiving five flu shots in the course of their life compared to individuals who have had zero to one shot in their lifetime.

Dr. Fudenberg and other researchers believe the increased risk of Alzheimer's is a result of the combination of mercury and aluminum within the flu vaccine. Individuals with poor blood sugar signaling and weakened anti-oxidant defense systems will bio-accumulate these heavy metals in areas of their brain with repeated vaccine and other environmental exposure.

Scientists take an educated guess

Flu vaccines offer no guarantee of protection due to the wide variety of viral flu strains. There is no single virus that causes the flu and there is no single flu vaccine that protects against all strains. Scientists take an educated guess as to what three of over 300 different flu viruses they expect to have the greatest virulence in the upcoming year. The vaccine is then formulated from these three viruses.

When you get the flu vaccine, your body produces antibodies to three specific strains of the virus. So you basically have a three out of 300 chance (one percent) of being vaccinated for the proper viral strain. Additionally, the viruses are always adapting and may change form by the time you are exposed.

Even if you are fortunate enough to receive a vaccine for the proper strain of virus, it will be useless if your body hasn't produced a full response (which takes two weeks) or if there is too much time (over three months) between vaccine and viral exposure. The virus may have adapted over time to create a structure the body fails to recognize.

The vaccine will also be useless if your body doesn't produce enough of a response or too damaging a response due to high levels of viral exposure and poor immune coordination. The immune system could be acting blindly due to high sugar intake, low vitamin D3 levels, damaged gut lining and upper cervical subluxations among other things.

Sources for this article include:




Thank your for your consideration in writing this article, I appreciate it. As a 73 year senior with a compromised immune system I do have to be causious of vacinations. I would point out that anyone with a chronic disease is likely to have a compromised immune system and should consider the risks when choosing flue vacine.

It is important to note that the links given above all relate to Crank or Quack websites.

In 1995 Fudenberg's medical license was suspended for improperly obtaining controlled substances !

People should ,of , course make up their own mind and obtain information from a reliable source such as


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