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Is This How It's Going To Be?


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Imagine the following scenario:

It's a Sunday afternoon in March 2004. A couple walk into a five-star hotel for lunch. One of them would like a glass of wine and the other would like a beer to accompany his food. The couple are told they can't order alcohol before 6pm or after midnight. So, it's fruit juice or coffee with their lunch.

Is this what will happen once the new regulations come into effect?

No hotels, pubs or restaurants will be allowed to sell alcohol outside the hours of 6pm - midnight?

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Good for memories. It happened to me before. After 11 hours on the plane finally arrived at my hotel just before midnight. No food, restaurant closed, no drink, bar closed.

Only difference, that was then, 30 years back in Moscow when the country still was called CCCP :o

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Can someone (someone who really knows his/her facts about the new regulations)clear out the following please ? :

Will ALL places (the ones that have an alcohol license of course) be able to sell alcohol all day till midnight (or 2 am in the case of the places inside the 'late zones') ? I mean, one can still go to a pub, food court at a mall or a snooker club and drink in the early afternoon...right ? What is this about ''you cannot get alcoholic drinks before 6 pm'' thing about ?! I think (and HOPE) there is nothing like that in the new regulations but can someone confirm that please ?



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jemjem...I suggest that you pick up some duty free booze before you get to BKK...at least enough to get by for a few days until you find out for yourself what the local situation is. Indications are that the availabilty of offsite liquor will not be clarified for some time...think about 3 litres of Smirnoff on the way in at Don Muang...you will always be able to get beer locally...

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Tutsi, thanks for the advice, man but what I had actually meant was not 'finding offsite liquor before 6 pm'.

What I had meant was that I was just worried about the possibility that as from March 1, places such as snooker clubs and food courts won't be able to sell beer and other alcoholic drinks (I actually almost always drink only beer as an alcoholic drink) before 6 pm. I love playing snooker and I cannot imagine myself enjoying my snooker without a few beers :o

I guess time will tell and there are only few days left before March 1.



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