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Australian Bodybuilder Gives Insight Into Thailand Steroid Holidays


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Bodybuilder gives insight into Thailand steroid holidays, doctors warn of health risks

By Matt Wordsworth

BRISBANE: -- An amateur bodybuilder has given an alarming insight into so-called steroid vacations, where eager athletes head to Thailand to buy supplements that are illegal in Australia.

All manner of performance-enhancing substances are legal in the country, and sell for a fraction of the cost of their black market equivalents in Australia.

The vacations are also fuelling a lively black market, and creating serious legal and health risks for those who partake.

Jarrad Fisher, 21, weighed just 70 kilograms as a teenager, but naturally bulked up through a diet, exercise and natural supplement regime.

To push his body to a new level, the Brisbane resident began looking to substances that would be illegal in this country.

"I came across steroid vacations," he told 7.30.

"I always knew Thailand was a place to go to get real cheap steroids and to train at good gyms.

"But it's a new thing these days that bodybuilders are going over just simply to live there for short periods just to completely utilise all the supplementation, the gyms and the steroids."

What he found in Thailand was an abundance of performance-enhancing drugs like steroids and human growth hormone - all of them legal and available over the counter.

"Probably about 90 per cent of the chemists you walk into just have it," Mr Fisher said.
"You walk in, ask them, they bring out a big book like big list of things, pictures and stuff, different brands of different things.

Full story: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2013-05-30/bodybuilder-gives-insight-into-thailand-steroid-holidays/4723980

-- ABC News 2013-05-30

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My 2c worth—dumb people will always do dumb things. If these guys want to risk their health and future let them. Is it more or less disadvantageous to one's health to down a bottle of Johnnie Walker and a cartoon of ciggies a day? As the article makes clear, you can get the same drugs in Oz, just that they are far more expensive. The flip side to this is that many westerners buy the legit meds cheaply in Thailand.

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Made in China ?, people must be crazy putting this xxxx in their bodies,

and all just to look good in the mirror,and in later life pay the price.

regards Worgeordie

Edited by metisdead
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Factually incorrect. Steroids are actually illegal in Thailand hence why they are not displayed or advertised but are available in independent pharmacies under the counter.

Given that steroid distribution in most countries is controlled by drug dealers the prospect of juicing in Thailand is obviously attractive.

Sports tourism is very big here in Phuket and the training facilities are excellent.

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I have two close friends who did body building when they were young. They both won awards. Now they are old grossly overweight and look really ugly. All that muscle has turned into fat

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When you stop training your muscle tissue will not turn into fat!Your muscles will just shrink to the size they need to be,you may end up with a lot of loose skin but that is another matter.

A lot of steroids sold here are fake just like a lot of other things.

There is actually a book they call the steroid bible to make sure you get the real product,you need it over here.

Some really serious BB spend nearly all of their money on these products,they do not just take anything and see what happens.

It is a real science between the amount of food,workout and anarobic exercise,the don't eat any junk food ever!

Imo it is illegal in a lot of countries because the government can not tax it,yes you are a criminal for taken certain products.

You do not read very often of BB dying of overdose ,it happens and so does roid rage but believe me compared to alcohol abuse these guys are choir boys.

I used to work with some BB at absolute top level and i kind of feel sorry they are being labeled drug users.

People who don't do the homework and just take steroids because it makes life easier are at a lot greater risk.

Serious BB have good people behind them and they get bloodwork checked on a regular basis.

Well spoken, let them put in their body what they want its not any worse as alcohol. Its a choice they make and should be up to them as long as they don't go crying when it goes wrong (and it can if you do it wrong.. even a chance if you do it right). But in the end I see it as a personal choice.

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When you stop training your muscle tissue will not turn into fat!Your muscles will just shrink to the size they need to be,you may end up with a lot of loose skin but that is another matter.

A lot of steroids sold here are fake just like a lot of other things.

There is actually a book they call the steroid bible to make sure you get the real product,you need it over here.

Some really serious BB spend nearly all of their money on these products,they do not just take anything and see what happens.

It is a real science between the amount of food,workout and anarobic exercise,the don't eat any junk food ever!

Imo it is illegal in a lot of countries because the government can not tax it,yes you are a criminal for taken certain products.

You do not read very often of BB dying of overdose ,it happens and so does roid rage but believe me compared to alcohol abuse these guys are choir boys.

I used to work with some BB at absolute top level and i kind of feel sorry they are being labeled drug users.

People who don't do the homework and just take steroids because it makes life easier are at a lot greater risk.

Serious BB have good people behind them and they get bloodwork checked on a regular basis.

Well spoken, let them put in their body what they want its not any worse as alcohol. Its a choice they make and should be up to them as long as they don't go crying when it goes wrong (and it can if you do it wrong.. even a chance if you do it right). But in the end I see it as a personal choice.

Not so long ago I met a guy here who injected steroids for some time and had developed an abscess in his buttocks and had an operation.

He showed me the pictures from when they had cut it out , I can tell you that wasn't a pretty sight.

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It's great that webfact ran this story.

The above is the man interviewed.

The actual interview can be seen here

He works as a Security Guard in Australia.

When coming back through Brisbane Airport he was caught and charged with importing steroids, but the number smuggled in was small and he was released by the judge who believed his story that he left them accidentally in his luggage.



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You walk in, ask them, they bring out a big book like big list of things, pictures and stuff, different brands of different things.

It's called a 'brochure', mate. B-r-o-c-h-u-r-e.


he is an ozzie , cheesy.gif

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I have two close friends who did body building when they were young. They both won awards. Now they are old grossly overweight and look really ugly. All that muscle has turned into fat

Myth, no such thing as muscle turning into fat its biologically impossible. But don't let science stand in the way of a good story.

As for the steroid holidays, let them do what they wan't its not that much worse as an alcoholic drinking himself to death of guys going bare back here and getting aids.

Stupid people will do stupid things bodybuilders included.

agreed, but i do have to say that body builders are sooo vein , ..... being funny and having a cool persona will win you the girl , not an abnormal body with a small head .,..............unless your paying of course !

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This dude sounds like a moron. Just to have bigger muscles? Oh dear...you can't teach stupid.

You should tell that to the guys who spend money on silicones for their gf.

Just to have bigger tits.Oh dear

Oh dear, indeed.

There's a bit of a difference, one is legal , the other isn't. One is steroids, the other is relatively silicone. One is used to make the individual look like a freak and reduce the size of the brain, the other just makes a girl's breasts larger or more shapely. One is used by stupid morons, the other by girls.

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Who gives a toss about what a narcissistic Aussie blockhead thinks about anything, let alone the insight he thinks he could give anyone about anything?

Because he probably represents one of many.

The program was produced by the the Australian Government's ABC Network which has a long history of investigative journalism ... they don't write 'puff pieces'.


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I have two close friends who did body building when they were young. They both won awards. Now they are old grossly overweight and look really ugly. All that muscle has turned into fat

Myth, no such thing as muscle turning into fat its biologically impossible. But don't let science stand in the way of a good story.

As for the steroid holidays, let them do what they wan't its not that much worse as an alcoholic drinking himself to death of guys going bare back here and getting aids.

Stupid people will do stupid things bodybuilders included.

agreed, but i do have to say that body builders are sooo vein , ..... being funny and having a cool persona will win you the girl , not an abnormal body with a small head .,..............unless your paying of course !

I agree good spelling helps a lot too cheesy.gif

Anyway I don't like the way pro bodybuilders look. Give me the look of back when Arnold was champion, but even that was huge. Now.. nope don't like the look. It kinda depends what you call a bodybuilder though.

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This dude sounds like a moron. Just to have bigger muscles? Oh dear...you can't teach stupid.

You should tell that to the guys who spend money on silicones for their gf.

Just to have bigger tits.Oh dear

Oh dear, indeed.

There's a bit of a difference, one is legal , the other isn't. One is steroids, the other is relatively silicone. One is used to make the individual look like a freak and reduce the size of the brain, the other just makes a girl's breasts larger or more shapely. One is used by stupid morons, the other by girls.

While I liked your previous post about the muscle not being able to turn into fat, as it is true. I have never read any research that steroids affect the brain, please tell that to all the older guys using testosterone as HRT and the burn victims that use them too.

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When you stop training your muscle tissue will not turn into fat!Your muscles will just shrink to the size they need to be,you may end up with a lot of loose skin but that is another matter.

A lot of steroids sold here are fake just like a lot of other things.

There is actually a book they call the steroid bible to make sure you get the real product,you need it over here.

Some really serious BB spend nearly all of their money on these products,they do not just take anything and see what happens.

It is a real science between the amount of food,workout and anarobic exercise,the don't eat any junk food ever!

Imo it is illegal in a lot of countries because the government can not tax it,yes you are a criminal for taken certain products.

You do not read very often of BB dying of overdose ,it happens and so does roid rage but believe me compared to alcohol abuse these guys are choir boys.

I used to work with some BB at absolute top level and i kind of feel sorry they are being labeled drug users.

People who don't do the homework and just take steroids because it makes life easier are at a lot greater risk.

Serious BB have good people behind them and they get bloodwork checked on a regular basis.

Well spoken, let them put in their body what they want its not any worse as alcohol. Its a choice they make and should be up to them as long as they don't go crying when it goes wrong (and it can if you do it wrong.. even a chance if you do it right). But in the end I see it as a personal choice.

Not so long ago I met a guy here who injected steroids for some time and had developed an abscess in his buttocks and had an operation.

He showed me the pictures from when they had cut it out , I can tell you that wasn't a pretty sight.

I agree, I wonder what is worse though an alcoholic slowly dying or an abscess. Anyway again this would have been preventable if it was legal because then it could be done under medical supervision.

I got a friend who gets steroids injected regularly because he has low testosterone. He is 24 or so has been getting it for ages and never an abscess. This is of course done by a doctor back in the Netherlands.

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