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Ministry Of Tourism Considering Yingluck's ' Thai Maldives' Proposal


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LAW ENFORCEMENT is what Thailand needs.

If only the police would do what it is being paid for by the taxpayers, the majority of all problems in Thailand could be solved.

But...since the police force is directly controlled by the Shin family and Chalerm, don't expect much change.

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the amount of daily bull£hit that is blurted out by these out of touch/control idiots is staggering

Thailand is being heavily promoted where …INDIA..CHINA.. MIDDLE EAST ..so yes more bull from the robots

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The potential is there. It truly is. But Thailand must clean up its act, and this I fear just isn't going to happen. This will turn into another fancy marketing program, with no substantial changes in policy, value added, or improvements in tourist safety or services behind it. The Thais just can't seem to understand that information is global and easily accessible now. A few suckers for snake oil with more dollars than sense don't constitute a tourist trend, no matter how talented the statisticians you hire and airport arrival figures you're able to concoct.

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Lady Baba saw a beach and was amazed by how beautiful and clean it was. "I want one!" She exclaimed.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

She's got one but it needs a bit o' work according to this clip filmed yesterday...


Edited by evadgib
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During her trip, she was certainly more interested by learning how Maldives authoritarian government keeps its people's mouth shut; rather than how it attracts high-end tourists...

Just methinks!

Apparently they use the same method employed by the authoritarian Egyptians to build the Pyramids.


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60% of Thailand's $4 billion tourist revenue left the country. It's the same with the Maldives. They need to be focusing on educating the smaller Thai owned resorts on how to attract eco-tourists or to at least keep their own resort and nearby beaches clean rather than pandering to the rich and the multi-nationals.....Oh, sorry, forgot where I was then for a minute, forgot this is the land of the golden calf.Hmmm, What would Buddha do?

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the amount of daily bull£hit that is blurted out by these out of touch/control idiots is staggering

Thailand is being heavily promoted where …INDIA..CHINA.. MIDDLE EAST ..so yes more bull from the robots

What's your point, aside from showing your bigotry in caps?

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60% of Thailand's $4 billion tourist revenue left the country. It's the same with the Maldives. They need to be focusing on educating the smaller Thai owned resorts on how to attract eco-tourists or to at least keep their own resort and nearby beaches clean rather than pandering to the rich and the multi-nationals.....Oh, sorry, forgot where I was then for a minute, forgot this is the land of the golden calf.Hmmm, What would Buddha do?

I'd like to see some facts on that - it would make for interesting reading - do you have anything to back that up?

(A serious question)

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60% of Thailand's $4 billion tourist revenue left the country. It's the same with the Maldives. They need to be focusing on educating the smaller Thai owned resorts on how to attract eco-tourists or to at least keep their own resort and nearby beaches clean rather than pandering to the rich and the multi-nationals.....Oh, sorry, forgot where I was then for a minute, forgot this is the land of the golden calf.Hmmm, What would Buddha do?

I'd like to see some facts on that - it would make for interesting reading - do you have anything to back that up?

(A serious question)

Yes, article 'Paradise Lost' by Aleksandra Mil sourced from Headway upper-intermediate. I think the year referred to was 2004. Also, available on scribd.
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It's obvious she has no understanding of the fisherman in Thailand. I fish, have many Thai fishing friends, and go out on their long tails all the time. Anything that is not needed, from cigarette butts to empty petrol bottles to badly damaged nets, goes overboard. I've seen a guy curse because his fish trap was filled with rubbish, then take it out and throw it back into the water an arms length away. I've lived on a few islands and there's no way they're going to keep them clean as long as people have that mindset. Plus most of the coral reefs are dead already from people fishing improperly.

Just a simpleminded thought: Have you done any attempts to change that mindset of the people you know? I mean, it has been stated many times that things cannot be changed by the central government alone (if at all). They have to be changed locally and from the inside.

No offense meant, just curious.

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north Pattaya 1978 ,jungle ,clean beach ,clean sea ,now look at it ,total now control on building Zion hotel beach just MUD ,its gone from paradise to hell in my life ,even after all that time now i am not sure if i will return ,sea is dirty , as swimmer i dont like to go into it ,Pattay out control ,impossible to clean up the act ,lot people making to much money from crime ,who is in control ,gangsters or the police ,maybe the leader should look at the south of france ,make nice holiday ,clean sea, clean towns ,no shortage of tourists even at there prices and little small crime ,police in cars,foot ,on the beach ,on horses on bikes ,boats ,even dog poo people ,have to say thai dogs are good about that ,please send few over and teach french dogs not to poo everywhere attachicon.gifparadise ,moon light on sea 1978.jpg

Google Meebal.com/thailand whistling.gif

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It's obvious she has no understanding of the fisherman in Thailand. I fish, have many Thai fishing friends, and go out on their long tails all the time. Anything that is not needed, from cigarette butts to empty petrol bottles to badly damaged nets, goes overboard. I've seen a guy curse because his fish trap was filled with rubbish, then take it out and throw it back into the water an arms length away. I've lived on a few islands and there's no way they're going to keep them clean as long as people have that mindset. Plus most of the coral reefs are dead already from people fishing improperly.

Just a simpleminded thought: Have you done any attempts to change that mindset of the people you know? I mean, it has been stated many times that things cannot be changed by the central government alone (if at all). They have to be changed locally and from the inside.

No offense meant, just curious.

Would probably be considered working so would require a work permit.biggrin.png

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Why is it that we have to read ridiculous stuff like this on an ALMOST DAILY basis?

"Turning" Thailand into the "new" Maldives?! What a ludicrous comparison idea.

There we have on one hand an island nation of barely 200,000 residents that has for the past 30 years practised eco tourism with all its stringent regulations for environmental protection.

And here we have on the other hand a nation of 65 million, the majority of which are extreme litter bugs with absolutely no concern for the environment and no qualms about exploiting to exhaustion each and every natural resource as long as they can line their pockets; a nation that for the past 30 years has aggressively pushed for attracting more and more tourists each year, aiming at something like 25 MILLLION by 2014.

And now that nation suddenly wants to "turn" into the "new" Maldives? A tad late for that, methinks.



Edited by Misterwhisper
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So that will entail building 5 star resorts on islands which don't have the infrastructure to sustain them.

Then of course the islands will no longer be pristine.

Wonder if she has ever been to any of these islands, doubt it somehow.

Loved the " the Prim Minister’s " very appropriate.

I fully agree with you on that.

Well the article says

"Somsak Purisrisak said the government will encourage Thai investors to

adopt an environmental conservation system at tourist-favoured islands

to tap high-end overseas tourists – the way the Maldives government has

been doing."

To make it eco friendly they would have to limit the number of tourists and try to fit the accommodation into the surrounding area not replace the surrounding area with concrete.

Also what Yingluck fails to mention is the Maldives attract high end tourists because they are the only ones who can afford it. Most of what the Maldives has is imported. No the rice is not substandard junk from Thailand.

Make thailand attractive to the family tourists not just the high end tourists.

The high end tourist may spend more money but it goes into fewer peoples pocket and the ones it goes into are already over flowing.

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Studies have shown that backpackers contribute more to a local economy than high end tourists. Why? Because high end tourists spend their money at high end resorts which are usually controlled by a foreign company and profits are repatriated. In Thailand, the elite are usually partnered with the Mariotts, Sheratons and so on ... I can see how they would like to use tax money to promote high end tourism. I wish they would be as innovative with the education system.

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Does this mean that they are going to clean up the scams, the mafia, remove all the festering mangy soi dogs and their feaces as well as the piles of stinking rotting garbage and the prostitutes that work the beaches. What about removing the majority of deck chairs that are cluttering the beaches so that people can see the sand and actually walk along the foreshore. Personally I think they have totally destroyed their beaches through sheer greed and corruption and there is no turning back.

oops sorry I forgot Charlerm had a crackdown on the mafia and eliminated them in his 90 day plan. No more mafia, so now they can concentrate on the other things.

To be honest with you I was underwhelmed by the beaches in Krabi due to the lack of deck chairs. The islands were beautiful but the beaches left some thing to be desired. In fact there was not really a lot of people on them. I was there shortly after Loi Kertong. Not sure if that had any thing to do with the number of tourists.

It is not the government or any ones fault that the sand is the way it is. But I have diabetes and it can make my feet sensitive to the large grain sand in the area.

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Devil's Advocate here: Would "Rich" tourist help the average Thai Tourisim more that the lowly Sex Tourist/Cheap Charlie/ Backpacker?

High spending tourists usually encapsulate them selves in 5 star luxury resorts and rarely venture out to spend money "on the street" so to speak. Where do the profits go, earned from those resorts? Sure, there would be jobs for maids, cooks and other staff, but even cheap charlies have to eat and the profit from a bowl of noodles goes into Noks pocket while the profits form XYZ Resorts go... where?

Nothing wrong with high end tourisim but the low spending segment probaby benefits the averag local more.

Just my two satang smile.png

Sure, but this misses the point. Nok's money is going to be quickly spent back into the economy, but it is unlikely she will every pay taxes or back handers to those in power in any significant way. The hotel chain, and many of their workers, are taxed. They also pay their back handers for permits and to keep the wolves at bay. Now, who makes such official decisions to concentrate on the direction of the tourism industry? In which scenario are these 'decision makers' to benefit? Nok's 20 baht or the hotel's millions in off-book payments and on-book taxes, fees and licenses? Things here are rarely done in the best interests of the country - over the best interests of the decision makers themselves.

Thailand is its own worst enemy. It would be cheap, easy to administrate and potentially profitable (both for the enforcers in get-out-of-trouble bribes, and in increased tourism - even potentially in increased/introduced entrance fees) - all they need to do (and likely all they would do) is to superficially clean up - tourists see plastic bag and rubbish strewn at the sides of roads, in jungles, around temples and on the beaches and coastal water line. There are thousands of immigrant workers, offenders and unemployables that could be employed to clear the same of the rubbish - for next to nothing (pay by the Kg collected). This could then be disposed off in better ways. Coupled with taxes on carrier bags and straws and 7-11 types shops would step down the crazy plastic giveaway - packaging tax.

It is expected to hear all the attacks on the PM for anything she suggests, but come on, this is a good suggestion, one with merit and with the right impetus could bring beneficial outcomes economically and ecologically to the region. Such things seen as successful can spread too - possibly ending with Asean legislation when that apple ripens.

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Plod's on the job - so look out for some really out of the box thinking!

Seriously, Thialand is a fanatastic country, with a wonderful culture, amazing cuisine and varied geography. Successive governments have allowed all this to be screwed up - corruption, mismanagement, crime etc. Yet, even with all the ills, 90% of the people I know who've holidayed here loved it! Just imagine, if a government addressed the real problems .............. but this government certainly won't.

Fully agree. Thailand could be a hub for so many things but it just can't because of corruption on an industrial scale. Burma is about to go nuts (business wise) and Thailand is in the prime position to jog on with it, will they? No.
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Studies have shown that backpackers contribute more to a local economy than high end tourists. Why? Because high end tourists spend their money at high end resorts which are usually controlled by a foreign company and profits are repatriated. In Thailand, the elite are usually partnered with the Mariotts, Sheratons and so on ... I can see how they would like to use tax money to promote high end tourism. I wish they would be as innovative with the education system.

I've seen one study from Israel that backs this assertion and it is adopted by Australia without researching its own numbers . . . I'm in the tourism industry and have heard this assertion a few times here now but just can't find any studies to back it up for Thailand.

If you have any, as you claim, then I'd be thankful for some links - seems others I have asked have not responded.

It's true that backpackers tend to stay longer . . . but they also spend much, much less . . . if you extrapolate the information then you need to add the factor of tourists (as distinct to backpackers for this discussion) coming and going (replacement/continuous income) while the backpacker stays . . . it's not a one-on-one comparison.

I don't think anyone is saying that the backpacker will be turned away at the border, so why the angst about wishing to address more affluent tourists?

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Sound lateral thinking!

When the flood prevention projects all fail and Central Thailand and BKK turns into an archipelago, here is the solution - the new Maldives - the only other country likely to drown from Global Warming.

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BANGKOK: -- The Minister of Tourism said he′s ready to adopt the idea of turning Thailand into the new Maldives as proposed by PM Yingluck Shinawatra after her trip to the South Asian nation.[/b]

-- KHAOSOD English 2013-2013-06-05


"I'm a BARBIE girl, in my Barbie world!!!!!!! Made of plastic, it's fantastic!!!"

I think Barbie would be very proud of Peoxyn Shinawatra by now cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

That's got to be the funniest post of the week so far. Splitting my sides.

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BANGKOK: -- The Minister of Tourism said he′s ready to adopt the idea of turning Thailand into the new Maldives as proposed by PM Yingluck Shinawatra after her trip to the South Asian nation.[/b]

-- KHAOSOD English 2013-2013-06-05


"I'm a BARBIE girl, in my Barbie world!!!!!!! Made of plastic, it's fantastic!!!"

I think Barbie would be very proud of Peoxyn Shinawatra by now cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

That's got to be the funniest post of the week so far. Splitting my sides.

Oh very droll Harry, very droll indeed.

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Thai authorities, try to do a little bit out of the box thinking, instead of only repeating what the others are saying. It is a misunderstanding that money which is made from tourism, mainly comes from high end tourists. The average backpacker contributes more to the Thai economy than the average high end tourist, because he stays longer and spends money locally, instead of at an international hotel chain. Why not consult authorities in charge of tourism in countries like Australia and Canada, where they do understand this.

The best thing you could do right now to stimulate tourism, would be giving all tourists from developed countries a 90 day visa free entry stamp at all entry points, just like Malaysia does.

You're absolutely right. If they do more at the budget end of the spectrum they could make a much bigger impact. Unfortunately I think most Thai tourism authorities look at this market with more disdain than as a potential opportunity.

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