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Obama To Press Chinas Xi To Act Against Cyber Spying


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It's now being increasingly revealed that Prez Obama and his national security team have already been taking actions to protect the United States against enemy cyber attack against the U.S. military and/or U.S. critical infrastructure such as electrical power grids Tthe principal culprits conducting cyber spying and economic espionage against the U.S. are the CCP-PRC and Russia,

Obama can order pre-emptive cyberattacks, according to secret administration review http://www.theverge.com/2013/2/4/3950156/president-obama-can-order-pre-emptive-cyberattacks

Obama Cybersecurity Report Addresses Critical Infrastructure and Privacy Issues


Obama's cybersecurity executive order: What you need to know


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The CCP is just brazen. It is impudent and shameless. This happened only last month, despite - or perhaps because of - the summit just held between Prez Obama and PRC president Xi Jinping. They're also a bunch of klutzes, as the third article in this post makes clear.

Confirmed: China Attempted to Infiltrate White House Network That Includes Nuclear Commands


‘Counterterrorism Czar’ Says Every U.S. Company Has Been Infiltrated by China


Oops: China Accidentally Broadcasts Evidence of Cyberwar Against U.S.


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The U.S. Government has finally decided to go public with some its cyber spying operations against the CCCP-PRC, as limited as the information is that was released yesterday. So at long last, we have some good news about and for the good guys against the fascist censoring dictatorship in Beijing that has been conducting massive and long term cyber spying against the United States and the West..

Inside the NSA's Ultra-Secret China Hacking Group

Deep within the National Security Agency, an elite, rarely discussed team of hackers and spies is targeting America's enemies abroad.


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The belief that better "dialoging" will lead to better relations with the CCP is a dead end. The CCP has its Master Plan and is adhering to it, regardless of how much dialoging may occur between it and the United States.

Beijing asserts absolute sovereignty over the South China Sea, despite the fact only 3100 km of the Sea has shoreline on the PRC while 130,000 km of it has shoreline with Asean nations. Beijing just months ago said it has original sovereignty over Okinawa, which belongs to Japan. The long list goes on of Beijing's absolute assertions and irreversible positions of territorial aggesssions against its neighbors to include its incursion into northern India a few months back..

There's no negotiating with absolutists. There's only appeasement or to whack 'em between the eyes with a 2x4, period.

U.S.-China Relations: Stop Striving For “Trust”

The price of achieving trust in the bilateral relationship may be too high.


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There's no negotiating with absolutists. There's only appeasement or to whack 'em between the eyes with a 2x4, period.

So true, I go for the second option and only hope the U.S. adopts this approach to all absolutists not just the CCP.

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Call me cynical and a conspiracy theorist if you will, but I suspect we in the west may have one or two spies out there for our benefit. Espionage has been going on since the creation of the nation state - where is the surprise here?

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Obama is av'in a larf. The Chinese must really be wetting themselves, fully aware of the attacks perpetrated against them since IP was invented. A new world order is just around the corner..... Be careful those who believes Washington will be amongst the higher echelons of that order. My son is going to learn Mandarin.........

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Obama is av'in a larf. The Chinese must really be wetting themselves, fully aware of the attacks perpetrated against them since IP was invented. A new world order is just around the corner..... Be careful those who believes Washington will be amongst the higher echelons of that order. My son is going to learn Mandarin.........

Congratulations to your son who is learning Mandarin, Putonghua. I'm sure he'll find some use of it after the collapse of the CCP-PRC state-corporate-military-industrial complex and of A ‘Debt-Fueled Bubble’ Called China, where debit is now between 200% of GDP to perhaps 221% of GDP, depending on which China expert one listens to, given that the data out of Beijing are trusted or believed by no one.

The United States meanwhile continues steadily to progress, develop, advance. We've turned the corner now on the CCP-PRC, the same as we turned the corner on Japan and then South Korea. However, unlike Japan and S Korea, its bye-bye to the CCP-PRC. Your son's future will be all the better for it.

China Is No Longer The World's Dominant Source Of Growth

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/chinas-growth-dominance-is-ending-2013-6#ixzz2WJ4aUvDI

China must slow growth to tackle "unsustainable" debt


FITCH: China's Credit Bubble Is Unprecedented In Modern World History

China's shadow banking system is out of control and under mounting stress as borrowers struggle to roll over short-term debts, Fitch Ratings has warned.

Read more: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/china-business/10123507/Fitch-says-China-credit-bubble-unprecedented-in-modern-world-history.html

China Bubble Appears Close to Bursting


You're welcome.

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Obama is av'in a larf. The Chinese must really be wetting themselves, fully aware of the attacks perpetrated against them since IP was invented. A new world order is just around the corner..... Be careful those who believes Washington will be amongst the higher echelons of that order. My son is going to learn Mandarin.........

Just make sure he learns to read the Chinese too Ian. Mrs Obama is no fool.

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(CNN) -- Today, the United States is conducting offensive cyberwar actions around the world.

More than passively eavesdropping, we're penetrating and damaging foreign networks for both espionage and to ready them for attack. We're creating custom-designed Internet weapons, pre-targeted and ready to be "fired" against some piece of another country's electronic infrastructure on a moment's notice.

This is much worse than what we're accusing China of doing to us. We're pursuing policies that are both expensive and destabilizing and aren't making the Internet any safer. We're reacting from fear, and causing other countries to counter-react from fear. We're ignoring resilience in favor of offense.


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And just a bit of historical perspective.

A Tiananmen Square mentality still pervades in the PRC. The communist party leadership censor and censure any reference to it on the mainland..

Chinese in Hong Kong demonstrate every year on the streets on June 4 lest it be forgotten.

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(CNN) -- Today, the United States is conducting offensive cyberwar actions around the world.

More than passively eavesdropping, we're penetrating and damaging foreign networks for both espionage and to ready them for attack. We're creating custom-designed Internet weapons, pre-targeted and ready to be "fired" against some piece of another country's electronic infrastructure on a moment's notice.

This is much worse than what we're accusing China of doing to us. We're pursuing policies that are both expensive and destabilizing and aren't making the Internet any safer. We're reacting from fear, and causing other countries to counter-react from fear. We're ignoring resilience in favor of offense.


Some people have no idea of the plans and purposes of the Chinese Communist Party. We're talking about a vengeful and scheming 21st century fascist dictatorship which is oppressive, repressive, censoring, punishing and will kill 100,000,000 PRChinese if that's what's required for the CCP to stay in the power and money forever.

Some people need to get real.

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Key in Tiananmen Square on a Chinese search engine from a Chinese IP address, and guess what.....

Yes, you get either redirected to a lovely tour the People's Republic website or get a word one sees a lot of on internet screens in the PRC - "PROHIBITED". It's the only thing you see on the big white screen of your monitor.

If you keep trying, then you get the word, "FORBIDDEN". That's it. Keep trying and you get visited by Gestapo, in uniform.

While I was in the PRC I took the lead of the many dissident young people to install into my pc the Google Unblock and Uncensor system, Ultrareach. It goes right through the Great Firewall of China - over it, around it, under it - to any website in the world. Google relocates your IP in the PRC to the United States, which gives you the freedom to access anything, anywhere, using the system. The Google technology is eons ahead of the censorship technology of the CCP censors so they haven't any idea of what you're doing. blink.png

Lotsa young PRChinese use the Google freedom system. I got it at the initiative of a bunch of computer science majors at a university where I taught in the PRC. They hate the censorship.

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I know Publicus.

Chinese middle-aged middle class are getting twitchy too.

The Chinese Dream aka The American Dream? Joke.

Communism, and rampant materialism like I have seen nowhere else in the world, is a recipe for disaster.

A confused and toxic situation.

Nothing has changed since the Cold War apart from the balance of economic power.

Edited by SinglePot
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No one should kid himself about this.

I mean about Beijing starting it. It's easy to read between the lines of the author.

For China, hacking may be all about Sun Tzu and World War III (Part 1)


For China, hacking may be all about Sun Tzu and World War III (Part 2)
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Interesting demand by the USA considering their own surveillance of the world for 'security reasons'. Well known in Europe that industrial espionage is another objective of it, many cases of intellectual property stolen by US government agencies.

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Interesting demand by the USA considering their own surveillance of the world for 'security reasons'. Well known in Europe that industrial espionage is another objective of it, many cases of intellectual property stolen by US government agencies.

I am curious. What intellectual property rights has US government stolen recently. US with all of its faults, does try and protect intellectual property rights.

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Recall that a reporter once asked the apprehended bank robber Willie Sutton why he robbed banks. Sutton replied that's where the money is.

In the Information Age, hacking computers is where to get the information from yours or mine to governments and corporations. Edward Snowden is the most recent high profile instance of the point.

How do we stop these guys? Can we?

The Willie Suttons of the Cyberage:: Can we stop bad guys from getting into U.S. networks?


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Let him tell the NSA to stop hacking too.

The CCP-PRC is a fascist state with 21st century Chinese characteristics.

You miss the boat when you try to assign moral equivalence to Western civilization and his history of Liberal Democracy and its Judeo-Christian traditions and culture to the self-centered Han people who have nothing to cite in their history, traditions, culture except being Chinese.

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