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Where To Buy A Pedal Bike?


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Where in the Pattaya area (preferably central Pattaya) would you recommend I buy a pedal bike? And what make/brand? And price? I've seen previous posts mentioning good shops on Thepprasit Road - but is there anywhere nearer central Pattaya?

I don't know much about pedal bikes. But I know I want a sturdy, reliable bike (with mudguards) for cycling around the area, out of town. Cycling at a leisurely pace, during the day, sightseeing. Maybe 20-30 kilometre trips, once or twice a week.

5-speed gears would be more than enough. In fact right now I get by with a single-speed machine. The problem is it's a cheap thing which I know is going to let me down badly one day very soon. I only bought it a week ago and I've had to replace a pedal already!

No mountain-biking or sports use.

Thanks for your help.

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Thanks. I think I've seen this place mentioned favourably on ThaiVisa before.

I don't know the Naklua area of Sukhumvit very well. Could you give me an idea where the Numchai bicycle shop is and I'll cycle over there in the next few days?

Sukhumvit landmarks for me would be: Bangkok Hospital Pattaya, Sukhawadee (the Saha chicken farms paradise palace) or Banglamung Police Station. Is it on the west side or the east side?

Many thanks.

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Okay, I found this old thread:


So I'd like to find this pedal bike shop "CH Numchai".

I gather it's about halfway between Bangkok Hospital Pattaya and Banglamung Police Station. On the east side of Sukhumvit.

I also gather from that thread it's "on the corner of Sukhumvit and Soi Chayapornviti (Soi Crocodile Farm)". And that this soi is probably on the other side of Sukhumvit from a turn-off to Banglamung Hospital. Unfortunately none of the four maps of the Pattaya area I have show "Soi Chayapornviti (Soi Crocodile Farm)". Does anyone have a Soi Sukhumvit Pattaya number or a Soi Sukhumvit Naklua number for this soi?

Alternatively i understand the shop is at "474 m.4 Sukhumvit Naklua" - but I have no idea what that means.

Oh the joys of trying to locate addresses in Thailand!

Thank you.

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There is another cycle shop on the Thepprasit Road. I enquired there about buying a bike and reselling it to them at the end of my trip. They agreed. Didn't go through with it at the end, as I used a scooter instead. :)

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Can highly recommend Numchai. Has literally hundreds of bikes on stock ranging from probably 10,000 Baht to 100,000 and maybe more. Great service and selection!

Sent from my GT-N7000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Enjoy your purchase, I had a bicycle and was hounded by dogs whilst out and about.. Have now sold the bike to a friend. My friend uses pepper spray on the dogs if they get within range. Has had to use it 4 times to date (the pepper spray)...

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Okay, I found this old thread:


So I'd like to find this pedal bike shop "CH Numchai".

I gather it's about halfway between Bangkok Hospital Pattaya and Banglamung Police Station. On the east side of Sukhumvit.

I also gather from that thread it's "on the corner of Sukhumvit and Soi Chayapornviti (Soi Crocodile Farm)". And that this soi is probably on the other side of Sukhumvit from a turn-off to Banglamung Hospital. Unfortunately none of the four maps of the Pattaya area I have show "Soi Chayapornviti (Soi Crocodile Farm)". Does anyone have a Soi Sukhumvit Pattaya number or a Soi Sukhumvit Naklua number for this soi?

Alternatively i understand the shop is at "474 m.4 Sukhumvit Naklua" - but I have no idea what that means.

Oh the joys of trying to locate addresses in Thailand!

Thank you.

Here you go, Numchai Bicycles, took me less than a minute to find the place on Google maps with your reference to Soi Chayapornviti.

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Okay, I found this old thread:


So I'd like to find this pedal bike shop "CH Numchai".

I gather it's about halfway between Bangkok Hospital Pattaya and Banglamung Police Station. On the east side of Sukhumvit.

I also gather from that thread it's "on the corner of Sukhumvit and Soi Chayapornviti (Soi Crocodile Farm)". And that this soi is probably on the other side of Sukhumvit from a turn-off to Banglamung Hospital. Unfortunately none of the four maps of the Pattaya area I have show "Soi Chayapornviti (Soi Crocodile Farm)". Does anyone have a Soi Sukhumvit Pattaya number or a Soi Sukhumvit Naklua number for this soi?

Alternatively i understand the shop is at "474 m.4 Sukhumvit Naklua" - but I have no idea what that means.

Oh the joys of trying to locate addresses in Thailand!

Thank you.

Here you go, Numchai Bicycles, took me less than a minute to find the place on Google maps with your reference to Soi Chayapornviti.

Wow. Well done - and thank you. Yes, I must learn to use Google maps more. If you searched on "Soi Chayapornviti" I'm slightly surprised you found it as it's spelt differently on the Google map graphic.

So it looks like Soi Chayapornviti might be Soi Sukhumvit Pattaya 30? At any rate, cyclists of the future who are following my tyre tracks, might want to know CH Numchai Bicycles looks like it's on the east side of Sukhumvit, between Soi Sukhumvit Pattaya 31 and Soi Sukhumvit Pattaya 29. If you're heading north on Sukhumvit (as I will be), look out for Soi Sukhumvit Pattaya 18 on the west side. CH Numchai Bicycles will be coming up shortly on the other side of the road.

That's the theory!

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I do a lot of cycling lately around Lake Mabprachan and going also through all sorts of Sois in the area (and found many Sois I have never been to while living here for seven years!)

Never had problems with dogs, actually the few dogs I saw so far where just looking at me but did not do any effort to chase me.

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Enjoy your purchase, I had a bicycle and was hounded by dogs whilst out and about.. Have now sold the bike to a friend. My friend uses pepper spray on the dogs if they get within range. Has had to use it 4 times to date (the pepper spray)...

That's nonsense. I've probably trained over 40,000 km around here and never once had any altercation with a dog. A friendly little whistling is all it takes. I've seen idiots be aggressive and the dogs are aggressive right back.

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numchai now has two shops within 100mtrs of each other, the first one is near the corner of soi crocodile farm the 2nd and bigger shop is on the same side directly under thepedestrian walkway.

Duly noted - thanks. And I see from the previous thread that Neung is the man to talk to.

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Enjoy your purchase, I had a bicycle and was hounded by dogs whilst out and about.. Have now sold the bike to a friend. My friend uses pepper spray on the dogs if they get within range. Has had to use it 4 times to date (the pepper spray)...

That's nonsense. I've probably trained over 40,000 km around here and never once had any altercation with a dog. A friendly little whistling is all it takes. I've seen idiots be aggressive and the dogs are aggressive right back.

Good luck for you then. Nonsense? I disagree.

My workmate was bitten by a dog on her thigh whilst riding and ended up in the emergency ward of the hospital having her wound stitched up. Perhaps an isolated incident.. but it happened. Then the following 6 shots at the hospital on 6 different occasions to keep her in the clear.

She actually invested in a dog whistle from the UK - she said that doesn't work.

Personally I have never been bitten, but was corralled a couple of times, to the point I had one charging at my ankles and I veered off into the oncoming traffic with the thought that the oncoming car could wipe out the dog. That was riding up a hill.. the dog was going quicker than me. I was told to take some rocks out with me, that was some advice I got. Never tried it. The enjoyment of riding my bike was nullified after several run ins with dogs.

Not biking, but jogging, I have seen joggers carrying sticks, someone even had a retractable truncheon - police style...

why do they do that?

Of course you would never seek out to provoke a dog in relation to your idiot comment, but in a split decision situation perhaps your 'gentle whistling' might not be the defence of choice for everyone.

Works for you... and again.. good luck with that.

Edited by Dorkers
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Was chased today for the first time by a dog. Well.. I was cycling at about 25 kmph and a dog was following the bike about 2m behind and barking. Didn't attack whatsoever and I just ignored him and kept on kicking the pedals. Was I scared? Not really...

Sent from my GT-N7000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Was chased today for the first time by a dog. Well.. I was cycling at about 25 kmph and a dog was following the bike about 2m behind and barking. Didn't attack whatsoever and I just ignored him and kept on kicking the pedals. Was I scared? Not really...

Sent from my GT-N7000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Were you gently whistling? he he....

you're not scared.. some people are, I am not scared, but wary. Perhaps in lieu of personal knowledge of a couple of incidents.

Hope I am not tarnished with a Nanny Mcphee brush... I think I risk take with the best of them at times... extra sugar in the coffee... that sort of stuff.

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Okay, I found this old thread:


So I'd like to find this pedal bike shop "CH Numchai".

I gather it's about halfway between Bangkok Hospital Pattaya and Banglamung Police Station. On the east side of Sukhumvit.

I also gather from that thread it's "on the corner of Sukhumvit and Soi Chayapornviti (Soi Crocodile Farm)". And that this soi is probably on the other side of Sukhumvit from a turn-off to Banglamung Hospital. Unfortunately none of the four maps of the Pattaya area I have show "Soi Chayapornviti (Soi Crocodile Farm)". Does anyone have a Soi Sukhumvit Pattaya number or a Soi Sukhumvit Naklua number for this soi?

Alternatively i understand the shop is at "474 m.4 Sukhumvit Naklua" - but I have no idea what that means.

Oh the joys of trying to locate addresses in Thailand!

Thank you.

Here you go, Numchai Bicycles, took me less than a minute to find the place on Google maps with your reference to Soi Chayapornviti.

Wow. Well done - and thank you. Yes, I must learn to use Google maps more. If you searched on "Soi Chayapornviti" I'm slightly surprised you found it as it's spelt differently on the Google map graphic.

So it looks like Soi Chayapornviti might be Soi Sukhumvit Pattaya 30? At any rate, cyclists of the future who are following my tyre tracks, might want to know CH Numchai Bicycles looks like it's on the east side of Sukhumvit, between Soi Sukhumvit Pattaya 31 and Soi Sukhumvit Pattaya 29. If you're heading north on Sukhumvit (as I will be), look out for Soi Sukhumvit Pattaya 18 on the west side. CH Numchai Bicycles will be coming up shortly on the other side of the road.

That's the theory!

You're welcome, guess I should have been more clear, I actually already knew where Chayapornviti is located, just didn't know about the bicycle shop. But since you said it was on the corner to Sukhumvit, it was quite easy for me to find. Agree that searching for a Thai name in English can be frustrating due to different transliterations.

Regards to Chayapornviti being soi 30 is incorrect, Chayapornviti is actually not a soi, it's a classified as a road and as you stated located between soi 29 and 31. Sois are numbered even on one side, and odd on the other side of a road/street.

Here is an old map that I probably downloaded from Thaivisa years ago. It does have Chayapornviti on it, maybe it'll come to some use while you're getting familiar with Google maps. Even though it's a bit dated.


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Thanks everyone. Thanks to your recommendations I bought a bike from Neung at CH Numchai yesterday. Should do me very nicely.

If I understood him correctly he was suggesting I take the bike back to the shop periodically for free routine maintenance - paying for new parts only. If so, that's pretty impressive service in my book.

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  • 8 months later...

i highly reccomend numchai for new or used bikes and accessories, also about dogs ive never been bitten by a dog in my life, i do a lot of klms every week sometimes dogs bark and chase you a little bit but no worse than that but some people thais and farangs antagonise the dogs by carrying sticks catapults and other weapons dogs are'nt stupid and they see you are armed it makes them aggresive so my advise is to behave normally and they will leave you alone.

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