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DSI's new super-car list targets Thailand's rich


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This is starting to look like a deliberate diversionary tactic to draw attention away from the Rice pledge altough both may be interconnected.

We are to believe that gov authorities have only now discovered that rich people are scamming the tax department out of billions of bahts on

luxury imports. Its been going on for many years.

Who are they going to investigate? Alot of these guys are protected by armed body guards most of whom are mentally unhinged ex cops and soldiers.

They'll probably arrest a 67 year old farang driving an unregistered Toyota corolla in pattaya.



Ahh, so basically, your argument is that the failure of the previous Abhisit led government to take action means that the current government should continue his administration's previous lack of law enforcement. Interesting opinion.

Ahh, I agree. The failure of previous governments to enforce the law, such as Abshisit or Thaksins should not mean this democratically elected people's party should do the same. I look forward to seeing all "owners" rigorously checked - including PTP and Shiniwattra family members, in an open and transparent process. This will be in parallel to enforcing the laws on passport issuance and punishing anyone involved in illegally issuing new or replacement passports to fugitive criminals.

Do you really think, given their recent track record, that the DSI do anything that is not politically motivated? Let's see.

You can rest assured that the PM does not drive an illegally imported vehicle. The same applies for Abhisit.

They both have sufficient financial means by which to comply with the existing laws.

Abhisit has a government owned armoured Range Rover.

Actually it was donated.

Really, by who ? I ask as we sold the government the 20 Range Rovers.

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"They both have sufficient financial means by which to comply with the existing laws."

Oh boy! There seems to be a very faint suggestion that anyone who has enough money will strictly comply with existing laws. Now that's nice. For a moment I feared I'd be the naive one here on this forum :-)

Good one Uncle !! That was the very first thought that occurred to me as well. If it is one thing I have learned living here, it is that the laws simply do not apply to the elites, whether they are murdering someone, or evading taxes. The very notion to imply that someone like Chalerm, who had no moral problem with sheltering his murderous son, would be glad to pay his 280% luxury car tax is simply beyond absurd. And I suspect there are many other elites with the same attitude.....

At this point I am almost starting to feel sorry for the worthless spoiled offspring of the elites. They must be paralyzed with fear, knowing perhaps Daddy will not be able to buy them a Ferrari when they get their driver license.

(edit) The car dealers are now saying the tax is 328%. That is a completely insane tax, but I guess that is a topic for another thread.... :-)

Edited by EyesWideOpen
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