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Native English speaker in Admin at BPH?


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All of the reception there speaks pretty good English as far as I'm concerned but they are just that......reception. Any other questions you want to talk/ask about you would need to see a doctor and they also speak English.

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I have been to this hospital many, many times over the years and have never met anyone who didn't have a reasonable command of English--from the receptionists to the nurses to the doctors to the staff.

To answer your question, however, there were in the past at least two native English speakers in administration, a young man and an older woman. I don't know if they are still there or not. And as another poster wrote, Niel Manquez, a Filipino, is the hospital's PR guy and Dr. Iain Corness is at the hospital Mon-Fri to help (for free, or course) with any patient issues.

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thanks for the replies and names.

Mr Gone ....... please re-read my clear question. I neither want to chat to reception or to a Dr., but thanks anyway

Sorry. I stand corrected.

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Nothing like spending the "big bucks" at this hospital and having a doctor (who is suppose to be able to deal with international patients) has limited English. Once I asked a doctor to explain my illness and it was as if I was offending him. (yes, asking for details is a Western behavior--not in the Thai culture). He couldn't explain it in English. I just as well have gone to Memorial hospital. It would be a good investment if this hospital put their doctors through a good English class with medical terms.

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