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Promenada: Best Movie Experience In Town


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I wasn't really impressed with the cinema to be honest. I also went to see World War Z in screen 4 I believe. I was disappointed in a couple of things. Firstly, it wasn't a digital projector and it was actually slightly out of focus. Secondly the seating wasn't the best, width wise they are very good with a decent space between you and the people sitting next to you but leg space was terrible. I'm not tall, only 5ft 10", so quite an average height, even so I had to position my knees exactly between the two seats in front so that my knees didn't keep banging the chair in front. Because of this, the person behind was always nudging my chair throughout the movie.

On the plus side, the sound was very good and the popcorn was very salty, how I like it!

Maybe I was just unlucky but from first impressions I would definitely say that Majorcineplex is the better cinema.

Thanks for the information about the seats. I was mentally planning a visit there with the family after reading the OP but I am 6ft 5 and would have no hope at being comfortable.

Do they have seats where there is an aisle in front for people to walk across the cinema? I might be able to stretch my legs there.

There was a row like that although I don't remember the which row. As I said before, it could have just been the screen I was in but I doubt it.

Not sure which theater but airport has at least one with a row like that problem is it is close to the front. So if you like up close seats it is Ideal. Room to stretch your legs out and passerby's don't even come close.

Word of warning when you choose your seat off the chart they show you the actual seating arrangement might be a little different.

Yes it is very noisy at the airport theater in the ticketing area. Does the Promenada have a way to speed up the handling of ticket sales.

Also do they have English speaking staff as they are locating in an area with a lot of foreigners living in it.

Edited by hellodolly
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Well if you do post a review, you might try to make it intelligible.

I'm sorry, did I post something previously that was not intelligible? Could you be specific, please?

Does the Promenada have a way to speed up the handling of ticket sales.

Also do they have English speaking staff as they are locating in an area with a lot of foreigners living in it.

I don't think there is any problem with the nature of how tickets are sold at Airport Plaza; it's the people buying tickets who hold up the lines. Picking a seat from the chart, then deciding what snacks to order (or not) is difficult for the Thais to complete in short order, it seems. Perhaps more "How to buy tickets at a theater" training might be implemented in Thai schools. Perhaps this could be a new BA degree subject.

I'm not sure what you need to communicate to the person selling the tickets beyond pointing to the seats you want and then, when they click on them, you say, "Okay." Or maybe, "Two for World War Z at 15:20 please."

All the people selling tickets at Airport Plaza are young, and as such, generally can put basic English sentences together. I would guess that Promenada would be much the same, don't you think?

Edited by Trujillo
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Well if you do post a review, you might try to make it intelligible.

I'm sorry, did I post something previously that was not intelligible? Could you be specific, please?

Does the Promenada have a way to speed up the handling of ticket sales.

Also do they have English speaking staff as they are locating in an area with a lot of foreigners living in it.

I don't think there is any problem with the nature of how tickets are sold at Airport Plaza; it's the people buying tickets who hold up the lines. Picking a seat from the chart, then deciding what snacks to order (or not) is difficult for the Thais to complete in short order, it seems. Perhaps more "How to buy tickets at a theater" training might be implemented in Thai schools. Perhaps this could be a new BA degree subject.

I'm not sure what you need to communicate to the person selling the tickets beyond pointing to the seats you want and then, when they click on them, you say, "Okay." Or maybe, "Two for World War Z at 15:20 please."

All the people selling tickets at Airport Plaza are young, and as such, generally can put basic English sentences together. I would guess that Promenada would be much the same, don't you think?

One easy way to speed up ticket sales would be to make the self serve ticket machines operate in a more straightforward manner. that means accepting bank cards without the membership etc. Every time I see a line there, they have staff helping people because it's not simple enough. If your system is so complicated that you have to have tech support at all times then it's not user error. Your system is too complicated.

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Well if you do post a review, you might try to make it intelligible.

I'm sorry, did I post something previously that was not intelligible? Could you be specific, please?

Does the Promenada have a way to speed up the handling of ticket sales.

Also do they have English speaking staff as they are locating in an area with a lot of foreigners living in it.

I don't think there is any problem with the nature of how tickets are sold at Airport Plaza; it's the people buying tickets who hold up the lines. Picking a seat from the chart, then deciding what snacks to order (or not) is difficult for the Thais to complete in short order, it seems. Perhaps more "How to buy tickets at a theater" training might be implemented in Thai schools. Perhaps this could be a new BA degree subject.

I'm not sure what you need to communicate to the person selling the tickets beyond pointing to the seats you want and then, when they click on them, you say, "Okay." Or maybe, "Two for World War Z at 15:20 please."

All the people selling tickets at Airport Plaza are young, and as such, generally can put basic English sentences together. I would guess that Promenada would be much the same, don't you think?

I have to agree with you to a point on it being the ticket buyers. Also with beb about complicated auto machine. I give the girl my two cards and she sets one in a spot that is not marked put card here and runs the other through a slot.

As for the ticket sellers there has been times when I asked a question and they could not find any one to speak English. I have since then avoided that problem by not buying tickets on line.

At the Airport yesterday probably my fault I got the ticket for the wrong show. I gave it to a fellow outside the theater and he understood enough to know that it was for the wrong show, He did manage to fined a fellow who spoke good English and he fixed the problem by saying the show I wanted had been running for 5 minutes would that be OK. I agreed and he immediately took me in to the correct theater.

So yes I suppose they do have some English speaking ones there. I got the Impression this guy was there to specifically help non Thai speaking people.

As for the Promenada I was there just looking around the other day and saw what they had for movies. It was not a complete schedule as they were still showing the EU film festival.

Do the people that go to the movies there go to the theater to see what is playing or are they just lucky and happen to show up at the right time. I have tried to google it and I sure can tell you they have a lot of hotels when you put the word movie in your search.

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