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Legal Issue with a fellow Countryman - what is my responsible Office?


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Excuse my english, it is not my mother language

I live in thailand since some years and have a legal issue with a fellow contryman back home

I learned first, that all my legal actions can only correspond with my embassy here in thailand

and any other legal issue has to be submitted to the authorities in the capital of my country and not in the city,

I was living before - nor to the city authorities, why my opponent is living

so it happened, that I have a legal issue with a fellow country man

I contacted first my embassy, beeing told there to send my legal complaint to the authorities in my capital

so I was sending my complaint via fax and registered letter to there - some months have past with no answer

when I called there to the authorities and asking, if they have issued any file refering to my complaint,

I was told, they can not give my any information by fone

so I was sending another fax and letter to this office and asking to send me any refering file number - no answer after months again

so what should I do now?

my embassy is obviously not responsible - and my legal authorities back home dont react on my calls or fax

dont forget, it is a legal complaint - and not a case for a lawyer....

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You might get more help if give details - what country? what is the legal complaint? with police or what government office? why not use a lawyer?

I think it sounds like you need to get someone there to act for you, and if not a lawyer maybe family member or a friend they might still need "power of attorney" to deal with the officials.

Or you might have to go back there to take care of this business your self.

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so what should I do now?

Has it occured to that the authrorities in your own country have looked at your complaint and decided you dont have a case, hence the reason your havent been issued a case number...

Further I find it very strange that you think your embassy has responsiblity in this, Embassies typically dont get involved in things like this, other than to suggest who you could contact...

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You might get more help if give details - what country? what is the legal complaint? with police or what government office? why not use a lawyer?

I think it sounds like you need to get someone there to act for you, and if not a lawyer maybe family member or a friend they might still need "power of attorney" to deal with the officials.

Or you might have to go back there to take care of this business your self.

thank you for your advice - to turn the power over to a close person could be the most resonable way for the moment

I will consider to take a lawyer, once there has been investigated by authorites in my home country

the rules should be quit equal for any country in the EU or USA

as one live here in thailand - and I was stating this already - beside the embassy, the law can be inforced trough officals in your home capital

interestingly - in the very beginning - both ( the embassy and the law authjorities in my capital ) have told me to contact the other first ,

what means: nobody want to get bothered with

and last but not least: if any authority has decidced not to take further action, at least they have to tell me this fact

but as I said: nothing has occured yet

Edited by Crossy
fixed the quote
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The authorities in your country will not investigate or take any action for someone living in Thailand - lazy bureaucrats are the same the world over.

You need to go there or have someone there pester them to do their job. That is what a lawyer can do if you don't go yourself.

Or just wait, and the nothing that has occurred will continue to not occur.

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