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where do you keep your thai pictures?


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I have plenty of pictures I take with my digital camera in Thailand...

problem is space.

so what I did I registered at Dropbox

and each time my phone is on a wifi it upload my thai picture.

so if you are a cool farangs, click on the link, sign up and it will give me some space.

any other idea, welcome.

Edited by Maestro
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I keep them on my Facebook and back them up with Google + . I've starred a blog type page on Facebook too for theblether and I'm in the process of populating that page with photos and trip reports.

Before anyone starts moaning my personal Facebook gets over-run at times in matters connected to my company so the ideal solution was starting a separate page for my travel reports only. I've got a fair few friends that are interested in my travels but not so interested in this weeks special offer flooring. It's taking ages though to duplicate everything, so it won't be fully populated for at least a couple of weeks. sad.png

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1 terrabyte external harddisc is not expensive anymore, 2,500b or so and gives you a good backup.

Also I have my own website where I keep my online image gallery, partly public and partly private. Webhosting is very cheap, or use a free service like minus.com or imgur, I've got some galleries there as well. The more backups the better.

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1 terrabyte external harddisc is not expensive anymore, 2,500b or so and gives you a good backup.

Also I have my own website where I keep my online image gallery, partly public and partly private. Webhosting is very cheap, or use a free service like minus.com or imgur, I've got some galleries there as well. The more backups the better.

Most webhosting companies have a clause in the TOS that prohibit you from using it as a storage/backup device.

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Why is space a problem?

25000 3MB JPG's(average) = 75Gig.

As mentioned above 1TB will set you back a cool B2500...

No problem..smile.png

If one shoots in RAW, a 10MP camera saves a 16 MB file per photo or 400GB for your 25K photos. Process and save as a TIF file and you can conceivably get a 50MB for one photo. All depends on what you do with your photos. Your mileage may vary.

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On hard drives. Where else would I keep them.

Cyberspace? They can get lost out there as I found when I had photos with one company that went to the wall with no notice. Lost all the photos stored with them. Luckily I had back-ups on a hard drive.

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any other idea, welcome.

i keep all my 27607 files 333 folders in a file on my

desktop and back ups in two other computers ,four ext

hard drives , my tablet , two 32 gb micro sd cards

and a couple of thumb drives


ps .. i can usually find any pic taken by me in

about the last ten years by keywords in minits : )


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Shop around, external drives are dirt cheap nowadays. There's limited free storage on both iCloud and on your google account. If you're desperate, hang out at the trade fairs and collect up the promotional thumb drives they like to give away.

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I feel like I'm on a different planet after reading all the above posts.

I am just a KISS person.....keep it simple stupid.

Download to computer then backup on external drive....for me.

I have less to worry about by the looks of it.


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I keep a lot in albums - you know the antique kind - like books. Always come out when we have visitors. I have many in frames around the house.

I also have a lot of CDs, which are looking old now. Maybe I should transfer them to some digital thing or print them out. Nothing beats a real photograph.

Photos from my phone camera, which is all I use now, are uploaded to google plus automatically. I also upload to 'photobucket'

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Many people take too many photographs, IMHO, they are not living in the present, which is the only sane place to live.

The fewer photos you take, the more memorable they will be.

Over 10 years ago when a daughter was born, I bought a new camera and took hundreds of pics. What seemed such a big deal at the time now doesn't. I have looked at them all maybe once or twice in that time.

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Hard drive is of course must,but not enough.It can fail or you may lose it.

Memory cards are cheap nowadays and very small,smaller then hard drive in fact;

so when your card is full - buy new one,old one keep for future.Keep them in another place,then hard drive.


popular email provider "yahoo" bought photo-sharing biz called Flicker.

Flicker allows you to keep yours photos in full resolution.

Yahoo is so nice,that 1000G or 1T(Tera) of space is - FREE!

If it is not enough - you can open another yahoo account getting 1000G more and so on...

Flicker takes videos as well.Videos are memory hungry - today any compact camera can do videos in full high resolution.

Many mobile phones can do it as well.

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Hard drive is of course must,but not enough.It can fail or you may lose it.

Memory cards are cheap nowadays and very small,smaller then hard drive in fact;

so when your card is full - buy new one,old one keep for future.Keep them in another place,then hard drive.


popular email provider "yahoo" bought photo-sharing biz called Flicker.

Flicker allows you to keep yours photos in full resolution.

Yahoo is so nice,that 1000G or 1T(Tera) of space is - FREE!

If it is not enough - you can open another yahoo account getting 1000G more and so on...

Flicker takes videos as well.Videos are memory hungry - today any compact camera can do videos in full high resolution.

Many mobile phones can do it as well.

I used to use flickr's free service but then they started to charge.

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I keep all my pics on my puter backed up by several hard drives and flash drives. whats so hard about that? some people can stuff them all on facebook if they want. no need for anything else. you can also put them in your gmail or other email as well.

Edited by Nana Cowboy
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Many people take too many photographs, IMHO, they are not living in the present, which is the only sane place to live.

The fewer photos you take, the more memorable they will be.

Over 10 years ago when a daughter was born, I bought a new camera and took hundreds of pics. What seemed such a big deal at the time now doesn't. I have looked at them all maybe once or twice in that time.

A reasonable point........I take a fair few photos on a weekly basis and I try to have my camera to hand but what I do is either go out to take photos of a particular place ( so therefore it's a hobby and enjoyable ) or I'll go to, for example a restaurant, excuse myself for 5 minutes then go take some photos if the place is worth it. The camera then gets forgotten about.

I do see a lot of people forgetting to take their eyes away from the camera and actually drink in their surroundings. That's a shame.

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Many people take too many photographs, IMHO, they are not living in the present, which is the only sane place to live.

The fewer photos you take, the more memorable they will be.

Over 10 years ago when a daughter was born, I bought a new camera and took hundreds of pics. What seemed such a big deal at the time now doesn't. I have looked at them all maybe once or twice in that time.

A reasonable point........I take a fair few photos on a weekly basis and I try to have my camera to hand but what I do is either go out to take photos of a particular place ( so therefore it's a hobby and enjoyable ) or I'll go to, for example a restaurant, excuse myself for 5 minutes then go take some photos if the place is worth it. The camera then gets forgotten about.

I do see a lot of people forgetting to take their eyes away from the camera and actually drink in their surroundings. That's a shame.

A small pocket cam suffices for me. It is easily forgotten. I think Neeraram is saying that the camera sometimes dominates the atmosphere of that special moment when instead it should be enjoyed at it fullest..

There are grades in this, for instance: If I kissed a girl for the first time I wont take out my cam. I don't want to spoil the moment. Then again there are so many special moments I haven't got pictures of and seem to be forgotten. But since I am making more photo's I seem to re-live special moments I would otherwise forget..

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