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Breaking up with a Thai girl question


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If you know she cheated on you 2 years ago,what are you doing son.Only 2 things.Accept her life as a prostitute,accept you are a client for 3 months,the day you leave she will have another man before you get home.Or two go back to Pattaya have nothing to do with her,give her the bike it doesnt matter.Get a hotel,you are walking out of the hotel and you just miss the baht bus,wait there is another one coming,jump on board.Same with women.I go to Pattaya once every 5 months for 2 nights to see friends.If they wernt there I would not go to the shit hole.Have you ever thought about trying somewhere else.All the best

I like your reference to getting another girl just like getting another bus. I wish I could get rid of my feelings and just be a player like so many others.

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If you know she cheated on you 2 years ago,what are you doing son.Only 2 things.Accept her life as a prostitute,accept you are a client for 3 months,the day you leave she will have another man before you get home.Or two go back to Pattaya have nothing to do with her,give her the bike it doesnt matter.Get a hotel,you are walking out of the hotel and you just miss the baht bus,wait there is another one coming,jump on board.Same with women.I go to Pattaya once every 5 months for 2 nights to see friends.If they wernt there I would not go to the shit hole.Have you ever thought about trying somewhere else.All the best

I like your reference to getting another girl just like getting another bus. I wish I could get rid of my feelings and just be a player like so many others.


A whoremonger who can't bring himself to bang other hookers?


Stop trolling us.

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If you know she cheated on you 2 years ago,what are you doing son.Only 2 things.Accept her life as a prostitute,accept you are a client for 3 months,the day you leave she will have another man before you get home.Or two go back to Pattaya have nothing to do with her,give her the bike it doesnt matter.Get a hotel,you are walking out of the hotel and you just miss the baht bus,wait there is another one coming,jump on board.Same with women.I go to Pattaya once every 5 months for 2 nights to see friends.If they wernt there I would not go to the shit hole.Have you ever thought about trying somewhere else.All the best

I like your reference to getting another girl just like getting another bus. I wish I could get rid of my feelings and just be a player like so many others.

Go out and spend a few thousand on a couple of cute new friends. It will seem better in the morning. Edited by mrtoad
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"Would anyone here give her any more money as a parting gift,"

Are you joking? Obviously, she has manipulated you into feeling guilty, a situation I do not understand. Grab your thingss and go.

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Sounds to me that you may be in love with this girl, spelt lust.

You do a 3 month out/ 3 month in routine and she comes and stays with you when you are here? (Has her own room where the bike is)

You know she is cheating on you, at least twice, with somebody sending 10,000 baht for her birthday (not a normal action for just serving drinks........wink.png ) and you let this happen, forgiving the first time, p1ssed off the second.

I'm not sure how long you have been coming to Thailand as you have only talked about the two year relationship with this one girl, but you also mention breaking up with others? You should by now know how it works, and if you don't, IMHO, you need to take a crash course in "Pattaya street-smart" otherwise you are going to end in a position where the possible loss of a motorbike will seem trivial.

Do yourself a favour, face-to-face breakup with her and if you want, change the name on the bike's reg. book into her name as a parting gift. Forget the tears, forget the promises from her, make the parting of ways as amicable as possible..........thumbsup.gif

Just get rid of her and get on with your life.

If you do go with the above option, you can have your talk and tell her "On Yer Bike"...........................rolleyes.gif


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I went to an ex g/f's place of work with the spare key and simply took my m/c back. My name, my book, my m/c.

That would be my advice, assuming he has a spare key. And make sure to call or text her after you've taken it so she doesn't call the cops to report it stolen.

She knew who had taken it ;)

Great to see and hear the reaction laugh.png

Yes, he'd need a spare key or if he goes back to the apartment, to get the key while there.

He too could report it stolen too of course IF he has the book and it is in his name.

Thyere can be some 'difficult' reactions though to taking some property back laugh.png

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I left the motorbike with the ex. She needed it to get to work. I figured, if she was working and earning income, then it was less likely I would get an SMS sob story about money. In any case, I didn't need or want the motorbike. The joke's one her anyway, I often use a car service now. 1/3 the cost of Phuket.

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Just go and get another one , preferably from the same bar she will be returning to to wind her up. Have fun.

I usually get best friend or a sister and pay them double, that really pisses them offPosted Image

Try it with the mother LOL

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Been through this before. Photo copy your green book, go to the room and just take the bike back. I say copy the green book because she might have boyfriend/brother waiting to take the green book off you. This way when it kicks off and she calls the motorbike taxi mafia over to sort you out you can show the copy of the green book and prove its yours. They wont be interested in getting involved in a stolen motorbike, by the way it is stolen if she wont give it back to you. If it gets nasty just wait for the police to turn up, your green book, your bike. But remember she will lose face and theres nothing worse than a Thai girl scorned. She will be looking for revenge if you take the bike from her. Or you could make up some BS saying you want to make up with her. Tell her to pick you up on your bike cause you want to take her out for dinner. When you are at the restaurant go to the bathroom, well tell her you are going there but jump on the bike and disappear.

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I've been coming to Thailand 2 or 3 times a year since 1988. The most important thing I have learned about living a happy life here is to NEVER have a regular Thai girl friend who has ever been involved in the bar business. I've been there and done that. Don't get me wrong, I am no saint. Having some purely business contacts in the sex business is one of the major reasons this is such a wonderful place for a single guy. But remember, always be honest from the start. Make it clear that, "I am not looking for a girl friend." No dinners out, movies or any other activity that will lead her to believe that you are romantically interested in her. By all means be friendly, kind and if you are made happy enough, generous. But keep it to business only. You will both be much happier for it and you will never have any of the Thai "girl friend" problems that you read so much of on this forum. Life here can be great if you live it right.

Edited by Groongthep
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It may sound materialistic but your priority should be to get your bike back. So don't mention to her that you are going to break up with her, keep everything "normal" until you are back in Thailand. Then meet her, be sweet and get you bike out and put it somewhere else, where she cannot get it. (Do you have a good friend in Thailand?). THEN, and only then break up with her.

Otherwise you bike might simply disappear or get some mysterious damage etc. There is no fury like the fury of a jealous woman!

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Or you could make up some BS saying you want to make up with her. Tell her to pick you up on your bike cause you want to take her out for dinner. When you are at the restaurant go to the bathroom, well tell her you are going there but jump on the bike and disappear.

I like this idea a lot. :D

I've disappeared on dates in the past when it was obvious they were just looking for a free night out at my expense.

Said I was going to the toilets then vanished and left her (and her greedy friend) in the restaurant.

They'll think twice about doing that in the future.

I've been coming to Thailand 2 or 3 times a year since 1988. The most important thing I have learned about living a happy life here is to NEVER have a regular Thai girl friend who has ever been involved in the bar business. I've been there and done that. Don't get me wrong, I am no saint. Having some purely business contacts in the sex business is one of the major reasons this is such a wonderful place for a single guy. But remember, always be honest from the start. Make it clear that, "I am not looking for a girl friend." No dinners out, movies or any other activity that will lead her to believe that you are romantically interested in her. By all means be friendly, kind and if you are made happy enough, generous. But keep it to business only. You will both be much happier for it and you will never have any of the Thai "girl friend" problems that you read so much of on this forum. Life here can be great if you live it right.

Or alternatively just avoid hookers at all costs.

Consider the number of women in Thailand and that the majority have never been anywhere near the sex scene there's really no need to chase after bar girls.

I know a lot of guys genuinely believe that 'regular' Thai girls are not available to farangs but honestly there's a whole host of them out there who are interested in the white man.

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Just go and get another one , preferably from the same bar she will be returning to to wind her up. Have fun.

I usually get best friend or a sister and pay them double, that really pisses them offlaugh.png

Try it with the mother LOL

Sometimes mom is more fun than the daughterlaugh.png , as sick as it sounds, there are a few now around working in the same bar, mother and daughter.

I guess daughter really likes to stay in family business

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If you have registration / ownership docs. on the bike find a Thai cop ...have a good photo of the bike and your ex g/f and her address... Tell him he can own the bike for 10,000 Baht if he recovers it.. if he comes by with the bike - you will hand him the docs for the 10K.

When that is done - take a long walk ... if possible make that walk to another part of Thailand for a few weeks or even out of country on holiday. Turn off your phone - get a temp phone.. Get it on with life. You'll find that the financial loss means nothing after a few months... just write off the whole thing - financial and otherwise.

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If your motorbike is worth ฿2,000 or more and you feel you deserve to have it back, this is my suggestion. Let your wishes be known to one of the expat locals reading this thread. Tell him you'll pay him 2,000 Baht for the recovery of the motorbike. He can get it all at once for stealing the bike back and delivering it to you or ฿1,000 for short timing her and ฿1,000 after when he delivers the bike.

I am not one of the expat locals but i will follow these instructions if the offer is still openwai2.gif

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I've been coming to Thailand 2 or 3 times a year since 1988. The most important thing I have learned about living a happy life here is to NEVER have a regular Thai girl friend who has ever been involved in the bar business. I've been there and done that. Don't get me wrong, I am no saint. Having some purely business contacts in the sex business is one of the major reasons this is such a wonderful place for a single guy. But remember, always be honest from the start. Make it clear that, "I am not looking for a girl friend." No dinners out, movies or any other activity that will lead her to believe that you are romantically interested in her. By all means be friendly, kind and if you are made happy enough, generous. But keep it to business only. You will both be much happier for it and you will never have any of the Thai "girl friend" problems that you read so much of on this forum. Life here can be great if you live it right.

Or alternatively just avoid hookers at all costs.

Consider the number of women in Thailand and that the majority have never been anywhere near the sex scene there's really no need to chase after bar girls.

I know a lot of guys genuinely believe that 'regular' Thai girls are not available to farangs but honestly there's a whole host of them out there who are interested in the white man.

You obviously misunderstood the point of my post.

Clearly there is no need to chase after hookers. Unless you're ugly as sin they're looking for you. When the time comes that you are interested in the company of a female companion for just an evening and not a relationship (for the average guy this is not unheard of....), forget about her personality and just choose the prettiest woman you can find. Your libido, your peace of mind and your wallet will thank you for this in the long run.

It also doesn't take much for the average guy to figure out your last point either, but why bother? Being a single male in Thailand is a pretty good place to be. Get yourself a "regular" Thai woman and a year later you'll be posting on ThaiVisa about how badly you screwed up and you'll be asking complete strangers how to get out.

Edited by Groongthep
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