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Kebab Platter at Sausage King


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SK informed me that come this Saturday 6th he will be doing a Kebab Platter.

3 types of meat, Chicken & Lamb Kebab plus the meat from his Donner along with a couple of breads.

Should be luvverly with a plate of Big Chips plenty for little old me.

Following weekend he is planning a Brit Style Mixed Grill, with Lamb chops amongst the choices.

Rob would like to hear from his regulars on which other items they would like to see on the Grill, Bacon and a Pork sausage for me.


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I had a 12''Bratwurst on a baguette today with fried onions and chunks of bacon served with fries 129 baht at sausage king garden restaurant. A real gut buster.he gives you a choice of fries,frozen chips,real potato chips at no extra cost. I will be their again this Saturday for the Lamb donor or maybe the platter kebab set and a few cold beers to start with.smile.png

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"German Bratwurst with a bread roll would be nice . Also kebabs with real Lamb chunks ."

Yes please.

Bratties must be cooked over Charcoal and I would luv a Kebab, Lamb Chunks, same as I had as a young Lad.


Naturally Beer must be served Cold, Freezing if possible.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Yep, kebab sounds good for tomorrow.... will likely stock up on some takeaways too. My fridge is looking bare and his pies etc are jolly good. Always good to have a hot pie and cold beer when watching rugby on tele. Great stuff!

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Thanks for reminding me, been trying to remember to go for 2 months now.

Id like to request real American style barbecue pork ribs (with heaps of sloppy barbecue sauce), with baked beans and potato salad :)

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Have had the American spare ribs before (But in another country, but not yankee land) and yes they were good. I think the biggest problem here is that most places chop the ribs into tiny little bite sized portions. What the hell is with that? Im gonna head down to the local market (Mae Rim) tomorrow morning (Early) and get in before they massacre the ribs in order to get a decent size lot to barbque.

As an aside I went to Gecko Garden Restaurant and Pub today, for the 1st time. Id been passed the place lots of times but never actually realised it was there! Yeah maybe Im just a blind old bastard....anyway I tried their fish and chips. For 109 baht I was impressed. Sure its not NZ quality blue cod or snapper or shark (We are spoilt for choice in Godzone thumbsup.gif ) But the overall delivery of the meal was great. I shall return and try other items on their menu.

However tomorrow is reserved for SK..... great tucker and nice environment (Gets even better after a few cold ones, cant figure out why)

Edited by CMKiwi
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Have had the American spare ribs before (But in another country, but not yankee land) and yes they were good. I think the biggest problem here is that most places chop the ribs into tiny little bite sized portions. What the hell is with that? Im gonna head down to the local market (Mae Rim) tomorrow morning (Early) and get in before they massacre the ribs in order to get a decent size lot to barbque.

As an aside I went to Gecko Garden Restaurant and Pub today, for the 1st time. Id been passed the place lots of times but never actually realised it was there! Yeah maybe Im just a blind old bastard....anyway I tried their fish and chips. For 109 baht I was impressed. Sure its not NZ quality blue cod or snapper or shark (We are spoilt for choice in Godzone thumbsup.gif ) But the overall delivery of the meal was great. I shall return and try other items on their menu.

However tomorrow is reserved for SK..... great tucker and nice environment (Gets even better after a few cold ones, cant figure out why)

I have been told if you go to Macro and ask for the ribs un cut they will do it for you . Only other place have been able to get them non molested was Mae Hia market ... The cut ribs are not worth the time to BBQ .............

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Went to Sausage King and ordered the Bangers and Mash and a Sausage Hot Dog (with the onions and pepers on side)

Bangers deep fried so instead of outside having nice snap it was so hard that couldn't cut w/the knife served w/beef sauce which was more like what ended up in the bottom of the pot of a beef stew, tasted nice but not with pork. I don't usually eat fried or beef so when I didn't order either and got both it wasn't what I expected.

The hot dog came out not only deep fried but it was not a hot dog but a sausage, not sure what kind but the stronger flavors were not that of a dog, with fried onions (deep fried and no peppers in sight) and it all was served in a large puddle of oil that the roll soaked some of it up so it was totally soggy as were the french fries that were not fried enough, pale and not crunchy.

I spoke to the owner, a very nice guy, and and told him that hot dogs were not suppose to be fried but steamed or boiled and he said that's how they cook them. Not only was he stating the obvious but his look was that of he had no control over it, as it was the will of God. If you want to have a fried-centric menu that's fine and for health reasons I'll eat elsewhere, but just to bring everything deep fried because it's the laziest way to do it or if your staff can't cook otherwise then you should change one or the other.

Edited by junglechef
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Don't worry sausage king its sounds like your competitors having a pop at you. Sausage king does not sell hot dog sausage and never has,I have eaten the 12'' sausage on a baguette the comes with fried onions and bacon and chips 129 baht. and its spot on. Hot dog sausage is nothing like British sausage. smile.png

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I'm not a competitor. This was my experience there. Everything I said was true including that the menu had Sausage Hot Dog with onions and peppers (menu item #308) as I said in my last post. I wish them all the health, happiness and success in their business


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Am an Aussie and we call them snags but in uk they call them sausage but a sausage served up in a baguette with fried onions and bacon is lovely (With a cold beer smile.png ). A hot dog sausage does not have much meat content. You can get the American type hot dogs at most 7 11 stores? Maybe #308 sk hot dog is sausage kings style of hot dog. In Australia we have snags served with fried onions in a bread roll also. Who cares at 129 baht and its a big portion. I eat at sk 3-4 times a week as do half of Chiang Mai because his food is good and very well priced. smile.png

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Maybe it is (which follows that maybe it's not) but that doesn't make it a hot dog and shouldn't be sold as one, especially in a sausage specialty shop. Obviously I care enough to comment but I'm just one diner in the last month of 1,250,000 in your estimation. Next time I'm in Aussie I'll order a snag and promise to post my experience here too. tongue.png It's been fun!

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Am an Aussie and we call them snags but in uk they call them sausage but a sausage served up in a baguette with fried onions and bacon is lovely (With a cold beer smile.png.pagespeed.ce.CwSpBGGvqN.png ). A hot dog sausage does not have much meat content. You can get the American type hot dogs at most 7 11 stores? Maybe #308 sk hot dog is sausage kings style of hot dog. In Australia we have snags served with fried onions in a bread roll also. Who cares at 129 baht and its a big portion. I eat at sk 3-4 times a week as do half of Chiang Mai because his food is good and very well priced. smile.png.pagespeed.ce.CwSpBGGvqN.png

Any meat product that you buy in 7-11 in Thailand is per garbage and is NOT an Americana Hotdog.

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Maybe it is (which follows that maybe it's not) but that doesn't make it a hot dog and shouldn't be sold as one, especially in a sausage specialty shop. Obviously I care enough to comment but I'm just one diner in the last month of 1,250,000 in your estimation. Next time I'm in Aussie I'll order a snag and promise to post my experience here too. tongue.png It's been fun!

I disagree, to many (at least from the UK), including myself a Hot Dog is more about a sausage (of some sort) in a long thin bun, it quite clearly states that it's sausage.

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Am an Aussie and we call them snags but in uk they call them sausage but a sausage served up in a baguette with fried onions and bacon is lovely (With a cold beer smile.png.pagespeed.ce.CwSpBGGvqN.png ). A hot dog sausage does not have much meat content. You can get the American type hot dogs at most 7 11 stores? Maybe #308 sk hot dog is sausage kings style of hot dog. In Australia we have snags served with fried onions in a bread roll also. Who cares at 129 baht and its a big portion. I eat at sk 3-4 times a week as do half of Chiang Mai because his food is good and very well priced. smile.png.pagespeed.ce.CwSpBGGvqN.png

Any meat product that you buy in 7-11 in Thailand is per garbage and is NOT an Americana Hotdog.

I don't know if they are American hot dogs or not but I have read a few times that the quality of the meat (I think it's all chicken - not 100% sure) sold by 7-11 in Thailand (owned by CP) is actually better in quality than anything sold at 7-11 in the USA. I don't buy the products here or in the USA but it is what I have read.

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Am an Aussie and we call them snags but in uk they call them sausage but a sausage served up in a baguette with fried onions and bacon is lovely (With a cold beer smile.png ). A hot dog sausage does not have much meat content. You can get the American type hot dogs at most 7 11 stores? Maybe #308 sk hot dog is sausage kings style of hot dog. In Australia we have snags served with fried onions in a bread roll also. Who cares at 129 baht and its a big portion. I eat at sk 3-4 times a week as do half of Chiang Mai because his food is good and very well priced. smile.png

Any meat product that you buy in 7-11 in Thailand is per garbage and is NOT an Americana Hotdog.

I don't know if they are American hot dogs or not but I have read a few times that the quality of the meat (I think it's all chicken - not 100% sure) sold by 7-11 in Thailand (owned by CP) is actually better in quality than anything sold at 7-11 in the USA. I don't buy the products here or in the USA but it is what I have read.

Hot dogs at 7-11 in the US are <deleted>. Go to New York or Chicago for the real thing.

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