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Britney Spears To Perform In Bangkok


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Britney to perform in Bangkok


BANGKOK: American pop princess Britney Spears will this year perform her first concerts in Thailand to showcase songs from her latest album "In The Zone", a concert promoter said yesterday.

Boonperm Intanapasat, general manager of Matching Entertainment Ltd, which brought Mariah Carey to Bangkok, said the Spears deal was finalised this week.

"We contacted her through the same agency that handled Mariah," he said.

The agency decided to bring in Spears because it was satisfied with the security team provided for Carey, Boonperm said.

"The Thai security team and police have impressed them."

While the date has not yet been set, Spears is likely to perform two concerts at The Impact Arena.

"Spears wanted to perform in a big outdoor stadium, but that's unlikely since she'll be here in the rainy season."

Boonperm declined to reveal the concert fee, but said it would be double the price of the Carey concert.

He said Spears would also have a bigger entourage. She will bring 80 crew and 10 management personnel, while Carey brought 36 crew and 10 management.

Spears will come to Thailand as part of her world tour, Boonperm said.

--The Nation 2004-02-20

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if we don't get to have no tits then get outta here

I will go. At least one will pop out. Love them!

can you predict it will happen george, im buying front row ticket :o

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if we don't get to have no tits then get outta here

I will go. At least one will pop out. Love them!

can you predict it will happen george, im buying front row ticket :D

I am still shocked from Janet Jackson's "wardrobe malfunction" ... :o (HMM... is that so?)

Let's hope the so-call "malfunction" does not happen in Thailand.

I feel bad for the kids ... they might go blind or become mentally challenge :D

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I am a little bit upset with this lady. For how long did I believe her to be a virgin?

I mean, I never saw one myself, but then she came out to say all was platonic. :o

Later, of course, some well educated younger people told me: Papa, you are full of BS. I still believe BS is equal to Britney Speatrs :D

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I can imagine the scene at the airport on her arrival......dozens of teens screaming and trying to get close to her :o Maybe she'll outdo Beckham in the 'no-of-fans-coming-to-to-the-airport thing :D

When is Kylie coming to town ? Kylie rules ! :D



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this is an opportunity for the overlords of social order to disprove allegations of hypocracy...during the concert (the required operating hours restriction) the singer should be required to strip off completely and to utilize devices to demonstrate an intact hymen...

anything less is prima facie evidence that recent pronouncements regarding closing hours are nothing less than an absurd attempt to protect the virtue of Thai youth...

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You guys (and gals) are a rough crowd to please. The girl's just trying to make living. She may not be my cup of tea, but if she can sell enough tickets to make it worthwhile, let her have her show.

By the way, I think she's owned up to not being a virgin any more. She repented ever mentioning it in the first place. Hey, she's even been married once now. Okay, so it got annulled a day or two later. Still, she had her wedding night which I'm sure she spent at the dollar slots. (Ewww, that brings to mind a really bad pun, but like B. Spears, I'm going to be nice and not indulge!) The wedding was in Las Vegas btw.

Now if Nora Jones or even Fiona Apple (who is another twit, but one with a really killer voice and good keyboard skills) was playing, I'd be booking a ticket tomorrow. Or how about Nat King Cole's daughter? Not as good as her old man, but still a worthwhile vocalist, imho.


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I like the Yala suggestion...Britney in a hijab then half naked from the shoulders down gyrating sugesstively to go-go bar music..should conform to local restrictions

In Indonesia I wondered at the display of lovely women at bus stops while being driven to work...many in a hijab but with tight fitting clothing below the shoulders. The hijab simply served to frame the spectacular facial beauty of the wearers and with coupled with long legs, nice ass and the rest...oooh...ooh...'datang sama saya, darling...'

the women of the south will liberate the area from fundamentalist thugs...

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In Indonesia I wondered at the display of lovely women at bus stops while being driven to work...many in a hijab but with tight fitting clothing below the shoulders. The hijab simply served to frame the spectacular facial beauty of the wearers and with coupled with long legs, nice ass and the rest...oooh...ooh...'datang sama saya, darling...'

the women of the south will liberate the area from fundamentalist thugs...

I sure agree with you on this one, tutsi,... :D:o

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Scince when has Thailand been into really good western music?

If they're not into talentless bubble gum <deleted> then they're into mindless screaming Linkin Park (which I've just noticed is Crap Nik Nil backwards) and Korn and other mindless screaming American bands. It's a wonder Coldplay ever got out here.

Ok, there are a few Marley fans, some like the Red Hot Chilli Peppers and even less are into The Beatles... I bet they haven't even heard of Bob Dylan, The Kinks or David Bowie.

...Or Madness.

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Scince when has Thailand been into really good western music?

If they're not into talentless bubble gum <deleted> then they're into mindless screaming Linkin Park (which I've just noticed is Crap Nik Nil backwards) and Korn and other mindless screaming American bands. It's a wonder Coldplay ever got out here.

Man, doesn't it occur to you that different people have different tastes in music ?

Why look down on certain singers or types of music ?!

These comments are not just for you 'Gentleman Scamp' but also for those who love 'Britney-bashing' and who ridicule those who enjoy her music.

I, myself, have never really been much crazy about Britney Spears but have enjoyed a few of her songs.



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Britney - the bouncy little sex-bunny. Man, you got to be really bored to go see her in Thailand (or anywhere).

Got an idea: Send her down to Phuket to soften up that hard-a** - the Gent! Oh, forgot, he hates Americans... :o

Boon Mee

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