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Deadly crash highlights dangers to Thailand tourists


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The link in the OP is still reporting approx 9,600 road deaths a year, whereas the true figure, confirmed by a senior Thai government official, is closer to 26,000, placing Thailand as 6th worldwide in road deaths per 100,000 of population.


Every year, around Songkran, the police and ministry's focus for a whole 10 days on traffic accidents and produce statistics.

Based on the finding from that, we can assume that over half of the 26,000 fatalities mentioned above will be Thai nationals on motorbikes.

No real danger to tourists, even the ones on buses IMHO. Once again, hard as it is to embrace, foreigners really aren't all that in the grand scheme of things in LOS.

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Nothing will be done until foreign embassies and the world media put pressure on the politicians. As soon as it starts hitting the pockets of the tour companies, which are controlled by influential persons, politicians and Thai mafia, nothing will happen. There is to much money involved, maintenance on Vans, busses and trains are minimal, if you do maintenance it cost money and reduces profit.

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The World's media needs to become a lot more involved before the Thai Government will take any notice. Real pressure to do things will only come from the Thai people themselves though and individually they don't care as long as it doesn't affect them or their family. The truth behind 'Thainess' is all about ME.ME,ME !!

And "APATHY" as well as non awareness. Their own countrymen/women are dying 24/7 in needless road accidents also and little or nothing ever changes so why would anyone believe external pressure to protect tourists change anything?

Edited by atyclb
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Thailand has to do something about road safety, that includes road maintainance, some of the potholes are huge, rough uneven surfaces, driviers overtaking at speed on blind corners, reckless disregard for the road rules (if the drivers know them at all), lax law enforcement including officers taking bribes to look the other way. I have been driving my car when I have been unable to avoid a patch of road that has been gouged out by overloaded trucks and had to fight for control as the car bounced sideways through the cratered surface. I have face cars, trucks, busses and motorbike coming at me on the wrong side of the road around a blind corner, thier response when they see you, flash thier headlight to say 'out of the way I'm coming through' with no apparent care for thier safety or anyone else's. some people may say that corruption doesn't hurt them, well it does, how much money intended for road maitainance finds it's way into the pockets of local government officials, contractors, forman and police officers who come to 'inspect. whatever work is being done, all of it takes away from what should be done and lowers the safety standard resulting in loss of life in combination with other factors.

I agree with you, the highway heading South out of BKK is a mess. The thing I find most troubling is the total lack of law enforcement on almost every road I've been on. The BIB are too busy busting kids for not wearing helmets riding scooters, then to get out there and run radar (which I seriously doubt they even have). It's like those that own/operate a vehicle are left up to their own devices and the only time the cops ever get involved is when an accident occurs.

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On this occasion it does appear that the bus driver was not at fault, and honestly with a head on collision between a bus and a heavy truck there is not much chance of survival if you are in the front of the bus.

Certainly some of those killed appear to have survived the crash and then died as a result of being trapped in the bus when it caught fire, so fire safety precautions may have saved lives, but don't think this couldn't happen in the west because it does.

Most of the long distance busses here have windows that you have to break to get out. There are a couple of little emergency hammer along the inside of the busses. Unfortunately no instruction how to use them. As a ex-firefighter I know that you have to hit one of the corner of the window glass with the point in the hammer to break it easily . How many people know that ? What about emergency light in the busses here ? Probably none. I use the seat belt when I use Nakornchai Air to travel by bus. Normally I am the only one using the seat belt.

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The World's media needs to become a lot more involved before the Thai Government will take any notice. Real pressure to do things will only come from the Thai people themselves though and individually they don't care as long as it doesn't affect them or their family. The truth behind 'Thainess' is all about ME.ME,ME !!

I totally agree with you, so long as the money keeps flowing their way, that's all they care about.

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Thailand is fast becoming a 'high risk' country as far as tourism is concerned, and can be placed in par with some of the countries in Africa. which will ultimately be a 'no go area' if they don't do something fast.

There are several reasons for this.

Thailand tourismn is growing and the less than reliable tour companies are taking advantage of it. They are using inferior equipment and there is no standard set for their drivers. I know a fellow who won't get on a bus until he has checked the tires on it.

Also the tourists them selves are the problem with accidents on Motor bikes. Many come here to Thailand rent a motor bike they would never qualify to ride in their home country and off they go. What is really bad is a lot of them come from a first world country and are not used to traffic on the wrong side of the road.

In short a lot of people come to Thailand with the idea that they are accident proof. They then go out and prove themselves wrong and blame it on Thailand.

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I am rather sceptical that anything much at all will be done about this road carnage.

Reports by Western media might put a few tourists off Thailand or at least make them more aware of the risks, but sadly nothing will happen to change much.

Someone will be blamed eg. in this case, the truck driver and that will be that - human error.

In a wider context minimal attention will be given to the condition of the roads, the roadworthiness of vehicles, the skill level and attitude of the drivers etc.

Thailands answer to "The Fast and The Furious", except this isn't a film.

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Everyone knows the main reason why most tourists come to Thailand. Cheap sex for sale. Why does Thailand continue to deny this obvious reality. Cheap sex for sale has been the mainstay of the Thai tourist trade and the backbone of its economy for decades. It's preposterous and untruthful for the public and Thai press to continue to deny it. They have no intention of adding any safety measures or implementing any standards for buses or trains. Most sex travelers to Thailand are walk around tourists. As long as sex is a number one seller, Thailand will never change.

So safety measures and standards for hookers would be a good idea too?


He had me confused there.

What is a sex tourist doing on a tour buss.

He can just take a cab from the airport to soi cowboy or what ever it is called.

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I wonder how many tourists each year are killed in bus accidents compared to being killed by other means?

I suspect the number killed in buses would be quite a small percentage.

Then there is the overall number of people killed on the road each year compared to those killed in buses.

I suspect that would be an even smaller percentage.

That would make cars and motorcy far more dangerous than buses.

With far more potential for loonies to be driving cars than those driving buses.

Of course bus accidents get the publicity which your several (many) a day car accidents and deaths do not.

In this case I doubt there was anything the bus driver could have done to avoid a truck suddenly swerving across the median strip and hitting him head on and nothing any of you could have done either if it had happened to you.

No amount of driver training and experience would help.

It is a terrible accident and if something can be learnt from it to make things safer on the roads then great.

Condolences to the families of those killed and I hope a speedy and full recovery to the injured.

"In this case I doubt there was anything the bus driver could have done to avoid a truck suddenly swerving across the median strip and hitting him head on and nothing any of you could have done either if it had happened to you."

True but that dosen't mean any thing to the press. Especially the foreign press. I have lived here in Thailand for 7 years and heard a constant barrage of this or that will hurt the tourism business in Thailand Every one in the world knows how corrupt Thailand is and will not come here. On and on the nonsense goes ad infinitum.

But the facts are tourism is growing here in Thailand and that is why the world is becoming more aware of the traffic conditions. some things just happen and are unavoidable. The death rate would be a lot lower among tourists if they all had to produce a drivers license from their home country saying they qualify to ride motor bikes.

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Thai government has NO resources for road maintenance and safety. There are just too many more million tons of rice to buy and warehouse.

Each town is allocated road repair monies annually in highways departments-via the town treasury dept--which is controlled by the the Elected town boss. He has a committee who discuss matters BUT he will control ALL. He has the power-and uses it -to transfer highways money for -example a paid trip to Phuket for dept heads for a meeting--Yes this happened in Udon province -will not mention the town. TRUE.....an officer told me about it.

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Here's a link to road accidents per 100,000, Thailand being 6th highest on the planet. Another page on this site shows It is also in the upper range in violent deaths at number 75. Death being caused by a fall it is 4th highest in the world...not really suprising considering the number of times we read about people falling from a balcony.


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Here's a link to road accidents per 100,000, Thailand being 6th highest on the planet. Another page on this site shows It is also in the upper range in violent deaths at number 75. Death being caused by a fall it is 4th highest in the world...not really suprising considering the number of times we read about people falling from a balcony.


If you look at the WHO figures referred to in the original article, Thailand effectively has the 2nd highest road fatality rate in the world, after only the Dominican Republic.

Yes, technically Niue has the worst record, with its one recorded road fatality out of a population of 1,465, but I would argue that that scarcely counts.

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I think we should all recognize and thank all the emergency crews who assisted the victims

and cleaned up the crash site. Pulling burnt bodies out of a bus is not a nice job, it is

very traumatic. Unfortunately the Thai authorities see it as a low paid job but they these

are the only people you can rely on in an accident. The police are useless. You cant see any of them near the bus. Check the photos.

I have sat in the front of one of these buses on a trip and I can safely say that you

couldnt hit anything faster than 10 kph without getting hurt ! There is no protection

whatsoever for the driver.

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Perhaps the headline "Deadly crash highlights danger to people who take busses" would be more apt.

To my recollection far more Thais were killed than any other group.

Yes, I was thinking the same thing. And most of the TV posters seem solely concerned with the impact on tourism above all else.

Why is the safety of tourists paramount to the safety of people generally? Sort of like saying that an airplane crash highlights the danger faced by people travelling First Class ... the people travelling in "steerage" were unfortunate collateral damage of no account.

Actually , most of the posters here on TV are solely concerned with matters of safety , applied equally to Thai or foreigners . Regrettably , the only time that this issue is ever addressed ( mostly cosmetically at that ) is when there is a perception that it may damage the all importatnt tourist dollar revenue . I don't see you or any Thai groups pressuring the Authorities to improve road safety for Thai people with any conviction .
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Perhaps the headline "Deadly crash highlights danger to people who take busses" would be more apt.

To my recollection far more Thais were killed than any other group.

Yes, I was thinking the same thing. And most of the TV posters seem solely concerned with the impact on tourism above all else.

Why is the safety of tourists paramount to the safety of people generally? Sort of like saying that an airplane crash highlights the danger faced by people travelling First Class ... the people travelling in "steerage" were unfortunate collateral damage of no account.

I have a bit of shock news for you, the topic is about the impact on tourists. Now I know it's bizarre but some of us do actually reply to the topic.

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many people seem to forget that they are in a buddhist country

buddhists believe in reincarnation

therefore they are not afraid of dying

hence doing stupid [deadly] things are normal in this country

buddists [true] dont point and blame either

thats a western thing to do [blame somebody ]

thailand = road carnage

such is thailand

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Thailand has to do something about road safety, that includes road maintainance, some of the potholes are huge, rough uneven surfaces, driviers overtaking at speed on blind corners, reckless disregard for the road rules (if the drivers know them at all), lax law enforcement including officers taking bribes to look the other way. I have been driving my car when I have been unable to avoid a patch of road that has been gouged out by overloaded trucks and had to fight for control as the car bounced sideways through the cratered surface. I have face cars, trucks, busses and motorbike coming at me on the wrong side of the road around a blind corner, thier response when they see you, flash thier headlight to say 'out of the way I'm coming through' with no apparent care for thier safety or anyone else's. some people may say that corruption doesn't hurt them, well it does, how much money intended for road maitainance finds it's way into the pockets of local government officials, contractors, forman and police officers who come to 'inspect. whatever work is being done, all of it takes away from what should be done and lowers the safety standard resulting in loss of life in combination with other factors.

I'm almost at the point of saying "There is no Hope for Thailand." The Thai mindset of Me, Me, Me first is sinking this country fast.

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I have lived in Thailand 6 years, this is my first post. I was involved in a 7 car pile up which resulted in 2 fatalaties, on a wet night 3 vehicles in front of me crashed as iwas the correct distance away i managed to pull to the side only for 3 more vehicles behind me crashing into the ones in front, mine was the only vehicle that was not hit, but when the police arrived I was targeted by them as being the only farang involved. Through my Thai partner I was told that if I paid 20000 baht I could leave the scene, I refused and also refused to get out of car, I rang my insurance company (Axa) who told me to stay in car until they sent a rep to scene, when they arrived I had no further problem, So so sad 2 dead but just a money making opportunity for Thais.

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Another bus crash? coffee1.gif

Another mini-bus crash? coffee1.gif

Different day. Same, same. Unsafe to take the train. Unsafe to take a bus. Unsafe to drive...period.

The Ministry of Tourism should consider a new ad campaign:

Thailand: Unsafe at Any Speed!!! -- Consider a Fly-over Instead (Perhaps Myanmar?)

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Real pressure to do things will only come from the Thai people themselves though and individually they don't care as long as it doesn't affect them or their family. The truth behind 'Thainess' is all about ME.ME,ME !!

another genius has spoken. all my thai friends WARN me everytime I plan taking a minvan, trying to make me change my mind. They all say it's dangerous and worry about my safety.

Edited by stickylies
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many people seem to forget that they are in a buddhist country

buddhists believe in reincarnation

therefore they are not afraid of dying

hence doing stupid [deadly] things are normal in this country

buddists [true] dont point and blame either

thats a western thing to do [blame somebody ]

thailand = road carnage

such is thailand

Could be the start of a new tourism ad campaign: Start Your Reincarnation In Thailand.

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I wonder how many tourists each year are killed in bus accidents compared to being killed by other means?

I suspect the number killed in buses would be quite a small percentage.

Then there is the overall number of people killed on the road each year compared to those killed in buses.

I suspect that would be an even smaller percentage.

That would make cars and motorcy far more dangerous than buses.

With far more potential for loonies to be driving cars than those driving buses.

Of course bus accidents get the publicity which your several (many) a day car accidents and deaths do not.

In this case I doubt there was anything the bus driver could have done to avoid a truck suddenly swerving across the median strip and hitting him head on and nothing any of you could have done either if it had happened to you.

No amount of driver training and experience would help.

It is a terrible accident and if something can be learnt from it to make things safer on the roads then great.

Condolences to the families of those killed and I hope a speedy and full recovery to the injured.

The possibility that less people die in bus accidents than in other vehicles doesn't change the fact that driving standards in general are abysmal and some of the worst offenders are public service vehicle drivers, driving too fast with no consideration for other road users and for too many hours at a time. If indeed there are less deaths in these vehicles than others it is only a combination of there being less of them on the road and sheer good fortune.

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