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PTT oil slick spreads to Koh Samet beachfront


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Really lovely beaches there ruin by pure incompetence, just bury your heads in the sand TITsad.png

Oil spills happen all over the world -- most often in advanced, developed countries.

Why is it that everything that happens here gets the cynical "TIT" label?

Incompetence is incompetence, and it is everywhere.

Yea your right it happened in Australia and the company was PTT. They coped huge fines and a clean up bill and now there operation have to be strictly monitored by Australia

Yea your right it happened in the Gulf of Mexico and the company was BP. They coped huge fines and a clean up bill and now there operation have to be strictly monitored by USA

Myself, I reckon the incompetence lies with people who post here out of ignorance.

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The first informative picture. No words - therefore no lies.

This picture shows total incompetence in containing the spill.

According to PTT they lost 70 tons of oil. About 20 miles offshore.

Thailand is going to make itself into a laughing stock in the eyes of world community.

One. They should have never allowed oil to reach the land. They failed.

Two. They should have had massive fleet of properly equipped vessels to contain and mop up the oil at sea. They failed.

Three. They should have asked immediately for foreign International assistance on a massive scale. They failed. (saving face? counting PTT baht? both?).

Four. The quoted picture shows about 35 lazy guys on the beach in white uniforms watching the oil. Thus keeping the spill under control.

Five. Where is the high power commission establishing the hard documented facts? Why all we are getting is media reports based on info issued by PTT?

Overall - Disgusting!

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Just got back from Ao Phrao an hour ago, I thought this was a fuss over nothing when I went to a few of the beaches on Samet this morning, absolutely no trace of any oil, went to Saikeaw (the most popular beach), went swimming at the beautiful Ao Luk Yon, and all up the North coast and saw nothing untoward.

The whole of Ao Phrao is covered in black sludge. There is a large clear up operation under way, however in my opinion it seems like lots of manpower and not much in the way of proper equipment (on the beach at least).In the distance there is a clear line where the oil stops, so I would imagine that it is fairly well contained in Ao Phrao and my guess is that it will not spread to any other beaches.
You mean they didn't bring out the elephants to suck up all the oil yet? Clearly somebody's not doing their job.
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Article in Bangkok Post said the slick was only 1mm thick today.

"The slick which is about 1mm thick"

Nice fact checking there.

BULL! ... The viscosity of crude oil will not produce 1mm film of oil on water surface. No need even to go and measure. It cannot be because it does not happen. Just as it cannot be that the sleek is 20 cm thick. Plain Physics.

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Article in Bangkok Post said the slick was only 1mm thick today.

"The slick which is about 1mm thick"

Nice fact checking there.

BULL! ... The viscosity of crude oil will not produce 1mm film of oil on water surface. No need even to go and measure. It cannot be because it does not happen. Just as it cannot be that the sleek is 20 cm thick. Plain Physics.

What are you saying then? In general the viscosity of crude is roughly the same as diesel. A 1 mm film is not impossible at the site of the spill, eventually the slick will spread out and be thinner. What you see washing up on sure is partly emmulsifed oil which is backing up into a bay and thus producing a thicker slick.

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Article in Bangkok Post said the slick was only 1mm thick today.

"The slick which is about 1mm thick"

Nice fact checking there.

BULL! ... The viscosity of crude oil will not produce 1mm film of oil on water surface. No need even to go and measure. It cannot be because it does not happen. Just as it cannot be that the sleek is 20 cm thick. Plain Physics.

If it is being pushed into a narrow channel by the tides and winds, then it can become compressed and increase it's thickness. Plain Dynamics.

Whatever the thickness, it's a bad situation and the photos show the results on the beach and in the bay.

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Really lovely beaches there ruin by pure incompetence, just bury your heads in the sand TITsad.png

Oil spills happen all over the world -- most often in advanced, developed countries.

Why is it that everything that happens here gets the cynical "TIT" label?

Incompetence is incompetence, and it is everywhere.

Yea your right it happened in Australia and the company was PTT. They coped huge fines and a clean up bill and now there operation have to be strictly monitored by Australia

Yea your right it happened in the Gulf of Mexico and the company was BP. They coped huge fines and a clean up bill and now there operation have to be strictly monitored by USA

Myself, I reckon the incompetence lies with people who post here out of ignorance.

Actually, I believe the maximum fine was only US$200,000, but that they have paid more than $55 million so far in compensation to civilians.

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Article in Bangkok Post said the slick was only 1mm thick today.

"The slick which is about 1mm thick"

Nice fact checking there.

BULL! ... The viscosity of crude oil will not produce 1mm film of oil on water surface. No need even to go and measure. It cannot be because it does not happen. Just as it cannot be that the sleek is 20 cm thick. Plain Physics.

If it is being pushed into a narrow channel by the tides and winds, then it can become compressed and increase it's thickness. Plain Dynamics.

Whatever the thickness, it's a bad situation and the photos show the results on the beach and in the bay.

As the lighter parts of the crude evaporate the remainder starts to thicken and produce a heavier layer on the water. The thickness will depend on the type of crude the temperature and a lot of other local factors, time being the biggest one.

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Ah, we get the typical TiT bashing comments...

Now let me dig into my memory a bit and throw some spanners around:


Well, that's quite a long time ago...lets try this one: BP...Gulf of Mexico... Anyone?

Accidents like this happen. Everywhere in the world.. I dare say that the US of A seems to hold first spot on Cluster Xxxxx in this type of accidents....

Yes, it's a serious accident, but if you're only half way sincere, you'd not be driving a car and use public transport or maybe taxis to get around so less oil needs to be refined and less chance for an accident to occur...

Before anyone starts:

- I use taxi's or car-pool with my employees..

- Living oil free is impossible, but you can make a difference by using less..

Schuimpge, I salute you!!! The US of A holds first spot for a lot of other cluster xxxxxxx as well and is always first in pointing fingers as well.

If the photo with people in charge wearing life jackets, pointing at the sand, represents the way this major PTT f%*kup is investigated and punished, we will see one of the PTT directors getting a slap on the wrist along with a ridiculous 2 or 3m Baht fine and the case is closed, while private investors and resort owners along the coast will lose everything and will not get a single Baht in compensation.

Great would be a thailandwide boycott against PTT gas stations, but I fear this will just remain a dream...

Are you even aware who owns the majority of PTT? biggrin.png Somehow I do not think Thai's and Thailand wants to boycott PTT biggrin.png


Do you know something we don't?tongue.pngrolleyes.gif

Not sure if you are joking? If not, then look at your link and notice the main shareholder (51%). Why would Thai's and Thailand boycott their own finance ministry, and thereby directly damage themselves??

Edited by monkeycountry
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Ah, we get the typical TiT bashing comments...

Now let me dig into my memory a bit and throw some spanners around:


Well, that's quite a long time ago...lets try this one: BP...Gulf of Mexico... Anyone?

Accidents like this happen. Everywhere in the world.. I dare say that the US of A seems to hold first spot on Cluster Xxxxx in this type of accidents....

Yes, it's a serious accident, but if you're only half way sincere, you'd not be driving a car and use public transport or maybe taxis to get around so less oil needs to be refined and less chance for an accident to occur...

Before anyone starts:

- I use taxi's or car-pool with my employees..

- Living oil free is impossible, but you can make a difference by using less..

Schuimpge, I salute you!!! The US of A holds first spot for a lot of other cluster xxxxxxx as well and is always first in pointing fingers as well.

If the photo with people in charge wearing life jackets, pointing at the sand, represents the way this major PTT f%*kup is investigated and punished, we will see one of the PTT directors getting a slap on the wrist along with a ridiculous 2 or 3m Baht fine and the case is closed, while private investors and resort owners along the coast will lose everything and will not get a single Baht in compensation.

Great would be a thailandwide boycott against PTT gas stations, but I fear this will just remain a dream...

Do you know something we don't?tongue.pngrolleyes.gif

Not sure if you are joking? If not, then look at your link and notice the main shareholder (51%). Why would Thai's and Thailand boycott their own finance ministry, and thereby directly damage themselves??

A very USA-type post from Schul., but i don't think it is the size of the spill that is of concern - we are talking not quantity but the quality of reaction to the spill - how effective they have been and how accurate and open the information has been.

Edited by wilcopops
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Article in Bangkok Post said the slick was only 1mm thick today.

"The slick which is about 1mm thick"

Nice fact checking there.

BULL! ... The viscosity of crude oil will not produce 1mm film of oil on water surface. No need even to go and measure. It cannot be because it does not happen. Just as it cannot be that the sleek is 20 cm thick. Plain Physics.

If it is being pushed into a narrow channel by the tides and winds, then it can become compressed and increase it's thickness. Plain Dynamics.

Whatever the thickness, it's a bad situation and the photos show the results on the beach and in the bay.

As the lighter parts of the crude evaporate the remainder starts to thicken and produce a heavier layer on the water. The thickness will depend on the type of crude the temperature and a lot of other local factors, time being the biggest one.

Aopart from nything the tides will have effect on the inter-tidal zone - basically they carry a layer of oild up the beack and gently drop it there - this then seeps down onto all the intertidal flora and fauna....and algae....

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The oil industry has private companies stationed at various locations, with rapid response teams and equipment to handle accidents such as this one. The trick is having someone of authority who recongizes the severity of a accident and can and will call for outside help, quickly. The first photos I saw were a couple of work boats floundering around in the slick, no containment booms, skimming equipment, independent response teams, etc.on site.

If time is wasted for the oil company chain of command to be informed, call a conference to decide what measures to take, they are in "catch up mode" in a short window of time.When this accident and the response to it are analized, there will probably be several, system faliures as well as human action errors, found. .

For ministry officals to even be on site or involved in press releases at this stage is laughable. I doubt that most of those making noise, givinmg instructions, etc, even clean up after themselves, when they spill a drink on the bar.

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Article in Bangkok Post said the slick was only 1mm thick today.

"The slick which is about 1mm thick"

Nice fact checking there.

BULL! ... The viscosity of crude oil will not produce 1mm film of oil on water surface. No need even to go and measure. It cannot be because it does not happen. Just as it cannot be that the sleek is 20 cm thick. Plain Physics.

If it is being pushed into a narrow channel by the tides and winds, then it can become compressed and increase it's thickness. Plain Dynamics.

Whatever the thickness, it's a bad situation and the photos show the results on the beach and in the bay.


An oil spill in sea water initially produces a film 0.1mm thick. The film then spreads to a sheen, which is about on tenth or one hundredth of this


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I have seen a industrial accident in every country that has any industry, the Thai response is as good as any countries. the beaches can be cleaned, the wild life will survive. Mother nature little friends microbes will eat the oil in the ocean, and in a short time this will all be a memory, as long as the response teams keep working and get the resources needed.

Dear bornredi.

I love your post. You give an impression of a person who really knows what he's talking about. Unfortunately I am not like you, so could you please explain a few finer points.

- when you say you have seen 'industrial accident in every country that has any industry' - are you saying you cleaned them up or you caused them?

- when you say 'the Thai response is as good as any country's' - do you mean their lies (50,000L), the equipment used (spoons, buckets and paper towels), the know-how, the massive all-out force (one wooden boat and two inflatables)?

- when you say 'Mother Nature's little friends microbes will eat the oil in the ocean' - do you mean that PTT is a friend of Nature, feeding it for free? Or these microbes occur naturally? Or PTT bought them?

- when you say 'oil in the ocean' - do you mean it will get bored on the beaches of Thailand and eventually head for the Ocean or for other countries?

- when you say 'in a short time this will all be a memory' - do you mean it in a philosophical term, like 'everything passes'?

I am not sure what exactly you were born ready for, but the expertise in above questions it was not.

A friendly advice: Read, Listen, Look, Learn, but do not Speak! You are not born ready for this.

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I have seen a industrial accident in every country that has any industry, the Thai response is as good as any countries. the beaches can be cleaned, the wild life will survive. Mother nature little friends microbes will eat the oil in the ocean, and in a short time this will all be a memory, as long as the response teams keep working and get the resources needed.

Dear bornredi.

I love your post. You give an impression of a person who really knows what he's talking about. Unfortunately I am not like you, so could you please explain a few finer points.

- when you say you have seen 'industrial accident in every country that has any industry' - are you saying you cleaned them up or you caused them?

- when you say 'the Thai response is as good as any country's' - do you mean their lies (50,000L), the equipment used (spoons, buckets and paper towels), the know-how, the massive all-out force (one wooden boat and two inflatables)?

- when you say 'Mother Nature's little friends microbes will eat the oil in the ocean' - do you mean that PTT is a friend of Nature, feeding it for free? Or these microbes occur naturally? Or PTT bought them?

- when you say 'oil in the ocean' - do you mean it will get bored on the beaches of Thailand and eventually head for the Ocean or for other countries?

- when you say 'in a short time this will all be a memory' - do you mean it in a philosophical term, like 'everything passes'?

I am not sure what exactly you were born ready for, but the expertise in above questions it was not.

A friendly advice: Read, Listen, Look, Learn, but do not Speak! You are not born ready for this.

I agree, the response has been OK. The issue I have is that it's possible that PTT lied about how much oil they spilt, and so the response may have been undersized.

This story about only having 200m of booms is bs. The spill response plans are put together by PTT, chevron, shell and other big players, and approved internationally. It is not a homemade fag packet plan.

The bacteria for augmenting thus clean up are available already.

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I have seen a industrial accident in every country that has any industry, the Thai response is as good as any countries. the beaches can be cleaned, the wild life will survive. Mother nature little friends microbes will eat the oil in the ocean, and in a short time this will all be a memory, as long as the response teams keep working and get the resources needed.

Dear bornredi.

I love your post. You give an impression of a person who really knows what he's talking about. Unfortunately I am not like you, so could you please explain a few finer points.

- when you say you have seen 'industrial accident in every country that has any industry' - are you saying you cleaned them up or you caused them?

- when you say 'the Thai response is as good as any country's' - do you mean their lies (50,000L), the equipment used (spoons, buckets and paper towels), the know-how, the massive all-out force (one wooden boat and two inflatables)?

- when you say 'Mother Nature's little friends microbes will eat the oil in the ocean' - do you mean that PTT is a friend of Nature, feeding it for free? Or these microbes occur naturally? Or PTT bought them?

- when you say 'oil in the ocean' - do you mean it will get bored on the beaches of Thailand and eventually head for the Ocean or for other countries?

- when you say 'in a short time this will all be a memory' - do you mean it in a philosophical term, like 'everything passes'?

I am not sure what exactly you were born ready for, but the expertise in above questions it was not.

A friendly advice: Read, Listen, Look, Learn, but do not Speak! You are not born ready for this.

I agree, the response has been OK. The issue I have is that it's possible that PTT lied about how much oil they spilt, and so the response may have been undersized.

This story about only having 200m of booms is bs. The spill response plans are put together by PTT, chevron, shell and other big players, and approved internationally. It is not a homemade fag packet plan.

The bacteria for augmenting thus clean up are available already.

The bacteria is found naturally in nature. There are plenty of natural oil seeps in the gulf of Thailand and these bacteria have evolved to feed on the oil. Very little info on the web available on the GOT but plenty for the GOM. For example; Quote: "The fact is, for millions of years you have had a million barrels of oil a day going into the Gulf of Mexico from natural seeps—it's encouraged [the evolution] of organisms that have the ability to degrade," he says.


Oil spills are ugly and do damage. The lasting damage to the environment is usually exaggerated to ridiculous levels by those who do not know what they are taking about.

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Dear all,

Sorry if my post is in the incorrect forum.

But i really want to know what i can do to help clean up. Is there a volunteer group to join? Will authorities let us join? Can we get to the island?

So many questions, but i can't seem to get the correct answers. I have heard somewhere that a westerner must have a work permit to help with anything, even volunteer work. Is this correct? I do have a work permit, and my wife and i were keen to get a group of friends together to travel there this weekend to do our bit.

Is it pointless in trying to help?

Thank you for any replies

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I have seen a industrial accident in every country that has any industry, the Thai response is as good as any countries. the beaches can be cleaned, the wild life will survive. Mother nature little friends microbes will eat the oil in the ocean, and in a short time this will all be a memory, as long as the response teams keep working and get the resources needed.

Dear bornredi.

I love your post. You give an impression of a person who really knows what he's talking about. Unfortunately I am not like you, so could you please explain a few finer points.

- when you say you have seen 'industrial accident in every country that has any industry' - are you saying you cleaned them up or you caused them?

- when you say 'the Thai response is as good as any country's' - do you mean their lies (50,000L), the equipment used (spoons, buckets and paper towels), the know-how, the massive all-out force (one wooden boat and two inflatables)?

- when you say 'Mother Nature's little friends microbes will eat the oil in the ocean' - do you mean that PTT is a friend of Nature, feeding it for free? Or these microbes occur naturally? Or PTT bought them?

- when you say 'oil in the ocean' - do you mean it will get bored on the beaches of Thailand and eventually head for the Ocean or for other countries?

- when you say 'in a short time this will all be a memory' - do you mean it in a philosophical term, like 'everything passes'?

I am not sure what exactly you were born ready for, but the expertise in above questions it was not.

A friendly advice: Read, Listen, Look, Learn, but do not Speak! You are not born ready for this.

I agree, the response has been OK. The issue I have is that it's possible that PTT lied about how much oil they spilt, and so the response may have been undersized.

This story about only having 200m of booms is bs. The spill response plans are put together by PTT, chevron, shell and other big players, and approved internationally. It is not a homemade fag packet plan.

The bacteria for augmenting thus clean up are available already.

The bacteria is found naturally in nature. There are plenty of natural oil seeps in the gulf of Thailand and these bacteria have evolved to feed on the oil. Very little info on the web available on the GOT but plenty for the GOM. For example; Quote: "The fact is, for millions of years you have had a million barrels of oil a day going into the Gulf of Mexico from natural seepsit's encouraged [the evolution] of organisms that have the ability to degrade," he says.


Oil spills are ugly and do damage. The lasting damage to the environment is usually exaggerated to ridiculous levels by those who do not know what they are taking about.

I supplied it to PTT for clean up in their refineries. They may do a final wash off the beach once everything has been mainly cleaned up.

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Thanks, Tywais. Good starting point for my calculations.

My humble opinion, - after 4 days at sea in our temp, wind and sun conditions, our slick is what your pic is terming as thick oil.

The area I've used from one of the sat pics showing the patch passing between land and island, about 2,5 size of Koh Samet.

I believe there are no light fractions left as they are volatile. The rest is just arithmetic. My figures should be very conservative.

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I supplied it to PTT for clean up in their refineries. They may do a final wash off the beach once everything has been mainly cleaned up.

Thai at Heart, I believe you with hope they will eventually do the right thing. Hoping against serious grounds for doubt.

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I supplied it to PTT for clean up in their refineries. They may do a final wash off the beach once everything has been mainly cleaned up.

Thai at Heart, I believe you with hope they will eventually do the right thing. Hoping against serious grounds for doubt.

There are literally books written about response plans in Thailand. This is not done fag pack response, it had been put together by chevron, PTT, shell and all the other major players in and around mapthaput.

Yes crap happens, and yes, they have handled the media very badly. But I don't think it's fair to say it's a complete catastrophe in terms of the response.

It will get cleaned up, and it is a tiddly mess in comparison with the gulf of mexico or others. Its sad, but believe that bacterial degradation of this oil in warm water will be surprisingly quick. So it will probably be a problem for 3 to 6 months, but it will get better.

Try not to believe that everything in this country is quite as bad as you believe.

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Just got back from a walk around the island.

The ENTIRE east side of the island from Laem yai to Ao Karang or about 90% of the resorts on Koh Somet, was untouched by oil.

I hiked over the the Wast side. The Wast side across from Ao Thian sunset view point to the southern tip of the island is untouched by oil.

I came over on the boat last night. The ENTIRE channel is clear of oil now.

I have yet to see any oil except in the channel 2 days ago on my way to Ban Phe.

I'm going to hike the north and north west side tomorrow to see if I can find any oil. Ao Prao I believe was the worst hit on the north west side. It seems like most of the clean up boats were around there. I saw no ships, or indeed, no need for ships in the southern half of the island on either side!

You can go where you want, but most of Koh Somet was untouched.

More for us whistling.gif

Look for my update report from the north western side of the island tomorrow.

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Ptt vice president just talked... he say Ao Prao it's already fine... beach and stones cleaned up and water lopks crystalline.

How can a men be so stupid and go to television to tell such kind of bullshits in front of millions people remaining untouched???

So much lack of respect for thai and foreigner sayng this things...


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