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Foreigners 'had a hand in Thaksin death-threat clip'


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What a quaint post.

So you're not a fan of the PTP?

You come from a democracy and yet you would deny it to the people here.

You appear to prefer the feudalist approach.

Did you know that Thailand joined the axis during the war?

The same imperialist elites remain in power to this day.

On the one hand we see more open reporting in this country, hardly a day goes by without some major drug bust (so the thai police ARE doing their job)

Corruption being exposed ie Unhealthily wealthy bhuddist monk and his elite army/police benefactors etc. What was all that money for or from?

On the other hand we have faked accusations of rice pledge corruption and poisoning, damaging the international reputation of the country (note the latest " TV host's Facebook post about toxic rice and the grovelling apology to CP foods that followed") and the previous smear from that lady from the ministry who qualified her remarks about endemic corruption within the rice pledging scheme to merely state that there was the potential for such corruption.

Nice to see the yellow shirt leaders after 5 years still being given a leave of absence by the courts (showing the blatant double standards at work highlighted by the redshirts in their 2010 protests).

Mob rule coming back?

I doubt it. I will be very surprised if many show up outside parliament.

Goebbels said if you repeat a lie enough times then people will come to believe it to be true.

Well it clearly does work judging from most of the posters on TV.

The death threat to Thaksin has been exposed. 3 times banned from YouTube. The originator exposed.

You do understand that Thailand joined the Axis because they were about to be militarily destroyed and over-run. So how does that make them imperialist? And the Shinawatra elite that are in power now, weren't even born at the time.

You words about the rice scam lead us to believe that there really is no scam. So what has happened to the B600 billion or so that has been spent? Are poor rice farmers now buying Mercedes and generally rolling in wealth? Is there not literally millions of tons sitting in warehouses depreciating (to say the least) that nobody is rushing to buy? Or is this simple ineptitude that should be tolerated as a learning for a novice PM?

You and Goebbels have a lot in common, except i doubt anyone but you believe what you post.

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Prosecute why??? Is Thaksin a government official? Or some kind of celebrity ?

No, he is a convicted criminal on the run, just an individual.

If he has a problem with people making the clip, he can file charges with police in the country of his residence

Clearly you're NOT a Thaksin fan. Point is he still IS a HUMAN being, no matter what you think of him, and as a human being he has the same right to protection than you have and than every other human being has. Not so? Oh yea, and by-the-way, Mr. Thaksin just so happens to be a GREAT person and the very BEST Prime Minister Thailand EVER had this far. The 'convicted criminal' fact you pointed out was merely conviction by allegations only, not ONE of these were proved beyond doubt to be actually factual accurate OR valid for all that matter.

If he is "the very BEST Prime Minister Thailand EVER had" why did a small group of housewives shout him out of Siam Paragon? - (& that was when he was PM!)

Edited by DekDaeng
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Total ignorance!! Who ever suffered WHAT under Mr. Thaksin's regime? Everybody in Thailand improved their living standards during the Thaksin reign. Mr. Thaksin improved and build-up this country from nothing to a excellent haven for ALL it's people, as well as foreigners too. Why else do you think there are so many foreigners living here who DON'T want to leave. Passing comments like what you posted shows clearly that you guys do NOT know ANYTHING about Thailands history hey.

Clearly you're NOT a Thaksin fan. Point is he still IS a HUMAN being, no matter what you think of him, and as a human being he has the same right to protection than you have and than every other human being has. Not so? Oh yea, and by-the-way, Mr. Thaksin just so happens to be a GREAT person and the very BEST Prime Minister Thailand EVER had this far. The 'convicted criminal' fact you pointed out was merely conviction by allegations only, not ONE of these were proved beyond doubt to be actually factual accurate OR valid for all that matter.

Either a troll or a lunatic, the jury is still out on that one.............................whistling.gif

It's a shame he dosen't feel any sorrow or remorse over all the people who suffered under the mans regime.

Or rthe ones he had shot or suffocated to death.

I lean towards lunatic

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Like you already said, "a FEW housewives". Clearly NOT an overwhelming majority Thai nationals. No, the majority LOVED him and still DO. They want him back in charge too.

Prosecute why??? Is Thaksin a government official? Or some kind of celebrity ?

No, he is a convicted criminal on the run, just an individual.

If he has a problem with people making the clip, he can file charges with police in the country of his residence

Clearly you're NOT a Thaksin fan. Point is he still IS a HUMAN being, no matter what you think of him, and as a human being he has the same right to protection than you have and than every other human being has. Not so? Oh yea, and by-the-way, Mr. Thaksin just so happens to be a GREAT person and the very BEST Prime Minister Thailand EVER had this far. The 'convicted criminal' fact you pointed out was merely conviction by allegations only, not ONE of these were proved beyond doubt to be actually factual accurate OR valid for all that matter.

If he is "the very BEST Prime Minister Thailand EVER had" why did a small group of housewives shout him out of Siam Paragon? - (& that was when he was PM!)

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Quote (MrSlatersParrot):

What a quaint post.

So you're not a fan of the PTP?

You come from a democracy and yet you would deny it to the people here.

You appear to prefer the feudalist approach.

Did you know that Thailand joined the axis during the war?

The same imperialist elites remain in power to this day.

I come from a democracy and I would love to see it here. A quasi-dictator controlling everything the government does, appoints & his own militia. Some democracy.

I have no time for dictators and would prefer that coups were not necessary but when it comes to a choice (of the lesser of two evils) I'll take a collective leadership over a single one any day.

The power today, as I've said rests with one convicted criminal, and the creeping efforts to control every sector of the country's power by means of family and well-rewarded acolytes is the current elite in Thailand.

When I see political parties here acquire some fundamental platforms instead of buying votes, providing subsidies & suporting intimidation - I'll see a basis for democracy. Unfortunately it's some way off.

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They mention the word "Foreigner" and everyone gets defensive. Would we feel the same way if they had just said "non Thai"?

An interesting point. I think another thing to notice, if you (generic you implied here and throughout the text) look at Thairat or Khaosot (in Thai), you will notice that Thailand does not want this to become an international issue (when I say Thailand I mean the current government and those serving under it, as well as many Thais who don´t want foreign intervention). While the title may seem inciteful, I think we are reading into this too much when we say things like: "way to shift the blame". If this really is an Al Qaeda thing, it means the US and all the other anti-terrorist groups will come in to SAVE THE DAY and Thailand will suffer whatever consequences that means. And even from the side of some yellow shirts, foreign involvement is bad, because it basically just solidifies international support for Yingluck for being able to deal with terrorism effectively. The only thing the yellows can hope is that she totally drops the ball. Just read the Thai, I promise, your perspective on the issue will not sound as much like "I am an expat with an outside view on internal relations, I know everything." I feel like, from what I have read, that everything saying "they just wanna blame foreigners" is actually the opposite of whats getting done. If Thais are not responsible, then this is not exclusively under Thai jurisdiction, it becomes international, and Thailand becomes aid dependent, and we know that that was not part of Thaksin´s and is not part of Yingluck´s active plan. Just think about it.

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With hindsight, in the aftermath ALL the evidence given came-out to've been MANUFACTURED by his opposition to put him in a bad light. But I suppose you never investigate further to get this knowledge.

Prosecute why??? Is Thaksin a government official? Or some kind of celebrity ?

No, he is a convicted criminal on the run, just an individual.

If he has a problem with people making the clip, he can file charges with police in the country of his residence

Clearly you're NOT a Thaksin fan. Point is he still IS a HUMAN being, no matter what you think of him, and as a human being he has the same right to protection than you have and than every other human being has. Not so? Oh yea, and by-the-way, Mr. Thaksin just so happens to be a GREAT person and the very BEST Prime Minister Thailand EVER had this far. The 'convicted criminal' fact you pointed out was merely conviction by allegations only, not ONE of these were proved beyond doubt to be actually factual accurate OR valid for all that matter.

He was convicted in a court of law, these were not just allegations. The man was convicted of corruption and tax evasion and whilst on bail he ran away leaving his family behind. It was proved beyond reasonable doubt that he was guilty, if not why did 2 of his legal team go to jail for trying to bribe his way out of conviction? Also why with all his money haven't his legal team overthrown the conviction so he can return? How you can him a "great" person is beyond me, he displays all the characteristics of a thief and a coward, not great leadership qualities if you ask me.

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Total ignorance!! Who ever suffered WHAT under Mr. Thaksin's regime? Everybody in Thailand improved their living standards during the Thaksin reign. Mr. Thaksin improved and build-up this country from nothing to a excellent haven for ALL it's people, as well as foreigners too. Why else do you think there are so many foreigners living here who DON'T want to leave. Passing comments like what you posted shows clearly that you guys do NOT know ANYTHING about Thailands history hey.

You are totally clueless about Thailand & who did what.

Everybody in Thailand did not gain improved living standards under Thaksin. Interesting you use the word 'reign'. You got that right as it describes his dictatorial tendencies precisely. That was why he had to be removed, unfortunately not permanently. The people who have been enriched are himself, his family and his well-paid acolytes & militia leaders.

I came to live here in 1996 and I love the country & it's people & am still here which has got nothing to do with Thaksin - more like despite him. You really need to put your thinking cap before posting such rubbish.

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Prosecute why??? Is Thaksin a government official? Or some kind of celebrity ?

No, he is a convicted criminal on the run, just an individual.

If he has a problem with people making the clip, he can file charges with police in the country of his residence

Clearly you're NOT a Thaksin fan. Point is he still IS a HUMAN being, no matter what you think of him, and as a human being he has the same right to protection than you have and than every other human being has. Not so? Oh yea, and by-the-way, Mr. Thaksin just so happens to be a GREAT person and the very BEST Prime Minister Thailand EVER had this far. The 'convicted criminal' fact you pointed out was merely conviction by allegations only, not ONE of these were proved beyond doubt to be actually factual accurate OR valid for all that matter.

He was convicted in a court of law, these were not just allegations. The man was convicted of corruption and tax evasion and whilst on bail he ran away leaving his family behind. It was proved beyond reasonable doubt that he was guilty, if not why did 2 of his legal team go to jail for trying to bribe his way out of conviction? Also why with all his money haven't his legal team overthrown the conviction so he can return? How you can him a "great" person is beyond me, he displays all the characteristics of a thief and a coward, not great leadership qualities if you ask me.

Firstly he was convicted with no right of appeal.

All 3 of his legal team were in deed jailed for 6 months over the "Pastrygate affair."

However they were in fact never charged, just held in prison.

The lead lawyer is now a Pheu Thai MP.

The police said there was no evidence to convict against them as the money in the pastry box was apparently returned after having been photographed in court by a camera that didn't apparently work so no photographic evidence. Ha Ha.

All just hearsay. No bank accounts were ever checked etc.

Sure Thaksin didn't return. He had been effectively damned in the public eye.

Either he was extremely foolish or he was framed.

Does anyone seriously think he was going to get a fair trial. To this day the bank sees no wrong in what he did. His wife legally aquired land in a public auction for heavens sake.

mountains out of mole hills and we are asked to believe there are pending charges (smears and allegations) some 7 years after a military coup installed the very judges who oversaw his trial.

This is all spun so many ways.

He remains the first thai PM to have made his billion before he became PM. Think on it.....

Look up "Slimdog" re: assets scrutiny committee on internet.

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Prosecute why??? Is Thaksin a government official? Or some kind of celebrity ?

No, he is a convicted criminal on the run, just an individual.

If he has a problem with people making the clip, he can file charges with police in the country of his residence

Clearly you're NOT a Thaksin fan. Point is he still IS a HUMAN being, no matter what you think of him, and as a human being he has the same right to protection than you have and than every other human being has. Not so? Oh yea, and by-the-way, Mr. Thaksin just so happens to be a GREAT person and the very BEST Prime Minister Thailand EVER had this far. The 'convicted criminal' fact you pointed out was merely conviction by allegations only, not ONE of these were proved beyond doubt to be actually factual accurate OR valid for all that matter.
He was convicted in a court of law, these were not just allegations. The man was convicted of corruption and tax evasion and whilst on bail he ran away leaving his family behind. It was proved beyond reasonable doubt that he was guilty, if not why did 2 of his legal team go to jail for trying to bribe his way out of conviction? Also why with all his money haven't his legal team overthrown the conviction so he can return? How you can him a "great" person is beyond me, he displays all the characteristics of a thief and a coward, not great leadership qualities if you ask me.
With hindsight, in the aftermath ALL the evidence given came-out to've been MANUFACTURED by his opposition to put him in a bad light. But I suppose you never investigate further to get this knowledge.

Clearly you have investigated further, so do share your findings, but please remember to provide undeniable evidence

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With hindsight, in the aftermath ALL the evidence given came-out to've been MANUFACTURED by his opposition to put him in a bad light. But I suppose you never investigate further to get this knowledge.

Prosecute why??? Is Thaksin a government official? Or some kind of celebrity ?

No, he is a convicted criminal on the run, just an individual.

If he has a problem with people making the clip, he can file charges with police in the country of his residence

Clearly you're NOT a Thaksin fan. Point is he still IS a HUMAN being, no matter what you think of him, and as a human being he has the same right to protection than you have and than every other human being has. Not so? Oh yea, and by-the-way, Mr. Thaksin just so happens to be a GREAT person and the very BEST Prime Minister Thailand EVER had this far. The 'convicted criminal' fact you pointed out was merely conviction by allegations only, not ONE of these were proved beyond doubt to be actually factual accurate OR valid for all that matter.

He was convicted in a court of law, these were not just allegations. The man was convicted of corruption and tax evasion and whilst on bail he ran away leaving his family behind. It was proved beyond reasonable doubt that he was guilty, if not why did 2 of his legal team go to jail for trying to bribe his way out of conviction? Also why with all his money haven't his legal team overthrown the conviction so he can return? How you can him a "great" person is beyond me, he displays all the characteristics of a thief and a coward, not great leadership qualities if you ask me.

I am saying that he was convicted in a court of law for corruption and tax evasion and he also fled the country whilst on bail, fact. To my knowledge his conviction has never been overturned which surely it would have been if evidence came to light that it was all rubbish manufactured by the opposition. I have faith and I believe in a legal system where a person is trialled in a court of law, if convicted they are guilty, before that they are innocent, so for me your point doesn't have any merit. In this case he was found guilty (with the evidence provided) beyond reasonable doubt.

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Wow...... a hundred posts and no one has mentioned one crucial aspect of the Thai authorities plan to prosecute the perpetrators of the video which is quite simply... why?

If they were to do so then any trial would have to take place in Thailand and would also require Mr Thaksin's presence in court here.

Not a very likely scenario.

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Why do these ungrateful Thais constantly reject help from their superiors (foreigners)? Do they really think they can become a world threat with Thaksin?

A number of ThaiVisa members have encouraged Thais to compare Thaksin with Saddam. The people of this backward land are grateful for all the encouragement. But, they are concerned that Thaksin might not measure up.

Saddam contributed to the deaths of 4 million of his own countrymen. Thaksin has not even taken credit for the small drop in the bucket that occured during the red-yellow conflicts.

Thaksin lets the monks run rampant. Saddam made sure every religious group suffered horrendously under his leadership.

Thaksin took credit for government payouts to the people. Saddam put his own picture on the money.

Saddam had a meeting with his potential political challenger. Then, he handed a gun to his 12 year old son and ordered him to shoot the man dead. Thaksin only does meetings with Skype. He hasn't ordered Yingluck to shoot anybody yet.

Saddam used his military to invade other countries. Thaksin let the military run him out of the country.

Saddam took the macho way out and hid in a hole in the ground. Thaksin is hiding in a penthouse suite.

A few TV posters have even mentioned the Fuhrer. Some forward thinking Thais are very excited about that. University students are already jumping on the Hitler bandwagon.

Thais have so much to learn from foreigners. Unfortunately, many Thais don't start reading world history and current events until they reach the age of sixty. This causes them to have a warped sense of perspective.

Well, let's hope they don't learn anything from you rijb, they have enough problems as it is.................. (or should I call you Robi ?)

You flatter me. I'm just here to learn. Maybe you could do a video.

Edited by rijb
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so the govt will not issue an arrest warrant fore the wanted criminal thaksin but instead spend money from the public purse defending him and looking for someone that threatened him. Do you think someone should tell them that thaksin is not a member of the government and is a wanted felon that has absconded from THailand to avoid going to jail. This government is a total joke, they still have not removed his thai passport, obviously he is paying them all too much for them to do what is right for the country but good for their pockets.

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Prosecute why??? Is Thaksin a government official? Or some kind of celebrity ?

No, he is a convicted criminal on the run, just an individual.

If he has a problem with people making the clip, he can file charges with police in the country of his residence

Clearly you're NOT a Thaksin fan. Point is he still IS a HUMAN being, no matter what you think of him, and as a human being he has the same right to protection than you have and than every other human being has. Not so? Oh yea, and by-the-way, Mr. Thaksin just so happens to be a GREAT person and the very BEST Prime Minister Thailand EVER had this far. The 'convicted criminal' fact you pointed out was merely conviction by allegations only, not ONE of these were proved beyond doubt to be actually factual accurate OR valid for all that matter.

He was convicted in a court of law, these were not just allegations. The man was convicted of corruption and tax evasion and whilst on bail he ran away leaving his family behind. It was proved beyond reasonable doubt that he was guilty, if not why did 2 of his legal team go to jail for trying to bribe his way out of conviction? Also why with all his money haven't his legal team overthrown the conviction so he can return? How you can him a "great" person is beyond me, he displays all the characteristics of a thief and a coward, not great leadership qualities if you ask me.

Firstly he was convicted with no right of appeal.

All 3 of his legal team were in deed jailed for 6 months over the "Pastrygate affair."

However they were in fact never charged, just held in prison.

The lead lawyer is now a Pheu Thai MP.

The police said there was no evidence to convict against them as the money in the pastry box was apparently returned after having been photographed in court by a camera that didn't apparently work so no photographic evidence. Ha Ha.

All just hearsay. No bank accounts were ever checked etc.

Sure Thaksin didn't return. He had been effectively damned in the public eye.

Either he was extremely foolish or he was framed.

Does anyone seriously think he was going to get a fair trial. To this day the bank sees no wrong in what he did. His wife legally aquired land in a public auction for heavens sake.

mountains out of mole hills and we are asked to believe there are pending charges (smears and allegations) some 7 years after a military coup installed the very judges who oversaw his trial.

This is all spun so many ways.

He remains the first thai PM to have made his billion before he became PM. Think on it.....

Look up "Slimdog" re: assets scrutiny committee on internet.

This doesn't mean anything. You have quoted some details that I was not aware of but it is still irrelevant. You are simply speculating he was framed or whatever, but you do not know this, you are just guessing and giving your opinion. My comments are based upon the "fact" that he was convicted in a court of law and he fled whilst on bail, you cannot argue this point, all you have is your opinion on some kind of conspiracy.

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Firstly he was convicted with no right of appeal.

All 3 of his legal team were in deed jailed for 6 months over the "Pastrygate affair."

However they were in fact never charged, just held in prison.

The lead lawyer is now a Pheu Thai MP.

The police said there was no evidence to convict against them as the money in the pastry box was apparently returned after having been photographed in court by a camera that didn't apparently work so no photographic evidence. Ha Ha.

All just hearsay. No bank accounts were ever checked etc.

Sure Thaksin didn't return. He had been effectively damned in the public eye.

Either he was extremely foolish or he was framed.

Does anyone seriously think he was going to get a fair trial. To this day the bank sees no wrong in what he did. His wife legally aquired land in a public auction for heavens sake.

mountains out of mole hills and we are asked to believe there are pending charges (smears and allegations) some 7 years after a military coup installed the very judges who oversaw his trial.

This is all spun so many ways.

He remains the first thai PM to have made his billion before he became PM. Think on it.....

Look up "Slimdog" re: assets scrutiny committee on internet.

Thaksin had the right of appeal, but he didn't lodge it because he had to come home, and might not get bail again.

His legal team were sentenced to 6 months jail.

Noppadon is Thaksin's spokesman and legal adviser. He IS NOT an MP.

His wife acquired government land. The law expressly forbids the purchase of govt assets by office holders or their families.

His billions were obtained through a corruptly issued monopoly of spectrum that would have been sold in any other country. he then went on to corruptly triple his wealth while in office.

Casual lies seem to be your forte.

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Clearly you're NOT a Thaksin fan. Point is he still IS a HUMAN being, no matter what you think of him, and as a human being he has the same right to protection than you have and than every other human being has. Not so? Oh yea, and by-the-way, Mr. Thaksin just so happens to be a GREAT person and the very BEST Prime Minister Thailand EVER had this far. The 'convicted criminal' fact you pointed out was merely conviction by allegations only, not ONE of these were proved beyond doubt to be actually factual accurate OR valid for all that matter.
He was convicted in a court of law, these were not just allegations. The man was convicted of corruption and tax evasion and whilst on bail he ran away leaving his family behind. It was proved beyond reasonable doubt that he was guilty, if not why did 2 of his legal team go to jail for trying to bribe his way out of conviction? Also why with all his money haven't his legal team overthrown the conviction so he can return? How you can him a "great" person is beyond me, he displays all the characteristics of a thief and a coward, not great leadership qualities if you ask me.
With hindsight, in the aftermath ALL the evidence given came-out to've been MANUFACTURED by his opposition to put him in a bad light. But I suppose you never investigate further to get this knowledge.

Clearly you have investigated further, so do share your findings, but please remember to provide undeniable evidence

It is a matter of opinion when he says bad light.

To me the rumor was a ray of hope.

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Why do these ungrateful Thais constantly reject help from their superiors (foreigners)? Do they really think they can become a world threat with Thaksin?

A number of ThaiVisa members have encouraged Thais to compare Thaksin with Saddam. The people of this backward land are grateful for all the encouragement. But, they are concerned that Thaksin might not measure up.

Saddam contributed to the deaths of 4 million of his own countrymen. Thaksin has not even taken credit for the small drop in the bucket that occured during the red-yellow conflicts.

Thaksin lets the monks run rampant. Saddam made sure every religious group suffered horrendously under his leadership.

Thaksin took credit for government payouts to the people. Saddam put his own picture on the money.

Saddam had a meeting with his potential political challenger. Then, he handed a gun to his 12 year old son and ordered him to shoot the man dead. Thaksin only does meetings with Skype. He hasn't ordered Yingluck to shoot anybody yet.

Saddam used his military to invade other countries. Thaksin let the military run him out of the country.

Saddam took the macho way out and hid in a hole in the ground. Thaksin is hiding in a penthouse suite.

A few TV posters have even mentioned the Fuhrer. Some forward thinking Thais are very excited about that. University students are already jumping on the Hitler bandwagon.

Thais have so much to learn from foreigners. Unfortunately, many Thais don't start reading world history and current events until they reach the age of sixty. This causes them to have a warped sense of perspective.

Well, let's hope they don't learn anything from you rijb, they have enough problems as it is.................. (or should I call you Robi ?)

You flatter me. I'm just here to learn. Maybe you could do a video.

First post I can recollect talking about Saddam. Lot's of Hitler though. Even parades and Fresco's playing on his fame here.

Do you live in Thailand?

I know for a fact that given the time and fore knowledge he could do a video on Thais proudly displaying Nazi's. Could you do one on them showing the respect to Saddam? whistling.gif

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Firstly he was convicted with no right of appeal.

All 3 of his legal team were in deed jailed for 6 months over the "Pastrygate affair."

However they were in fact never charged, just held in prison.

The lead lawyer is now a Pheu Thai MP.

The police said there was no evidence to convict against them as the money in the pastry box was apparently returned after having been photographed in court by a camera that didn't apparently work so no photographic evidence. Ha Ha.

All just hearsay. No bank accounts were ever checked etc.

Sure Thaksin didn't return. He had been effectively damned in the public eye.

Either he was extremely foolish or he was framed.

Does anyone seriously think he was going to get a fair trial. To this day the bank sees no wrong in what he did. His wife legally aquired land in a public auction for heavens sake.

mountains out of mole hills and we are asked to believe there are pending charges (smears and allegations) some 7 years after a military coup installed the very judges who oversaw his trial.

This is all spun so many ways.

He remains the first thai PM to have made his billion before he became PM. Think on it.....

Look up "Slimdog" re: assets scrutiny committee on internet.

Thaksin had the right of appeal, but he didn't lodge it because he had to come home, and might not get bail again.

His legal team were sentenced to 6 months jail.

Noppadon is Thaksin's spokesman and legal adviser. He IS NOT an MP.

His wife acquired government land. The law expressly forbids the purchase of govt assets by office holders or their families.

His billions were obtained through a corruptly issued monopoly of spectrum that would have been sold in any other country. he then went on to corruptly triple his wealth while in office.

Casual lies seem to be your forte.

Well you have to admit it if he is casually lying he is not very good at it.

I think he could be delusional.wai2.gif

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Wow, tough to see this thread turning into a bitchfight between Thaksin fans and haters... I appreciate some of the points GeorgeO has listed, but can't really agree to most that was written there, even though his post received an avalanche of "likes". Many of the points, like the thefts and robberies are stuff that happens all over the world on a daily basis and even worse.

Some examples: In Germany, old innocent people are beaten to death in subway stations by immigrant youth gangs who might receive some hours of community service and a one year sentence on probation for killing a person in cold blood, while a German who defends his girlfriend against three immigrat assailants (in his own country!) is sentenced to four years w.o. probation because he used "unnecessary excessive force" (I would use EF as well if I were alone against three men for Pete's sake). In today Germany, I as a German would be an alien in my own country. German youngsters are learning what we would call "pidgeon English" here, a slang language and low life pronunciation that avoids them from being outed as Germans at school, because at some schools the immigrant/German ratio is 90/10 or even less. This I call frightening and disturbing!

The government in Germany is as corrupt as the government of any other country and this includes the US of A and the "holy, untouchable" Great Britain. Only difference there is that western governments are not corrupted by money, but power and powerful entities. In Europe you have hundreds of catholic priests allegedly raping and torturing altar boys, you have ancient underground tunnels from male monasteries to female monasteries with hundreds of aborted fetuses (from pregnant nuns inseminated by monks) buried in their walls. Don't get me started on the Vatican! Do these western examples of misconduct executed by religious leaders balance out Thailand's version of the "Monk who sold his Ferrari" and the dog and child raping Thai monks? I think so.

You can basically take any other point in George's post and mirror it to similar shortcomings in western countries. We even have western farmers who are betrayed by their governments on a regular basis, squeezed into a price war forcing them to dump their dairy milk onto the streets in protest, etc. - we westerners aren't so great, you know... neither in our political nor in our very own private ways.

Latest developments in Thailand leading to civil war? You must be kidding - there are other hot spots right now on this pale blue dot we call earth, such as Europe and perhaps even the US of A, when people realize that their new messiah is not the knight in shining armor hey hoped for, but nothing than a obedient string puppet babbling empty words while ruining the country to the point of no return. Yes we can... camp! Yes, we can... ruin the US of A.

So who are we (westerners) to point fingers and tell Thais what is right and what is wrong? And who are we to whine about misconduct and shortcomings here, while misconduct clusterxxxxx are hitting western shores on a daily basis? I love this country (Thailand) and have high hopes for it, even though at times I am sitting with an open jaw and shaking my head in disbelief when I read some of the Thai news. But at the end of the day, I rather live (I mean REALLY LIVE) here, and make (to me, small) compromises than being slave of the system back in Europe with no quality of life, with my Euro being worth only 81 cents, and freezing my a$$ off nine months out of twelve.

That's all I have to say about that.

Edited by metisdead
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Why do these ungrateful Thais constantly reject help from their superiors (foreigners)? Do they really think they can become a world threat with Thaksin?

A number of ThaiVisa members have encouraged Thais to compare Thaksin with Saddam. The people of this backward land are grateful for all the encouragement. But, they are concerned that Thaksin might not measure up.

Saddam contributed to the deaths of 4 million of his own countrymen. Thaksin has not even taken credit for the small drop in the bucket that occured during the red-yellow conflicts.

Thaksin lets the monks run rampant. Saddam made sure every religious group suffered horrendously under his leadership.

Thaksin took credit for government payouts to the people. Saddam put his own picture on the money.

Saddam had a meeting with his potential political challenger. Then, he handed a gun to his 12 year old son and ordered him to shoot the man dead. Thaksin only does meetings with Skype. He hasn't ordered Yingluck to shoot anybody yet.

Saddam used his military to invade other countries. Thaksin let the military run him out of the country.

Saddam took the macho way out and hid in a hole in the ground. Thaksin is hiding in a penthouse suite.

A few TV posters have even mentioned the Fuhrer. Some forward thinking Thais are very excited about that. University students are already jumping on the Hitler bandwagon.

Thais have so much to learn from foreigners. Unfortunately, many Thais don't start reading world history and current events until they reach the age of sixty. This causes them to have a warped sense of perspective.

Well, let's hope they don't learn anything from you rijb, they have enough problems as it is.................. (or should I call you Robi ?)

You flatter me. I'm just here to learn. Maybe you could do a video.

First post I can recollect talking about Saddam. Lot's of Hitler though. Even parades and Fresco's playing on his fame here.

Do you live in Thailand?

I know for a fact that given the time and fore knowledge he could do a video on Thais proudly displaying Nazi's. Could you do one on them showing the respect to Saddam? whistling.gif

I guess he refers to this quote from my post:

"[...] the only "GREAT" thing about his reign as "BEST" Prime Minister of Thailand was that he tripled his personal assets. This is as GREAT an achievement as Saddam Hussein's invasions of two neighbouring countries or Robert Mugabe's turning a food exporting country into a human desaster zone. [...]"

I should write simpler sentences. And of course I would never compare Thaksin with Saddam Hussein because next to Saddam he would just look like a vicious garden gnome with a treasure cave.

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Firstly he was convicted with no right of appeal.

All 3 of his legal team were in deed jailed for 6 months over the "Pastrygate affair."

However they were in fact never charged, just held in prison.

The lead lawyer is now a Pheu Thai MP.

The police said there was no evidence to convict against them as the money in the pastry box was apparently returned after having been photographed in court by a camera that didn't apparently work so no photographic evidence. Ha Ha.

All just hearsay. No bank accounts were ever checked etc.

Sure Thaksin didn't return. He had been effectively damned in the public eye.

Either he was extremely foolish or he was framed.

Does anyone seriously think he was going to get a fair trial. To this day the bank sees no wrong in what he did. His wife legally aquired land in a public auction for heavens sake.

mountains out of mole hills and we are asked to believe there are pending charges (smears and allegations) some 7 years after a military coup installed the very judges who oversaw his trial.

This is all spun so many ways.

He remains the first thai PM to have made his billion before he became PM. Think on it.....

Look up "Slimdog" re: assets scrutiny committee on internet.

Thaksin had the right of appeal, but he didn't lodge it because he had to come home, and might not get bail again.

His legal team were sentenced to 6 months jail.

Noppadon is Thaksin's spokesman and legal adviser. He IS NOT an MP.

His wife acquired government land. The law expressly forbids the purchase of govt assets by office holders or their families.

His billions were obtained through a corruptly issued monopoly of spectrum that would have been sold in any other country. he then went on to corruptly triple his wealth while in office.

Casual lies seem to be your forte.

as I might have expected

"A little knowledge can be a dangerous thing"

Noppadon may be a thaksin's adviser or for pheu Thai but he wasn't the lawyer for the case in question.

Go check your facts before posting.

"His wife acquired government land"

What's that supposed to mean. She bought land in a public auction. Land acquired from the bankrupt Erawon fund by the bank of Thailand.

Heard of the Asian crisis?

Yes we'll they were tasked (the bank) with recovering as much as they could

From these distressed assets they sought for the taxpayer to recover what they could. Hence here a public auction. 2 other adjacent plots had already been sold to government departments at a lower price.

The land was valued prior to auction.

The "spectrum" you refer to was held I believe by Siam cement who have a regal owner.

Thaksin bought it from them.

They failed to appreciate the value of their own asset.

It's not relevant how he made his money before he became pm as it has nothing to do with his subsequent role as Pm.

It's just an excuse to spin away.

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Firstly he was convicted with no right of appeal.

All 3 of his legal team were in deed jailed for 6 months over the "Pastrygate affair."

However they were in fact never charged, just held in prison.

The lead lawyer is now a Pheu Thai MP.

The police said there was no evidence to convict against them as the money in the pastry box was apparently returned after having been photographed in court by a camera that didn't apparently work so no photographic evidence. Ha Ha.

All just hearsay. No bank accounts were ever checked etc.

Sure Thaksin didn't return. He had been effectively damned in the public eye.

Either he was extremely foolish or he was framed.

Does anyone seriously think he was going to get a fair trial. To this day the bank sees no wrong in what he did. His wife legally aquired land in a public auction for heavens sake.

mountains out of mole hills and we are asked to believe there are pending charges (smears and allegations) some 7 years after a military coup installed the very judges who oversaw his trial.

This is all spun so many ways.

He remains the first thai PM to have made his billion before he became PM. Think on it.....

Look up "Slimdog" re: assets scrutiny committee on internet.

Thaksin had the right of appeal, but he didn't lodge it because he had to come home, and might not get bail again.

His legal team were sentenced to 6 months jail.

Noppadon is Thaksin's spokesman and legal adviser. He IS NOT an MP.

His wife acquired government land. The law expressly forbids the purchase of govt assets by office holders or their families.

His billions were obtained through a corruptly issued monopoly of spectrum that would have been sold in any other country. he then went on to corruptly triple his wealth while in office.

Casual lies seem to be your forte.

Well you have to admit it if he is casually lying he is not very good at it.

I think he could be delusional.wai2.gif

You may sneer because you can't rebut what I state.
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Prosecute why??? Is Thaksin a government official? Or some kind of celebrity ?

No, he is a convicted criminal on the run, just an individual.

If he has a problem with people making the clip, he can file charges with police in the country of his residence

Clearly you're NOT a Thaksin fan. Point is he still IS a HUMAN being, no matter what you think of him, and as a human being he has the same right to protection than you have and than every other human being has. Not so? Oh yea, and by-the-way, Mr. Thaksin just so happens to be a GREAT person and the very BEST Prime Minister Thailand EVER had this far. The 'convicted criminal' fact you pointed out was merely conviction by allegations only, not ONE of these were proved beyond doubt to be actually factual accurate OR valid for all that matter.

He was convicted in a court of law, these were not just allegations. The man was convicted of corruption and tax evasion and whilst on bail he ran away leaving his family behind. It was proved beyond reasonable doubt that he was guilty, if not why did 2 of his legal team go to jail for trying to bribe his way out of conviction? Also why with all his money haven't his legal team overthrown the conviction so he can return? How you can him a "great" person is beyond me, he displays all the characteristics of a thief and a coward, not great leadership qualities if you ask me.

Firstly he was convicted with no right of appeal.

All 3 of his legal team were in deed jailed for 6 months over the "Pastrygate affair."

However they were in fact never charged, just held in prison.

The lead lawyer is now a Pheu Thai MP.

The police said there was no evidence to convict against them as the money in the pastry box was apparently returned after having been photographed in court by a camera that didn't apparently work so no photographic evidence. Ha Ha.

All just hearsay. No bank accounts were ever checked etc.

Sure Thaksin didn't return. He had been effectively damned in the public eye.

Either he was extremely foolish or he was framed.

Does anyone seriously think he was going to get a fair trial. To this day the bank sees no wrong in what he did. His wife legally aquired land in a public auction for heavens sake.

mountains out of mole hills and we are asked to believe there are pending charges (smears and allegations) some 7 years after a military coup installed the very judges who oversaw his trial.

This is all spun so many ways.

He remains the first thai PM to have made his billion before he became PM. Think on it.....

Look up "Slimdog" re: assets scrutiny committee on internet.

Hard to know if you are genuinely mistaken or actively trying to mislead.

Thaksins 3 lawyers, Thana Thansiri,Pichit Chenban and Suphasri Sriswa were jailed for 6 months by the supreme court for the bribery attempt.

They did not deny having tried to bribe(what is your nonsense about broken camera? Hearsay?) they said they gave the wrong box as had 2 boxes in the car prepared by Thana's wife. One had chocolates, other had 2 million in cash.

As for the Potjaman land deal, its been a while but my recollection was that Potjaman was not allowed to bid for the land as the state entity that owned it was ultimately controlled by Thaksin hence a conflict of interest. Lots of info on it available if you are genuinely interested.

So my question to you is which of the 3 jailed lawyers is now a Phua Thai MP, and is he a party list MP or was he voted in?

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Firstly he was convicted with no right of appeal.

All 3 of his legal team were in deed jailed for 6 months over the "Pastrygate affair."

However they were in fact never charged, just held in prison.

The lead lawyer is now a Pheu Thai MP.

The police said there was no evidence to convict against them as the money in the pastry box was apparently returned after having been photographed in court by a camera that didn't apparently work so no photographic evidence. Ha Ha.

All just hearsay. No bank accounts were ever checked etc.

Sure Thaksin didn't return. He had been effectively damned in the public eye.

Either he was extremely foolish or he was framed.

Does anyone seriously think he was going to get a fair trial. To this day the bank sees no wrong in what he did. His wife legally aquired land in a public auction for heavens sake.

mountains out of mole hills and we are asked to believe there are pending charges (smears and allegations) some 7 years after a military coup installed the very judges who oversaw his trial.

This is all spun so many ways.

He remains the first thai PM to have made his billion before he became PM. Think on it.....

Look up "Slimdog" re: assets scrutiny committee on internet.

Thaksin had the right of appeal, but he didn't lodge it because he had to come home, and might not get bail again.

His legal team were sentenced to 6 months jail.

Noppadon is Thaksin's spokesman and legal adviser. He IS NOT an MP.

His wife acquired government land. The law expressly forbids the purchase of govt assets by office holders or their families.

His billions were obtained through a corruptly issued monopoly of spectrum that would have been sold in any other country. he then went on to corruptly triple his wealth while in office.

Casual lies seem to be your forte.

Well you have to admit it if he is casually lying he is not very good at it.

I think he could be delusional.wai2.gif

You may sneer because you can't rebut what I state.

Well for a start the 'distressed asset' was sold subsequently for close to 1.8 billion baht which meant that had KP been able to secure it she would have made a profit of around 1 billion in very short order. Even if you disregard the way the land had been substantially reduced in notional value just before the sale and that her husband improperly got involved in it's supervision the bottom line is the law states quite clearly that no government official or their families should be allowed to purchase government assets, as this would be wide open to corruption and duly proved in this case.

Edited by bigbamboo
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Like you already said, "a FEW housewives". Clearly NOT an overwhelming majority Thai nationals. No, the majority LOVED him and still DO. They want him back in charge too.

Prosecute why??? Is Thaksin a government official? Or some kind of celebrity ?

No, he is a convicted criminal on the run, just an individual.

If he has a problem with people making the clip, he can file charges with police in the country of his residence

Clearly you're NOT a Thaksin fan. Point is he still IS a HUMAN being, no matter what you think of him, and as a human being he has the same right to protection than you have and than every other human being has. Not so? Oh yea, and by-the-way, Mr. Thaksin just so happens to be a GREAT person and the very BEST Prime Minister Thailand EVER had this far. The 'convicted criminal' fact you pointed out was merely conviction by allegations only, not ONE of these were proved beyond doubt to be actually factual accurate OR valid for all that matter.

If he is "the very BEST Prime Minister Thailand EVER had" why did a small group of housewives shout him out of Siam Paragon? - (& that was when he was PM!)

Oak, is it you?

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Firstly he was convicted with no right of appeal.

All 3 of his legal team were in deed jailed for 6 months over the "Pastrygate affair."

However they were in fact never charged, just held in prison.

The lead lawyer is now a Pheu Thai MP.

The police said there was no evidence to convict against them as the money in the pastry box was apparently returned after having been photographed in court by a camera that didn't apparently work so no photographic evidence. Ha Ha.

All just hearsay. No bank accounts were ever checked etc.

Sure Thaksin didn't return. He had been effectively damned in the public eye.

Either he was extremely foolish or he was framed.

Does anyone seriously think he was going to get a fair trial. To this day the bank sees no wrong in what he did. His wife legally aquired land in a public auction for heavens sake.

mountains out of mole hills and we are asked to believe there are pending charges (smears and allegations) some 7 years after a military coup installed the very judges who oversaw his trial.

This is all spun so many ways.

He remains the first thai PM to have made his billion before he became PM. Think on it.....

Look up "Slimdog" re: assets scrutiny committee on internet.

Thaksin had the right of appeal, but he didn't lodge it because he had to come home, and might not get bail again.

His legal team were sentenced to 6 months jail.

Noppadon is Thaksin's spokesman and legal adviser. He IS NOT an MP.

His wife acquired government land. The law expressly forbids the purchase of govt assets by office holders or their families.

His billions were obtained through a corruptly issued monopoly of spectrum that would have been sold in any other country. he then went on to corruptly triple his wealth while in office.

Casual lies seem to be your forte.

as I might have expected

"A little knowledge can be a dangerous thing"

Noppadon may be a thaksin's adviser or for pheu Thai but he wasn't the lawyer for the case in question.

Go check your facts before posting.

"His wife acquired government land"

What's that supposed to mean. She bought land in a public auction. Land acquired from the bankrupt Erawon fund by the bank of Thailand.

Heard of the Asian crisis?

Yes we'll they were tasked (the bank) with recovering as much as they could

From these distressed assets they sought for the taxpayer to recover what they could. Hence here a public auction. 2 other adjacent plots had already been sold to government departments at a lower price.

The land was valued prior to auction.

The "spectrum" you refer to was held I believe by Siam cement who have a regal owner.

Thaksin bought it from them.

They failed to appreciate the value of their own asset.

It's not relevant how he made his money before he became pm as it has nothing to do with his subsequent role as Pm.

It's just an excuse to spin away.

I have read your points and I have seen many others challenge your points. To me I have no desire to trawl through the web and read countless pages of stuff to dig out more details. i simply repeat to you that everything you say is irrelevant when it comes to reality, he was convicted in a court of law and that's all there is to it. You can quote as much as you like and speculate about this and that (and many others will counter argue as they are doing), it doesn't really matter. He is a convicted criminal and he has fled the country whilst on bail. He and his wife had their visa's revoked by the UK after their conviction so, it seems the UK government understood and accepted that he was convicted in a court of law and acted accordingly, but not you. The simple fact, he is a convicted criminal, your view of conspiracy is exactly that, your view, nothing more and it doesn't change the facts.

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