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Australian beaten by 7-man gang behind South Pattaya Market

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I would say,the dear ladyboy may have run up some debts, i could be wrong....coffee1.gif

Could be. If she was riding or driving and told him where to go, or was taking him there then I would be suspicious. There is no reason to drive into a dark place like that, where there are no practical destinations to arrive at. So, it could very well be. Another ignorant foreigner pays the price of tourism in Thailand.


Not so unbelievable, a gang of about 150 motorbike morons partially blocked the highway to Bang Pahan on July 20th and tried to prevent me from driving through, they were upset that I had sounded by warning device at them for being on the highway (i was just being polite). They took umbrage at my politeness and attempted to block our way and threatened us, however, my large SUV is not afraid of a few morons in motorbikes and I let them know it by ploughing through... imagine if I had stopped? what were their plans? to have a quiet chat perhaps? the lawlessness in Thailand is not limited to Pattaya, Phuket, Samui etc, it is all over the country. Young and old have no respect for the property or lives of others and are quite willing to do any stupid, reckless and violent thing to protect their honor if sleighted in any way, perceived or real. And they are not afraid of the police. Our incident took place a mere 300 meters from the highway police station. When I suggested we call the police and let them know there is a gang of motorbike morons nearby to their station my wife and her family (Thai) laughed at me. Welcome to the LOS

150 ! wow , i think that sounds a bit of a mathmatical mistake to say the least, especially seeing as how none of them chased you down and finished the job. One of them would have had a gun for sure . coffee1.gif

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Does not sound like bs at all ?? Or look like bs. Sounds like the army should roll some trucks into Pattaya and take these motobike jerks away to a re-education camp.

Too many incidents are reported as BS which is unlikely in the majority of cases.

The odds 7 onto 1 sounds like their MO in the realm.

You could carry out a nationwide search and be lucky to find a real man bah.gif

Did you think before you posted John? 60 million Thais 30 million born male. You don't think you could find one real man?


This isn't "News"

"Gang of seven thugs beaten to death by lone Aussie" ... Now THAT would be news!

You are missing out on the credits there mate........"A lone GAY Aussie" more like it .


Never mind the ladyboy bit, 7 guys on three bikes ride past a random farang and set up a road block to steal his bike.

Sounds like a bs story to me.

Unless it was a Harley or something.....even then you'd think one would follow him home and they'd blag it later.


This crime is very comon in and around Pattaya its not bs at all, it happened to my son with a brand new Mio, we got the bike back damaged as they had sold it for 2,000 baht to another teenager and he went racing around (not run in motor)!!!

The cops are just not tough enough on these slime balls of shit. bah.gif

Also in Bangkok. Weekly along Sukumvhit there are 2 guys on a motorcycle robbing females of their bags. Thai or foreign, they don't care. I assume lots of other places too, I have never seen it reported in any news but hear it on the police radios. I would believe this guy since it's really not that uncommon.


Why am I not surprised, have seen in my 12 years in Thailand many times that groups outnumber people just for a motorbike, or mobile phone.

When I first came to the land of smile I thought everybody would know Muay Thai, but soon found out that even I'm not taller than 171 nobody wanted to fight me without a broken beer-bottle


Happening much to often. Over songkran this year, someone threw a beer bottle through my rear window and when I stopped to check it out, I was beated by a gang of Thais. The police were standing close by and witnessed the entire event but were afraid to intervene. They called an ambulance after the event to pick me up and bring me to the hospital. My car was vandalized and destroyed as well. Luckily insurance covered everything but I was still car-less for 3 months as they fixed the damages. Wrong place, wrong time. This happened in Chanthaburi and when I filed the police report, absolutely nothing happened and no arrests were made, despite hundreds of witnesses, including a fellow BIB. <deleted>. Anyways, I've brushed this off as old history and moved on, but now I've learned to never, ever stop when driving a car or bike if at all possible. Just keep going and don't look back!


I don't see why this should not be believable, what has the guy to gain from reporting a false story like this to the BIB? Nothing was stolen so not an insurance scam.There have been several news stories of similar cowardly attacks on expats in Pattaya.

You are assuming nothing was stolen based on the report, but if the Aussie had drugs or contraband taken which may have been the cause of the attack, it still would not be a false claim but an incomplete one.


I don't see why this should not be believable, what has the guy to gain from reporting a false story like this to the BIB? Nothing was stolen so not an insurance scam.There have been several news stories of similar cowardly attacks on expats in Pattaya.

You are assuming nothing was stolen based on the report, but if the Aussie had drugs or contraband taken which may have been the cause of the attack, it still would not be a false claim but an incomplete one.

And if my auntie had balls she would be my uncle


I don't see why this should not be believable, what has the guy to gain from reporting a false story like this to the BIB? Nothing was stolen so not an insurance scam.There have been several news stories of similar cowardly attacks on expats in Pattaya.

You are assuming nothing was stolen based on the report, but if the Aussie had drugs or contraband taken which may have been the cause of the attack, it still would not be a false claim but an incomplete one.

Maybe with your vivid imagination and apparent psychic abilities you should write a new Thailand television version of CSI.


I like the lady boy part of the story. So instead of 7 Thais on 1

man, what you really have is 7 Thais on two men...

Not sure if things are being reported more, or crime is increasing.

Teen gangbangers setting up mini road blocks to rob tourists is

is not a good sign, assuming this story is true. Maybe time for

me to start carrying a knife....

Yes, people should carry more weapons. That will sort out all the problems in Pattaya. You're not American by any chance?


Never mind the ladyboy bit, 7 guys on three bikes ride past a random farang and set up a road block to steal his bike.

Sounds like a bs story to me.

Unless it was a Harley or something.....even then you'd think one would follow him home and they'd blag it later.


The TV idiot brigade has once again jumped into a news story. Perhaps if you keyboard warrior clowns had any real idea what is going on around you, then you wouldn't be making totally asinine assumptions that you know something when in reality you don't know sh!t!

The current conditions in Pattaya leave no reason to doubt this is probably real. Need a motorbike, sure, why not just steal one. Local teenagers and young Thai men are often lawless and out of control. They often act with the mentality of a pack of wild dogs and follow their leader without regard to what is right, wrong or illegal. They can turn a situation into something really ugly in an instant. Pattaya can be a very dangerous place.

The police don't have the day to day situation under control. Pattaya is in a downward spiral and all the police do is talk about how they are going fix it. The only thing that happens is that it just gets worse.

You had me until you used the word probably. You don't know what you're talking about, you're only guessing and ranting. .

Let's be having a few posts from farang members in Pattaya that have came up to a road block in Pattaya, and had there bike stolen from below them.

So far I have seen none, and heard of none.

Any member that has had this experience can feel free to link us to the post he made on Thaivisa warning us about it. I predict not one member can do so.

So give it up with the ranting, you are the keyboard warrior here.


I don't see why this should not be believable, what has the guy to gain from reporting a false story like this to the BIB? Nothing was stolen so not an insurance scam.There have been several news stories of similar cowardly attacks on expats in Pattaya.


I wouldnt mind playing hide the sav with the LB

And where, pray tell, would you hide the sav mickjn ? In her handbag ? rolleyes.gif


Cris you are lucky ..wonder why the others didnt chase you down if you crashed through a few of them scratching their bikes up and losing face.

1. The leaders who tried to block our way didn't have enough supporters around for any of them to suddenly grow a set of balls to actually do anything

2. The rest of them were behind us and frankly no matter how fast their pissy little 125 cc bikes can go I think my 3 litre turbo can do better, I floored it to get away from them and scattered the scared little chickens - my family was priority, no need to stop and put them in danger with idiots around... and

3. as with all bullies, usually if you stand up to them they run away, especially if you are a 300 pound farang with an even nastier looking retired army general sitting next to you who can swear in Thai at them much better than anything I can do!!! wai.gif Luckily they do not have enough courage to realise that even though we might hurt 3 or 4 of them or a few more they have a distinct advantage in numbers and could easily win any melee we started... not too many lightbulbs working in that lot, and I think they got the message that we weren't to be messed with... a dude on a motor bike separated from the herd, another story and this lawless generation in Thailand is getting worse and worse, my wife and I are moving after 23 years here!!!


If I was being attacked in a 7 to 1 scenario, I would certainly prefer a fridge-freezer as backup, instead of a sheila.

And, as the story points out, a 7 on 1 theft attempt, and they didnt manage to nick his motorbike. I am sure the fridge laid a few of these 'men' out, round house hi-heel kick to the temple, while holding his breasts in place from swinging. Never mind the b0ll0x :) you gotta love it!!!


Ive just returned to Pattaya a few days ago and was quite surprised to see a Thai M/c gang on the highway into Pattaya when in the taxi from the airport. In over a decade of being here it was a first. Well over a hundred strong with the usual noisy little bikes and curiously sporting gang colours on sleeveless denim jackets.

Following day saw similar group on about 30 bikes about 5km south of Pattaya on Suk indulging in what appeared to be a post collision punch up.

I remember making a mental note then that the Mu7 is my weapon of choice now over venturing out alone on the PCX (as stated above a ton of fast moving metal with chrome bars up front aint about to be parried with some cutesy Muay Thai shin work ;) )


Never mind the ladyboy bit, 7 guys on three bikes ride past a random farang and set up a road block to steal his bike.

Sounds like a bs story to me.

Unless it was a Harley or something.....even then you'd think one would follow him home and they'd blag it later.


Certitude.......Too Sure of Yourself?......

"How do you know"?

"I just know it"

"Are you aware of........."

"No, I have no other information"

"So you're just guessing based upon no knowledge of the situation whatsoever"?

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I don't believe the story at all....

You can always rely on a transexual lifting the lid on the toilet seat of life.

Why do all the bigots on here instantly assume that the LB still had her meat & 2 veg? And instantly assume that all LBs should be universally regarded as criminals and of low moral standards.

Thai law does not allow LBs who have had the full change to change the gender on their ID cards or passports. Hence the BiB and the reporter knowing she was an LB

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Never mind the ladyboy bit, 7 guys on three bikes ride past a random farang and set up a road block to steal his bike.

Sounds like a bs story to me.

Unless it was a Harley or something.....even then you'd think one would follow him home and they'd blag it later.


Certitude.......Too Sure of Yourself?......

"How do you know"?

"I just know it"

"Are you aware of........."

"No, I have no other information"

"So you're just guessing based upon no knowledge of the situation whatsoever"?

Some guys have a taller bar stool than others, that enables them to see clear across the saloon, giving them a perspective that others simply can't appreciate... We should be grateful that some of these folk are generous enough to share.


If it were me, I would have done some kick ass Kung <deleted> poses

and Bruce Lee high pitched screams.

I am bad ass like that.

Would the PRC army be backing up your 'bad ass'?

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