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Foreign investors highly concerned over Thailand's political tension


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We hope the whole-year arrivals will top 22 million. Tourism and related businesses now generate over 4 per cent of Thailand's GDP.

How do they calculate 4% when every tuk tuk...restaurant shop and person on the street relies on tourists. Oh i forgot hotels airports planes and 90 per cent of the population

I suggest you get out and about a bit more, as you seem to be stuck in a tourist area. Even in Bangkok, there is a huge amount of non-tourist related business going on. Just because you don't know about it doesn't mean it's not there. Or take a trip to one of the many huge industrial estates. Maybe it will help educate you a little on the Thai economy. Most Thais don't rely on tourism at all. The problem is that people like you live in tourist areas and have some fantasy that the whole country is just like the small area you live in.

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