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Vaser Liposuction - The diary of a vain man

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I always wish I had kept a diary of significant events in my life but, being lazy, I never have. However this time I will. And to keep me on it (and, hopefully, to help others who may wish to have this procedure) I have decided to keep my diary on a public forum.

First a lttle background. 18 months ago I had a pretty nasty bike accident which meant i was unable to exercise for 6 months. Before that I was in pretty good shape for my age with a flat stomach. I exercised regularly but not fanatically. At the end of that period I got a new job which requires me to travel extensively around Asia one week in 4, wining and dining clients. This also messed with my exercise regime. The weight started to pile on. I would come home and try to diet and exercise but i have the breaking strain of a kitkat! From 76kg I went up to 89Kg (I am 176cm and 54 years old) mostly around my waist and stomach in the 18 months from my accident until now. My jeans were too tight and my shirt buttons were straining.

I have a smoking hot partner and felt I was being lazy as I didn't have to try (but then what man does in Thailand!). My g/f said she liked my new girth as she thinks a fat man is a happy man (as in happy with her). My negative side feels she thinks no other woman will now look at me! What she has not taken into account is that it has made me feel depressed and unhappy. I know this is ego and vanity and the realisation that I am getting old and I make no excuses. I tried and tried with diet and exercise. I have good musculature and am reasonably fit but, to me, I look unsightly and I hate it.

I am not one of these middle aged men that wants to pretend he is young. I will not dye the grey and I will not have a face lift but I am something of a clothes horse and love good clothes. But it doesn't matter how good Armani cuts them fat is still fat and they don't look good.So after much research and soul searching I decided to go for Vaser Liposuction.

The week before last I had a consultation at the Bangkok Pattaya hospital (having narrowed them down from four possibilities) and booked myself in for the procedure this weekend.

So this will be my thread charting the experience. I know the final results may take up to 6 months so i maybe here awhile!

Today is VL day -1 and I have spent the last week looking at my self and feeling the flab alot more than I ever did. I don't know what the results will be like but I am hoping to say goodbye to the love handles and hello to my nether regions again. A flat stomach would be fantastic (a six pack a bridge too far I fear) but who knows. I am a little nervous but not alot.post-175002-0-86734800-1376540735_thumb.post-175002-0-63631400-1376540741_thumb.post-175002-0-35750400-1376540752_thumb.

I am attaching some photo's of me before and will be showing the progress in pictures as well as words.

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"Today is VL day -1 and I have spent the last week looking at my self and feeling the flab alot more than I ever did. I don't know what the results will be like but I am hoping to say goodbye to the love handles and hello to my nether regions again. A flat stomach would be fantastic (a six pack a bridge too far I fear) but who knows. I am a little nervous but not alot."

Good luck with this. But I must admit that my other reason for replying here is to tell a joke that I was reminded of by part of your post (highlighted above).

A man goes to the doctor and complains about his fat. He says, "Gee doc, I keep getting fatter and fatter, and I hate it. As a matter of fact, I'm getting so fat that I haven't been able to see my penis in about 2 years. The doctors says, "Well, you should diet." The patient replies, "Oh my god! Why? What color is it?"

Sorry -- couldn't resist.

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Vaser + 1

Here I am home after surgery and in considerable , though tolerable pain. But I have skipped a chapter!

The big day,

I think the Bangkok Pattaya make all their appointments for 8am, So there I am at 8am watching the tide roll away, A personal note here; my fingers are like doughnuts and i can't type so will try this later.

The fingers seem to be back in working order so here goes again. I hung around for an hour and a half to have my blood pressure taken and to pay. Then I was taken to a room and dressed in hospital smocks. I have a saline drip attached and had my bp taken twice more.

At 12 I was wheeled down to the operating room and from there it all got professional. 7 or 8 people hovering around then I was under. I seem to remember someone showing me the fat that removed and then I woke up back in my room. I felt sore and nauseas but all the nurses were interested in was that I urinate. I drank loads of water but no way. Then I was sick, alot! at least four times and afterwards I felt alot better. I was able to eat the cold meal I had been left and watch some tv.

I went for a shower and checked the body. Initial reports are good but not great. My stomach is definitely flatter but the handles are still there but what is real and what is swelling is hard to tell. There is also alot of bruising and my nether regions, which I had been so longing to see again are a deep purple!!! Urgh!

This morning the doc came and said this was normal. Really? I guess I will have to believe him. SO I was discharged with lots of pills and a follow up appointment in a week.

I slept badly even with the ativan I was proscribed and today feel pretty much the same,, the bruising is more noticeable and getting up from the bed and chair a struggle. But things do look better and they will be better still, I am promised so watch this page. When I have the energy I will post some afters pics.

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How much did it cost ?

and was it fat outside your muscles as well as internal fat that was sucked out ?

or only from under the skin ?


I am also interested to know how much you had to pay and what specific areas you had treated. I had vaser in BKK on the 15th so I am quite curious the difference in payment. I did goto the hospital website which lists pricing but I find that is very deceiving than the final payment due.


I paid 240,000 baht or roughly $8400 USD. I had mine done on the abs (upper/lower), the love handles, and the chest. My procedure included general anesthetic, 5000 CC's of fat removed, all medications and a private room for 2 nights (only used 1 as I was anxious to go home) stay after the procedure. I have started a blog where I am documenting everything (including the change of providers at the last minute). I am planning to have a large update tomorrow of the blog if you are interested it is located at http://thaivaser.blogspot.com/

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I paid 90,000 baht inclusive for large stomach area and the love handles. It included an overnight stay, follow up appointnts and drugs.


It is day 3 and I am back at my desk. I am bruised and uncomfortable, Sleeping has only been possible with prescribed ativan and I wake up in pain, Suddenly the bed feels too soft. But looking in the mirrior I look at a flat stomach, which his nice. The deep purple gentlemens saugage, not so nice! Lots of brusing around the hips, groin and chest.

I will put up the first of the after pictures later,


I paid 90,000 baht inclusive for large stomach area and the love handles. It included an overnight stay, follow up appointnts and drugs.


It is day 3 and I am back at my desk. I am bruised and uncomfortable, Sleeping has only been possible with prescribed ativan and I wake up in pain, Suddenly the bed feels too soft. But looking in the mirrior I look at a flat stomach, which his nice. The deep purple gentlemens saugage, not so nice! Lots of brusing around the hips, groin and chest.

I will put up the first of the after pictures later,



Day 3 Part 2

First of all the bruising. My penis and testicles are dark purple!! Not attractive! And my crotch area is heavily bruised along with my hips and love handles. I am also noticing a bruise developing around my sternum. They are not painful to the touch so I am guessing this is just some fluid buildup but it is unsightly. The abdomen area, however, is very painful to the touch.

In myself I feel fine although a side effect seems to be sausage fingers! I seem to have lost the ability to type accurately so each addition takes twice as long. This is possible to do with the Ativan the hospital gave me for sleeping; it leave me muzzy headed during the day but I doubt I would sleep without it.

The hardest part is getting comfortable. Moving position, getting in and out of chairs is ridiculously difficult with the use of abdominal muscles. Other than that life is ok. The compression bandages takes some getting used to but I had better get over than one as it is here for 4-6 weeks.

Next I need to go out and see if anyone notices any difference. Apart from telling you guys I haven’t actually mentioned to my friends. Cue the mickey taking!! But I knew I would get it in the neck before embarking on it so I think I will be able to take it.

What surprised me this morning is that I have only lost 1 kg. I had hoped for more but maybe the water retention is adding to the weight or I am just too impatient. I want instant results but I know I am not going to get them. Fortunately I can see the difference even if my scales and trousers refuse to acknowledge it!

It will be interesting to read this in a month. I hope I will be a lot more positive than I currently feel. On a scale of 1 to 10 I am currently hovering between 4-5. If I sound sorry for myself, I’m not. I chose this, I paid for it and I will get through it. Hopefully with the body I want or at least the blank slate from which to start my new exercise and eating regime. 6 pack here I come; yea right!

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Day 5

The most uncomfortable night so far. No more Ativan and it shows. I could not get comfortable and tossed and turned all night. Very little sleep. The good news is that my gentlemans sausage is almost back to a normal colour, which is a huge relief!!! But the brusing around the pubic bone is quite bad and, coupled with the compression bandage digging in means that sitting is quite uncomfortable.

When I took my bandage off this morning I was very pleased with the flat stomach though. There is still swelling around the love handles (I hope it is swelling) but so far it looks good and according to the reviews I have read it will continue to get better. So vanity 1 comfort 0.

I have my first appointment with the doctor on friday and will post pictures after.


A week has passed, and it was a long week of being uncomfortable and having very poor sleeps. But I had my follow up appointment at BPH and had the stitches removed. The surgeon was pleased with the results and said the swellings was normal and everything was good. He told me I could start light exercise and swimming so that is a relief. Still another 3 weeks of compression bandages to go but he said i could take it off for short periods. I think I will stick with it 24/7 (apart from showers and swimming) though to help the molding process.

I will post one week pictures later.


Very interesting thread ...

Not sure if you work or not, but after how many days do you think one can go back to work after the procedure?

  • 3 weeks later...

Awesome !

I messed up on the before pic but here i lost a bit over 20 kg with dnp pills.

something I don't know, but poanoi, what are 'dnp pills'



Good topic. Hope you have a speedy recovery :D

Edit - I see now this is a few weeks old. How are you getting on?

  • 3 weeks later...

I've looked at the OP's before photos many times... am I the only one who doesn't think he had much of a problem?... nothing that some diet correction and some exercise couldn't easily have fixed.

I really feel the OP is suffering from a distorted body image.... i.e. he's not nearly as bad as he thinks he is.

Agree with you on all points.


I've looked at the OP's before photos many times... am I the only one who doesn't think he had much of a problem?... nothing that some diet correction and some exercise couldn't easily have fixed.

I really feel the OP is suffering from a distorted body image.... i.e. he's not nearly as bad as he thinks he is.

He wasn't massive by any stretch of the imagination.

Diet restructuring could've sorted him out in a month or two.

Also, I'm curious . . . are those tyre tracks across his abdomen or . . . ?


I've looked at the OP's before photos many times... am I the only one who doesn't think he had much of a problem?... nothing that some diet correction and some exercise couldn't easily have fixed.

I really feel the OP is suffering from a distorted body image.... i.e. he's not nearly as bad as he thinks he is.

He wasn't massive by any stretch of the imagination.

Diet restructuring could've sorted him out in a month or two.

Also, I'm curious . . . are those tyre tracks across his abdomen or . . . ?

Trauma marks from the long needles that are inserted, and swayed to get the most fat sucked in. Lipo, in whatever variant, is quite a violent process.


I've looked at the OP's before photos many times... am I the only one who doesn't think he had much of a problem?... nothing that some diet correction and some exercise couldn't easily have fixed.

I really feel the OP is suffering from a distorted body image.... i.e. he's not nearly as bad as he thinks he is.

He wasn't massive by any stretch of the imagination.

Diet restructuring could've sorted him out in a month or two.

Also, I'm curious . . . are those tyre tracks across his abdomen or . . . ?

Trauma marks from the long needles that are inserted, and swayed to get the most fat sucked in. Lipo, in whatever variant, is quite a violent process.

... and in most cases also a massive waste of money as the body will soon restore the fat if the people don't change their diet.

It's a bit like people looking for magic pills. It would result in instant gratification though, unlike most diet processes which take time and effort.

I can make a genuine case for liposuction though.... for example,... I knew a woman who had a super defined physique but a huge fat butt. It didn't matter what she did (and she worked her ass off), she couldn't move it. This is where liposuction could come in handy - moving immovable fat.

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