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My Planned estimated monthly budget for Thailand


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Before I learned to speak Thai I thought I knew Thailand. It was only after I learned to speak Thai I realized that before I spoke Thai I didn't have a clue. When I was a young man in Thailand I thought the old rich guys got all the hot girls. After I became an old rich guy in Thailand I realized I was right. So 50/50. I was wrong about the language and right about the age and money.

Thai immigration thinks that a retired guy alone in Thailand needs 800,000 baht a year and only 400,000 if he has a Thai wife. Do you really think they don't know what they are talking about???????

The old rich guys get all the hot girls? Most of the girls I see with older farangs are not very attractive.

My experiences are similar to Spade but I don't like how he is attacking people for having different needs or desires.

If the OAP brigade hadn't attacked the OP saying he was deluded / stupid / a dreamer / shouldn't come here / budget was impossible etc then there'd be no need for the young versus old debate or for us younger guys to point out why they spend so much money (hookers and expenses to their girlfriends).

Anyone with half a brain can tell you 45,000B a month minimum is more than enough to live in Thailand and have a decent life.

Guys who squander lots of money on women should surely know where all their budget is going and the OP said he didn't plan to bang hookers or sponsor a women so they should have took that into consideration before making out he was crazy for coming here with 45k per month.

The funny thing for me is I don't see many "hot" anything. Overall women here don't dress up enough or have defined style. Certain areas in Bangkok you can find them but the average Thai woman is not "hot". I see even less hot with older guys. Young does not equal hot to me.

We must live in 2 different Bangkoks because the BKK I live in is jam packed with stylish and fashionable girls that dress really well and look super feminine and cute.

Average Thai women that I come across = pretty, good skin, lovely hair, feminine, well dressed, cute, well mannered, polite....what more do you want?

Again, totally spot on. 45000 baht may not be enough for blokes who have to pay girls to be with them but for me, as stated in the earlier posts, i dont have that expense. I will try and stick to that 45,000 baht budget even though i'll be banking more than that. I honestly dont think i will be too far off but we'll see.

All that this thread has showed me is that most of the older guys over here seem very bitter and stubborn and cannot understand that the younger generation have different lifestyles. I've bar-fined girls, of course i have but i would imagine that for every girl i barfine i will have had 20 other girls that i havent barfined and that is the difference between how the younger crowd spend lower amounts of money than the old-timers who finance their sexual needs. Simple.

Edited by kscott
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Having nothing in common hasn't stopped hoards of farang men from marrying and shacking up with younger Thai women.

Aged 30+ Thai girls are generally considered washed up though and you have to wonder why by age 30 they haven't gotten married or even a boyfriend when so many of them seem to want to be settled down by that age.

Washed up??!! At 30??!! Seriously??!! Yeah . . . if she's a bar girl

On occasion you make the odd good point but then you go and obliterate any credibility you might have by belching up these ridiculous generalisations

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Having nothing in common hasn't stopped hoards of farang men from marrying and shacking up with younger Thai women.

Aged 30+ Thai girls are generally considered washed up though and you have to wonder why by age 30 they haven't gotten married or even a boyfriend when so many of them seem to want to be settled down by that age.

Washed up??!! At 30??!! Seriously??!! Yeah . . . if she's a bar girl

On occasion you make the odd good point but then you go and obliterate any credibility you might have by belching up these ridiculous generalisations

I would certainly concur that as a thai lady reaches maybe mid 30's she starts to go down hill quickly. Not all, but the majority. Now girls from the philippines on the other hand, the majority of them still look red hot at that age. If i ever had a steady girl they would certainly not be thai. Cracking at their peak, horrendous from mid 30's onwards. Still lovely people but not nice to wake up next to IMO.

Give me a girl from the philippines every single time for a steady gf.

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Having nothing in common hasn't stopped hoards of farang men from marrying and shacking up with younger Thai women.

Aged 30+ Thai girls are generally considered washed up though and you have to wonder why by age 30 they haven't gotten married or even a boyfriend when so many of them seem to want to be settled down by that age.

Washed up??!! At 30??!! Seriously??!! Yeah . . . if she's a bar girl

On occasion you make the odd good point but then you go and obliterate any credibility you might have by belching up these ridiculous generalisations

Most Thai girls know their chances of getting married after 30 are very slim at best. Thai man unmarried by that age isn't going to get married or will go for a younger woman.

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young Aussie guys seem to get ripped on the house and car and bike and lose a lot ,not only the older guys who get cleaned out.

met a young aussie in karon who had lost a serious amount of cash on the assets

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Oooh, touchy, Maybe the truth hurts. Nobody can say for sure, maybe you are lucky and have found a pretty young thai girl that is happy to be with an older gentleman like yourself without being interested in your money. I would say the chances are extremely low but all the same it is possible.

You havent yet answered my previous questions about how old your gf is and how much you con tribute to her expenses each month.

I usually find in the western world most men contribute 100% of their salary to their wife/gf every month.

They just don't understand they are doing that until they are kicked out of their homes.

I dont know in wich western world you lived in and what century but most western couples i know work and pay 50/50 in said marriages ,relationships... So everything would be split after divorce we dont have such silly divorce laws like in the us in my country but prenups do exsist even in Thailand .youre so old school and never had a long relationship yourself apparently even after claiming in other posts that Thai lawyers tried to convince you to act as a lawyer in Thailand after youre career in the us.
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I live under 40k and have no problems with that . I don't feel that I'm poor. I pay my bills and maybe there is not much left at the end of the month but thats what a budget is for.

As long as you stay away from the western bars and restaurants , and expensive bargirls, you will do fine anywhere in Thailand.

Edited by balo
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Thanks, i also think i'll be fine. Won't be bothered about hitting the tourist bars too much. Happy to sit in a bar with the locals and get to know them. I'll be in work mode not holiday mode, holiday mode is dangerous when it concerns anything to do with a budget. When i leave the country every 60 days i can get my share of holiday shenanigans, whilst in Thailand i'll try and keep on top of my partying tendencies. the odd club here and there on a weekend when i'm not working will do me.

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Having nothing in common hasn't stopped hoards of farang men from marrying and shacking up with younger Thai women.

Aged 30+ Thai girls are generally considered washed up though and you have to wonder why by age 30 they haven't gotten married or even a boyfriend when so many of them seem to want to be settled down by that age.

Washed up??!! At 30??!! Seriously??!! Yeah . . . if she's a bar girl

On occasion you make the odd good point but then you go and obliterate any credibility you might have by belching up these ridiculous generalisations

I would certainly concur that as a thai lady reaches maybe mid 30's she starts to go down hill quickly. Not all, but the majority. Now girls from the philippines on the other hand, the majority of them still look red hot at that age. If i ever had a steady girl they would certainly not be thai. Cracking at their peak, horrendous from mid 30's onwards. Still lovely people but not nice to wake up next to IMO.

Give me a girl from the philippines every single time for a steady gf.

Maybe you've been looking at the wrong end of the barrel then, mate.

A 30 yr old bargirl can, indeed, look horrendous after a decade and a half on the razz (who wouldn't?) but a conventionally-employed, professional Thai woman in her 30s in a crisp business suit (lots of them around my neck of the woods) is truly a wonder to behold.

Maybe they consider themselves "on the shelf" (as do many women all over the world) if they're not married but, I'm sorry, NO man looking at them would describe them as "washed up".

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"Happy to sit in a bar with the locals and get to know them."

don't do that, or at least be very careful. Drunk Thai men are even more insane than drunk westerners at least more unpredictable especially if you are not fluent.

Since you are relatively young hang out in the college bar areas that will be better.

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"Happy to sit in a bar with the locals and get to know them."

Well, unless you speak thai, the only thing you'll have in common with the other lads is paying the bill,

and even if you knew thai, there still wouldnt be much to talk about beside 'u like chili'.

There wont be any woman around for you btw.

Edited by poanoi
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Oooh, touchy, Maybe the truth hurts. Nobody can say for sure, maybe you are lucky and have found a pretty young thai girl that is happy to be with an older gentleman like yourself without being interested in your money. I would say the chances are extremely low but all the same it is possible.

You havent yet answered my previous questions about how old your gf is and how much you con tribute to her expenses each month.

I usually find in the western world most men contribute 100% of their salary to their wife/gf every month.

They just don't understand they are doing that until they are kicked out of their homes.

I dont know in wich western world you lived in and what century but most western couples i know work and pay 50/50 in said marriages ,relationships... So everything would be split after divorce we dont have such silly divorce laws like in the us in my country but prenups do exsist even in Thailand .youre so old school and never had a long relationship yourself apparently even after claiming in other posts that Thai lawyers tried to convince you to act as a lawyer in Thailand after youre career in the us.
And i remeber one thai lady working in my home country legally full taxes paid and hubby on a small pension trying to get hubby to pay allimony for her no children after 10 years of marriage ,apparently the judge in court took a look at there finances and she would have to pay allimony for her ex farang husband when push came to shuv .....and of course she removed all claims to allimony after the schocking discovery.
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@kscott...Ref post 271..

Glad you said most of the older guys and not all, at 51 next I consider myself to be joining the older brigade now and having been coming to Thailand for over 10 years think I've leart a few things over the years from seeing what goes on in certain places that have the pay for play scene.

I consider myself to be pretty lucky to have found a certain woman that I have been seeing for a number of years and havent paid a bar fine since around 2005, maybe 2006, my memory at such an old age is not what it was..facepalm.gif but some guys both young and old think I must pay in more ways than one, when they see the houses she lives in/owns or the cars or bikes she and her kids drive, the expensive clothes she wears, the expensive items of jewellry she wears, unless they know her personally their thoughts are more often than not, I have paid for what she has, but the truth is that I have not bought the cars, the houses, bikes and most of the things she wears, she's bought them.

How she attained her wealth is nothing to do with me and over the years I have known her she has actually bought me more presents than I have ever bought her...

This thread does seem to have turned into a young v old bitch fest with some posters, but poor old me has nothing to bitch about with regards to Thailand or women, not now and probably never as I have no intention of falling into the trap and losing lots.

As I said very early on in this thread, 44,000 Baht is IMO plenty to live on if not going overboard, but it's also pretty easy to spend 200,000 a month and more, it's all about living within your means and what your comfortable with spending.

Live how you live and spend what you spend, young or old and as long as your happy with what your doing then fine by me..Enjoy..thumbsup.gif

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Washed up??!! At 30??!! Seriously??!! Yeah . . . if she's a bar girl

I've not met many girls 30+ who I'd be interested in dating / sleeping with. Also I've just loaded up Thai Friendly and set the age thing as 30+ and I'm not impressed with what I see.

"Happy to sit in a bar with the locals and get to know them."

don't do that, or at least be very careful. Drunk Thai men are even more insane than drunk westerners at least more unpredictable especially if you are not fluent.

Since you are relatively young hang out in the college bar areas that will be better.

Isn't a student bar a 'local bar'?

Most of the bars I go to are student bars and they are the best fun IME. People not usually too stuck up, willing to speak to a farang if he obviously isn't a sex tourist, cheap beer and whisky, cheap food.

You can meet a lot of girls this way. Chances of you getting a one night stand are slim IME but you can swap numbers and arrange a date for later.

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Washed up??!! At 30??!! Seriously??!! Yeah . . . if she's a bar girl

I've not met many girls 30+ who I'd be interested in dating / sleeping with. Also I've just loaded up Thai Friendly and set the age thing as 30+ and I'm not impressed with what I see.

Well I have met many Thai women 30+ who have charm, worldliness and confidence that beats the average 20 yr old bit of ThaiFriendly fluff you're knocking about with into next week in terms of allure and sex appeal.

Each to his own I guess.

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so let's see.

it could cost you a lot of money to get married and or divorced.

girlfriends can be a source of some expense.

physical attractiveness is in inverse proportion dating expenditure.

sounds EXACTLY like West Los Angeles.

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Yes, everything being equal youth will have the advantage. But normally age has some advantages that are not always visible. Experience, security, nest egg, etc are all attractive. Add to that the confidence that is shown in a real man. Few young men or boys can show same without appearing cocky, it just takes time. Too many factors involved when selecting a mate.

Youth, looks and money will always trump wrinkles & money and I say that as a 46 year old so I'm hardly talking up my own shop here.

I'm just telling it like it is.

Yeah, but brother, add a little style that comes with experience to those wrinkles and it's tough to beat. Old guys really do rule!

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And for the girl of my dreams? well, there'll be a bit left in the pot for any of that carry on. I've still got a minimum of £206 left for anything like that.

£51.50 a week to woo the Lucky girl of your dreams.

Cheap Charliecheesy.gif


No, no, no i'm lor mak, they will need to pay ME!!

Seriously though, i have no intention whatsoever of having a steady girl out there so i'll never need to "woo" anyone. If i can't pick up any girls from the clubs then i'll be indulging in a few happy massages. I'm sure i'll have a few non-working girls on the books after a few weeks.

spot on ! Dream on, your Life is at your feet !

I would suggest like others have mentioned, the budget on transportation is absolutely unrealistic. Rent a scooter per month is like 3000 Baht, plus fuel. Taking samlors and taxis will blow your budget totally.

I would rate your budget calculations as being sound, add a margin off 25% plus or less, and you will be fine.

However then expect the unexpected. In Thailand, surprises are for granted, if you don't live the life of an eremite, and as this is the last thing a foreigner of some classe will do, again I warn you, expect the unexpected to happen within the time frame your budget allows you to socialize. Socializing in Chiang Mai means a lot more to your budget that you can dream up from out of your now home . . .

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Transportation in Chiang Mai is expensive. You should set aside more money than you have. And you haven't allocated any expenses for personal items like clothing, toiletries, etc. You will be able to live on your monthly income but save as much as you can for unexpected expenses.

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kscott, I've followed this thread, and watched you go from asking for advice on living in Thailand on a VERY limited budget to calling fellow TV posters 'muppets' for no reason other than they don't agree with your thoughts. There is a serious arrogance/attitude issue here, and telling older guys that they couldn't get a girl/woman unless they paid for it demonstrates that.

I posted back about # 113 that I had serious doubts about your numbers claims, and a chemical engineer calling his profession a 'trade' doesn't instill any confidence about your claims/motives, nor spelling 'paid' 'payed' consistently (although you did finally correct it, and I don't claim to be the grammar police) whilst claiming you're a writer. There's still a lot that doesn't add up.

I'm beginning to think you're a troll, but perhaps I should have thought it back at post # 1??

JLCrabb, you're just not young enough to know it all man!!

neversure said,

"I get really tired of young, inexperienced know it all types who can try to belittle someone who's been in Thailand a long time and has, as they say, been around the block.

You know nothing about the man you are mocking but I'll just tell you he's been in Thailand a long time and has it figured out.

This is one of the times you'd do best to shut up, listen, and learn."

Sage advice indeed.

Edited by F4UCorsair
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So let me get off the Brit's string for a bit. How much is a comfortable amount to live on in Thailand? Is a disposable income of B120,000 per month sufficient after all my essentials are paid off in the USA, i.e. property taxes, insurance, etc. It sounds like enough but I don't know for sure. Is that too much?

Thanks for any replies.


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A 30 yr old bargirl can, indeed, look horrendous after a decade and a half on the razz (who wouldn't?) but a conventionally-employed, professional Thai woman in her 30s in a crisp business suit (lots of them around my neck of the woods) is truly a wonder to behold.

Tell me about it mate. When I worked in a hotel the Assistant Director of Finance was this cracker in her early 30s with a penchant for business suits with short (but not indecently so ) skirts and legs that just wouldn't quit. Every morning briefing was an exercise in trying to maintain eye contact and keep having a quick glance at her pins. I think I managed it. On most occasions.

I would have crawled 100 miles over broken glass just to wank on her shadow.

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