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Amnesty Bill in Thailand: The tourism industry is worried


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Amnesty Bill in Thailand: The tourism industry is worried

BANGKOK: -- The Thai travel and tourism industry is clearly worried about recent developments in this deeply divided land of smiles.

In a series of recent interviews political parties ready themselves over the government's proposed amnesty bill. Many in opposition, led by the Democrat Party, with strong 'people power' support, believe the proposed legislation is a sham to allow deposed former PM Thaksin Shinawatra, currently living in exile, a free 'get out of jail' card and a possible ticket home.

The country is deeply divided and feelings run high. If the bill runs the course, it is almost certain that protests will once again spill out onto Bangkok's streets.

A worrying scenario for Thailand's sensitive tourism industry. Currently tourism is enjoying a boom with 24m international tourists expected to visit the Kingdom this year, rising to 28m by 2014.

Many industry observers are worried that continued and protracted street protests will have a major impact on tourist's confidence. Historically street protests have been quickly forgotten and the reduction in tourist numbers has been short lived. However with recent protests in Egypt and elsewhere future tourist behaviour is uncertain and may not be so easily recoverable.

The Democrats have said they will not waiver over their opposition to the amnesty bill.

Mr. Suthep Thaugsuban Democrat MP for Surat Thani reiterated the party's position on the amnesty bill and slammed Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra's proposed political reform assembly.

Full story: http://www.eturbonews.com/37159/amnesty-bill-thailand-tourism-industry-worried

-- eTN 2013-08-19

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The actual tourist industry has every right to be worried but there will never be a statement like this from TAT as their charter is that nothing ever reduces tourism in fact if tourists aren't flocking here they are expected to.

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The actual tourist industry has every right to be worried but there will never be a statement like this from TAT as their charter is that nothing ever reduces tourism in fact if tourists aren't flocking here they are expected to.

Absolutely not, TAT officials would probably cut their own tongues out before admitting numbers were dropping

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Just one question : How TAT can predict an increase of 4 millions tourists next year ????????????? crystal ball ? Silom Fortune tellers ? And 2015 ? another 4 millions ?

Simple. They provide the data and can put up whatever numbers they feel like are told to. Who is in a position to dispute them and/or disprove their claims?

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Tomorrow there will be an announcement from some political big

wig announcing that tourism figures are way up and they any politial

trouble will serve to increase tourist numbers as everyone loves

to travel to see live fights, gun fights and to have huge bonfires

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Just one question : How TAT can predict an increase of 4 millions tourists next year ????????????? crystal ball ? Silom Fortune tellers ? And 2015 ? another 4 millions ?

Maybe the same way that Chalerm can predict who killed Akeyuth before he was actually dead!

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Depends on the size of the protest, if you compare to Egypt, then you have a problem , the southern boarder problem has been going on for years, that hasn't deterred many, only to the South, it's horses for courses, which ever way you look at it, the PTP have only themselves to blame, if it all go's up in smoke, by introducing a bill that's designed to let criminals of the hook, now how stupid is that, at the end of the day no matter what spin is put on it , it's all because of Thaskin Shinawatra, who wants to come home , poor darling.bah.gif

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Dont want to worry anyone but can confirm a report.

At least 9 army helicopters have been landing in the suan anpon, vajirawut area. Yingluck's away - out of the country at this time of deliberating the amnesty bill.

oh the helicopters have landed. how cute, have they got any eagles in them? must be near here i guess https://maps.google.com/maps?q=vajiravudh,+bangkok+thailand&hl=en&ll=13.779527,100.519323&spn=0.008274,0.013003&sll=13.77638,100.519452&sspn=0.008274,0.013003&hq=vajiravudh,&hnear=Bangkok,+Thailand&t=m&z=16&iwloc=A

or this one suan amphon https://maps.google.com/maps?q=Suan+Amphon+Bangkok+Thailand&hl=en&sll=13.779568,100.519409&sspn=0.033094,0.052013&oq=suan+ampon,+bangkok+thailand&hnear=Suan+Amphon&t=m&z=16

looks like a king thing to me.

currency market stable look capped at 31,4 http://www.bloomberg.com/quote/USDthb:CUR

resolution go to bed nothing to see here.

Edited by spoonJammed
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Depends on the size of the protest, if you compare to Egypt, then you have a problem , the southern boarder problem has been going on for years, that hasn't deterred many, only to the South, it's horses for courses, which ever way you look at it, the PTP have only themselves to blame, if it all go's up in smoke, by introducing a bill that's designed to let criminals of the hook, now how stupid is that, at the end of the day no matter what spin is put on it , it's all because of Thaskin Shinawatra, who wants to come home , poor darling.bah.gif

Not stupid at all when the criminals are on your side and will thank you for releasing them and riot for you again later if deemed necessary and vote for you again later. The PTP are so crap they will need every vote they can scrape next election, hopefully enough of the general populace will have finally tumbled after 4 years what a mistake it was voting for the criminals...

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Just one question : How TAT can predict an increase of 4 millions tourists next year ????????????? crystal ball ? Silom Fortune tellers ? And 2015 ? another 4 millions ?

I liked this line

"Currently tourism is enjoying a boom with 24m international tourists expected to visit the Kingdom this year, rising to 28m by 2014."

24 million in 2013.

Increase to 28 million by 2014. That only gives them a little less than 4 and 1/2 months Until January 1 2014.

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Depends on the size of the protest, if you compare to Egypt, then you have a problem , the southern boarder problem has been going on for years, that hasn't deterred many, only to the South, it's horses for courses, which ever way you look at it, the PTP have only themselves to blame, if it all go's up in smoke, by introducing a bill that's designed to let criminals of the hook, now  how stupid is that, at the end of the day no matter what spin is put on it , it's all because of Thaskin Shinawatra, who  wants to come home , poor darling.Posted Image


Not stupid at all when the criminals are on your side and will thank you for releasing them and riot for you again later if deemed necessary and vote for you again later. The PTP are so crap they will need every vote they can scrape next election, hopefully enough of the general populace will have finally tumbled after 4 years what a mistake it was voting for the criminals...

Problem is, they are all criminals, just on different sides, and some far more dangerous than the bungling fools now in office.

Sent from my GT-I9100T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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All the kick the <deleted> out of TAT posters it would appear have not seen the message in this topic, that this is another indication of the damage that this amnesty bill can do to this country.

We already see the trouble it is causing, and for what?

I read that there are only 167 people who will benefit from this (these) bills.

All pretense has been dropped that the amnesty bill has anything to do with reconciliation making it obvious that it is only to help a few friends.

Is it really worth all the strife and the potential damage it can cause?

There must be a better way.

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All the kick the <deleted> out of TAT posters it would appear have not seen the message in this topic, that this is another indication of the damage that this amnesty bill can do to this country.

We already see the trouble it is causing, and for what?

I read that there are only 167 people who will benefit from this (these) bills.

All pretense has been dropped that the amnesty bill has anything to do with reconciliation making it obvious that it is only to help a few friends.

Is it really worth all the strife and the potential damage it can cause?

There must be a better way.

Of course there is a better way. Let each case proceed through the courts with verdicts rendered according to the rule of law. Plain and simple. Of course as we all know this would be in opposition to the real intent of the amnesty bill.

Edited by Pimay1
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All the kick the <deleted> out of TAT posters it would appear have not seen the message in this topic, that this is another indication of the damage that this amnesty bill can do to this country.

We already see the trouble it is causing, and for what?

I read that there are only 167 people who will benefit from this (these) bills.

All pretense has been dropped that the amnesty bill has anything to do with reconciliation making it obvious that it is only to help a few friends.

Is it really worth all the strife and the potential damage it can cause?

There must be a better way.

Of course there is a better way. Let each case proceed through the courts with verdicts rendered according to the rule of law. Plain and simple. Of course as we all know this would be in opposition to the real intent of the amnesty bill.

I would imagine Pimay1 that there are a sensible faction in the Govt who know very well that there is a better way.

However there is always the reds waiting in the wings insisting this goes through and threatening the Govt with trouble if it does not.

As you point out the reds appear to have an agenda and it has nothing to do with the good of the country, it must also be remembered that the one who proposed the bill now under consideration is a red leader and one of the few who will benefit from it.

Not only are the reds the core of PT support but they have a proven record of violence and disruption so the Govt is probably rightly scared of what they can do.

The Govt would seem to have backed themselves into a no win corner on this and have decided to appease the reds and forget about the good of the country as a whole.

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Tourist numbers are based on immigration stats of arrivals at borders, not entirely accurate since they record all the expats coming and going. But when you consider that the number of Chinese visiting this year doubled in the first six months from 1-2 million, I think the TAT are correct. As someone in the tourist industry the amnesty bill worries me very much, the airport saga in 2009 was a fiasco. Be it on Yingluck's head.

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