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Four Days in Saigon - any sightseeing tips ?


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The Cu Chi tunnels are worth a day trip. Another day trip would be to take the hydrofoil to Vung Tau and have a look around there, taxi to back beach and check out some fresh seafood on the beach. The war museum is worth a visit. District 1 is full of bars and souvenir shops, check out Alezoo Bar for lunch and watch the world go by.

Dinner at the Caravella hotel followed by drinks in the Siagon Siagon bar

Just a few ideas off the top of my head

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You can safely give the Cu Chi tunnels a miss; terrible tourist trap. 

Cant agree more about the tunnels.

If your brave enough then I can recomend just picking a tourist map and walking the city. Yes!!!! I havent gone mad I did say walking in saigon just be careful thats all.

You will find many many things, some of interest and some not.

The post office above sounds a little dull but actually quite unique. The horse racing track as well, who would have thought a communist country would have such a thing? Horse racing = gambling. The train staion is quite unique too with its original SAI-GON sign on to top. Walking you will find many things and indications of its colonial french past. From its buildings to paris style street signs.

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Ok I will exspand a little on the tunnels.

First mistake was all mine. I thought they were closer too the city than they are. Its quite away to get there.

Other niggles are just the normal stuff you get with any well know "must see" attractions. The taxis the guides and all the other bright ideas people have to get you to part with your money.


By far the biggest disappointment was the site its self. Was exspecting small small tunnels full of history and interest. Didnt exspect what I saw, enlarged underground spaces with not alot in them to see and to be honest they cound have been dug out last year and you could never tell.

You know theres been so many movies made and books written about these tunnels you kind of think you know what you are going to be seeing before you arrive.

Bit like xian and the terror warriors. Its like arriving at a walt disney theme park. Are all those warriors real?? It seems soo soo staged to me.

If you really just must see tunnels then there are more authentic tunnels in vietnam too see than the ones around hmc.

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You can safely give the Cu Chi tunnels a miss; terrible tourist trap.

Cant agree more about the tunnels.

If your brave enough then I can recomend just picking a tourist map and walking the city. Yes!!!! I havent gone mad I did say walking in saigon just be careful thats all.

You will find many many things, some of interest and some not.

The post office above sounds a little dull but actually quite unique. The horse racing track as well, who would have thought a communist country would have such a thing? Horse racing = gambling. The train staion is quite unique too with its original SAI-GON sign on to top. Walking you will find many things and indications of its colonial french past. From its buildings to paris style street signs.

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Thanks to everyone for the replies.

I like the idea of walking the city - I agree, you always see more.

"just be careful" ? - anything beyond normal precautions that you might take in, say, Bangkok, London or other large city (I just want to be prepared).

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You can safely give the Cu Chi tunnels a miss; terrible tourist trap.

Cant agree more about the tunnels.

If your brave enough then I can recomend just picking a tourist map and walking the city. Yes!!!! I havent gone mad I did say walking in saigon just be careful thats all.

You will find many many things, some of interest and some not.

The post office above sounds a little dull but actually quite unique. The horse racing track as well, who would have thought a communist country would have such a thing? Horse racing = gambling. The train staion is quite unique too with its original SAI-GON sign on to top. Walking you will find many things and indications of its colonial french past. From its buildings to paris style street signs.

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Thanks to everyone for the replies.

I like the idea of walking the city - I agree, you always see more.

"just be careful" ? - anything beyond normal precautions that you might take in, say, Bangkok, London or other large city (I just want to be prepared).

Probably safer than any of those cities, but there is the odd bit of bag-snatching and pick-pocketing.

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Ok imagine a city full of scooters 1000000x more than thailand.

Holding the worlds largest rally in the city, well thats just normal day for vietnam.

Crossing a road looks almost impossible at first and again I mean a lot worse than thailand a lot.

However as I said just be careful and its quite easy. The bicycle is still widely used there and many locals push there bikes to cross the road so just use them for protection. I.e. when you want to cross look for a bicycle rider and cross with them using them as a shield. Remember to give yourself a few extra metres just incase it goes wrong.

Other than that find other locals to cross with. But dont be suprised at the fact when you pick you crossing point you may end up 1/2 km further down the road from where you started from time you reach the otherside.

One thing about taxis (info maybe out of date) there is a little scam I found a few times it works like this,

You flag a taxi tell him where you want to go he sets the meter and theres a set fee for the first part of the journey which is/was 10000 dong. (Like our 35 thb here) you set off drive a few 100 meters then he will stop and say he does not know the way so you have to transfer to another taxi because that taxi knows the way. The other taxi is of course his friend and so you swop and the meter starts again at 10000 dong and so on and so on......

Basicaly a small taxi ride can end up costing a lot of dong at 10000 a taxi.

Good luck

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If you haven't already booked accommodation. I have been putting friends up at the Dragon Palace Hotel in Pham Ngu Lao St. Newly refurbished rooms with flat screen TV free wifi and Breakfast for $30

Book with Agoda for that price.

Walking the streets of Saigon is truly the best way to get a real view of the city. $10 will take you to the top of the Biztec Tower.

Actually not the top but the viewing deck. What are your dates for visiting Saigon? I fly back on the 12th of Sept. I can point you to some great eating places.

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The key to crossing the roads is basicly just go for it, the traffic will move around you. Watch how the locals do it and you will get the idea. Worst thing to do is make eye contact with the hundreds of scooter drivers heading at you as they will then assume you will move out of the way. Eyes straight ahead and walk at a slow steady pace.

I was in district one several years ago when Vietnam won the Tiger cup. We were stuck there for hours, every single scooter in HCMC was out doing circuits around the roads, there was no way to cross any street.

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The key to crossing the roads is basicly just go for it, the traffic will move around you

Whilst this gets repeated again and again, it is just not true anymore. Today, there are lots of cars and trucks and they cannot just swerve around pedestrians like bikes can. Be very careful, people do get hit all the time.

Re. taxi scams: use Vinasun or Mai Linh and you'll be OK. Do NOT take a taxi outside Benh Than market, they are pirate taxis that put fake company logos on their cars.

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There is 4.5 million registered motorcycles in Saigon alone. Plus another 100000 unregistered motorcycles. They're used to deliver everything including big sheets of glass as can be seen in these photos.

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Last time I was there was about 10 years ago

Exactly! First time I went was in 1995;t he tunnels were still that: tunnels. I went again a couple of years ago and it really just is a tourist trap.

I was at the tunnels in the mid 90s too.

There was a busted huey, a tiny shooting range and tunnels that I barely fit into.

It was quite surreal. Enjoyed it, but don't know what it would be like today.

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