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Thai model accused of adding mercury to her products


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...and exactly why would they add a known deadly toxic substance to their products? Does mercury have some supposedly beneficial effects that the cosmetic industry alchemists think they know about?

Everything's deadly toxic in sufficient quantity. See how long you live breathing pure oxygen. It follows, that everything is non-deadly in sufficiently small quantities. Centuries ago people took poisons to build up an immunity to being poisoned. Pretty much also how all vaccinations work. So it's not quite as simple as "deadly toxins" being peddled.

That said, cosmetics containing mercury were popular as skin lightening products, just about as stupid a reason (not that there are any sensible reasons, afaik) to bathe in mercury as it's possible to get...

What the...!?!?

Vaccinations work by injecting DEAD bacteria into your body. The immune system doesn't detect them as dead so builds up antibodies against them so you are ready.

Oh dear, another TV keyboard warrior genius with an itchy trigger finger...

Yes, that's right. That's exactly how a (e.g.) measles vaccine works. By injecting DEAD (sic) measles bacteria (sic)...

Vaccinations work by introducing weakened or disabled viruses, bacteria, or toxins (predominantly viruses). For example(s) measles - (live (weakened) virus), polio - (disabled virus), TB (live (modified, non-contagious) bacteria), tetanus (disabled bacteria).

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Boys, boys. Give the girl benefit of the doubt. I really don't think she has a diploma in chemistry, or probably any diploma at all. Imagine some guy comes up with a product, wants famous honey to promote it, assures her everything is above board and he has the (forged) documents to prove it. Even Thais get scammed by Thais. BTW, I'd do her.......

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...and exactly why would they add a known deadly toxic substance to their products? Does mercury have some supposedly beneficial effects that the cosmetic industry alchemists think they know about?

Everything's deadly toxic in sufficient quantity. See how long you live breathing pure oxygen. It follows, that everything is non-deadly in sufficiently small quantities. Centuries ago people took poisons to build up an immunity to being poisoned. Pretty much also how all vaccinations work. So it's not quite as simple as "deadly toxins" being peddled.

That said, cosmetics containing mercury were popular as skin lightening products, just about as stupid a reason (not that there are any sensible reasons, afaik) to bathe in mercury as it's possible to get...

What the...!?!?

Vaccinations work by injecting DEAD bacteria into your body. The immune system doesn't detect them as dead so builds up antibodies against them so you are ready.

Take it easy, you just do not recognize TV forum bacteriologist-virologist writing style. tongue.png

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most thai ladies have fillings that include mercury

To those who have mercury dental fillings, consider this: In USA any mercury waste produced in a dentist's office must, by law, be stored in a special toxic waste container ... and then picked up by a toxic waste handling company ... and then disposed of in a toxic-waste dump. So, legally, the mercury can only be put into a toxic-waste dump, or patients' teeth.

I assume the same is true in Canada, Australia, NZ, Europe, and many other countries.

I saw a demonstration once where a man with mercury filings clenched his teeth together and rubbed the lower and top teeth together back-&-forth .... then a mercury vapor detector sucked the air out of his mouth and detected significant levels of mercury.

I had my mercury fillings removed twenty years ago.

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...and exactly why would they add a known deadly toxic substance to their products? Does mercury have some supposedly beneficial effects that the cosmetic industry alchemists think they know about?

Everything's deadly toxic in sufficient quantity. See how long you live breathing pure oxygen. It follows, that everything is non-deadly in sufficiently small quantities. Centuries ago people took poisons to build up an immunity to being poisoned. Pretty much also how all vaccinations work. So it's not quite as simple as "deadly toxins" being peddled.

That said, cosmetics containing mercury were popular as skin lightening products, just about as stupid a reason (not that there are any sensible reasons, afaik) to bathe in mercury as it's possible to get...

What the...!?!?

Vaccinations work by injecting DEAD bacteria into your body. The immune system doesn't detect them as dead so builds up antibodies against them so you are ready.

That's not the way it works. If it were that easy and simple, malaria and every other infectious disease would have been wiped out many years ago.

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Mercury in Vaccines making a comeback....TLB: With all we know about the deadly affects of even minute amounts of Thimerosal ... this is insanity ... or intentional ... Read article here: http://wp.me/p2X3AR-36a Any amount of Mercury can be fatal.

"Any amount of mercury can be fatal" is not true. Not saying it's not very toxic stuff, but we all have mercury in our bodies from breathing polluted air, eating fish, etc. And, yes, it is used as a preservative in many medical IV and IM injections, albeit in very small amounts.

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most thai ladies have fillings that include mercury

To those who have mercury dental fillings, consider this: In USA any mercury waste produced in a dentist's office must, by law, be stored in a special toxic waste container ... and then picked up by a toxic waste handling company ... and then disposed of in a toxic-waste dump. So, legally, the mercury can only be put into a toxic-waste dump, or patients' teeth.

I assume the same is true in Canada, Australia, NZ, Europe, and many other countries.

I saw a demonstration once where a man with mercury filings clenched his teeth together and rubbed the lower and top teeth together back-&-forth .... then a mercury vapor detector sucked the air out of his mouth and detected significant levels of mercury.

I had my mercury fillings removed twenty years ago.

To add to the insanity, crematoria are having to install filters nowadays to filter out Hg from the flue gases as the first generation to have Hg fillings become the main customers.

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Don't believed such claims, most of them do claim miracals but not truth I once bought facial wash cream for 2,000 THB and last found in market selling for 200 THB, Most fake photoshop makeup picture to show us.

Edited by Bkungbank
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Isn't this just typical of these hi-so models - slipping mercury into the mixing bowl when they think no-one's looking. Just goes to show, a little education, and next thing you know, these young ladies will be operating nuclear power stations or running the country! Bad, bad girls!

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...and exactly why would they add a known deadly toxic substance to their products? Does mercury have some supposedly beneficial effects that the cosmetic industry alchemists think they know about?

The first Emperor of a unified China thought ingesting mercury would give him immortality.

'Nevertheless, the Emperor died less than a year later, while touring eastern China in 210 B.C. The cause of death most likely was mercury poisoning, due to his immortality treatments." http://asianhistory.about.com/od/profilesofasianleaders/p/qinshihungbio.htm

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