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Why Thai government tolerates farang biker gangs?


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i think OP is very stupid making these comments. Its not hard to hire a P.I these days and track down someones I.P address.

These gangs are entitled to live their life and do what they want in the LOS just like OP does in his little life. He should go back to the nanny state that he comes from if he doesn't like these gangs.

but they are friendly nice guys, what are they going to do if they track him down, give him a hug?
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Why don't the government get rid of foreign bikers gangs first of all? It's so ridiculous to see tattooed grandpas driving there pathetic motorcycles, pretending there is no government above them! And don't forget these illegal modifications they perform to there motorcycles, to increase the engine noise etc. They came to Thailand as guests, but instead of benefiting to the society which welcomed them, they perform illegal business activities, such as money extortion, drug pushing, pimping etc, spread there destructive ideology among locals, increase the level of accidents and disturb normal citizens with there noise and reckless driving! I am mean Thais can be reckless drivers also, but they seem to have more rights for that, because at least they are in there home country.

Most bike clubs here in Thailand do a large amount of charity work bringing much needed money for children's charities. So stop being an arse/troll.

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE Q6

So they use that as a front for their illegal business practices.....but cos its for kids...it must be ok.

Most bikie gangs are full of weak minded gents that feel the need to belong and someone to back them up, hold thier hand, a shoulder to cry on.

They cannot function in a real world environment by themselves, they become jello.

Ha, ha,, this is brilliant. I can almost see you spitting on the floor whilst typing this. Hope you meet a bike gang member soon face to face so you watch the pathetic, dysfunctional, weakling of a man turn to "jello" in your intimidating, "real world" presence.

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Oh man , the original poster is a dead man now when the clubs find out they are being called grandpas..... :-)

It seems to me that they exercise quite a bit of power in Phuket and Samui. In Pattaya, with everything

locked down by either the Thai mafia ( police) or the Russian mafia, the clubs seem to tread carefully,

and simply drive their bikes around and go drinking. I simply cannot recall any biker trouble in Pattaya.

There are no gangs in Samui, save for pockets of local teens on chicken-chasers.

Great troll post by the OP.

Re Modifications; What about all the sidecars that we see every day, inc the odd one that goes like this?


Get out of town much ?? Or do you own a bar in Samui?? Just google Bandidos Koh Samui to open your eyes a bit..... Here , let me help you...


"Police have arrested three members of the Bandidos, an international motorcycle gang allegedly engaged in Mafia-type activities, such as the drug trade and money laundering.

About 100 officers with the Department of Special Investigation (DSI), crime-suppression police and anti-money-laundering force participated in the raid on the suspects' hilltop house-cum-office on Samui Island, a popular tourist resort situated 450 kilometres south of Bangkok in the Gulf of Thailand. "

The link you provided is seven years old, is that the best you can do? Seems like you're the one that doesn't get out much.

Here, let me help you....

http://www.<URL Automatically Removed>/forum/showthread.php?1258-Murder-Hunt-launched-After-Thai-Police-Ruled-That-Beaten-Brit-Drowned

This one is only two years old.

"Thai police have at least once mistaken them for the same motorcycle gangs who have a reputation for crime in Scandinavia and the United States and arrested and jailed several of them four years ago. They included Paton-Smith, a member of the Koh Samui Bandidos, who was eventually released after police had to concede that the rumours were somewhat exaggerated."

I lived on Samui for 6 months . How about you ??? I remembered the story you linked. He was badly beaten as I recall, and the police said he drowned in a foot of water... :-) So what are you implying now, the Bandidos have all

packed up and left tropical paradise ??

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theres a bike bar outside where I stay in Pattaya, they seem ok but I have to say that removing the mufflers from the bikes is just asshol_e behavior. they wake the whole street when they start their bikes. its mainly just the Thai guy that seems to own it, he seems friendly enough but hes too stupid or too arrogant to realize what an asshol_e he is. he puts a dont touch sign on his bike but has no respect for neighbors trying to sleep. sometimes he starts it just to move it a few feet or just to listen to the engine


Agree some over-do the noise, but rest assured they pay 1000 baht fine every time they get fined,

which i guess is another form of charity undertaken by some.

Personally i find charity to individual police even more stupid.

And i have also seen these same men keeping engines on and revving at inappropriate times,

it's inconsiderate, in the same class as people keep driving through red light.

Edited by poanoi
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Why don't the government get rid of foreign bikers gangs first of all? It's so ridiculous to see tattooed grandpas driving there pathetic motorcycles, pretending there is no government above them! And don't forget these illegal modifications they perform to there motorcycles, to increase the engine noise etc. They came to Thailand as guests, but instead of benefiting to the society which welcomed them, they perform illegal business activities, such as money extortion, drug pushing, pimping etc, spread there destructive ideology among locals, increase the level of accidents and disturb normal citizens with there noise and reckless driving! I am mean Thais can be reckless drivers also, but they seem to have more rights for that, because at least they are in there home country.

Most bike clubs here in Thailand do a large amount of charity work bringing much needed money for children's charities. So stop being an arse/troll.

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE Q6

So they use that as a front for their illegal business practices.....but cos its for kids...it must be ok.

Most bikie gangs are full of weak minded gents that feel the need to belong and someone to back them up, hold thier hand, a shoulder to cry on.

They cannot function in a real world environment by themselves, they become jello.

Ha, ha,, this is brilliant. I can almost see you spitting on the floor whilst typing this. Hope you meet a bike gang member soon face to face so you watch the pathetic, dysfunctional, weakling of a man turn to "jello" in your intimidating, "real world" presence.

I was traveling with some friends in north Thailand, and among the group was an American guy going around the world on a BMW bike. Very friendly guy, but built like a brick shithouse......Somehow the topic of Hell's Angels came up. I made the blithe statement that the Hell's Angels in America were heavily involved in drug trafficking.. He stares at me, and rolls up his arm to show a Hell's Angel tattoo on his arm, with an out date on it. My life flashed in front of me for a second, until he started laughing..... Not only was he in the club, he was an enforcer for them. He said he did debt collection for the club. Meaning the club would buy debt for pennies on the dollar, and then send him to collect the money.... And yes, he reluctantly admitted that some of the Hell's Angels chapters were in fact involved in drugs.

Edited by EyesWideOpen
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The person who posted this obviously doesn't know much about bike clubs.

Very few out here are true Outlaw clubs and most of their members have jobs or are retired and they simply enjoy motorcycling.

He has watched too many episodes of Sons of Anarchy methinks......

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Thailand appeals to many elderly men in that they can have their second childhood. Driving a Harley with a young lady on the back or whatever else they have fantasized can pretty much happen here. I don't drive a "Hog" or have tatoos, and I'm pretty quiet, too, but I'm living a fantasy I never achieved in the West. As long as we obey the laws and respect the Thai and their culture we're pretty much to our own devices. Life is good!

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Most bike clubs here in Thailand do a large amount of charity work bringing much needed money for children's charities. So stop being an arse/troll.

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE Q6

I think he is referring to the Nomads, Hells Angels etc. Unfortunately, when on thinks of MC Clubs, only the criminal gangs come to mind. In Phuket they operate with a free hand. There is absolutely no excuse to allow foreign members of seriously violent MC gangs into Thailand. I doubt anyone cares much about legitimate motorcycle riders who get together for socializing.

well I recall about 6 years ago we were staying in Jomptian on the south end of what it was the. Now probly the center of town. I do remember the a biker gang going by with their loud bikes and ape handle bars. seems to me like some of them were Thai. But other than that I have only seen two other groups of large bikes passing through Chiang Mai. One of them was going some place far away and had a large trailer and several smaller trucks they were loading their bikes in.

If there are those outlaw gangs In Thailand I am unaware of them unless that one I saw in Jomtion was one. The other ones I have seen were just passing through. In fact up until about 6 months ago we had a Harley Davidson repair shop. I see they have removed that sign.

Maybe the older bikers who were bad Dudes in there day just like to ride bikes now. In Canada I had a friend who had at that time done the longest stretch of time for unarmed assault in Canada. He had been a member of a biker gang and unless he told you you would never have known. Then one day they did a biker special on TV and showed his picture and talked about what he had done. Now he just enjoys the riding as many of them do.

I found it interesting that there was just broad accusations not any specific gang or location mentioned.

Two explanations possible was a want to be a member and they wouldn't let he/she in or was hurt badly by some gang in some other country.

For sure if there is such foreign gangs here in Thailand there part in all those accusations would be infinitesimal. I seriously doubt the Thai and Russian Mafia's would allow them.

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Is the OP serious or is this just another troll? I've been all over Thailand and never run into a biker "gang" but I've met a lot of biker groups that just go for rides together. As far as noise goes, any wimp that doesn't like noise should stay home in what ever nanny state they come from and let their mommy take care of them. Every day noise in Thailand is far louder than any group of Harley riders.

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Why don't the government get rid of foreign bikers gangs first of all? It's so ridiculous to see tattooed grandpas driving there pathetic motorcycles, pretending there is no government above them! And don't forget these illegal modifications they perform to there motorcycles, to increase the engine noise etc. They came to Thailand as guests, but instead of benefiting to the society which welcomed them, they perform illegal business activities, such as money extortion, drug pushing, pimping etc, spread there destructive ideology among locals, increase the level of accidents and disturb normal citizens with there noise and reckless driving! I am mean Thais can be reckless drivers also, but they seem to have more rights for that, because at least they are in there home country.

Most bike clubs here in Thailand do a large amount of charity work bringing much needed money for children's charities. So stop being an arse/troll.

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE Q6

So they use that as a front for their illegal business practices.....but cos its for kids...it must be ok.

Most bikie gangs are full of weak minded gents that feel the need to belong and someone to back them up, hold thier hand, a shoulder to cry on.

They cannot function in a real world environment by themselves, they become jello.

Kind of like the VFW clubs.

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The Australian chapter of the HA visit LoS. Some are in Pattaya at this time.

How many are there and did they bring their bikes with them,? Or are they renting Honda waves?

Is the OP serious or is this just another troll? I've been all over Thailand and never run into a biker "gang" but I've met a lot of biker groups that just go for rides together. As far as noise goes, any wimp that doesn't like noise should stay home in what ever nanny state they come from and let their mommy take care of them. Every day noise in Thailand is far louder than any group of Harley riders.

Well I have heard the noise of a biker gang and I find Chiang Mai much quieter. Occasional we get some one with a big bike modified to be loud but that is a rare occurrence here. Being as I walk alot I have more time to be aware of things like that.

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Who rattled your cage ? If you feel that falang biker gangs are a serious cause for concern in this country then you need help. I also note that your article only reflects on falang gangs and not on the multitude of Thai bike gangs which roam the streets with impunity. . Furthermore what the hell does Thailand being A buddhist country have to do with this. Yoou really need to change your medication.

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Dunno where you got these facts. Most of the farang biker gang members here are either retirees who are mostly beyond being a threat or wanna be's... They are social clubs, most guys are just old men bikers with a few tatts, or wanna be hard core dudes who couldn't cut it back in their own country. I would be more concerned about the Thais :)

Why would serious hard core bikers come here to make a few bucks off yaba when they can make serious profits back home. Majority of big drug dealers here are Thai, a few Africans making some mediocre coin cause its better than anything they can get back home and then low level dealers.

A post earlier was correct, anyone serious into drug trade here would be sending back home and that wouldn't concern you anyway.

Looks can be deceiving sometimes.

As for the bikes, whoop dee doo, your in Thailand, I guess you also complained about the street food.

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What a load of rubbish from the writer of the original post, content full of spelling mistakes. Have you ever spoken to any of these bikers ? Most of them are really nice people. My worst experience was with some middle aged Germans, looking respectable, with no tats on huge bikes who were the rudest most selfish people I've met since living here for three years. Open your eyes to the terrible Thai drivers, with no road sense or respect for other road users.

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So you have proof that ALL foreign biker gangs are criminals????

And youngster's in Thailand don't need foreigners to show them violence. The Thais do that themselves.

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE Q6

Please don't be ridiculous. If I would have solid evidence of ANY gang member illegal activity I would be in the police, not on the internet forum!

You can pretend the problem is not exist, I can't and don't want to prove you anything, same as I can't prove you that snow is white. Stating this you just eliminate a basis for any discussion, that's all...

Yes Thais show violence too, but they are in there own country so have to deal with there own problem and don't need criminal minds from abroad. The whole motor gang subculture, as a primitive violence-based antisocial hierarchy, is rotten and destructive, it never gave any benefit to any society. So why do Thais have to deal with a problem of a western culture?

I think you watched too many old Marlon Brando movies

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Why don't the government get rid of foreign bikers gangs first of all? It's so ridiculous to see tattooed grandpas driving there pathetic motorcycles, pretending there is no government above them! And don't forget these illegal modifications they perform to there motorcycles, to increase the engine noise etc. They came to Thailand as guests, but instead of benefiting to the society which welcomed them, they perform illegal business activities, such as money extortion, drug pushing, pimping etc, spread there destructive ideology among locals, increase the level of accidents and disturb normal citizens with there noise and reckless driving! I am mean Thais can be reckless drivers also, but they seem to have more rights for that, because at least they are in there home country.

Most bike clubs here in Thailand do a large amount of charity work bringing much needed money for children's charities. So stop being an arse/troll.

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE Q6

So they use that as a front for their illegal business practices.....but cos its for kids...it must be ok.

Most bikie gangs are full of weak minded gents that feel the need to belong and someone to back them up, hold thier hand, a shoulder to cry on.

They cannot function in a real world environment by themselves, they become jello.

Kind of like the VFW clubs.

Hellodolly...What kind of a remark is that? What harm has the VFW ever done here? Perhaps you were being facetious.

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What Thailand is today because of Foreigners especially American's after the post Vietnam war. If we explore the history of Thailand before 1970's you can see the vast difference between economical conditions of today and the past. American's were the one who got interested to reside in Phuket and Pattaya districts because of beaches and especially Thai women. Later on UK big daddies also joined the club. So lets not forget all the industrial technological and infrastructural development is not what Thailand has produced by themselves. It is because of the help of western nations.

Now let me come back to the topic. I have a oldy Harley Davidson and also a member of the local bike club. But believe you me more then 85% in this club are Thai's and to the best of my knowledge most of the bike club's based in Thailand have the patronage of rich/elite Thai class.

Anyone is free is comment or quote me wrong as this is just a friendly discussion.


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There are good and bad, soft and hard bikers everywhere.

There are a few bad ones about and mostly on the run from justice in their native country, they seek strength in numbers and affiliate with others to run their business(which is varied).

The real criminals and gangsters you will never see as they are invisible grey men.

Imho give me a cool Italian scooter any day http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/648565-mods-vs-rockers-thread/


"cool Italian scooter"? Is there such a thing? cheesy.gif

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I've seen a number of Outlaws in Bangkok and was told once they had a few bars in the Soi 4 Nana area. Wouldn't like to cross them. Money talks in Thailand so no matter who you are if you sail close to the wind with the law then there is always a way. Thailand is a wonderful country but is unrivalled with its ability to be very murky with grey areas and a plethora of smoke and mirrors. And that's just the women.

Outlaws are in Bangkok? Wow. I am in America now and live in the town where their home chapter is based out of. The bar across the streets from my house is packed with Outlaws on any given night. Nice guys and don't mess with anybody. I had a run in with a "Prospect" of theirs years ago in that same bar. When the show on FX called "Sons of Anarchy" first came out, I was an instant fan; still am. I bought one of their shirts and wore it there. Apparently the Prospect didn't know it was a fictitious show and approached me questioning me about the "gang". He was about 6 feet 5 inches and easily 300 pounds of tattoos and beard. I simply told him what it was, a TV show. He apologized and bought me a pitcher of beer and introduced me to his buddies. Nice guys and to this day we still hang out. All bikers, even 1% "outlaw" gangs, can have some cool characters in their ranks.

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I was traveling with some friends in north Thailand, and among the group was an American guy going around the world on a BMW bike. Very friendly guy, but built like a brick shithouse......Somehow the topic of Hell's Angels came up. I made the blithe statement that the Hell's Angels in America were heavily involved in drug trafficking.. He stares at me, and rolls up his arm to show a Hell's Angel tattoo on his arm, with an out date on it. My life flashed in front of me for a second, until he started laughing..... Not only was he in the club, he was an enforcer for them. He said he did debt collection for the club. Meaning the club would buy debt for pennies on the dollar, and then send him to collect the money.... And yes, he reluctantly admitted that some of the Hell's Angels chapters were in fact involved in drugs.

Very believable story; except that he rode a BMW. That is a no-no for them here in America. I live in Florida now, which Outlaws claim is there. H.A. thrives in California, and I know a couple from living out there. A 1000cc or bigger Harley is all they ride, and it's a requirement for membership; same with the Outlaws. No "rice burners" as they put it (Asian bikes). I sold my bike since my injuries and don't ride anymore, but still associate with those guys from both sides of the country and even Pagans MC have migrated to South Florida and got a clubhouse about 5 minutes from my house. Funny thing is they recruited my good friend to open a sub group, which is run under Pagan authority, but he named it something else. I went to their clubhouse grand opening party and bought a shirt for $20 that says, "Pagan MC: Coming to a neighborhood near you". Honestly, those guys were pretty cool, and voice their hate for Outlaws and H.A. Florida is a huge mecca for bikers, and I am just shocked to hear Thailand is, too. Guess I'll see in January when I move back to Chiang Mai and be more open in looking for that activity.

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Please tell me any country that has ever got rid of any of the bad motorcycle gangs. They are far too powerful for the police to deal with. If the authorities tried to get rid of them they would need to call in the army for an all out gunfight, the police cant cope within the law. They just get laughed at. I thought Thai police would like them. They would happily buy all the confiscated drugs !

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So they use that as a front for their illegal business practices.....but cos its for kids...it must be ok.

Most bikie gangs are full of weak minded gents that feel the need to belong and someone to back them up, hold thier hand, a shoulder to cry on.

They cannot function in a real world environment by themselves, they become jello.

Would you mind PM ing your contact details..i could arrange a meeting with a couple of these gents, you know,.. face to face, then you could explain your words above so there's no misunderstanding what you really mean....You up for that?coffee1.gif

Tough guy alert...

Mind you, polite tough guy alert.

Hmmm no PM received yet....

Me? Not at all a tough guy... [polite? yes siree!] I'd just like you to have the opportunity to say to their faces what you say when safely hidden behind your computer...sorta show if you are a man enough to put your point accross or not...

But i think we know the answer to that already....giggle.gif

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Please! Thai drivers are the worst maniacs in the world inconsiderate, reckless and incompetent.

Sent from my iPad

What rubbish, try Russia No.1 Australia No.2 China No.3 Vietnam No.4 Bangkok No.5 Thailand No.7 There is no doubt a lot of very poor drivers in all these countries, but the sheer aggression by my fellow countrymen (Australia) made me believe we were the worst until I went to Russia, they are just aggressive and lunatics who drive at unbelievable speeds. I can feel the world about to criticise me so after this post, I will turn off my computer for a week. LOL

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