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Charity or school for donation of old computer?


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I've got a couple of functioning, but *old* computers that I've been moving with me every time I change residence.

One is a P4-3.0Ghz and the other is an even older D820 (maybe D830) dual-core. They are both in solid cases with functioning power supply, hard drive, video card, and OS (Windows XP, I think?).

I also have a drawer of various memory SIMMs/DIMMs that I could part with.

Are there any computer schools that teach assembly/ripdown and repair of computers that might be interested in these relics? Or, perhaps, a charity that has no computer. These machines, while elderly, are perfectly adequate for e-mail, word processing and basic web browsing.

I'm imminently going to move from Hua Hin back to Pattaya, and if I can't find a new home for these computers and parts, they will go in the trash before I move.

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I personally think you should donate to wherever you think. Even the Father Ray Foundation has techs that can tune up the computers as do most schools. As far as Computer schools go, they already have decent computers so not really worth donating to them. Donate to a cause that really needs it like the one I proposed.

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If you are able to locate an appropriate recipient, let me know by PM.

I have a perfectly good all-in-one Epson printer that I brought with me from Europe, only to find that I couldn't get ink cartridges for it here, so I bought a new model.

I have since discovered that I can buy refillable cartridges and ink for it from China, and would set it up properly before donating it.

I also have a WiFi router and a few other bits that I would be happy to send along.

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Thanks for all the recommendations above. I wasn't sure if even a temple or orphanage would want such elderly computers. I have a farang friend who does volunteer work at one of the orphanages, I'll see if he can pick them up and deliver them for me.

(sorry for offtopic)

Build yourself a backup system first. You never know when your main computer dies, and it will be a pity to lose your important data.

A lot of backup software is able to backup via the local network.

I keep a duplicate copy of all documents, e-mail, music, videos, other data, and program installation files on my notebook. I synch the two on a regular basis so I should be covered if one of them expires.

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