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Immigration closing for 4 days commencing 10 Sept


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I've heard (don't know how much truth there is in it) from 3 people that the above will be closed Tuesday thru Friday inclusive this coming week.

Does anyone have any reliable info on this, if it is at all true?

I need a Certificate of Residency this coming week, and my understanding is when applied for you need to collect it the following day. I'm applying for it in the morning, but if there's any truth in these rumours it would mean I couldn't collect it until next Monday.

Thanks in advance for any info provided.

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You can get it on the same day as you apply, here are a few recent reports.

Thanks Mate, very helpful.

I'm still wondering if there's any truth in the closure this week though, even though it shouldn't really affect me.

When I applied 2 weeks ago I was told by a charming and very helpful Officer that it now takes 7 days to issue this document. So, no worries . Presumably the roof is leaking if they need to shut -up shop.

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You can get it on the same day as you apply, here are a few recent reports.

Thanks Mate, very helpful.

I'm still wondering if there's any truth in the closure this week though, even though it shouldn't really affect me.

When I applied 2 weeks ago I was told by a charming and very helpful Officer that it now takes 7 days to issue this document. So, no worries . Presumably the roof is leaking if they need to shut -up shop.

Your little source is wrong

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Any updates on this post????? I am or I was going to renew my yearly visa tomorrow thumbsup.gif

"my yearly visa"

Immigrations offices don't renew visas, yearly or otherwise. Possibly an extension of stay?

For those of you planning to go there this week, why not phone and ask? I think this number is the correct one:


Edited by Suradit69
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Any updates on this post????? I am or I was going to renew my yearly visa tomorrow thumbsup.gif

"my yearly visa"

Immigrations offices don't renew visas, yearly or otherwise. Possibly an extension of stay?

For those of you planning to go there this week, why not phone and ask? I think this number is the correct one:


Sorry!! I totally apologize for using the wrong terminology ie "My yearly visa" .xsorry.gif.pagespeed.ic.lYWseYHpU3.webp

I will bowpost-4641-1156694083.gif.pagespeed.ce.HF to your Superior intellect and knowledge in all matters regarding (renew visas, yearly or otherwise).

(not to be taken too seriously just a light hearted relythumbsup.gif )

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Just to clear up the above, "rumours" that I received, and everyone's replies.

The immigration officer confirmed that the office is open tomorrow, and the certificate was issued within 20 minutes of my number being called.

Apologies for panicking anyone.

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Any updates on this post????? I am or I was going to renew my yearly visa tomorrow thumbsup.gif

"my yearly visa"

Immigrations offices don't renew visas, yearly or otherwise. Possibly an extension of stay?

For those of you planning to go there this week, why not phone and ask? I think this number is the correct one:


Sorry!! I totally apologize for using the wrong terminology ie "My yearly visa" .xsorry.gif.pagespeed.ic.lYWseYHpU3.webp

I will bowpost-4641-1156694083.gif.pagespeed.ce.HF to your Superior intellect and knowledge in all matters regarding (renew visas, yearly or otherwise).

(not to be taken too seriously just a light hearted relythumbsup.gif )

I assume suggesting that someone use the telephone to call the office and ask about rumored closings is yet another example of my "superior intellect," but using the correct terms on a forum meant to inform others about Immigrations procedures doesn't strike me as being especially intellectual. I guess it's all relative.

Edited by Suradit69
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