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British and Italian victims of 1 Million Baht drugging and theft at Pattaya Hotel


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C'mon, who shows up for a Pattaya holiday (or anywhere else for that matter) lugging along a million Baht worth of cash and swag? Funny how many people report getting taken off for these astronomical amounts. Even funnier how the street players are able to ID/target the filthy rich foreigners (in shorts, cheap shirts and flip flops) so easily. Amazing.

Edited by marell
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Why pick up a freelancer in their thirties?

These women would still probably be younger than their daughters and there are a number of old farangs with wives girlfriends 30+ years younger than them. I guess it make them feel good and alive and they can tell their mates back home that they can still pull the young babes.

Why do so many of these victims carry around such large sums of money?

Actually this is a fairly insulting post written without any knowledge at all of Thai culture. Yes, there are good and bad but there are also many Thai ladies who do not want to be with young Thai men or young farangs for that matter. This is because they see many younger men hopping from bed to bed, or spending household money drinking and also because they are happy with older and settled men. I know many happy couples with age gaps of circa 30 years and the farangs to whom the girls are married are not necessarily rich. Perhaps not acceptable for those prejudiced folks in farangland but certainly happily acceptable here. "pulling young babes" as you say is a bit of a stupid and sexist remark.Please think again before you post such rubbish.

Edited by ianf
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So the headline went from "British & Italian victims of 1 Million Baht drugging and theft at Central Pattaya Hotel" to "Journalist Scammed!"

I'm having a hard time understanding what makes the introduction of "journalist" to the headline exclamation point-worthy...

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STUPID, STUPID, STUPID!!!! You must be street smart in these countries. Why have so much laying around? Why pick up women from the street? Obviously trying to save money, which has ended up costing them more than a months LT with some of the best girls in the country

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No one seems to read. It wasn't 600k baht cash. It is not hard to reach a total of that though in ready cash, expensive cameras/lens and even one watch could cost that much. Plus all that was between two of them and hospital confirmed drugs were used to sedate them. Where the girls came from and what age they were is less relevant than the fact that such druggings are prevalent and increasing.

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Pattaya Daily News: They were staying at Archon Residence Soi Bua Khao , Central Pattaya.

Pattaya One: The men arrived at the Icon Place Hotel on the Central Pattaya Road and inside their rooms consumed the drinks and fell asleep.

Pattaya Daily News: After investigating the journalist’s room it was found that his belongings were scattered, Nikon 3D camera, two zoom lens, £4000-£5000, one wrist watch were all missing. As for the friends room 170 Euro cash, and $1000, wristwatch worth more than 100,000 baht a total worth of 600,000 baht were missing.

Pattaya One: ...items of value totaling around 1 Million Baht had been taken.

Pattaya Daily News: Two Italian friends were scammed...

Pattaya One: Two men, one British and the other Italian...


Pattaya One: Mr. Mancuso Salvatore aged 61 and his Italian friend Mr. Dolcege Svalno aged 51

It's easy to be journalist in Thailand.

Edited by nadison
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Why pick up a freelancer in their thirties?

These women would still probably be younger than their daughters and there are a number of old farangs with wives girlfriends 30+ years younger than them. I guess it make them feel good and alive and they can tell their mates back home that they can still pull the young babes.

Why do so many of these victims carry around such large sums of money?

That is a really strange comment about old farang, but then who cares what a used up, old ex cop living in Thailand, says anyway?

What's a chooka? A new and strange sex act?

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Why pick up a freelancer in their thirties?

These women would still probably be younger than their daughters and there are a number of old farangs with wives girlfriends 30+ years younger than them. I guess it make them feel good and alive and they can tell their mates back home that they can still pull the young babes.

Why do so many of these victims carry around such large sums of money?

... and all in plain sight in their rooms! This is stupid behavior. These girls will probably not being found if they have been freelancers, picked up on the streets... I hope that this 2 guys may have learned their lesson by now.

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Awaken, beautiful Dreamers!

Would they pick up a couple of tarts in the same manner at home?

Actually,yes, certain streets in italian cities are full of African and Eastern European girls, kicks off at around 40 Euros up to 100 Euros for the real blonde ones... oh and hide your wallets,they don't need to drug you...giggle.gif

Agreed...saw a program on working African girls in Naples and prices were cheap and some of the girls were stunning.

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The victims should have let the women drink the drinks first.

Would you like a drink? sure you go first,then i will drink.....burp.gif.pagespeed.ce.RBpw6FUyRR.gif everything is easy to say after the fact.

No, the simple rule is don't drink fto any container you didn't open yourself and not to leave the opened container out of your hand or sight while you're in the company of sex-worker.

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Why pick up a freelancer in their thirties?

These women would still probably be younger than their daughters and there are a number of old farangs with wives girlfriends 30+ years younger than them. I guess it make them feel good and alive and they can tell their mates back home that they can still pull the young babes.

Why do so many of these victims carry around such large sums of money?

"Why do so many of these victims carry around such large sums of money?"

And why, after picking someone up off the street, not be just a tad wary when going back to the hotel room, especially when it comes to drinks these free-lancers decided to buy?

Obviously these two have been living an innocent life that suddenly became too boring for them and they morphed into Babes in Toyland or Willy <deleted> in the Chocolate Factory. Maybe when old men from Europe apply for their first passports they should be required to watch warning videos of the sort shown to young sailors before their first shore leave.

Edited by Suradit69
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Let's look at what was reported....

1) Staying at the Icon Place Hotel ------where the best room rate room rate is 1020 THB


2) Pick up two 'freelancers' on the street.

3) Had valuables and items worth 1 million Baht stolen

First let's look at their pictures------do these guys look like they have 1 million Baht in items/cash to leave around their hotel room??? And if they do why pick up girls on the street(to save bar fine??) who are in Pattaya terms old and not a cute young girl 20 something years old. Realizing that they are bringing strangers in their rooms, why would you not use the safe or even have the hotel reception take their ID's to protect the hotel?? The reply's in this post are right on the money----no pun intended. Again more to this story then is being reported. It does make for interesting reading though.

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I smell an insurance scam! 1 million baht no way , maybe 10,000 baht.

Ladies bought men drinks !! DING DING!! something wrong .

Hotels have safes , security boxes, no i will leave all my expensive gear for somedody to steal !!BULL...T!!

I seriously doubt that their insurance covers being ripped off by prostitutes. If there is such insurance then you could make a fortune selling policies in LOS.

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That happens when you are a cheap charly and following your d#%k. No pitfulness, when you want to play with the big guys better be prepared or leave it!thumbsup.gifcoffee1.gif

Hey, big guy .... what clue did you get in this article that these guys were cheap?

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I smell an insurance scam! 1 million baht no way , maybe 10,000 baht.

Ladies bought men drinks !! DING DING!! something wrong .

Hotels have safes , security boxes, no i will leave all my expensive gear for somedody to steal !!BULL...T!!

I seriously doubt that their insurance covers being ripped off by prostitutes. If there is such insurance then you could make a fortune selling policies in LOS.

Very true after all they let them in willingly,still a robbery though, anyone know insurance procedures here?

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I smell an insurance scam! 1 million baht no way , maybe 10,000 baht.

Ladies bought men drinks !! DING DING!! something wrong .

Hotels have safes , security boxes, no i will leave all my expensive gear for somedody to steal !!BULL...T!!

A warning about hotel safes : they are NOT all 'safe'. Remember the case reported here of the Australian who for some reason came to LOS and put his life savings in a hotel safe ? Overnight guess what...there was a break-in (for want of a better phrase) and the cash was liberated. The best advice is not to recommend hotel security at all, but to simply NOT carry large sums or high-value items.

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