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Abhisit unapologetic for 'stupid bitch' remark


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Abhisit Unapologetic For 'Stupid Bitch' Remark
By Khaosod Online


Ms. Yingluck Shinawatra and Mr. Abhisit Vejjajiva at an anti-corruption event in September 2011

BANGKOK: -- Former Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva has refused to apologise for a remark in which he attributed to Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra as a "stupid bitch", sparking a torrent of criticism from Ms. Yingluck′s allies.

Mr. Abhisit, who serves as the leader of the opposition Democrat Party, uttered the disparaging remark during the speech he gave at a Democrat-organised rally at Wat Dok Mai Temple on 7 September.

He was criticising Ms. Yingluck′s frequent trips to various events, which, Mr. Abhisit said, amount to negligence of duty because she should have focused more time and energy in solving the nation′s problems.

"The Prime Minister kept avoiding these issues. I can′t see where Ms. Yingluck has been throughout the previous week. What has she been doing?" Mr. Abhisit told the crowd.

He then turned his attention to an event Ms. Yingluck visited recently: the launching of"Thailand Smart Lady" reality TV show. Although the event was billed as a way to promote women′s roles in Thai society, Mr. Abhisit ridiculed the event as another pointless gesture by the Prime Minister.

"Do you know why they have to do this project?" Mr. Abhisit said mockingly, "Do you know why they are holding a contest for smart ladies? Because if the contest is about finding a stupid bitch [อีโง่], no one would have been able to compete with her".

The ferocity of the remark struck many observers as shocking, because the Oxford-educated Mr. Abhisit, like his party, had long harboured an image of soft-spoken intellectual in contrast with the Redshirts rivals, which the Democrat Party has long portrayed as rude, uneducated rural rabbles.

Mr. Abhisit′s uncharacteristic rudeness might also reflect the larger shift in attitude of the Democrats. The party has recently embarked on aggressive tactics in its attempt to oust the government including organising street protests and creating chaos inside the House of Parliament during debates on contentious issues.

Just last week, a Democrat MP threw a chair in the direction of the House Speaker to display his frustration. Democrat MPs also engaged in fistfights with police officers in the Parliament last month.

Mr. Jadet Chaowilai, director of Women and Men Progressive Movement, a gender equality advocacy group, said Mr. Abhisit′s remark debases women, and warned that the opposition leader has tarnished his own image.

Full story: http://www.khaosod.co.th/en/view_newsonline.php?newsid=TVRNM09EY3lOakkxTmc9PQ==

-- KHAOSOD English 2013-09-10

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Abhisit's 'stupid woman' remark upsets cousin

The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Opposition leader Abhisit Vejjajiva has upset his cousin in the government by talking about a "stupid woman" during an address on Saturday to a large group of Democrat Party supporters.

But the Democrat leader yesterday denied allegations in some media that his remark was tantamount to looking down on women in general.

During his address at a school in Yan Nawa in Bangkok, Abhisit mentioned the Smart Lady reality-show contest - a project under the government's Thai Women Empowerment Fund. He joked that it was unlikely they would hold a contest for stupid women.

"The prime minister has often evaded [national] problems. I don't know what she did over the past week in the country. Just this morning, there was news that she did some project called Smart Lady," Abhisit said. "I wondered why they have to search for smart women and hold this contest for clever women. They said if there was a contest to find a stupid woman, nobody would be able to compete."

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra presided on Friday over the launch of the Smart Lady Thailand reality show, in which the final 12 contestants have to show leadership and teamwork skills.

The PM's secretary-general, Suranand Vejjajiva, who is Abhisit's cousin, has sent an e-mail to Thai media strongly criticising the opposition leader for his remark.

Suranand said the Democrat Party should consider what it did for women when it was in power. "They seem to be busy insulting or looking down on women," he said, adding that many countries now have women leaders.

He also urged opposition politicians to be careful about their choice of words. "It's because their words will be judged by people to determine who is clever or stupid."

Suranand is accompanying the PM on a European tour to Switzerland, Italy and Montenegro from September 8 to 15.

-- The Nation 2013-09-10

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Because if the contest is about finding a stupid bitch [****Thai language removed****], no one would have been able to compete with her".

Brilliant. They've managed to drag the tone so low even abhisit can't find something nice to say about it.

Edited by metisdead
This is an English language forum, English is the only acceptable language, except in the Thai language forum where Thai language is allowed.
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I don't know who translated his remark but 'bitch' if a female dog that has borne puppies. I asked my Thai friends and they are not aware of Thai women being called 'bitches' as some rap musicians refer to women in the US. Isn't there a better English translation? When I inserted the Thai language quote from the OP into Google Translate, it came out as 'Stupid'. Still, it shows his frustration and impotence.

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Whatever the translation, Since he apologized, the intent was clear.

BANGKOK: -- Former Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva has refused to apologise for a remark in which he attributed to Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra as a "stupid bitch", sparking a torrent of criticism from Ms. Yingluck′s allies.

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How about all you Thai language experts having a poll to see if he said bitch or not? Stupid bitch is highly derogatory, stupid woman could be construed as fair comment.

Many people would consider this Amnesty Bill as an act of stupidity, it's going through on Yinglucks' watch so therefore..............??????

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How about all you Thai language experts having a poll to see if he said bitch or not? Stupid bitch is highly derogatory, stupid woman could be construed as fair comment.

Many people would consider this Amnesty Bill as an act of stupidity, it's going through on Yinglucks' watch so therefore..............??????

There is a Thai word for bitch. It can be found in the link below. From what I can determine the word used is derogatory but does not mean bitch.


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I just confirmed it with someone who is real thai. อีโง่ is rude and highly disrespectful. If someone was just stating a fact then they would not use อีโง่ but something else.

That being said Abhisit is totally right. These trips and her absences are getting out of control. She is there to serve the country not herself or her brother.

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