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Chonburi: Man beaten to death for 'long phone call'


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Most of Thai's are very short tempered. I have failed to figure out the reason behind?

They are mostly emotionality retarded and have little self control, all this jai yen, land of smiles and sabai sabai is nonsense

Granted some people do have a short fuse, but a little harsh to say most are emotionally retarded.

I don't think it's harsh. Sure, the word 'retarded' can be thrown about insultingly, but I think he actually means they're emotionally stunted. At least anger-wise, people here seem to go 0-100 without anything in between. I'd say that qualifies as emotionally retarded.

Though maybe I'm just being ethnocentric, and not giving due respect to the importance of 'face'. coffee1.gif

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Most of Thai's are very short tempered. I have failed to figure out the reason behind?

It's everything to do with "wanting face" and "losing face". The accused made the victim lose face before his girlfriend, and in order to gain face, the victim decided to pick up a fight by throwing away the handphone.

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Most of Thai's are very short tempered. I have failed to figure out the reason behind?


Don't be fooled by the "Land of Smiles" BS the government tourist promoters peddle to foreigners.

For many poor Thais life is a constant struggle between what they see on television as the norm and what they have to do to survive ... especially in Bangkok or Chonburi.

Life in Thailand can be a daily struggle and many people are right on the edge of exploding ... all it takes is one spark to ignite the fire.

The life style they see in those soap operas on T.V. is something they just can't afford....and they are frustrated and ready to explode.

All it takes is one spark to set it off.

Years ago, before the LOS compaign, I read a small book on Thailand written by a Thai and he debunked the myth of the calm Thai who is influenced by Buddhist teachings.

According to the writer many, if not most, Thais harbour a deep seated anger, hidden behind the supposedly calm exterior, which can be so easily triggered by the most innocuous of issues, where insult is taken from apparently nothing and of course when a Thai considers he or she has lost face.

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chooka, on 18 Sept 2013 - 05:49, said:
Psych01, on 17 Sept 2013 - 17:46, said:

It would seem that tempers are very frayed at present, in LOS.

Seems so, this incident and the gang that beat up the elderly guy because he took to long to cross the road.

something like this I suppose? :>

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chooka, on 18 Sept 2013 - 05:49, said:
Psych01, on 17 Sept 2013 - 17:46, said:

It would seem that tempers are very frayed at present, in LOS.

Seems so, this incident and the gang that beat up the elderly guy because he took to long to cross the road.

something like this I suppose? :>

No it was in Thailand and not a one on one incident but a gang against an elderly person. Far worse than you showed.

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Most of Thai's are very short tempered. I have failed to figure out the reason behind?

Before i met my wife i had a thai g/f one day she accused me of something (guess what) when i laughed at her and told her not to be stupid , she came at me with the kitchen knife,i just made it to the bathroom and slammed the door as the knife hit it ,it took a few minutes for her to calm down ,your right they are short tempered.

you call that short tempered, i call that psychotic

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One of the things I love about Thailand is that Thais wear their emotions on their sleeves. If a waitress hates her job or has had a shitty day, you'll know it when you sit down and order food. I'm weird, but I like that kind of honesty.

But this article shows the dark side to that. While Thais are usually intensely happy people and show it to the world...on the rare times they go to the dark side, they go fiercely. I see some fellow farang getting in the faces of Thai men for fairly trivial matters -- My advice is to NEVER do stuff that will insult or piss off a Thai guy -- particularly if he's an uneducated laborer type or knows where you live. Once they get that kill signal in their brain, they often don't know how to shut it off.

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Most of Thai's are very short tempered. I have failed to figure out the reason behind?

Before i met my wife i had a thai g/f one day she accused me of something (guess what) when i laughed at her and told her not to be stupid , she came at me with the kitchen knife,i just made it to the bathroom and slammed the door as the knife hit it ,it took a few minutes for her to calm down ,your right they are short tempered.

I have a feeling you don't know the difference from a short temper and a complete psycho/nutter. I have heard so many foreigners saying that their wives are similar to what you describe.

How the hell can they sleep at night. The looks and availability for farrang and a better lifestyle for them seems a fair cop BUT not to accept violence and bad upbringing to boot.

The word is PASSIONATE and has quite interesting corollaries with the national trait in Spain. Its a Latin thing. How many Spanish movies have you seen with blood in them?

There must have been more to this, but you never know, remember the "friend" that beat his best friend to death with a hammer, because they disagreed about having a female prime minister?

There was talk about introducing hammer licenses and hammer laws.

Considering my own inequities, I am grateful to still have my penis. The little lady handled my butterfly behaviour with great

equanimity. Can't be too careful.

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Most of Thai's are very short tempered. I have failed to figure out the reason behind?

IMHO Thai are not short tempered, but they do have the nasty habit to "explode" at very unexpected moments.

For that reason it is very hard to determine the real reason for an altercation.

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Most of Thai's are very short tempered. I have failed to figure out the reason behind?

They are mostly emotionality retarded and have little self control, all this jai yen, land of smiles and sabai sabai is nonsense

Have to agree with you. My wife is well educated, Masters and Bachelor degrees, well traveled and has lived in several countries. But,since being back in Thailand for several years has returned to " Thainess". The temper goes more quickly and the maturity disappears as a petulant emotionally retarded child emerges.

Any challenge, attempt to hold a Thai accountable or responsible, or any act that they think makes them lose face can often result in a temper explosion. The Thia way of dealing with something they don't like is often to aggressively go on the attack, change the subject and possible commence violence. Childish like behaviour but ingrained in their social cultural and educational upbringing. Add to that the general self-centered attitudes most Thais have and you have a potential volcano waiting to explode - often for what seems to us a totally illogical reason.

The ups and downs of their personalities mirror their soaps. I don't know if the soaps mirror reality or if reality copies the soaps. Either way, Thais seem to have a propensity for extremes of emotional moods with high degrees of changeability.

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Baerboxer that post is absolutely spot on in my experience, could have written the same thing. Might print this bit out and post it on the fridge! The only thing I would add is that any attempt at a normal conversation about money etc usually ends in a volcano as well, being seen as an 'attack' or lack of support just because you have a different opinion.

'Any challenge, attempt to hold a Thai accountable or responsible, or any act that they think makes them lose face can often result in a temper explosion. The Thia way of dealing with something they don't like is often to aggressively go on the attack, change the subject and possible commence violence. Childish like behaviour but ingrained in their social cultural and educational upbringing. Add to that the general self-centered attitudes most Thais have and you have a potential volcano waiting to explode - often for what seems to us a totally illogical reason.'

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One of the things I love about Thailand is that Thais wear their emotions on their sleeves. If a waitress hates her job or has had a shitty day, you'll know it when you sit down and order food. I'm weird, but I like that kind of honesty.

But this article shows the dark side to that. While Thais are usually intensely happy people and show it to the world...on the rare times they go to the dark side, they go fiercely. I see some fellow farang getting in the faces of Thai men for fairly trivial matters -- My advice is to NEVER do stuff that will insult or piss off a Thai guy -- particularly if he's an uneducated laborer type or knows where you live. Once they get that kill signal in their brain, they often don't know how to shut it off.

Is this your everyday experience or are you relating to a Thai barn bar after midnight when everybody has a good deal of drinks in them?

If it's the former, let me where that is and I will go there and just stand there and smile along.

As for the Thais temper: the things a Thai would get worked up about seem to be completely different from what a westerner would get upset about.

The word that comes to mind is 'unreasonable'.

Basically the best thing to do is just to go out of every Thai's way, apologize for anything, even for example if they accidentally bump into you.

Because you just don't know what will trigger a Thai.

I think there is a lot of resentment with Thais. They seem to think farangs are always rich/in a better position.

But if I were that, why would I be standing in a 7 baht bus like them?

I've often noticed they will look at me in a certain way while I'm doing something on my smartphone.

Oddly enough, they don't regard fellow Thais that are busy on a much more expensive iPhone.

Anyway, I've thus far never been on the receiving end of a Thai venting off pent-up emotions (but that's more due to my restraint than the Thai's).

Anyone here that has?

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I think there is a lot of resentment with Thais. They seem to think farangs are always rich/in a better position.

But if I were that, why would I be standing in a 7 baht bus like them?

I've often noticed they will look at me in a certain way while I'm doing something on my smartphone.

Oddly enough, they don't regard fellow Thais that are busy on a much more expensive iPhone.

Anyway, I've thus far never been on the receiving end of a Thai venting off pent-up emotions (but that's more due to my restraint than the Thai's).

Anyone here that has?

Did you ever notice that you will be the very last one a Thai sits next to on a bus? On the buses a Thai blew up at us a year or so ago. I asked for the stop to the conductor, an English word, conductor as usual looks to the mrs for confirmation, mrs tells her to ask me again which I have to repeat three times before she gets it. On my own never a problem though. Anyway the guy sitting in front starts having a go at me for showing the conductor up and not saying the word correctly.

I point out it's an English work and that I was saying it right. Then the mrs wades in and a furious exchange takes place, I tapped the bloke on the shoulder and told him to stop and to mind his own business, explosion, he went absolutely ape because a foreigner had touched him I thought he was going to get violent, mrs was going to phone the cops. In the end he had made such a show of himself stamping up and down he got off. All over nothing or what I thought was nothing, obviously he saw it differently. Obviously not a good idea to touch the divine body of a Thai to get their attention, even with a little finger.

It's not always a Thai/ falang problem as the mrs has far more of these type of blow ups with people than I do, I will smile and ignore when I can, but sometimes you can't do that and should not.

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