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Seroquel XR/FDA Category S drugs at pharmacies in Thailand


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Hi there,

First time poster, but I have been lurking for quite a while! :)

I'm a US resident who will be heading over to Thailand in a few weeks with a dual entry tourist visa. I plan on being in Thailand/SE Asia for around a half year.

I have pretty much everything in order, but my health insurance at work just surprised me by denying a 3 month refill of a medication I take off label for depression, Seroquel XR.

I found on mims.com that this is a Category S drug approved in Thailand, but what I can't find is how readily available it is or if I will need to have medication shipped to me from the US.

Does anyone have any familiarity on obtaining Seroquel XR in Thailand, the expense, or difficulties I may encounter with a Category S drug? It's not listed on the psychotropics or narcotics pages thankfully, but calling it a "controlled substance" has me concerned as I need to take it daily. I will have a prescription bottle/paperwork noting multiple refills.



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You can only get it at a hospital pharmacy after consulting a psychiatrist. If you can get a letter/medical summary from the doctor treating you at home, that will expedite matters. Especially since this is off label use, might otherwise have trouble getting a Thai pyschiatrist to prescribe it for depression. With a letter from your physician, will probably be OK but just in case bring a 30 day supply with you and then see a doc for new script immediately, that way if it does prove problematic you have time to try other docs or (worst case) have t mailed to you.

It will cost almost as much here as in the US because it is an import. There are locally made generic equivalents but not in XR form.

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Thank you Sheryl! I really appreciate the information.

It sounds like my best bet is to have it filled over here under my boyfriend's insurance and have it shipped to me (it will be under my name with paperwork).

My friend who lives in CM says it's hit or miss getting stuff delivered. Any recommendations of the safest way to ship this to try to ensure it gets to me?

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Mail only by normal post (air mail or USPS express), never use a courier.

Be sure it is in prescription bottles labelled with your name and best to include a doctor's certificate (you will want to bring one with you to Thailand anyhow in case you need to consult a doctor here, so get one and make multiple copies.

Mail only small amount at a time e.g. 1 or 2 months supply only.

That said, import of pharmaceuticals technically needs a license and ni guarantee it will get there. generally customs do not care about non-controlled substances for personal use but if they want to get technical, they can refuse it. Also it's category S so while not in the narcotic category, still partially controlled. So nio quarantee it will come through.

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Thank you for clarifying that even if I have a prescription, it's still technically not OK to ship it to me (but I may not have a choice).

Can you describe a "doctor's certificate" to me? Not a familiar term as a US citizen. I have a handwritten prescription on hand (and a pill bottle with accompanying pharmacy paperwork), but should I get a signed letter outlining the condition/medication with contact info? Or what would this need to contain if you are familiar?

Thanks again!

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Thank you for clarifying that even if I have a prescription, it's still technically not OK to ship it to me (but I may not have a choice).

Can you describe a "doctor's certificate" to me? Not a familiar term as a US citizen. I have a handwritten prescription on hand (and a pill bottle with accompanying pharmacy paperwork), but should I get a signed letter outlining the condition/medication with contact info? Or what would this need to contain if you are familiar?

Thanks again!

Yes, get a short letter/medical summary signed by your doctor stating this has been prescribed to you and why. Aside from any possible issues with customs, you will want this in case you need medical help while here, especially since you receiving an "off label" treatment.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi again,

My boyfriend is getting ready to ship meds (Seroquel, pantoprazole and birth control). What should he out on the customs form to try to ensure it gets through? Medication?

I know the seroquel is a controlled substance so could get confiscated, but he can't get in any trouble, correct?



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Pantropazole is readily available in Thailand over the counter, as are a wide range of birth control pills so don't know why you would want to ship those. The more you ship, the more likely it is to be a customs issue.

He should put "medication for personal use" and of course be sure the Seroquel is in a labelled prescription bottle.

Whether or not your BF can get in trouble would depend on what the US laws are on this, which I don't happen to know but USPS website might be able to say.

If it were me I would not bother with all this but rather see a doctor in Thailand for a script, by the time you factor in shipping charges etc what you will save by shipping it is not that much, and no guarantee it will come through.

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Hi Sheryl,

I may just have him send the seroquel then, with paperwork and doctor's note. The reason I am hesitant to buy in Thailand is that the pantoprazole I purchased here cost about 4x as much as my copay in the states! It could just be the area I am in (Naiyang Beach), but seroquel out of pocket in the US is about $600/month.

I'll go chat with the pharmacist tonight to see if she can get any price info on the seroquel, but since my boyfriend already has it in the states I thought it wouldn't hurt to try to send it alone.


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There are several different brands of pantoprazole in Thailand and costs will vary accordingly. If what you got was very costly then probably was the Sandoz brand. Less expensive alternatives:

Pantoprol = locally made

Pancid and Stipole = made in India

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Thank you AGAIN for the great information. I was given Controloc which I think is not made locally. Next time I pick it up will be in Chiang Mai so I assume there will be more options.

I get to CM on the 10th and have 11 days before I run out of medication so will start pursuing this as soon as I get here. If you are familiar with any psychs in the area, I am open to recommendations.


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Yes, Controloc is the impoirted Sandoz brand. Chiang Mai will indeed be easier, pharmacy-wise.

Across from the entrance to Sripat ("special Medical Service", the quasi-private outpatient wing of CMU Hospital) there are several large pharmacies and you should have no trouble getting Pantoprol there.

You can privately consiut a psychiatrist at Sripat. Dr. Chamlong is probably the most qualified one there, he is the director of a large government pscyh hospital and has private hours at Sripat. He also has his own clinic: http://www.chiangmailocator.com/chiang-mai-hospitals-clinics-5211:chamlong-psychiatric-clinic

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