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Sometimes events can overtake you ... TWINS


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Congrats David, I know how you must be feeling, we are expecting a boy(Alexander) early November.

Children changed me completely. I never backed down from a uck or a fight. I knew it was time to shape up when the first arrived.

No more missionary style, take it from the sides.

Congrats once more, mamy poko is a very good diaper.

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David,have you worked out with miss farmgirl whether its 12,000 amonth for milk formula and nappies or the old style breast feeding and washing nappies.20x20xwink.png.pagespeed.ic.Tg-YB9NPfX.w

Yeah we did the old fashioned way....never regret not polluting the environment with tons of crap that lasts for decades......kids can start their life with a better environmental background and not even know it.

What I hate the most is waste and, while 'disposables' are convenient and a great product ... say when you go for a Family Picnic etc ... where the disposables are indefensible.

But ... her decision ... but our discussions to date are cloth nappies ... anyone got heaps to lend?

Not exactly organic, but if you have a section of land that is very sandy and is difficult to grow anything without constant watering. You can split the mama pokos and dig the gel into the soil. The gel will help to retain moisture and your babies will be contributing essential nitrogen to the environment.

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Just an update photo.

Of course, I asked her permission before I posted this ...

attachicon.gifC360_2013-10-06-10-46-51-489 LR.jpg

Glowing I'd say ... biggrin.png


You'll need a wide angle lens in 6 months matesmile.png

My wife massaged bio oil on her belly during her pregnancies while i put the speaker near playing soul music.

The baby's used to dance and kick really enjoying the stimulation.thumbsup.gif


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We know what you been doing, we know what you been doing....lol.....

Congratulations to both of you and the warmest wishes for the future, twins! Wow, you had the stamina to make them, know you,ll need more to cope with them...lol....double trouble, but also double joy! Fantastic.!

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David and MFG

I'm sure I said it before, but at my age every day is a groundhog day .... ooooh clouds!.... Congratulations to you both. It is fantastic news and I hope you'll enjoy this new adventure. My kids are in their 30s and I have grand children now........life just keeps getting better and better.

May you find the same happiness.


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Hope it is two little farmgirls....two more David48s may be a little too much.

Ha Ha ...

Actually, you are correct, that is what she is hoping for.

We have no idea.

I'll let her (MissFarmGirl) know you posted that ... she'll get a buzz.

Humph ... no more David48's ... ermm.gif ... grumble, grumble...

Aw, c'mon mate.... There's always next time. thumbsup.gif

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My cousin got twins and I feel bad every time I meet them coz I cant see the diiference and have to ask their dad before addressing them. Any idea how to solve this problem, David?

Mate ... I have no idea about that.

I asked their mother to be, and she just replied ... Mothers know this.

Till I work a system out I think I will just be seeing ...





licklips.giflicklips.gif (Feeding time ... their boys and it will be natural)


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now I am week 24

no new photo but have been to Hospital and they say everything good

when I eat food, little bit spicy, they dance around....555

thank you again for the nice words

Dancing on the chili's!laugh.png

Thanks for the update.

Better dancing than Muay Thai.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

You look to be what a cattleman would say is a heavy springer. The word heavy in no way is a reflection on you Miss farmgirl, as you my most favorite contributor to the farming forum.

Take care of yourself and don't keep us in suspense after the additionS to the family.

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congratulations david you are probably worried about your wife giving birth in Thailand don't worry at all as my wife had our second child born in Thailand and it was a better

experience for her than in England . I don't know but you might not be able to be by her side at the birth as I wasn't but that was 12 years ago . cheer s mate

both of you don't worry as every thing will be fine

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Yep, you're carrying pretty low, and with twins they could come a bit early. We had our first child in Bangkok, and am currently sitting with my wife in labour with our second. I'm up against the clock coming up with a name, I don't envy you having to come up with two. Don't leave it to the last minute! Good luck.

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Pray for girls, David. They gather some, hmm, interesting friends as they get older. My daughter has just spent several days here and several of her friends have comes down from Bkk to stay. One is a model. To keep my blood pressure in check, I stay away from the bathroom in the morning - but I won't bore you with any details. You wouldn't be interested, I'm sure.

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