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Very nearly a serious situation!


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Just been out on the bike for a nice leisurely drive, I was following 3 cars, coach in the distance closing quickly, he could not go anywhere because of oncoming traffic, he closes to with maybe 1 car length and starts honking, he then starts to overtake, there is no where to go, pulls in quickly trying to push me out of the way, so I honk and he swerves forcing me into the side of the road, gets out of his cab and runs over to me with the intention of hitting me, my 11 yr old step daughter is on the back by the way, he stops, realizing that I have a crash helmet on and demonstrates that he is not as thick as first appears, he runs back to his cab, I drive off, in my mirror I can see what looks like a large wrench in his hand but could have easily been a gun, what is it with these <deleted> thick idiots, so fed up with driving here sometimes, terrorized by uneducated animal like people!!

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I totally agree with you. My experience has been not as bad as yours but I still feel the same way. Just worth it.

Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

No sensible person would have tried to overtake as it was impossible to do so, I am thinking he was drugged up! We actually passed him a little bit later and he was smiling probably forgot all about it!

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They simply don't accept bikes using the street. They think all bikes have to use the side lane (hard schoulder) or at least drive as far to the left as possible. Thats all. If such idiot comes and you cannot overtake, its best to slo down and let him pass. If not ... well now you know what happens then :)

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They simply don't accept bikes using the street. They think all bikes have to use the side lane (hard schoulder) or at least drive as far to the left as possible. Thats all. If such idiot comes and you cannot overtake, its best to slo down and let him pass. If not ... well now you know what happens then :)

Yes I do, the next time I will move out of the way!

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The coach is bigger then you..

Under the Laws of momentum ... the Coach has 'right of way' ... ignore that at your peril.

You can be legally right ... and legally dead ... as my motorcycle instructor informed me the best part of 30 years ago.

I've never forgotten his sage advice.

At the time the conditions said he could and would not try to overtake because of the cars in front and oncoming traffic, so what was his reason for trying this impossible maneuver? Was it because he hates motorbikes? Was it because he was drunk or on drugs! Enlighten me please?

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The coach is bigger then you..

Under the Laws of momentum ... the Coach has 'right of way' ... ignore that at your peril.

You can be legally right ... and legally dead ... as my motorcycle instructor informed me the best part of 30 years ago.

I've never forgotten his sage advice.

At the time the conditions said he could and would not try to overtake because of the cars in front and oncoming traffic, so what was his reason for trying this impossible maneuver? Was it because he hates motorbikes? Was it because he was drunk or on drugs! Enlighten me please? I was driving along with the traffic in front at approx 70kph

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Ah another smart motorcyclist who thinks he's back home and want to enforce his perceived "right of way" by trying to block a large vehicle using himself and a minor as human shields.

Found out quickly it doesn't work that way, and in a retaliation and face saving move, hops on the forum and start bashing Thais and "threatening to leave"

Good luck with that attitude, you surely need it.

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Or you could learn some self-defense. It would come in handy when in situations like this.

And you suggest I do what with my 11 yr old step daughter?

Not saying you acted improperly due to the fact your daughter was with you. My point is you need to be able to defend yourself against the crazies, doesn't matter what country you are in. If it comes down to someone trying to kill me, I want to be able to defend myself.

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Or you could learn some self-defense. It would come in handy when in situations like this.

And you suggest I do what with my 11 yr old step daughter?

Not saying you acted improperly due to the fact your daughter was with you. My point is you need to be able to defend yourself against the crazies, doesn't matter what country you are in. If it comes down to someone trying to kill me, I want to be able to defend myself.

Don't worry on that score, I can handle myself!! Walk away live to fight another day!! Wrong country to be getting into a bad fight you can't win!!

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Ah another smart motorcyclist who thinks he's back home and want to enforce his perceived "right of way" by trying to block a large vehicle using himself and a minor as human shields.

Found out quickly it doesn't work that way, and in a retaliation and face saving move, hops on the forum and start bashing Thais and "threatening to leave"

Good luck with that attitude, you surely need it.

Are you crazy mate, have you read my post or are you drunk, where does it say I was trying to block his way? Where does it say I was using my step daughter as a human shield? I think you should go away idiot!!

I have been riding bikes for 30 years.

I used to be a Motorcycle courier in London.

Well have I learnt the rules of the roads ... and the rules of physics.

Imagine yourself in a Bar (because you think everyone is drunk who is replying to you now) and a group of Hells angels decide to have a drink at the Bar.

They want to sit on your bar stool.

Are you going to fight them?

No-one has said that you are legally wrong ... but I am saying, with your riding attitude, you could be legally dead.

I'll boil the kettle ... coffee1.gif


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Ah another smart motorcyclist who thinks he's back home and want to enforce his perceived "right of way" by trying to block a large vehicle using himself and a minor as human shields.

Found out quickly it doesn't work that way, and in a retaliation and face saving move, hops on the forum and start bashing Thais and "threatening to leave"

Good luck with that attitude, you surely need it.

Are you crazy mate, have you read my post or are you drunk, where does it say I was trying to block his way? Where does it say I was using my step daughter as a human shield? I think you should go away idiot!!

I have been riding bikes for 30 years.

I used to be a Motorcycle courier in London.

Well have I learnt the rules of the roads ... and the rules of physics.

Imagine yourself in a Bar (because you think everyone is drunk who is replying to you now) and a group of Hells angels decide to have a drink at the Bar.

They want to sit on your bar stool.

Are you going to fight them?

No-one has said that you are legally wrong ... but I am saying, with your riding attitude, you could be legally dead.

I'll boil the kettle ... Posted Image


You mean my riding attitude traveling behind 3 cars doing 70 kph is wrong? I don't I understand mate!

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The coach is bigger then you..

Under the Laws of momentum ... the Coach has 'right of way' ... ignore that at your peril.

You can be legally right ... and legally dead ... as my motorcycle instructor informed me the best part of 30 years ago.

I've never forgotten his sage advice.

At the time the conditions said he could and would not try to overtake because of the cars in front and oncoming traffic, so what was his reason for trying this impossible maneuver? Was it because he hates motorbikes? Was it because he was drunk or on drugs! Enlighten me please?

He doesn't hate bikes. But bikes are on a hierarchy level far below him. In his world he has the right to act like this because he is an important and busy man. And you are doing wrong to use his street driving in the middle of the lane and blocking traffic.

Such behaviour isn't thai specific. Its the same all over the world. Same idiots everywhere.

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The coach is bigger then you..

Under the Laws of momentum ... the Coach has 'right of way' ... ignore that at your peril.

You can be legally right ... and legally dead ... as my motorcycle instructor informed me the best part of 30 years ago.

I've never forgotten his sage advice.

At the time the conditions said he could and would not try to overtake because of the cars in front and oncoming traffic, so what was his reason for trying this impossible maneuver? Was it because he hates motorbikes? Was it because he was drunk or on drugs! Enlighten me please?

He doesn't hate bikes. But bikes are on a hierarchy level far below him. In his world he has the right to act like this because he is an important and busy man. And you are doing wrong to use his street driving in the middle of the lane and blocking traffic.

Such behaviour isn't thai specific. Its the same all over the world. Same idiots everywhere.

Yes I agree, but that still does not explain why he tried to overtake when it was impossible to do so!!

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They simply don't accept bikes using the street. They think all bikes have to use the side lane (hard schoulder) or at least drive as far to the left as possible. Thats all. If such idiot comes and you cannot overtake, its best to slo down and let him pass. If not ... well now you know what happens then smile.png

Any where in Asia its the pecking order and relates to size, you with a small sewing machine on wheels are the bottom of the shit heap. Not being personal, but I really do not understand why people such as yourself ride them, even more so with a child on the back !!

Here in China I road test huge 6x6 Airport Crash tenders weighing 30 tonnes, do I have your problems, hell no, the usually aggressive container trucks and buses steer clean away.

Ditch your sewing machine on wheels and drive something more protective. as an aside, you mentioned you wore a helmet, did the 11 yo ??

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They simply don't accept bikes using the street. They think all bikes have to use the side lane (hard schoulder) or at least drive as far to the left as possible. Thats all. If such idiot comes and you cannot overtake, its best to slo down and let him pass. If not ... well now you know what happens then Posted Image

Any where in Asia its the pecking order and relates to size, you with a small sewing machine on wheels are the bottom of the shit heap. Not being personal, but I really do not understand why people such as yourself ride them, even more so with a child on the back !!

Here in China I road test huge 6x6 Airport Crash tenders weighing 30 tonnes, do I have your problems, hell no, the usually aggressive container trucks and buses steer clean away.

Ditch your sewing machine on wheels and drive something more protective. as an aside, you mentioned you wore a helmet, did the 11 yo ??

Yes I wear a good crash helmet and so does any passenger I carry! This is the first bad incident in over 4yrs riding bikes!

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Driving in Thailand is outright dangerous, doesnt matter what you drive.

David said bellow, being right and being dead, it is true.

Also not to forget that if accident happen, usually a farang start out from the worse situation, regardless of the traffic laws.

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Driving in Thailand is outright dangerous, doesnt matter what you drive.

David said bellow, being right and being dead, it is true.

Also not to forget that if accident happen, usually a farang start out from the worse situation, regardless of the traffic laws.

It won't happen again! I always move out of the way of anything big coming from behind, in this case it was just not necessary, he could not go anywhere, obviously he had different ideas!

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