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18-year-old waiter shot dead in drink-fuelled Phuket gang dispute


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18-year-old waiter shot dead in drink-fuelled Phuket gang dispute
Eakkapop Thongtub

The shooter, Panuwitch (blue shirt) and his friend Jakkapong.

PHUKET: An 18-year-old waiter at the famed Salaloy seafood restaurant on Rawai’s seafront, was shot dead just after midnight yesterday morning (September 22), not far from the restaurant, after a series of drunken teenage episodes climaxed in murder.

The waiter, Korrawich Sriboonma, originally from Petchabun Province, was drinking with two friends at a house in Soi Laemka Yai. One of the friends, Surachat Pittaratae, told the others he was going home.

On his way, Surachat was overtaken by five or six teenagers on four motorbikes who gave him the hard stare.

One then threw a beer bottle onto the road in front of Surachat’s bike, infuriating him so much that he gave pursuit, following them all the way to where they lived.

A shouting match ensued, with the young gangsters flinging insults about Surachat’s parents. Surachat was furious but, realising he was outnumbered, he headed back to see Korrawich for reinforcements.

On hearing the story, Korrawich was incensed, and the duo headed off for a confrontation with the gang, meeting them in front of the Family Mart shop at the entrance of Soi Salika.

At a press conference this morning, two of the gang, who had already been captured, told their side of what happened next.

They accused Surachat of making up the story about the bottle. Surachat flung a bottle hard into a trash can near the gang’s leader, Phanuwitch “Knight” A-sana, 19, from Rawai.

Panuwitch objected vociferously and the tension swelled. Korrawich produced a large knife, at which Panuwitch and his group left.

Panuwitch stopped by his home long enough to collect his “Thai pradit” handgun and load it with a .38 bullet. Feeling more secure, he and two members of his gang went looking for Korrawich and his pals. They caught up with them outside the 7-Eleven opposite Wat Sawangarom, where the dispute was resumed.

The night’s to-and-fro finally reached its inevitable conclusion when Panuwitch shot Korrawich just once – enough to kill him instantly.

“It was to defend my friends,” Panuwitch told journalists this morning.

Arrested with him was Jakkapong “Mew” Srisawong, 18, also from Rawai. Police are still looking for the third gang member, Phasit “Nick” Ratthanapa.

Source: http://www.thephuketnews.com/18-year-old-waiter-shot-dead-in-drink-fuelled-phuket-gang-dispute-42039.php#news-alert

-- Phuket News 2013-09-23

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Phuket teen gang shoots man dead over insults
Phuket Gazette

PHUKET: -- Police have arrested several youths after an 18-year-old was shot dead in front of a 7-Eleven store in Phuket’s Rawai Beach area early yesterday morning.

Chalong Police received a report of the shooting at 4am, and soon arrived at the 7-Eleven store at the entrance to Laem Ka Yai Beach on Wiset Road (map here).

Korrawit Sriboonma, originally from Phetchabun but in Phuket working as a waiter at the Sala Loi Seafood on the Rawai beachfront (map here), was dead by the time officers arrived.

“He had been shot once in the chest,” Wuttiwat Liangboonjinda of the Chalong Police said.

Mr Korrawit’s friend Surachart Pittaratae, 18, told police he and Mr Korrawit, along with another friend, had been drinking at Mr Korrawitch’s rented house in Rawai.

“Mr Surachart and the other friend were riding home when they rode past several youths also riding motorbikes.

“Mr Surachart said the gang ‘stared’ at him, which made him angry, so he followed them, but that only encouraged them to swear at Mr Surachart, saying something about his parents,” Lt Wuttiwat explained.

Mr Surachart went back to Mr Korrawit’s place and told him about the incident. The two went looking for the gang and found them in front of a Family Mart convenience store at the entrance of Soi Salika 2.

“Mr Korrawit and Mr Surachart talked to the teens. The youngsters denied staring at Mr Surachart and said they did not mean to make him upset,” Lt Wuttiwat added.

“Satisfied with the explanation, Mr Korrawit and Mr Surachart headed home, but stopped at the 7-Eleven after Mr Korrawit saw a female friend.

“While he was waiting on the bike, the teens rode past and shot him. He died at the scene,” Lt Wuttiwat said.

Police launched a search and quickly arrested several of the suspects.

The Gazette has been informed that several of the youths have been charged for the shooting and will be presented to the press today.

Source: http://www.phuketgazette.net/phuket_news/2013/Phuket-teen-gang-shoots-man-dead-over-insults-22315.html

-- Phuket Gazette 2013-09-23

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Eyes of the kids (and adults) tells a lot. I haven't visited Rawai too much, but there are certain areas in Phuket where the kids eyes are 'blank' as there would not be feelings inside. That scares me a bit.

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Condolences to the family however this incident seems in some way to be provoked by the dead man. He went looking for the gang? He got angry because they stared at him?

All very bizarre and at the end of the day a needless life lost - if only common sense prevailed.

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It is never worth to start a dispute, as long as your able to walk away safely, just do it, if not hit first, hit hard and be prepared to hit more to shake his/her brain to get away with your life, in the today's society a life is not of much concern anymore if one's brain is ruled by egoismen, emotions and greed. RIP and condolences to the family. It is even more astonishing that so many lethal attacks happens in the buddhistic community.

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It takes a while for youth to understand that regardless of the insult, regardless of the loss of face, when you engage in physical confrontations you can be right and still lose.

But even the local adults have not learned this fundamental truth and since they raise the kids, what else can be expected?

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This story could be in the pages of any national newspaper, the world over. This mentality is present in every country on the planet. Immaturity, alcohol and/or drugs, and testosterone can be a lethal combination when you add weapons to the mix. The moral disconnect that is present in these stories is the real scary part.

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Unfortuately it is the all to common mentality here. There is a Thai saying " It's better to die than to lose face". Don't forget that we live among a race of people that cannot understand logic and practability. That side of the cerebellum does not exist in a Thai cranium.

Horrific, really. I mean how stupid are these kids?

"oh, you showed me up in front of my friends so I'm going to go home, load my homemade gun, and come looking for you"? Huh?

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"Weedin me Garden" That Rasta "chronic smokin" shirt should have been the first warning. Could not have dressed

up more like a guy from the hood unless he added a hoodie. I see the "I shot him because he dissed me" defence

is going to be used. "Ain't nobody goin to disrespect me"

What a waste.

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Stick him in jail for 20+ years and let everyone know. It will make some think twice before being heroes. Then again the Govt and police need to take responsibility with their enforcement of gun laws. I read where Thailand has 1/6th population of the US, but 6 times as many guns.

More Govt and Police responsibility will makelife a lot safer for many people inc those on motorbikes who die at a rediculous rate.

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