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By the way, If anybody is interested in visiting this girl, please send me SMS on 0657114991, but she is a bit unsure about strange man.So if you are not strange, its ok. :o

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I know what you saying.I am really just trying to fight for her- to be able to make her own mind what she wants(she is capable).And yes I would do exacly same for a bloke in that situation.To tell you the truth I was not sure if that was a bloke or girl for while.

Did you mange to find out anything about her family, and did you contact them if you did?

Yes I have tried.But her father hes died and mother can't be find.


No wonder the girl is in the condition she is - without a family, a Thai in Thailand has no stronghold of support.


What you're doing Alex is very noble spirited and kind. :D

Stick at it and maybe you can help this unfortunate person to get out of the institution she's now in, but you then need to have a strategy for the next move.

I don't know much about MP Paveena's organisation, but do know they're rather clever at self-publicity, and like to grab the media headlines showing the lady herself coming to the rescue of minor's sold into prostitution or absued in some way. I've never seen her help out street beggars or tramps, like the woman you describe. Maybe she does behind the scenes, but I wouldn't count on it.

Hence, if you don't get a +ve response from Paveena's lot, then have you thought about finding a temple with nuns that might take her in? I don't know where, but they take in enough stray dogs and cats, so why not find one that would look after a person in need? Lots of food and a roof over the head, in return for some help around the temple.

Just an idea, which would need a good Thai friend to do some research on your behalf.

Good luck! :o

What you're doing Alex is very noble spirited and kind. :D

Stick at it and maybe you can help this unfortunate person to get out of the institution she's now in, but you then need to have a strategy for the next move.

I don't know much about MP Paveena's organisation, but do know they're rather clever at self-publicity, and like to grab the media headlines showing the lady herself coming to the rescue of minor's sold into prostitution or absued in some way. I've never seen her help out street beggars or tramps, like the woman you describe. Maybe she does behind the scenes, but I wouldn't count on it.

Hence, if you don't get a +ve response from Paveena's lot, then have you thought about finding a temple with nuns that might take her in? I don't know where, but they take in enough stray dogs and cats, so why not find one that would look after a person in need? Lots of food and a roof over the head, in return for some help around the temple.

Just an idea, which would need a good Thai friend to do some research on your behalf.

Good luck! :o

I have tried that, so far no luck.Dogs and cats are more important.



I don't really know what else to do.I have tried many charities, goverment organisations,christian set ups and nobody wants to help.Thai people say- Its Thai law and nothing you can do about it.The latest idea from one charity was that I have to find her job with accomodation and maybe they will let her out.Its easier said then done.I am sure she can do a simple job, like cleaning or similar,( she worked in money exchange office in Chang Mai before-anyway that what she told me- maybe) I don't mind paying for her accomodation,but she needs somebody to keep an eye on her.I am not giving up, even if I can help just this one girl, It will be worth it.Today I wrote to ministry of welfare and asked them to be honest and rename Nothanburi home for Destitute to Nonthamburi prison for Destitute.I went to visit her on Thursday and of course, they confiscated her mobile phone and now all have to wear prison teashirts of same colour.Not allowed to wear there own clothes and she is getting worse- getting difficould to talk to and was very hungry. Thats all for today, will go again on Monday and will keep you informed of any change.Thanks for your interest.



Besides working in chiang mai as moneychanger, are there any further details like places or bank in chiang mai where you could possibly trace back to her family?


I have not been on Thai visa for many months as i found it more depressing than useful (read into to that what you will), but today i was trying to find out some stuff on maxnet problems so logged back in again.

Alex what you are doing has made me extremely glad i did log in today, i think you know exactly what and why you are doing what you are and i wish you the best of luck and good fortune with your efforts in trying to be a decent human being, i now don't care that my internet is at half advertised speed, as you have quite simply given me a good slap of reality. With 16 years of experience in Thailand your story does not surprise me at all but your attempts to help are a breath of fresh air to all of us cynical types who are so much more fortunate than the many.

I hope that i will soon be able to read a "they all lived happily ever after". Good luck to you and this poor young lady your trying to help.

Besides working in chiang mai as moneychanger, are there any further details like places or bank in chiang mai where you could possibly trace back to her family?

Unfortunately, something must have happened in Chang Mai.She does not want to talk about it and does not want to go back there.I did not pressed very hard, not to upset her.If I had more time with her I am sure she would open up, but few minutes in prison is not good time to make her .

I don't really know what else to do.I have tried many charities, goverment organisations,christian set ups and nobody wants to help.Alex

why not write to the papers highlighting her plight, it's surprising what a bit of publicity can result in. Her treatment where she is should be made known as it sounds as if they are not following the rules and that she might be better off in prison.

How strange it is that she has come to be in that situation if she previously held that occupation.

Don't really know.Something must have happened.If I have a chance I am sure that I can find out, but its not really that important at the moment.First she needs a freedom.

Alex what you are doing has made me extremely glad i did log in today, i think you know exactly what and why you are doing what you are and i wish you the best of luck and good fortune with your efforts in trying to be a decent human being, i now don't care that my internet is at half advertised speed, as you have quite simply given me a good slap of reality. With 16 years of experience in Thailand your story does not surprise me at all but your attempts to help are a breath of fresh air to all of us cynical types who are so much more fortunate than the many.

Wow! If I was a cynical ISP company, I'd write this story down and send it to every customer who complained that I was not providing the service they had paid for. To every complaining customer I would say:

"Dear customer, sorry your 1,000 mbps service is working at 500 mbps, but just read this story about a poor beggar girl and see how you feel afterwards. Please don't complain any more because we really want to have twice the number of customers paying for this shitty service than it was designed for so that we can make oodles more profit than we should. Have a nice day."

By all means commend Alex for what he is attempting to do for this poor girl - I certainly do - but don't let it stop you complaining when you are being ripped off! THAT won't change Thailand for the better - and you know it needs changing!


would anybody , please help me to find contact e-mail for Thai TV station.I am sure they would be interested in the story.and maybe that would help.




It really should not cost that much money to buy this poor lass's freedom. You just need to find a sympathetic Thai to act as your go-between, your phuu yai.



Just a little update for interested people.I visited Pigun today, she hardly recognised me, she could not speak well, she was druged up.I have a bit of experience in this and I would say she was overdosed.She told me that when they confiscated her phone she cried and they give her something and since then she have to take it every day.I believe there is something sinister going on here.Few people I contacted phoned the centre and made enquiry.Everybody was told that Pigun is very well and under medical attention.I believe they keep giving her drugs so she can't tell anybody what she really wants.Now she does not make much sense.I feel very angry about the whole business, went to the office and (as suggested by Pavena Corporation) presented them with my bank statement and my Work contract, so I can prove that I will be able to look after this woman.They basicaly just loughed in my face and told me to get lost.I am farang and I can do anything like this.Tell you the trueth I feel like punching the director in the face.They thought it was very funny, that I want to look after this woman and told me that she will have to spend a rest of her life in the institution.They seems to enjoy the POWER the have over everybody and don't really care very much.Its a shame that in the process they going to ruin this womans life, who was basicaly OK, just a little mixed up and all she needed was a stable place and nice people around her, maybe a little therapy.I am at the loose end and don't really know where to go next.Wrote to newspapers, television,Amnesty International, but nobody is interested.If I think of anything else I let you know.


The only thing that may work is if more than one person approaches the same organisation with the same concerns.


YES, Please anybody can make enquiry.Just say you are her friends.

Her name is Pigul Sintumud

And she is held in the prison---Nonthanburi Reception Home for Destitute

78/12 Moo1

Tiwanon Rd

Bangtalard Sub District

Pak Kred


Tel: 02583 0044

Fax:02580 3295

Maybe it would help.You never know.I am running out of ideas.

If I had the means I would hire couple SAS to get her out.




I think that they managed to win.I visited Pe today and her mind is completely messed up.She can not speak English any more, she is full of anger and act like a insane person.( I am not suprised- they took everything from her- her freedom and all the personal possetion she liked and feed her drugs when she is unhappy))She looks very tired and I think she would need weeks of intensive therepy to make her back as she was before they took her in.They need to be congratulated- they managed to ruin this young womans life very quickly.



I think that they managed to win.I visited Pe today and her mind is completely messed up.She can not speak English any more, she is full of anger and act like a insane person.( I am not suprised- they took everything from her- her freedom and all the personal possetion she liked and feed her drugs when she is unhappy))She looks very tired and I think she would need weeks of intensive therepy to make her back as she was before they took her in.They need to be congratulated- they managed to ruin this young womans life very quickly.


Sorry to hear this Alex. Welcome to LOS-style One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. Only Nurse Ratched is Mother Superior and there's no Chief to save her.

Sad but true, this probably happens the world over. If you want to take a break and read a good book, try "The Comforts of Madness" by Paul Sayer. I think it won the Whitbread Prize for literature a decade or so back.

You tried your best, which is more than anyone else did for this woman. You also learned that mental institutions are not recommended for the sane, insane or anyone else for that matter. Bad luck mate. :o


Hi there Alex, i just wanted to let you know that i think what you have been trying to do for this girl is extremely commendable. I wish you all the best of luck and hope that the story can still have some type of happy ending. Well done again for trying.

All the Best. Noodles.


Thanks everybody for your support.I don't really know where to go from here.I know that I got a bit worked up about this, but I was very angry that this young inteligent girl should end up like this. If anything happens I will let you know, but I don't think anybody will take a slight notice of me and she will stay in prison.If anybody can think of anything that may help her, please let me know.



I think that they managed to win.I visited Pe today and her mind is completely messed up.She can not speak English any more, she is full of anger and act like a insane person.( I am not suprised- they took everything from her- her freedom and all the personal possetion she liked and feed her drugs when she is unhappy))She looks very tired and I think she would need weeks of intensive therepy to make her back as she was before they took her in.They need to be congratulated- they managed to ruin this young womans life very quickly.


To sound a dissonant note on this Thread Alex.

Do you really think the Thai system has the budget, or the interest, in yet another nameless, homeless and penniless itinerant to “feed her drugs when she is unhappy”?!

They don’t – fact.

They have far more experience than you do with people like “Pigun”.

Simply put, she is now in detention and no longer has access to whatever intoxicants she was previously addicted to; the "personality changes" you now see are only the results of enforced withdrawal.




I think that they managed to win.I visited Pe today and her mind is completely messed up.She can not speak English any more, she is full of anger and act like a insane person.( I am not suprised- they took everything from her- her freedom and all the personal possetion she liked and feed her drugs when she is unhappy))She looks very tired and I think she would need weeks of intensive therepy to make her back as she was before they took her in.They need to be congratulated- they managed to ruin this young womans life very quickly.


To sound a dissonant note on this Thread Alex.

Do you really think the Thai system has the budget, or the interest, in yet another nameless, homeless and penniless itinerant to “feed her drugs when she is unhappy”?!

They don’t – fact.

They have far more experience than you do with people like “Pigun”.

Simply put, she is now in detention and no longer has access to whatever intoxicants she was previously addicted to; the "personality changes" you now see are only the results of enforced withdrawal.



Hello Patrick

Just note to say that I have a lot of experience with people on drugs and I know that Pegul was not on anything except hunger. Maybe years ago - yes, but not now.At the case that they have no interest , giving her drugs.I can assure you that they do.I was there.They really enjoy having power over people, they deal with people who have psychiatric problem of various degree, but they have no training in that feeld what so ever.If they had no interest they would have released her.I have offered to look after her.Never mind,I was just very angry with stupid people, who do anything not to loose face, even to ruin somebodys life if it suits them.


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