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Coke wants to bring young Thais together with nickname campaign


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cola = CANCER

when will people wake up ?

Drinking coke could well lead to cancer if you consider what goes into it.

The biggest danger though (by far) is it's contributory factor towards the diabetes type 2 epidemic that is coursing it's way across America and the Western world. This is where the true repercussions will be seen and felt in future years and generations to come!!

It will become a global emergency that will need to addressed urgently (it is now if the truth be known).

Drugs are not the answer either as all they do is cause you to die prematurely of something else like a stroke or heart attack. It is difficult to say whether the diabetes itself is more dangerous than the drugs dished out by doctors to treat it!!!

Fortunately, there are numerous natural remedies for completely reversing diabetes type 2 (without all of the deadly side effects) so all hope is not lost!!

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When at a restaurant lunching with Thai friends, I always get a 'look' when ordering a glass of wine with my meal whilst the rest of them order Coke. Coke with anything other than American fast food? bah.gif Some of them have diabetes. I tell them - they don't listen. And yes, the poster responding to the 'well we're not force fed it', with 'you have no idea how Big Marketing works', knows his stuff.

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If my aging memory serves me well this ad campaign has been

done before....


Results shown in the ad itself...

What an 'own goal'

You wouldn't get a completely bald man marketing a hair restorer, or a wrinkly old woman looking 20 years older than her age promoting laser surgery to smooth out the craters in your skin, would you!! cheesy.gifclap2.gif.

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Lazy mans crapper cleaner. Empty 1 of those horrible brown filled bottles down your toilet, flush 10 minutes later, and hey presto clean toilet!

Use Haiter, or whatever that chlorine bleach is called. It works better, and it frees drains, too.

You would need to take it up with her indoors as to what keeps our throne so clean. I was simply pointing out better uses for coke than rotting your guts with it.

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In all seriousness, the biggest health threat globally now is down to poor diet from fast food and fizzy pop.

Burgers and fried chicken and fries and sugary drinks are causing obesity and all that goes with that and not just in Western countries.

This is as big a health challenge as smoking, drugs and STD's . . . probably combined.

It's just another card in the deck of evolution which will eventually sort out those that are horizontally challenged.

Nobody is force feeding us!

They may not be forcing people but they ARE tricking and duping them into shortening their lives in order to keep the 'big dollars' rolling in!!!

People just don't realise the damage that HFCS and chemicals do to virtually every organ in their body, apart from making them pile on the pounds. I bet they are not aware that 'zero' versions of this flavoured sugar water are more dangerous and obesity making than the regular poison versions either!!

Zero more dangerous????????? can you explain this more,or are you just spouting?????????

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In all seriousness, the biggest health threat globally now is down to poor diet from fast food and fizzy pop.

Burgers and fried chicken and fries and sugary drinks are causing obesity and all that goes with that and not just in Western countries.

This is as big a health challenge as smoking, drugs and STD's . . . probably combined.

It's just another card in the deck of evolution which will eventually sort out those that are horizontally challenged.

Nobody is force feeding us!

They may not be forcing people but they ARE tricking and duping them into shortening their lives in order to keep the 'big dollars' rolling in!!!

People just don't realise the damage that HFCS and chemicals do to virtually every organ in their body, apart from making them pile on the pounds. I bet they are not aware that 'zero' versions of this flavoured sugar water are more dangerous and obesity making than the regular poison versions either!!

Zero more dangerous????????? can you explain this more,or are you just spouting?????????

If you search the internet you will find many such scientific reports that point to the same thing (apart from those spomsored or carried out on behalf of or by them, unsurprisingly).

The study, which reviewed recent research papers, revealed that artificial sweeteners were linked to an increased risk of obesity, Type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease. Just drinking one diet a drink a day was enough to create a significantly heightened chance of developing one of these disorders, the researchers found.

Artificial sweeteners were also shown to activate different patterns in the brain's pleasure centers that normally correspond to sweet tastes. This may mean that these products do not satisfy our sweet tooth as much as natural sugar. One study found non-caloric sweeteners made animals eat increased amounts of calorie-rich sweet tasting food. In the end, the animals exposed to artificial sweeteners gained more weight.

Other evidence showed that consuming artificial sweeteners often leads to weight gain. The authors believed the artificial products confused the body's ability to regulate calories based on tasting something sweet.

Another study revealed a link between diet soda drinking and weight gain over time. For each diet drink the subjects consumed per day, they were 65 percent more likely to become overweight during the next seven to eight years.

"These studies suggest that telling people to drink diet sodas could backfire as a public health message," Swithers said. "So the current public health message to limit the intake of sugars needs to be expanded to limit intake of all sweeteners, not just sugars."

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"Let's get obese together"

How about that for a campaign slogan?

funny, i have been drinking coke all my life and i am neither diabetic or obese.

As with all things moderation is key. a coke on a hot day is a wonderful and no one can tell me different.

Now, those of you buying cases of pop at a time and drinking it as a substitute for water deserve every roll of fat you get.

Diet Coke?

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"Let's get obese together"

How about that for a campaign slogan?

funny, i have been drinking coke all my life and i am neither diabetic or obese.

As with all things moderation is key. a coke on a hot day is a wonderful and no one can tell me different.

Now, those of you buying cases of pop at a time and drinking it as a substitute for water deserve every roll of fat you get.

Diet Coke?

google aspartame, sweetners are not without their danger. At least with sugar you know what you are getting

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Coke is an icon, and will always be one. A coke once in a while is great. People who

get hooked on all the sugar and get diabetes, fat, and ill eat to much: candy, cake, bread, and ice

cream too. Let's not all pick on Coke. Poor eating habits, not coke causes most of

these health problems. Try Coke Zero !! and get out and exercise................

You are totally right, many people enjoy a coke and other sugar drinks occasionally and have no problem with it. Or the occasional box of sugary breakfast cereal. Having self-control is obviously a personality trait, which not all people have.

The problem is when the person is depressed or has an addictive personality, thats when you see them buying ten giant bottles of coke in the supermarket, and masses of other junkfoods. Its not even greed, its that sugar is an addictive drug, it provides a rush and a feeling of wellbeing for a short time, and people get hooked on it. I had a friend who was like that, she hanged herself becuase she had got so fat she could hardly walk and she hated herself every single moment of the day. She drank those jumbo bottles of coke, lots of sugary cereal (whole boxes at a time), had incredibly striking moodswings from one hour to the next. And she tried to lose weight, switched to Coke Light or whatever its called, the aspartame one, which made her drink more bottles than before and also increased her appetite (aspartame does that) so she ate more junk food. On one level, yes she should have lived on salads and boiled chicken etc. for a few years. All her friends sent her emails with links to healthy-eating sites, and 'the dangers of sugar' sites. But life doesn't work that way, she was depressed to begin with and it spiralled from there.

The problem is that children watch TV there is always lots of sugary snacks advertised and are sold in school too. So the addiction process and the health problems start very young, and that makes it even harder to change because people associate their favourite childhood foods with happiness, so they reach for the same junkfoods in adulthood when they are sad. And the actual main problem is that these drinks and foods are pushed on people relentlessly, its actually hard to buy even a loaf of bread in Thailand that doesnt have sugar in it.

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I think the best marketing tool would involve combining it with a campaign for an equally popular and healthy product

Coke 'n Smoke

Fill your lungs and your belly

be a hacking ball of jelly

But if your let your molars rot

You see you will not eat a lot

Really, it is very healthy

and makes some people very wealthy

it can also ease your bad addictions

to air, water and food

Oops, that doesn't rhyme, I better stick to my day job

But I have been a gravedigger so long I find myself in a hole so please help me out

Have a coke and a smoke;>)

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Perhaps they could print various symptoms and complications of diabetes on the bottles instead.

I would guess that the biggest cause of type 2 diabetes in Thailand would be white rice.

Your guess is wrong.

Yes, white rice is a simple carbohydrate with all of the nutrients polished out but it is not the worst thing for promoting type 2 diabetes.

A high majority of refined and processed foods contain a deadly sugar called HFCS or high fructose corn syrup. This is the real danger, alongside wheat, soya and other corn based products.

Other dangerous toxins are vegetable oils, in fact, out of the cooking oils there is only 1 that is (not) bad for you and that is organic virgin coconut oil - this is in fact absolutely brilliant for your health and can be used for cooking as it is stable under heat, and virgin olive oil is OK for low temperature cooking and for making healthy oil based sauces etc:.

Bread is much worse than white rice with potatoes probably somewhere in the middle. Even wholewheat bread/spaghetti is bad for you, although not as bad as the white alternatives.

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Perhaps they could print various symptoms and complications of diabetes on the bottles instead.

I would guess that the biggest cause of type 2 diabetes in Thailand would be white rice.

Sticky rice, MSG . . . and Coke

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I think Coke, by itself, is pretty far down on the list as a couse of diabetes. I know there are 12 teaspoons of sugar

per can; but unless you drink a case a week you should be pretty safe. The real cause appears to be a lack of

education....Have you ever seen someone put 5 spoons of sugar in a small cup of coffee ? It happens all the time,

people are not aware of the amount of sugar they consume on a daily basis. Most people don't realize, bread turns

into a sugar as you digest it. Ice cream, white rice, bread, candy,sweet tea, sweet milk, it all adds up on a daily


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I think Coke, by itself, is pretty far down on the list as a couse of diabetes. I know there are 12 teaspoons of sugar

per can; but unless you drink a case a week you should be pretty safe. The real cause appears to be a lack of

education....Have you ever seen someone put 5 spoons of sugar in a small cup of coffee ? It happens all the time,

people are not aware of the amount of sugar they consume on a daily basis. Most people don't realize, bread turns

into a sugar as you digest it. Ice cream, white rice, bread, candy,sweet tea, sweet milk, it all adds up on a daily


Twelve spoonfuls of sugar per can!!!!

Do whaaaaat?!!!!

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