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Thailand: Women's foundation pushes bill to protect pregnant students, transsexuals


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Women's foundation pushes bill to protect pregnant students, transsexuals
Poungchompoo Prasert
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- The Women's Health Advocacy Foundation is putting pressure on the government to pass the Reproductive Health Rights Promotion and Protection Act, which if successful, would give pregnant students the legal right to continue their studies, while allowing transsexuals the right choose their sex.

"The foundation expects to officially propose the Reproductive Health Rights Promotion and Protection bill for legislation by September next year," Assoc Prof Kritaya Archavanitkul of Mahidol University's Institute for Population and Social Research said at a public forum on the people's version of the bill yesterday, which also addresses birth control and abortion issues.

Kritaya said when doctors refused to abort unwanted pregnancies some women were forced to turn to illegal clinics where they faced serious health risks.

Dr Kittipong Saejeng, who heads the Bureau of Reproductive Health, said that according to available records, about 29.2 per cent of females who sought abortion last year, did so because they wished to continue their studies.

He added that the average age at which people first had sex was now between 14 and 15 years old. "It used to be around 18 and 19 years old," he said, adding that some girls were only 10 years old when they delivered their first child.

Kittipong said only 54 out of 1,000 girls aged between 15 and 19 gave birth to babies at legal medical facilities last year. The number of child deliveries by females younger than 20 years old stood at 365 per day last year, up from 240 per day a decade ago, he said.

-- The Nation 2013-09-27

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"The Women's Health Advocacy Foundation is putting pressure on the government to pass the Reproductive Health Rights Promotion and Protection Act, which if successful, would give pregnant students the legal right to continue their studies..."

It's amazing that Thailand has not caught up to most of the countries who are members of the U.N. Security Council in which it wants to participate. NEWS FLASH!!!...Males share half the responsibility of the pregnancies!!! Yet, this fact is never mentioned when discussing actions which are being proposed.

Perhaps if Thailand wants to be part of the rest of the civilized world, it should abandon its antiquated views on who needs to share the responsibilities of pregnancy and child support.

A pregnant student who will have been abandoned by all but her own family, hopefully, needs the chance of education in the hope she can secure something of a a future for herself and her child yet the powers that be deny this.

I had experience of this at a technical school I worked in some years ago where students who fell pregant were out so as not to tarnish the school's image and reputation.

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"The Women's Health Advocacy Foundation is putting pressure on the government to pass the Reproductive Health Rights Promotion and Protection Act, which if successful, would give pregnant students the legal right to continue their studies..."

It's amazing that Thailand has not caught up to most of the countries who are members of the U.N. Security Council in which it wants to participate. NEWS FLASH!!!...Males share half the responsibility of the pregnancies!!! Yet, this fact is never mentioned when discussing actions which are being proposed.

Perhaps if Thailand wants to be part of the rest of the civilized world, it should abandon its antiquated views on who needs to share the responsibilities of pregnancy and child support.

A pregnant student who will have been abandoned by all but her own family, hopefully, needs the chance of education in the hope she can secure something of a a future for herself and her child yet the powers that be deny this.

I had experience of this at a technical school I worked in some years ago where students who fell pregant were out so as not to tarnish the school's image and reputation.

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It's not that I am against what they are saying, but rather instead I am concerned about what they are not saying, as well as mixing two entirely different issues together. I smell a rat with the rat being in the latter agenda.

Let the girls study, but good luck raising a sense of accountability and responsibility in the Thai lower classes of all ages.

Now towards the rat in the mix...

Let people choose their own sex. It is a personal matter; but do not make the mistake of intervening against those parents who are accountable and responsible to their children. Again; it is a personal choice, in my view, but not a choice that should be enforced upon vulnerable little minds, and in direct contradiction to those responsible and accountable parents who have the right to be adamently against such political views.

Respect works both ways, and using children as tools to get your agenda pushed through on the coat tails of a more legitimate issue (pregnant girls being able to study without being discriminated against) will end up with the pushers getting bloody noses.

Incidentally, find the fathers and make them sit with the girls in class. Enforce their participation throughout it all. Put ankle bracelets on them. Lock 'em up if they pull a runner.

It won't take too much to create a change of mind in a lot of these horny little punks and the problem will eventually sort itself out.


I din't think so!

Bless the beasts (Soi dogs) and the children, eh Thailand?

Edited by cup-O-coffee
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