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Any thai gf or wife related stories when your lady went crazy on you?


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Okay I start. It has never happened to me. But I have heard a lot of stories from others. All kinds of retarded things like pulling a knife on him etc.. So I am just curious.

But I agree with you regarding to it only happens if you were unfortunate enough to get into a relationship with certain type of women.

Edited by A1Str8
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Okay I start. It has never happened to me. But I have heard a lot of stories from others. All kinds of retarded things like pulling a knife on him etc.. So I am just curious. But I agree with you regarding to it only happens if you were unfortunate enough to get into a relationship with certain type of women.

Actually I was taking the p*ss, but nice to see even you buy into the "only BG's/lower class Thai's" do things like that myth, Women by nature are strange creatures, and even more so Thai women, irrespective of the "type" of woman, my we cite the recent case of the Thai lady judge throwing a wobbler over her car, for the Thai lady diplomate in Egypt slapping someone around...

You have obviously posed this question for a reason, so come on 'fess up what has she done ? Tell Uncle Soutie and the rest of the class

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Okay I start. It has never happened to me. But I have heard a lot of stories from others. All kinds of retarded things like pulling a knife on him etc.. So I am just curious. But I agree with you regarding to it only happens if you were unfortunate enough to get into a relationship with certain type of women.


Actually I was taking the p*ss, but nice to see even you buy into the "only BG's/lower class Thai's" do things like that myth, Women by nature are strange creatures, and even more so Thai women, irrespective of the "type" of woman, my we cite the recent case of the Thai lady judge throwing a wobbler over her car, for the Thai lady diplomate in Egypt slapping someone around...


You have obviously posed this question for a reason, so come on 'fess up what has she done ? Tell Uncle Soutie and the rest of the class

Yes you are right. I said it only happens..thats exaggerating. Let me correct myself. It tends to happen most of the time among low life people. That's not to say that it doesn't happen otherwise but my experience shows that it happens more often in the previous case.

Btw, like I said curiosity was the reason I posted this question. Nobody has done anything to me, I am not the kind of man who tolerates retarded, mentally unstable people in his life, regardless of gender.

I simply find it amusing when I hear such stories as these people who cannot control themselves and do such things are just too funny to me.

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Okay I start. It has never happened to me. But I have heard a lot of stories from others. All kinds of retarded things like pulling a knife on him etc.. So I am just curious. But I agree with you regarding to it only happens if you were unfortunate enough to get into a relationship with certain type of women.

Actually I was taking the p*ss, but nice to see even you buy into the "only BG's/lower class Thai's" do things like that myth, Women by nature are strange creatures, and even more so Thai women, irrespective of the "type" of woman, my we cite the recent case of the Thai lady judge throwing a wobbler over her car, for the Thai lady diplomate in Egypt slapping someone around...

You have obviously posed this question for a reason, so come on 'fess up what has she done ? Tell Uncle Soutie and the rest of the class

Yes you are right. I said it only happens..thats exaggerating. Let me correct myself. It tends to happen most of the time among low life people. That's not to say that it doesn't happen otherwise but my experience shows that it happens more often in the previous case.

Btw, like I said curiosity was the reason I posted this question. Nobody has done anything to me, I am not the kind of man who tolerates retarded, mentally unstable people in his life, regardless of gender.

I simply find it amusing when I hear such stories as these people who cannot control themselves and do such things are just too funny to me.

You find it amusing ??

People have been killed by this kind of crazy behavior that you find so funny.

Get a life pal and start a thread about cheese or some other harmless topic.

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After two years I finally pulled the pin on my relationship a couple of months ago. She was the most insecure and jealous person I have ever known (in the two years we were together I was 100% faithful). I have no-one to blame but myself and my only defence is that I was blinded by her beauty and put up with the nonsense.


On our last night together she got drunk and accused me of some nonsense. She would not be placated so I went home, with her following in the car screaming abuse at me. At home I went and sat outside with a bottle of beer and hoped all would calm down. It didn't!


She picked up the large beer bottle and threw it at me followed by the glass both missing me narrowly. She then ran into the g house and came out threatening to kill herself with the scissors she was brandishing. I told her I would phone the Police so she threw the scissors (opened up) at my head and got very close.


Then she said,"you want to finish with me" and for the first time in two years I grew  a set and said, "Yes". Normally I would try and calm her down. When I said yes it stopped her like that. She then spent 20 minutes begging me to reconsider and offering to change. I held my own and refused at which point she got angry and packed her bags and left.


This is one of several stories I could tell. And if I might add a word of caution to anyone who sees this behaviour in their woman. Don't be a pussy like me, get out immediately. It does not change. They will not change. But you will.


I have just started dating again, Last night I wanted to watch the late football match, she was tired. In the past that would mean sulking and an argument with me not watching the footy. My date said she would go home and wait for me, no fuss no drama. To most men that is probably normal to me it was a breath of fresh air. How sad is that?

That's a good one. Thank you for sharing. You should be proud to finally be able to say no and get out of that relationship.

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It is no laughing matter when your on the receiving end of such abuse. My ex-wife was university educated, though certainly not hi-so with working class parents but she used to go mental if she did not get her way.

Like Sigurus above i finally grew a pair and got divorced, not an easy time but you get over it.

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Okay I start. It has never happened to me. But I have heard a lot of stories from others. All kinds of retarded things like pulling a knife on him etc.. So I am just curious. But I agree with you regarding to it only happens if you were unfortunate enough to get into a relationship with certain type of women.


Actually I was taking the p*ss, but nice to see even you buy into the "only BG's/lower class Thai's" do things like that myth, Women by nature are strange creatures, and even more so Thai women, irrespective of the "type" of woman, my we cite the recent case of the Thai lady judge throwing a wobbler over her car, for the Thai lady diplomate in Egypt slapping someone around...


You have obviously posed this question for a reason, so come on 'fess up what has she done ? Tell Uncle Soutie and the rest of the class

Yes you are right. I said it only happens..thats exaggerating. Let me correct myself. It tends to happen most of the time among low life people. That's not to say that it doesn't happen otherwise but my experience shows that it happens more often in the previous case.

Btw, like I said curiosity was the reason I posted this question. Nobody has done anything to me, I am not the kind of man who tolerates retarded, mentally unstable people in his life, regardless of gender.

I simply find it amusing when I hear such stories as these people who cannot control themselves and do such things are just too funny to me.

You find it amusing ??

People have been killed by this kind of crazy behavior that you find so funny.

Get a life pal and start a thread about cheese or some other harmless topic.

Dont twist my words. I did not say I find it amusing when people get hurt! I said that the people are funny to me who do this because they call themselves adults, yet are not even able to control themselves.

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Okay I start. It has never happened to me. But I have heard a lot of stories from others. All kinds of retarded things like pulling a knife on him etc.. So I am just curious. But I agree with you regarding to it only happens if you were unfortunate enough to get into a relationship with certain type of women.

Actually I was taking the p*ss, but nice to see even you buy into the "only BG's/lower class Thai's" do things like that myth, Women by nature are strange creatures, and even more so Thai women, irrespective of the "type" of woman, my we cite the recent case of the Thai lady judge throwing a wobbler over her car, for the Thai lady diplomate in Egypt slapping someone around...

You have obviously posed this question for a reason, so come on 'fess up what has she done ? Tell Uncle Soutie and the rest of the class

Any man who can not tolerate the problems of others is not a man.

What are you doing in a Buddhist country?

Feeding off the weakness of others?

You should be ashamed.

Yes you are right. I said it only happens..thats exaggerating. Let me correct myself. It tends to happen most of the time among low life people. That's not to say that it doesn't happen otherwise but my experience shows that it happens more often in the previous case.

Btw, like I said curiosity was the reason I posted this question. Nobody has done anything to me, I am not the kind of man who tolerates retarded, mentally unstable people in his life, regardless of gender.

I simply find it amusing when I hear such stories as these people who cannot control themselves and do such things are just too funny to me.

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Okay I start. It has never happened to me. But I have heard a lot of stories from others. All kinds of retarded things like pulling a knife on him etc.. So I am just curious. But I agree with you regarding to it only happens if you were unfortunate enough to get into a relationship with certain type of women.

Actually I was taking the p*ss, but nice to see even you buy into the "only BG's/lower class Thai's" do things like that myth, Women by nature are strange creatures, and even more so Thai women, irrespective of the "type" of woman, my we cite the recent case of the Thai lady judge throwing a wobbler over her car, for the Thai lady diplomate in Egypt slapping someone around...

You have obviously posed this question for a reason, so come on 'fess up what has she done ? Tell Uncle Soutie and the rest of the class

Any man who can not tolerate the problems of others is not a man.

What are you doing in a Buddhist country?

Feeding off the weakness of others?

You should be ashamed.

Yes you are right. I said it only happens..thats exaggerating. Let me correct myself. It tends to happen most of the time among low life people. That's not to say that it doesn't happen otherwise but my experience shows that it happens more often in the previous case.

Btw, like I said curiosity was the reason I posted this question. Nobody has done anything to me, I am not the kind of man who tolerates retarded, mentally unstable people in his life, regardless of gender.

I simply find it amusing when I hear such stories as these people who cannot control themselves and do such things are just too funny to me.

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Okay I start. It has never happened to me. But I have heard a lot of stories from others. All kinds of retarded things like pulling a knife on him etc.. So I am just curious. But I agree with you regarding to it only happens if you were unfortunate enough to get into a relationship with certain type of women.

Actually I was taking the p*ss, but nice to see even you buy into the "only BG's/lower class Thai's" do things like that myth, Women by nature are strange creatures, and even more so Thai women, irrespective of the "type" of woman, my we cite the recent case of the Thai lady judge throwing a wobbler over her car, for the Thai lady diplomate in Egypt slapping someone around...

You have obviously posed this question for a reason, so come on 'fess up what has she done ? Tell Uncle Soutie and the rest of the class

Yes you are right. I said it only happens..thats exaggerating. Let me correct myself. It tends to happen most of the time among low life people. That's not to say that it doesn't happen otherwise but my experience shows that it happens more often in the previous case.

Btw, like I said curiosity was the reason I posted this question. Nobody has done anything to me, I am not the kind of man who tolerates retarded, mentally unstable people in his life, regardless of gender.

I simply find it amusing when I hear such stories as these people who cannot control themselves and do such things are just too funny to me.

You find it amusing ??

People have been killed by this kind of crazy behavior that you find so funny.

Get a life pal and start a thread about cheese or some other harmless topic.

Dont twist my words. I did not say I find it amusing when people get hurt! I said that the people are funny to me who do this because they call themselves adults, yet are not even able to control themselves.

You are correct, sorry to twist "I simply find it amusing" into "You find it amusing ?"

My mistake, must have read it in the wrong context !

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Not a funny topic if taken seriously!


My wonderful Thai wife, never a BG, but a university educated computer programmer, had a psychotic break down after living 6 years in the US with me.


I had recently lost my job, ( contributing factor?) and our medical insurance.


Two month of medical treatment in the US and all my savings were gone and expenses were  piling up fast.


We decided to relocate to our house in Thailand where medical treatment was reasonable and they actually treated her, not just doped her up like the US doctors  did. for a very high price!


Now, two years later, my wife is 98% recovered, thanks to good Thai doctors.


We are still in a financial crisis, but can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I estimate that in two more years, we should be o.k. financially.


Please excuse me, but, when you talk about people being "crazy", it is not a topic that is amusing.


Mental illness is real and very serious.


I have not told you the half of the repercussions of this tragic incident.


Please be kind and refrain in finding amusement in the pain and suffering mental illness brings to many of us!


Rant is complete...Thank you!

I understand your point and I am sorry if I have offended you or anybody else. But let make it clear once again: I did not say I find it amusing when people get hurt. Neither I stated that I find it funny when someone has some kind of mental illness or the pain caused by it to the ill person and her beloved ones. When I said crazy, I was not talking about mentally ill people but mentally healthy folks who cannot behave properly when they dont get their way or get pissed for whatever reason.

I wish your wife the quickest recovery.

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I have seen a few tantrums thrown, threats of physical harm over the years, by both female (Thai) and farang males.In several cases one of the two refuse to accept that the relationship is at a end, and refuse to leave the primeses, demand monetary payment, threathen to hire a musle man, etc.

I have asked several people during a calm time, if there is not a legal instrument like a 'restraining order' that would prohibit contact between the two parties. No one seems to be able to give a referenced law that there is such a document. Its a shame as there are regular news reports of injury and death causes by ex or current partners after being subjected to numerous and extinded incidents of abuse.

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Chew on this.Op.

I had a good Thai female friend of long standing.

One morning she threw a bowl of scolding water over me,(nether regions)

For no reason.

She was later diagnosed schizophrenic,I didn't see the subtle changes leading up to the event.

Her family disowned her,as a nut case.

I took up the cause.

After two years,plus careful medication,and care,she is pretty much back to normal.

I suffered 2nd and 3rd degree burns,(very painful) hospital care was required.

Do I bear a grudge?


She was/is sick.

I took her in and slowly she built back her life,she is presently a good friend and will remain so.

Her family and friends are also now more understanding of the illness.

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Chew on this.Op.

I had a good Thai female friend of long standing.

One morning she threw a bowl of scolding water over me,(nether regions)

For no reason.

She was later diagnosed schizophrenic,I didn't see the subtle changes leading up to the event.

Her family disowned her,as a nut case.

I took up the cause.

After two years,plus careful medication,and care,she is pretty much back to normal.

I suffered 2nd and 3rd degree burns,(very painful) hospital care was required.

Do I bear a grudge?


She was/is sick.

I took her in and slowly she built back her life,she is presently a good friend and will remain so.

Her family and friends are also now more understanding of the illness.

3rd degree burns on your man hood! You poor man. That is brutal.
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The below youtubevideo is factual. No fysical going crazy but mental. Without seeing the consequence of the involved. This behaviour is not a "thai thing". Unfortunately its happening. This kind of behaviour is far worse because its "smart" ?!?!


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Okay I start. It has never happened to me. But I have heard a lot of stories from others. All kinds of retarded things like pulling a knife on him etc.. So I am just curious. But I agree with you regarding to it only happens if you were unfortunate enough to get into a relationship with certain type of women.

Not true it was a ten year old girl who's mother I was going with in Canada. She was a RN and it shocked her just amused me.

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Okay I start. It has never happened to me. But I have heard a lot of stories from others. All kinds of retarded things like pulling a knife on him etc.. So I am just curious. But I agree with you regarding to it only happens if you were unfortunate enough to get into a relationship with certain type of women.

Actually I was taking the p*ss, but nice to see even you buy into the "only BG's/lower class Thai's" do things like that myth, Women by nature are strange creatures, and even more so Thai women, irrespective of the "type" of woman, my we cite the recent case of the Thai lady judge throwing a wobbler over her car, for the Thai lady diplomate in Egypt slapping someone around...

You have obviously posed this question for a reason, so come on 'fess up what has she done ? Tell Uncle Soutie and the rest of the class

Yes you are right. I said it only happens..thats exaggerating. Let me correct myself. It tends to happen most of the time among low life people. That's not to say that it doesn't happen otherwise but my experience shows that it happens more often in the previous case.

Btw, like I said curiosity was the reason I posted this question. Nobody has done anything to me, I am not the kind of man who tolerates retarded, mentally unstable people in his life, regardless of gender.

I simply find it amusing when I hear such stories as these people who cannot control themselves and do such things are just too funny to me.

Care to enlarge on your experience two out of three or just a couple who were not low life and thousands who are. These are all according to your definition. Some of us might tend to differ with definitions.

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