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Hi, need some advice here.

I have just moved into a new apartment in Lad Prao (close to Union Mall and Central) and it has 5MB Wi-Fi available at Thb500.

The provider is WirelessBKK and the system works on login tokens, valid for 30 days, that you purchase at reception. The login token then provides you with a username and password that allows you access to the internet.

Browsing speed is okay, not great, but I have found huge problems with the following:

1. The connection is unsecured,

2. It inhibits Skype connection, and

3. It does not allow .torrent programs to connect and is incredibly slow on dropbox and gdrive upload/download speeds.

As my main business is web design and development I:

1. Need a secure connection to access my webservers for daily maintenance,

2. I need a stable Skype to communicate with my clients,

3. I have to upload/download files and databases to/from my clients/their webservers and some prefer that this is done via a .torrent upload, others prefer FTP transfers, dropbox or gdrive drops - each client is different.

This current internet option has failed miserably as a viable solution to my online needs. I have also tried to use ExpressVPN to secure my browsing, but that didn't work on this setup at all.

Another catch is that apparently I am not allowed to install any other wi-fi service, have cabling done, etc. in this apartment building - could this be?

So, now I'm looking at any other viable options that I can use just for my work purposes - the WirelessBKK will be fine for normal day-to-day browsing, but I need something else for work.

So I am considering 3G Aircard modem options, but would prefer to remain on a prepaid package instead of a 12 month contract - does anyone use something like this/have information on how it works/if it works?

Can I go buy my own aircard modem at Fortune Mall (price?) or must I use one provided by a service provider?

My laptop does pick up an AIS 3G Pocket wi-fi signal, but it is very weak. Could I boost this somehow and then subscribe/use that instead?

I'm a web designer, not a network specialist, so all of this is way above my head, but I urgently need some sort of solution and any help/advice would be sincerely appreciated.


I own a I.T business myself so i feel ya pain. You need to get a DSL or fibre connection installed. 3G cards same as the wifi you mentioned both cant run torrents or any of what you need.


Rent a desk at a co-working spot like Hubba or another. Most 3G plans are capped here, past say 5 gig speed drops to EDGE and it gets pretty expensive to keep boosting it.


If you used a VPN it would;

1. Secure your traffic.

2. Allow Skype to work.

3. Bypass their torrent blocking crap.

It would be cheap to try, about 150 baht. Google 'VPN provider.'


If you used a VPN it would;

1. Secure your traffic.

2. Allow Skype to work.

3. Bypass their torrent blocking crap.

It would be cheap to try, about 150 baht. Google 'VPN provider.'

VPN with a hotspot or a 3G modem?? Like pulling teeth rather bash my head against a wall


I have had the TOT WiNet for over a year now here in Phuket and find it excellent. I have the lowest package @ 5MB down and it is generally very close to the mark; think it is about 500 baht/month. The equipment would be suitable because it is WiFi with a very small (4" x 6") flat white antenna mounted outside connected by ethernet cable to modem inside; I have the output from that modem bridged to a Cisco E3000 router. Suggest a visit to TOT office to see if that would work in your neighborhood.


If you used a VPN it would;

1. Secure your traffic.

2. Allow Skype to work.

3. Bypass their torrent blocking crap.

It would be cheap to try, about 150 baht. Google 'VPN provider.'

Hi Bud,

Yeah I've already tried this as mentioned in my OP - didn't work.

Thanks anyway.


Rent a desk at a co-working spot like Hubba or another. Most 3G plans are capped here, past say 5 gig speed drops to EDGE and it gets pretty expensive to keep boosting it.

Thanks but not really a financially viable option for me - would have to up my service rates and then my client base would drop... sad.png


I have had the TOT WiNet for over a year now here in Phuket and find it excellent. I have the lowest package @ 5MB down and it is generally very close to the mark; think it is about 500 baht/month. The equipment would be suitable because it is WiFi with a very small (4" x 6") flat white antenna mounted outside connected by ethernet cable to modem inside; I have the output from that modem bridged to a Cisco E3000 router. Suggest a visit to TOT office to see if that would work in your neighborhood.

What's your monthly cap like?


I own a I.T business myself so i feel ya pain. You need to get a DSL or fibre connection installed. 3G cards same as the wifi you mentioned both cant run torrents or any of what you need.

Not sure if I can install anything, got a Thai friend coming on Wednesday to talk to the building management and confirm installation options.

Are you sure about the 3G card? I used one from my home country with a Thai SIM about 3 years ago and it worked for all my requirements except it only had a 2GB cap and not 5GB like the slimy salesman guaranteed.


I own a I.T business myself so i feel ya pain. You need to get a DSL or fibre connection installed. 3G cards same as the wifi you mentioned both cant run torrents or any of what you need.

Not sure if I can install anything, got a Thai friend coming on Wednesday to talk to the building management and confirm installation options.

Are you sure about the 3G card? I used one from my home country with a Thai SIM about 3 years ago and it worked for all my requirements except it only had a 2GB cap and not 5GB like the slimy salesman guaranteed.

Was just going off what u said torrents etc etc. 3G cards aren't a router or NAT device so no ports can be opened so sinks your torrent idea, Your client might connect but not going to hold a download at speed or anything etc etc I've been down the exact road your on now if can help with more P.M


If you used a VPN it would;

1. Secure your traffic.

2. Allow Skype to work.

3. Bypass their torrent blocking crap.

It would be cheap to try, about 150 baht. Google 'VPN provider.'

A VPN would further slow down the traffic.

There is only one viable option: move.


And just for ref a VPN won't bypass torrent issues would make it 10 times worse. A 3G modem ain't a router and hotspots just the same. Own connect only solution


Update: The condo won't allow new cabling, but the current cabling is owned by 3BB. Went to Central today and they can hook me up to the same line, 10MB connection (so 2X the speed), Skype and torrents allowed, for Thb90 more a month. I will now just have my own router in my room.

Sounds like the WirelessBKK is a third party provider on the 3BB connection line - so hopefully everything will be sorted within the next 7 working days.

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