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Son got bitten


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My guess is that your son got one injection for tetanus, the other one for rabies..

Rabies injections comes indeed in series of 4 with an interval of one week.

As tourguide in Thailand during my career it happened 2 times to tourist on my group to be bitten by a dog and in both cases they got receipt for 4 times rabies injection within 4 weeks

That will be right.

he got a card that he has to visit again on 12th - 16th and finally the 6th of November.

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So you would suggest I go to the hospital see the doctor and ask what he's gonna inject, then step outside and go to an internet shop to research what he has told, then go back to have some further discussions or eventually allow him to do what he suggest ?

I know it's not an easy thing to do, especially as the doctor won't understand why you're leaving before making the injection. What I usually do if I need an experimented eye is to go to a pharmacy and ask advice, and as usual he or she will try to sell you medicine, then take note of their name but don't buy them, then go home make your researches.

Now I'm not sure about rabies specifically so I won't comment on this, but the question also concerns how likely the dog has rabies or not, which is a statistic we can find online I guess. Anyway usually most doctors tend to scare people and tell them to act quickly to avoid any risk, but keep in mind that this is their main marketing strategy.

Now regarding financial interests, even if it's a covered by insurance or it's a public hospital, the hospital (and therefore the doctors) receive found based on their spending (i.e. "sales") so the more injections they make the more money they get, it's a sad fact.

What else are you not sure about.

But how would you feel if your child died of rabies because you waited too long ?

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So you would suggest I go to the hospital see the doctor and ask what he's gonna inject, then step outside and go to an internet shop to research what he has told, then go back to have some further discussions or eventually allow him to do what he suggest ?

I know it's not an easy thing to do, especially as the doctor won't understand why you're leaving before making the injection. What I usually do if I need an experimented eye is to go to a pharmacy and ask advice, and as usual he or she will try to sell you medicine, then take note of their name but don't buy them, then go home make your researches.

Now I'm not sure about rabies specifically so I won't comment on this, but the question also concerns how likely the dog has rabies or not, which is a statistic we can find online I guess. Anyway usually most doctors tend to scare people and tell them to act quickly to avoid any risk, but keep in mind that this is their main marketing strategy.

Now regarding financial interests, even if it's a covered by insurance or it's a public hospital, the hospital (and therefore the doctors) receive found based on their spending (i.e. "sales") so the more injections they make the more money they get, it's a sad fact.

There is no specific treatment for rabies infection. Though a small number of people have survived rabies, the disease is usually fatal. For that reason, anyone thought to have been exposed to rabies receives a series of shots to prevent the infection from taking hold.


Also only discovered this tonight.

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jbrain your son should definitely be vaccinated immediately against rabies. This is the most important vaccination of all and I have to tell you that usually this is always administered in the bum, not in the arm. You should really need to clarify that he has definitely received this vaccination.

Edited by Asiantravel
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My guess is that your son got one injection for tetanus, the other one for rabies..

Rabies injections comes indeed in series of 4 with an interval of one week.

As tourguide in Thailand during my career it happened 2 times to tourist on my group to be bitten by a dog and in both cases they got receipt for 4 times rabies injection within 4 weeks

usually both rabies and tetanus are a series of injections (3-5).

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jbrain your son should definitely be vaccinated immediately against rabies. This is the most important vaccination of all and I have to tell you that usually this is always administered in the bum, not in the arm. You should really need to clarify that he has definitely received this vaccination.

He got injected in both shoulders. I read that it's important to inject intramuscular, which is probably the reason that it was given in the shoulder as there is less fat. (?)

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So you would suggest I go to the hospital see the doctor and ask what he's gonna inject, then step outside and go to an internet shop to research what he has told, then go back to have some further discussions or eventually allow him to do what he suggest ?

I know it's not an easy thing to do, especially as the doctor won't understand why you're leaving before making the injection. What I usually do if I need an experimented eye is to go to a pharmacy and ask advice, and as usual he or she will try to sell you medicine, then take note of their name but don't buy them, then go home make your researches.

Now I'm not sure about rabies specifically so I won't comment on this, but the question also concerns how likely the dog has rabies or not, which is a statistic we can find online I guess. Anyway usually most doctors tend to scare people and tell them to act quickly to avoid any risk, but keep in mind that this is their main marketing strategy.

Now regarding financial interests, even if it's a covered by insurance or it's a public hospital, the hospital (and therefore the doctors) receive found based on their spending (i.e. "sales") so the more injections they make the more money they get, it's a sad fact.

What else are you not sure about.

But how would you feel if your child died of rabies because you waited too long ?

Well this is the risk of life. Life is deadly by itself ^^

Here's what can potentially happen to your child because of a vaccine:

Crazy isn't it? I personally prefer to take the risk of not getting any vaccination than taking the risk of the vaccine's side-effect.

Edited by koeko
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So you would suggest I go to the hospital see the doctor and ask what he's gonna inject, then step outside and go to an internet shop to research what he has told, then go back to have some further discussions or eventually allow him to do what he suggest ?

I know it's not an easy thing to do, especially as the doctor won't understand why you're leaving before making the injection. What I usually do if I need an experimented eye is to go to a pharmacy and ask advice, and as usual he or she will try to sell you medicine, then take note of their name but don't buy them, then go home make your researches.

Now I'm not sure about rabies specifically so I won't comment on this, but the question also concerns how likely the dog has rabies or not, which is a statistic we can find online I guess. Anyway usually most doctors tend to scare people and tell them to act quickly to avoid any risk, but keep in mind that this is their main marketing strategy.

Now regarding financial interests, even if it's a covered by insurance or it's a public hospital, the hospital (and therefore the doctors) receive found based on their spending (i.e. "sales") so the more injections they make the more money they get, it's a sad fact.

What else are you not sure about.

But how would you feel if your child died of rabies because you waited too long ?

Well this is the risk of life. Life is deadly by itself ^^

Here's what can potentially happen to your child because of a vaccine:

Crazy isn't it? I personally prefer to take the risk of not getting any vaccination than taking the risk of the vaccine's side-effect.

Also if the disease is most certainly fatal ?

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I know it's not an easy thing to do, especially as the doctor won't understand why you're leaving before making the injection. What I usually do if I need an experimented eye is to go to a pharmacy and ask advice, and as usual he or she will try to sell you medicine, then take note of their name but don't buy them, then go home make your researches.

Now I'm not sure about rabies specifically so I won't comment on this, but the question also concerns how likely the dog has rabies or not, which is a statistic we can find online I guess. Anyway usually most doctors tend to scare people and tell them to act quickly to avoid any risk, but keep in mind that this is their main marketing strategy.

Now regarding financial interests, even if it's a covered by insurance or it's a public hospital, the hospital (and therefore the doctors) receive found based on their spending (i.e. "sales") so the more injections they make the more money they get, it's a sad fact.

What else are you not sure about.

But how would you feel if your child died of rabies because you waited too long ?

Well this is the risk of life. Life is deadly by itself ^^

Here's what can potentially happen to your child because of a vaccine:

Crazy isn't it? I personally prefer to take the risk of not getting any vaccination than taking the risk of the vaccine's side-effect.

Also if the disease is most certainly fatal ?


There are literally thousands of diseases that are certainly fatal and for which you are not vaccinated.

Like I said it's a matter of statistic – how likely it is that the dog has rabies? How likely it is that you'll have a car accident by going outside tonight? You could just stay home all the time then! That's why you need to weigh up the pros and con, and not let the big pharmaceutical industries (and their corrupt doctors) scare you and push you to get vaccination.

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would seem to me that you are as responsible to keep your child safe on your property as she is to keep her dogs on hers.

your reaction is pure stupidity, and either you are thick as a post to share it on here or you are looking for a reaction.

sorry about your son, but I think you deserve the shit storm that you are about to bring upon yourself.

As for not being able to accompany your child to the hospital over some air cond techs, well ill just ignore that altogether, but it is good to have priorities.

Edited by GirlDrinkDrunk
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Shame that the dog will have to suffer for its owner's neglect.

I hope your son gets over this trauma and does not grow up with a fear of dogs.

I am more worried about the trauma caused by his father killing dogs and neglecting his son when he is injured

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This is crazy story!

1 - Poisoning street dogs has a positive impact on safety and confidence for anyone willing to take a walk at night and even during the day, however:

2 - Poisoning animals is probably illegal, and more than likely to be reprehended by most Thai people, therefore you should have done it secretly. Now that you told a neighbors you can't do it anymore, or you'll have to face their anger.

3 - In case of emergency, air-cons technicians can be put outside. Obviously this wasn't an emergency (the child wasn't dying or blooding to death), however:

4 - I would NEVER let anybody touch my child without my presence and my confirmed consent.

5 - I would EVEN MORE NEVER let anybody take my child to any medical institute!

6 - I would NEVER allow doctors to inject ANYTHING to me or my child without my EXPRESS CONSENT, which I give only after understanding the product to be injected and after making some researches about it online (government websites, university websites, wikipedia, others resources).

7 - You should know that antibiotics, vaccines, synthetic nutriments/vitamins and medicines have all undesired side effects, sometime the side effects (permanent allergies, strong illness, death) are more dangerous than what you're trying to cure/avoid in the first place.

8 - Those antibiotics/vaccines/medicines are still on the market because the pharmaceutic industry is so powerful that it dictates the rules and finance the "independent" researches and testings of their own products.

9 - When your child is bitten by a dog, it's time for a drastic change in your life.

10 - What I would do if that had happened (god preserves) to my child: I would have cleaned the wound myself and let him recover by himself. No doctors, no hospital, and especially no threatening the neighbors of killing their dogs (!), would still have killed the dog secretly. If after a few days or a week the child shows any unusual symptoms I would research on the Internet about those symptoms, if helpless I would make an appointment with a doctor at a convenient time (not the emergency service). That's what I WOULD DO, now you're free to live your life your way wink.png

Ha ha ha.

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would seem to me that you are as responsible to keep your child safe on your property as she is to keep her dogs on hers.

your reaction is pure stupidity, and either you are thick as a post to share it on here or you are looking for a reaction.

sorry about your son, but I think you deserve the shit storm that you are about to bring upon yourself.

As for not being able to accompany your child to the hospital over some air cond techs, well ill just ignore that altogether, but it is good to have priorities.

It's also asinine that you knew the dog problem existed previously and yet still allowed your son to ride unsupervised without addressing the problem. Father of the year material!

I am more worried about the trauma caused by his father killing dogs and neglecting his son when he is injured

I can notice the drunk trolls with a chip on their shoulder have woken up . Must be the time of the night I guess. have a good night.

Edited by jbrain
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Comforting traumatized child or sleeping cool at night? screw the kid, gotta stay cool!

The technicians were working on the kids aircon, which is malfunctioning for a month already. Yeah, I guess he would like to stay cool smile.png

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As others have suggested I would also conclude the 2nd injection was for rabies, which would account for the follow up injections.

For some peace of mind and even though it might not be what you feel like doing, any thoughts as to seeing if you can get the dog that bit your son tested? or at least looked at, whilst of course ensuring the course of injections is completed.

Not for the dog`s benefit, just your own and that of your son.

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I should trust the doctor in that.

Never trust any doctor, especially in Thailand as the system push them to sell more and more treatments because they get a percentage on each treatment sold.

Most doctors are salesman and should not be trusted!!! They don't care about your child's health, they care about their income more. They won't hesitate to prescribe (i.e. "sale") as many medicines, injections and antibiotics as possible to increase their salary, even if it's no good to the child, unjustified and dangerous.

Never trust anybody. You can use the Internet, so do your own research. Look for symptoms, name of products/medicines you will get lots of information in English. The best choice when you don't know what to do, is to do nothing and let the life heal by itself.

Yes, that's a very clever way to deal with a potential rabies case. Seach the internet, wait for symptoms to appear and let nature take it's course. Thats sarcasim incase you have not recognised it.

I suggest you have a look on the internet and find some video of children dying of rabies. If you have been bitten by a dog infected with rabies and you are not treated within 3 days you will die a horrible death; it's as simple as that.

Anyone who puts the soi dogs lives ahead of a childs life is not thinking clearly.

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It's also asinine that you knew the dog problem existed previously and yet still allowed your son to ride unsupervised without addressing the problem. Father of the year material!

I can notice the drunk trolls with a chip on their shoulder have woken up . Must be the time of the night I guess. have a good night.

Most people, me also, have the issue with you not taking your kid yourself to the hospital...if the lady up the road is responsible enough to take your kid to see a doctor and issue medical treatment on your behalf....why would she not be competent enough to baby sit the aircon repair crew ?

The most serious issue is though you let someone else do it and you had no idea what was administered....what was the answer from the lady up the road if the doctor asked is he allergic to anything ?

Except in extreme emergency, ie I in an accident and injured and cannot function, would I let anyone make a medical decision here for my kids. Overcharging, over prescribing medicines and incompetence is the order of the day here in many medical facilities.

Drive me around this town in the back of a pickup with a 12 gauge and Ill take care of the dog problem.

Special forces alert

that's nothing, pussy

i can drive myself around with x2 twelve gauges and take care of everything

Thats nothing, I can just do it with the truck.

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Drive me around this town in the back of a pickup with a 12 gauge and Ill take care of the dog problem.

Sure, my pleasure. Just make sure it's loaded, cocked and the tip of the barrel's pressed against the bottom of your jaw. There are plenty of dogs on this one heavily potholed soi I know.

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There have been a couple of correct answers.

The first visit to hospital will include a tetanus shot and the first of a series of anti-rabies. Appointments will be made for the rest of the series.

They hurt no more than any injection. Of course kids will not be happy about them.

Long long ago the shots were given in the belly and did hurt but not now.

May end up with some good (not) scars from the puncture wounds. Like I did. sad.png

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