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Im Going Home This Weekend


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I'd be genuinely interested to hear some background.

For example, I presume at one time you did enjoy living in Thailand (BKK) and what brought about the change.

We hear lots of stories about coming to live in Thailand but very few about why people leave.

Having left Thailand myself I find the whole topic very interesting.

Moreover an issue too often scoffed at.

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Sorry that things didn't go the way you wanted them to. I doubt that Bangkok had anything to do with your true woes. You might have just made the wrong choices, "shoulda went left instead of turning right". Have a good life... don't let the door hit you on the way out.

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I'd be genuinely interested to hear some background.

For example, I presume at one time you did enjoy living in Thailand (BKK) and what brought about the change.

We hear lots of stories about coming to live in Thailand but very few about why people leave.

Having left Thailand myself I find the whole topic very interesting.

Moreover an issue too often scoffed at.

Read his past posts... I am sure that he will be much happier elsewhere. :o

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A quick look through his post history show's that he's

* A songkran scrooge

* Extremely bitter about expats working for multi-nats on huge salaries

* Complains about Mcdonalds not having a breakfast menu

You can read an interesting rant about his problems with Thailand in this thread

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Im finally going home i have quit my job and will be leaving this shit hole (bangkok thailand)

Im so happy to be going home

this is the worst place i have ever lived in my life.

see ya

You're obviously deranged... ! :o

totster :D

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A quick look through his post history show's that he's

* A songkran scrooge

We don't need any more of those! :o

A quick look through his post history show's that he's

* Complains about Mcdonalds not having a breakfast menu

See, he does have some good points.

McDonald's breakfasts are actually pretty good! :D

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as some said thailand is not for everyone so let it be

i came her for one reason and one reason only to be with my thai boyfriend. I waited 1 year for things to get better it didnt so i have called it quits and will go home this weekend. i sad that i will lose my partner but it was going to happen anyway. I happy that i dont have work in thailand and put up all the bullshit day in day out any more I just cannot take it any longer.

bye and yes ill enjoy my new life back in australia after a 1 to 10 year search for work but my family cares for me and will help me though this difficult time.

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I happy that i dont have work in thailand and put up all the bullshit day in day out any more I just cannot take it any longer.

This I understand.

In general, I have found working for Thais frustrating and not very lucrative. :o

That is why I am the boss now. Everyone is happy besides my competitors! :D

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Im finally going home i have quit my job and will be leaving this shit hole (bangkok thailand)

Im so happy to be going home

this is the worst place i have ever lived in my life.

see ya

ummmm let me guess Canadian or a Pom. Just another guy who came with great expectations &didn't do his homework. It's funny he never mentioned why he didn't like it here. But like Jai Dee said about viewing his previous posts they are nothing but complaints. Some people are just never satisfied.

I know a Canadian guy (straight) that had a gf here and found my name on the net and asked me everything about life in Bangkok. I sent him websites to view (he never read them) and met his gf for the first time (they chatted by internet and phone for 12 months) and he arrived here only to find he could not get on with the gf so after 3 months he went back home. He came back and did part time work only to get bored with Bangkok again and now he is home again. He was cheap and didnt buy his gf anything. He never seemed to have a plan or know exactly what to do. I think this is another one of these cases. Go home buddy som nom na!

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Lindsay, the Guy is an Aussie.......can't you tell through the sheer volume of whining? :o

At the end of the day he came here for the wrong reason. His only affiliation with the country was in is pants. Its the same with many of those who live here yet seem to be unable to handle life here.

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bye and yes ill enjoy my new life back in australia after a 1 to 10 year search for work but my family cares for me and will help me though this difficult time.


I noticed in one of your other threads you mentioned that you'd have a hard time finding work in Brisbane.

Unemployment in Oz right now is the lowest it's been in a long time. From what I hear from mates in Sydney in different business sectors (IT , banking , construction, government) it's pretty easy to land work at the moment. Even my deadbeat & tradie mates from school I hear about are all employed or have there own business. I regularly get nibbles from recruitment agents back home for positions.

Don't know what line of work you're in but maybe it won't be so bad huh?

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small comment to the unemployment in australia

the numbers a understated by 3 to 4 times as the data comes only from people on the welfare system who are getting a payment to look for work

ie i cannot claim a payment so my former unemployment does not show up in the offical numbers

plus i spent 12 months and applied for 100's of different jobs and went to countless interviews got nothing again and again.

so when i say its hard to get a job even a min wage one it is hard all my graduate friends are still out of work 2 years later

i graduated from an accounting degree in australia and it must be the most usless thing i have done as i could not get a job with it

does that clear things up

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Im finally going home i have quit my job and will be leaving this shit hole (bangkok thailand)

Im so happy to be going home

this is the worst place i have ever lived in my life.

see ya

where they happy that you quit?? bibi


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Im finally going home i have quit my job and will be leaving this shit hole (bangkok thailand)

Im so happy to be going home

this is the worst place i have ever lived in my life.

see ya

glad to see thailand is exporting trash now...good luck!

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Im finally going home i have quit my job and will be leaving this shit hole (bangkok thailand)

Im so happy to be going home

this is the worst place i have ever lived in my life.

see ya

Oh no! :D

No more perpetual whingeing and hissy fits? :D

What a tragic loss to the Kingdom and TV... :o

PS. Who paid for your ticket home? :D

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Come home to Oz and you have two choices.....

You can either get up each morning and suck on lemons, or...........

You can apply for one of the thousands of jobs on offer.

Forget being an accountant. Dime a dozen.

Plenty of blue collar type work available. The Govt is always looking for bus and train drivers/guards.

The Police Force is about to commence a recruitment drive.

It's full time work, so don't turn your nose up at it.

Fruit pickers will soon be in demand. Part time work but excellent pay for a sweaty day.

If you're going to come home and do nothing but whinge, get an air ticket to Britain...you will find many natives there with a similar disposition. :o

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i graduated from an accounting degree in australia and it must be the most usless thing i have done as i could not get a job with it

If you don't like accounting you might enjoy the country side.

I hear that shaving sheep is paid well and at the same time you can breath some fresh air after 1 year of inhaling the pollution of BKK.... :o


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