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Nuclear, coal plants seen as options in Thailand's new Power Development Plan


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There's an awful lot of ignorance about Thailand & nuclear power in this thread.

First - read the Op - the country already generates power from a nuclear source.

Second there is already a nuclear generator in Bangkok - not very far from Don Muang airport.

Third - the number of nuclear accidents causing loss of life and radiation injuries afterwards pales into insignificance compared to those killed in coal mines and health-related injuries to those living in the vicinity of a coal-fired generator.

This is a continuing attempt by the government to impose coal-fired power stations on people who just don't want them. The NIMBY effect. And with justification with the lampun (or is it Lampang?) power station causing serious health problems to locals.

Personally given a poor choice, I would live next to a nuclear station in preference to a coal-fired one.

The country could, by using some of the huge subsidies, the B2,2tn & the B350bn - more worthily, get some larger alternative energy projects off the ground. Now that could even turn the country into a real hub.

Just where does Thailand generate energy from a nuclear source??....

A "nuclear generator" near Don Meuang...??

There is a small research reactor at the Atom for Peace facility adjacent to Kasetsart University....does not generate power....

It does. Output = 2,000 Watts

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